Accedemy of Glendale (new)

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(I'm sorry >< I start a post but my brain keeps pulling a blank. I'll just post now, so I'm sorry it sucks. ><)

Olivia sat down next to the boy, awkwardly looking at the desk as she set down her paper and pen. She was never good at making small talk, or initiating conversation. But practice makes perfect right? Tucking a loose curl behind her ear, she turned toward the boy. "Fun assignment, right?" She started. "And by fun, I mean not fun, and by not fun I mean kind of totally pointless." Olivia chuckled softly to herself as she doodled on the corner of her paper. "Sorry! I'm Olivia by the way. Looks like we're all stuck here so may as well try to make the best of it, eh?" The redhead smiled at him, retucking the hair that had not fallen out of place. "So what can I call you?"

James gave Izabella a lazy grin. "Yeah, my little sister isn't exactly the brightest bulb in the pack sometimes. But she means well." He turned to look over at his sister behind him, watching her talking to Cole his roommate. Well that's a surprise.. He thought to himself. Two non-socialites, socializing together. He felt a surge of pride for his sister and her courage, and turned back the girl sitting in front of him. "HA!" James laughed once at her comment of being ordinary. "No one of this Earth can claim to being ordinary or boring. Everyone has something interested about them. I don't believe you and I insist you tell me something interesting about yourself." He demanded, leaning forward to look Izabella in the eyes. "In return, I will grant you an interesting fact about myself. I give you a gentleman's promise." James finished, putting a hand over his heart and using the other to give her a flourished, cheezy bow.

(Ohmygod. I accidentally pressed last tab with my keyboard functions and almost cried, thinking I lost all of that. ;n; That's what i get for taking three years to respond to you guys.)
[Omg, I know that feeling so well. For hours, I would stare at a post, trying to figure out how to respond. XD]

Cole couldn't help the soft chuckle that passed his lips at her words. He couldn't agree more with them. He saw no point in this assignment, really. But he guessed it got them out of their shell a bit. Emphasis on the phrase 'a bit'. As she stopped rambling and introduced herself, Cole did the same. "Real name's Andrew, but I go by Cole." There was some people, that he used to know, who would call him Andrew and, when they talked to others about him, would say Andrew instead of Cole, which would confuse them. At that time, it seemed like he went by two names. He was certain to get it through everyone's head here that his name was Cole. Or, that's what he preferred. He didn't want a repeat of last time. "So....interesting things about ourselves, huh?" The brunet drawled as he rested his cheek on his fist.
Izabella scoffed and smiled lazily at the boy in facing her. "And what if I don't care to know anything about you?" she asked in a teasing voice, her tone highpitched and playful. "After all, you are just an ordinary boy from my point of view, actually maybe even less than ordinary." she said smirking as she leaned back in her chair the loose hairs of her messy bun framing her face. She looked at the teacher, sorting through papers at the front table before looking back at James. "She obviously doesn't give a shit what we do" Izabella breathes under her breath.
Deciding Alex had zoned out again Xavier went over to Adrian and asked "so anything interesting about you?" He asked sitting down next to the boy.

( @EternalMusic , I refuse to let this RP die)
James scoffed, and pretending shock. "Well I never." He started, pouting his lips in mock-sadness. "I'd be willing to bet a dozen of the finest chocolate chip cookies you'll ever taste that I am the most interesting guy you will meet in this whole entire school." The redhead gave Izabella a wink as he turned to a blank page in his compostition notebook and began to write. "I, James M Blakely, do solemnly swear on my ancient as the hills grandmother's life to bake Izabella chocolate chip cookies if I am not the most interesting guy she meets today." James paused, dramatically adding a period and drawing in a elongated spiral in the middle of the next time. "In return, she must tell me, James M Blakely, one interesting fact about herself so I may pass my English class." The boy then proceeded to sign and date the bottom of the page before turning around to face Izabella. "You have to sign too. It's a legal, binding contract." He gave the brunette a large smile, showing off his pearly white, and set his pen on the paper.

Olivia tilted her head, slightly befuddled at Cole's answer. "So why do you like Cole instead of Andrew? You definitely look more like a Cole, not in a bad way of course. Andrew is a good name too, but I-" The girl slapped her hand over her mouth to stop her rambling. She gave Cole a sheepish smile after removing her hand. "Sorry. Sometimes my brain doesn't like to tell me to shut up and I have a really bad filter. Just ask my brother!" Olivia motioned towards James over her shoulder with her thumb and then went back to doodling on her paper. Almost a third of the page was covered in stripes, swirls, lines of zigzags and small birds, and lots of Black-Eyed Susans. She glanced up at the teacher who seemed to be digilently grading papers. Which seemed odd to her since school had just begun and there wasn't anything to grade. "I feel like I get more attention from rocks than the teacher today.." With a huff, the girl set down her pencil and turned towards Cole. "Look. I don't like talking to strangers and I don't want to beat around the bush and make it awkward. So will you tell me something interesting about yourself? I just want to get it out of the way.." Olivia said in a rush, gesturing to herself with her hands before she looked at Cole and felt the tips of her ears grow warm in embarrassment.

(@andrew21234 if you wanna do a time skip, I'd be happy to voice the next teacher. Or I can finish up with this one in place of @EternalMusic so we're not stuck in English forever. c: As much as I love reading and writing..)
Time Shift to second hour math with Mr. Pluto

Xavier entered second hour and sat in the middle of the second row. First hour seemed like it took forever to be over with, but he had learned a lot about his classmates so he guessed it wasn't so bad.
Cole peeked inside of his second period. The only other person there was Xavier, who he remembered from earlier. Blinking, he slipped inside the room and took the seat that was closet to him. That seat happened to be a seat that was in the front and near the door. At least, if he ever needed to get out, he knew that he wouldn't have a problem with it. Bad thing is that everyone who came in would see him first thing, probably. With a sigh, the brunet slumped in his chair. He had already gotten comfortable and was too lazy to get up and switch seats. Hopefully, whoever sits next to him won't be annoying.
Honour entered the class room. He looked at his new classmates. "Come on Honour you can do this, it's not that hard to make friends" He took a deep breath and walked into the classroom, he went through the rows and saw to boys sitting near each other, he smiled and walked over to the desks. He then sat enxt to Xavier and near Cole. "Hi i'm Honour, i'm new here" He said to the boys
"Honour?" Cole questioned without really thinking. "That's name," he said, glancing at the boy who sat near him and Xavier. Turning so that he could actually face him, he introduced himself. "Name's Cole," the teen said. The brunet briefly wondered where everyone else was. They could still be in English. Or, wandering the hallways. There's a lot of explanations, Cole thought as his mind wandered, eyes dazed. You could tell that he wasn't really paying attention to his surroundings at the moment.
What kind of name is Honour? Do his parents hate him? Xavier knock it off so what if his name is a little different, yours isn't the most common either. Xavier thought having another moment of inner turmoil.
"Hi Honour I'm Xavier" Xavier said to the boy.
Evangeline and Adrian entered the classroom and the two sat near to the group and Evangeline smiled happily at the boys whilst Adrian ignored the chattering group and focused on his sketch book.
"Hey hey everyone~"
Noticing that there were two boys that she didn't know she looked over at them and gave a smile.
"Hi there! My name is Evangeline pleasure to meet you! Adrian is the anti-soical buddy beside me and he is my older twin brother."
"Hey" Xavier said to Evangeline trying to play it cool, he looked at Adrian. Why won't he talk to us, I know it is hard to be social but still. Xavier turned his attention back to the group of guys, and Evangeline.
Evangeline smiled back at Xavier with a warm smile, "Hey~ How have you been for the short time we were separated?"
Looking at him she cocked her head to the side and giggled slightly finding her own question slightly amusing.
"Not so great I was lonely without you" Xavier said doing his best to flirt with the girl, but trying not to seem like he was flirting. It was a complicated thing flirting and Xavier didn't want to screw it up.

( Xavier is trying to make a move James had better start flirting with Evangeline soon or it will be too late hahahaha @boogified )
Evangelien chuckled and didn't catch on to the little hint of flirting at all and then smiled back.
"Well then~ At least you aren't lonely now~"
Smiling back at hi she giggled softly and then looked around at the other members. Thinking to herself she thought about how quiet they all were.


Adrian looked over at Xavier and raised an eyebrow totally catching on that he was flirting with Evangeline and gave him a look that said that he should be careful. Looking away he continued to draw and wondered where the girl Esme was today.
His flirting seemed oblivious to Evangeline which was a positive and negative at the same time. Atleast she isn't freaking out, but she hasn't said she's interested. "Yes, very good" he replied while he caught Adrian giving him a dirty look. I don't care if Evangeline is his sister he can't control who I date.
Evangeline smiled and then laid her head down on the desk and then looked around to see where the teacher was and sighed softly closing her eyes for a bit.
".... I wonder where the teacher is..."
"He will be here soon."
Evangeline looked over at her brother and then tilted her head to the side and shook her head. I don't want to know how he knows stuff like that. Sighing she looked back at Xavier and then looked out the window looking at the birds that passed by.
"I wonder how it would be to have wings..."
This girl is really random Xavier thought to himself before replying "I'm not sure, but you'd probably be put in government facility and experimented on."
(Haha lol! "This girl is really random" I can't even! *laughs*)

Evangeline looked over at Xavier and laughed and then nodded her head.
"Yeah guess that is true... But the feeling of the wind against your face would be awesome..."
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