Accedemy of Glendale (new)

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"Well I'm in swim class, so I guess" Xavier said to the boy.

(Sorry for the short post I'm just not having a good day, although I never do....)
(*pats head and looks at andrew* What's wrong?)

Adrian looked at him and nodded before trying to find another topic but failing.
"So...what do you like to draw?" Xavier asked his roommate. I wonder if he'll show me or just say-stuff. Xavier said glancing over at Evangeline the girl was talking to another student Xavier wasn't sure who though she's so beautiful.
(@boogified you still not there?)

Adrian opened his sketch book and handed it to Xavier filled with tons of drawings of people and their expressions several looked like Evangeline. The black and white drawings were rough sketches and all the lines that had been drawn could be seen and the drawings looked beautiful.
Grabbing the book from him Xavier examined the drawings "wow these are really cool" , flipping the pages until he found one of Evangeline he added "and beautiful."

( yeah @boogified now is your chance to get James to talk to Evangeline, and then Xavier and James can talk more about her in swimming.....hopefully no one drowns haha)
Adrian looked at Xavier's expressions as he was looking at the drawings and snatched the book and quickly sketched Xavier's expression and then showed it to him.
"this is what you look like when you see Evangeline..."
Looking at him he wondered what sort of reaction Xavier would have.
Seeing the drawing Xavier started blushing and said "I have different looks for everyone I know, unlike someone" Xavier said playfully punching the boy in the arm trying to get off the subject of Evangeline.
Adrian raised an eyebrow and a rare smile flickered across his face and then shrugged.
"Evangeline says that I need to be more animated as she likes to say. But I am not really interested in that, if someone really wants me to show different expressions I say let them try."
"Chalenge accepted" Xavier said grinning at his roommate. "Although I have a feeling there is only one person who can change you expression" Xavier said remembering Esme the timid girl they had met last night.

(This RP was going so well now look at it...)
(I know... Maybe re open the sign ups or something like that?)

Adrian looked at him confused by what his dorm mat was hinting at and then realised hat he mean't.
"Well yes I think it is hard for anyone to beat someone I have known my whole life. Evangeline makes my expressions change all the time."
Looking at Xavier, Adrian nodded.
"Right whatever you say Adrian" Xavier said giving his roomie a grin. Finally he is warming up to me Xavier thought to himself as he kept giving Adrian a knowing grin.
Adrian stil a little confused shrug and then sighed as he noticed that it was nearly the end of class. Looking at his dorm mate he gave a quizzical face.
"Do we have Lunch next...?"
"No we have two more classes to go Adrian" Xaiver said to him "maybe Esme will sit by us" Xavier said to the boy giving him another grin trying to make it onvious he knew Adrian had feelings for Esme.
(Sorry guys!! I was super busy with work and my internet has been spotty.. Posting this now. I will edit and add stuff.)
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(Yay boogi fixed you're alive, now for more drama with James, Xavier, and Evangeline, we can either keep the class going or skip to lunch it's up to you guys)
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Adrian looked at him and stuttered slightly as he looked down at his notebook.
"I-i don't kn-know what you are talking about."
Looking away like a stubborn child, Adrian didn't look like his normal mature self at all.
(Sorry guys!! I was super busy with work and my internet has been spotty.. Posting this now. I will edit and add stuff.)
(BOOGIE~!!!! YAY~!!! And no problems~ It happens ^^)

(Yay boogi fixed you're alive, now for more drama with James, Xavier, and Evangeline, we can either keep the class going or skip to lunch it's up to you guys)
(Can we skip to lunch?)
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