Academy of the Unnatural Arts

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Mr. Kobae', gray
Mr. Kobae' would have used his shadow manipulation to move the chair so the gorgeous model couldn't touch his stuff, but his power didn't work when he was drunk. Instead, he rolled himself over on his desk and his pupils narrowed at the other. "You may be gorgeous...But you can get your ass a drink from the fountain..." He murmured to the handsome man. Even when drunk, Mr. Kobae' was as selfish as ever.
She looked over in Eune's direction, a grin spreading out on her face. "Hello there! I'm Aubrielle." Eune. Odd name, but it was nice and were those... ears? They looked so soft and fluffy! Aubrielle rolled her eyes at the comment Mr. Kobae' gave, appreciating it nonetheless as she watched her classmate transform into their teacher then listened to him give a perfect speech. She let a few giggles slip at the performance and Mr. Kobae's reaction to Eune's appearance. How hilariously narcissistic.
Alexander Knight, blue
Lifting his head up and looking at the clock "Still too early, this is starting to drag on forever" he mumbles slightly upon see that there were still a few minutes before his second period officially started. Pulling a small stack of paper and some drawing supplies from his bag, he lays it out in front of him "Might as well entertain myself" Putting pencil to paper he starts to draw an elaborate picture of three elephants on a single unicycle.
Eune snorted, barely able to stifle his laughter. He glanced at Aubrielle and it became even harder to contain it. Playing with Mr. Kobae was hilariously fun. Eune then cupped the man's face with both hands and leaned in close, only an inch away from his lips. He looked deep into Mr. Kobae's hazel eyes, his voice a soft murmur as he ran a finger down the man's neck and to his chest. "You're sure you won't share?" An attractive smirk appearing on his face.
Mr. Kobae', gray
Mr. Kobae's eye twitched slightly from shock as his mirror image took him in in such a seductive manner. Something like this would have slightly freaked out sober Mr. Kobae', but he was drunk off his ass. Drunk Mr. Kobae' didn't give a damn. He put down the bottle of wine he held on his desk, then ran both of his hands through the matching black hair of his mirror image. "You..." His arms wrapped loosely around the other's neck before gazing deep into hazel eyes. "Are out of your fucking mind if you think I'm gonna share..."
Miles Lorne, Green
Miles smiled at the boy as he sat down next to him then reached down to his bag and began to take out a writing pad and pen then swiftly laid his head down on his hands, looking up at Lewis. "This is gunna be boring huh?" Miles whispered with a chuckle. "I've got a free period next, what about you?" he asked the boy, perhaps he would spend the free period helping out a student rather than a teacher next period.

Ace Desant, White
Ace sat down next to Eune and saw him stand up, he didn't know Eune was that confident. He smiled as he began to perfectly imitate the teacher, though he could be a little more drunk. He watched as Eune walked over and took notes on the lesson's rules, 'snacks and alcohol, right.' he mentally noted then looked up as Eune began to...flirt with the teacher? Ace's face went red, he knew he was pretending to be Mr Kobae but, he also knew it was Eune in there. Ace looked away and took out a book so he didn't have to watch. 'He's friendly to everyone...not just me' he thought to himself with a sigh, he felt a little special but he forgot friendship doesn't work the way he thought with other people.
Lewis grinned slightly "I have English next, so your gonna have to find another way to entertain yourself" he said with a slight chuckle. He pulled a few things out of his bag, math was easy to him. Which meant that this class would probably be somewhat boring. Or it would of been, if Miles hadn't shown up that is. Lewis got the feeling that Miles made lots of things interesting.
Miles Lorne, Green
Miles pouted "awwww, guess I'll go find something to eat." he said, returning the chuckle. Maths wasn't exactly a huge interest to Miles, sure he could add a few numbers together and do simple times table but the only calculations he cared about Human + mouth = happiness, but at least he had Lewis to keep him company.
Eune laughed at Mr. Kobae's responce. "Too stingy to share even with yourself?" He shook his head and placed his hands on the desk. His charade was coming to an end, seeing how Mr. Kobae's rule wouldn't budge. Even for even a mirrored version of himself. "What would satisfy you enough to share, lovely?" He asked, genuinely curious to see if he'd answer this question differently.
Mr. Kobae', gray
"So you wanna know how to get me to share?" He asked again, bringing his mirror image close to him again. "Satisfy me in a way even the headmaster can't...If not, get your own..." He murmured to him before letting him go. The teacher's body slumped against his desk again before he remembered something. "I'm supposed to teach you about some bald guy..."
Aubrielle muffled her laughter in the palm of her hand as she watched the transformed Eune and the original Mr. Kobae' interact with one another. He was dead set on keeping his stash to himself. She caught the sight of a blushing student with a book in front of them. If the two kept up their little love scene, some people may just have to excuse themselves to go live out some fantasy Eune created. Then again, that was assuming that the other boy might have some sort of fetish for clones, twins, yaoi... The possibilities were endless, he could just be embarrassed.
"Duly noted." Eune said, striding back to his seat and transforming back into his self. Eune pocketed the little piece of information for later reference. For now, seducing Mr. Kobae was enough work. Staying in his form and "satisfying" him would have gotten Eune either stuck in that form or passed out for a day since his energy was already running low. The boy wasn't really wanting to go any further with him anyway.
He folded his arms into a suitable cradle for his head and laid his head down, facing Ace. Eune looked up at him and his book and smiled. "I like that book. I read it a few months ago." He closed his eyes feeling sleep close on his heels. If he didn't sleep now then he may have to wait for lunch. "Sorry you had to see my little games at work. It was too funny not to take advantage of." The smile growing on his face as he thought of the hilarious situation again. At least to him it was hilarious since he didn't take the flirting serious. He hoped that Ace had had a good laugh from it too. Aubrielle sure did.
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Ace Desant, White
Ace was still a little saddened but he turned anyway forcing a smiled, but couldn't hold it for long. "Mmm, it's popular." he said with a sigh as the smile fell. "Yes, it was funny." he said attempting to feign humour but, failed again. "Your transformation skills really are impressive" he added, then looked forward for class to start. He sighed as Mr Kobae seemed to be in no state to even slightly begin teaching, there were quite a few bald people in the history of English after all. Miles' head fell to the desk with a long, arduous sigh. "I want to sleep." he said "I doubt Mr Kobae would notice." he added, quietly.
Lewis giggled quietly, "I'm sure you can find food somewhere, even though lunch is like in a couple periods" He said grinning. He was waiting for the moment when the teacher would come over and yell but since that hadn't happened yet, he took that as a good sign.
Miles Lorne, Green
Miles bit his lip a little and giggled "Yeah, I'm a little too hungry to wait" he said with a smile "I'll probably go have a look around town~" he added. He too questioned the fact the teacher wasn't really doing much but it didn't bother him much, he was too captivated with Lewis. "So do you live at home or are you staying in dorms sweetie?" he asked softly, lowering his volume so the teacher didn't notice.
Eune propped an eye open and looked at Ace through it. He scooted his chair closer to him and slid his head and arms across the desk closer to Ace's, looking at him with both eyes now. He gave Ace a scrutinizing stare. "Before either of us fall asleep," he started, letting his expression ease and become concerned, "talk to me, will you? It's not fair to leave me in the dark and give me mixed signals."
Ace Desant, White
Miles flinched a little "I-I'm not trying to give you mixed signals! I-I didn't even know I was giving signals...I don't really know what I'm doing, sorry." he said with a sigh "I can talk to you in your dreams if you fall asleep anyway." he added, turning his head to look at him then flinched back, Eune was awfully close. "It's more fun there." he added.
"Talk in our dreams...?" Eune couldn't say he was exactly fond of having people in his head. Not when he was awake or asleep. He was unsure about the idea but it would kill two birds with one stone... "I hope you're right about it being fun... Do I have to do anything or just sleep or something?" He asked, having no clue how to go about it. He was a bit anxious about letting him or inviting him into his dreams but he figured that Ace couldn't do much harm. And hopefully neither could his dreams
Ace Desant, White
Ace nodded "yup, it's pretty easy for me." he explained then gave a forced yet somewhat reassuring smile to him "Just sleep, and I promise it'll be better than trying to talk in an English class with a drunk teacher but, I think if you let me fall asleep first that would be best." he said, then moved his head to lay on his arms and closed his eyes, Ace always found it incredibly easy to fall asleep. As the boy drifted off, pink and purple swirls began to form around him, slightly visible like unstable mirages. The formed into a bird and a butterfly of equal sizes and began to fly above Ace's head, the bird soon turned into three, then five until it became a flock of tiny birds while the butterflies danced around until they popped out of existence when the birds collided with them.
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Al sat in the center of the class and closely observed all that was happening. This was certainly an excitable bunch. Imitating teachers, meeting in each other's dreams, everyone just seemed happy or preoccupied with normal teenage things. Al felt a tinge of jealousy before it quickly dissipated. "Since everyone is having so much fun why don't I join in". Al closed his eyes and focused away from the classroom. His line of vision began to move out of the classroom until he stopped upon five ghosts. They were all translucent and blue, with frost like steam coming from them. "Hello, you insignificant pawns." He greeted them. "Come to me immediately, and make as much pandemonium as you can for me." He smiled as the spirits began to rapidly move into the classroom. He watched as they began to slam windows, doors and spread paper everywhere. "This will be interesting." He smirked.
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