Academy of the Unnatural Arts (OOC/Sign ups)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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I don't know...I just looked for badass anime characters in google :/
Well this is going to be fun. Waiting around for chars to be accepted.
I... Really feel bad that you guys have to wait to be approved. Ó m Ò; I'll try to get a hold of the mod.
Ok fine waiting I think it just dropped a bucket on us and I'm sitting here typing.
@Alex S. Riley
Our mod is not the most active of role players, we might need to get a co-mod to deal with things like this, but I'm sure you guys will get accepted soon. By the way, Alex and Zackymas, you missed a word from the rules needed for acceptance. Please review the rules and include that word as soon as you can. (All interesting characters by the way)
I added it when I checked the rules again. Yes I do think we would need a co mod but that's life right. As for rose she says thank you.
Okay, so the mod is resigning and we need to make a new thread for the OOC and maybe the IC as well ( unless everyone wants to keep the current one for reference or memory or something. :S).

To the new members requesting entrance, I think it only fair to accept you in to the Rp as long as you're active.

To the active members already in the Rp, who would want to be the new mod to set up the new thread?
I can't say that i'm "Active" I have school and my time zone is for sure different from yours, but immediately i reach home the first thing that i do is turn up my pc and check the RPs so...
I can do it if everyone else is fine with that, I know I have a few people who dislike me on this role play after all but I seem to be one of the most active role players here.
As long as you're not taking like weeks to get back to reply or just disappear altogether is fine. ^ . ^ I have school too and besides, we all have some sort of life outside Iwaku!
As long as you're not taking like weeks to get back to reply or just disappear altogether is fine. ^ . ^ I have school too and besides, we all have some sort of life outside Iwaku!
Perfect...The only thing that would make me disappear is the non-pay of internet....(Wich is very rare) And if that happens i still having my neighbor's wifi :v
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Perfect...The only thing that would make me disappear is the non-pay of internet....(Wich is very rare) And if that happens i still having my neighbor's wifi :v
Then I think you're good to go. xP Just don't start fights/ arguments and have fun~! ( once all this business is sorted. )
Then I think you're good to go. xP Just don't start fights/ arguments and have fun~! ( once all this business is sorted. )
Don't worry...I'm not a complain's man....but i WILL complain if i see some of those chars (Characters) that are breaking every single law of the universe time/space
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