A Vacation To Remeber

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Amber was still peacefully sitting on the windowsill, when a loud sound startled her, and she lost her grip on the window. Yelping, Amber caught the edge of the window, her body smacking against the side of the house.
Brianna went out of Chris's room and slammed the door. She cautiously opened the door to Amber's room and ran to the windowsill, pulling her up. "Did we scare you?" She tries to smile but it was hard for her.
Amber nodded to Breanne as she pulled her up. "What happened?" She asked.
Brianna sighs and shakes her head. "We got into a fight and I was defending you and he was trying to defend himself because he was scared that you would judge him because of... yeah. I think he just ran off somewhere but I dont know where"
Amber sighed as she spoke about the issue, and she sighed. "I should go talk to him, sort things out."
Brianna shook her head. "I highly doubt you can find him. If he doesnt want to be found, he will hide somewhere and move around making no noises"
Amber groaned, looking at her. "Well, I will find him, I don't care." She said, walking out of her room.
Brianna smiled and mumbled something to herself. She followed Amber out of the room and closed the door behind them.
Amber sighed and looked around, first going to Chris' room.
The only thing inside was an open window, closed closet, and the lights off. He didnt seem to be in there.
Amber marched up to the closet and opened it to see if he was hiding inside.
Groaning, Amber looked out the window
There seemed to be nothing out of the extraordinary, but there were footprints on the windowsill from much earlier that day.
Amber groaned and started following the footsteps.
The footsteps led onto the roof, where Chris was sitting. He sat there hugging his knees, not noticing Amber's presence.
Sighing lightly, Amber climbed up to the roof, and slowly slid onto the shingles next to Chris, staying quiet.
His head was buried into his knees. He wasnt making any noises, only sitting there in silence.
Amber looked over at Chris, pursing her lips. "Hey.' She spoke softly.
Chris jumped up and rolled backwards, falling on his back while he clenched his chest and tried to control his breathing. "H-hi"
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