A Tale of Two Halves (potassiumboron x ForeverRed)

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Raziel smiled a bit and nodded before moving to kiss her lovingly. "Okay....No problem."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

One year after one of the most strange years Malakai had ever experienced, and things for him were directly contrasted to a year before. Back then, he didn't have Aleksandr, believing him to be dead. He constantly feared his mother would be captured by Raziel and taken away from him like she had been all his childhood. He had to see his eldest daughter, Shaun and Ryka go through hardship and trauma through missing Phoenix, and Malakai also hadn't been on great terms with Zayne. Sure, they had gotten on towards the end of that year, but before that, things had been bitter - hell, Malakai had slept on a mattress that often caused him back trouble. That in itself epitomised the nature of their tumultuous situation.

A year on, however, and Malakai could hardly really believe how much things had honestly changed. Aleksandr lived at home (albeit, also bringing his wife and girlfriend with him, which hadn't entirely pleased Malakai...). His mother was safe from being targeted by Raziel now, instead being happily dating the strong angel and living in the cute cottage. Phoenix was finally allowed to return home and, despite also still having to work in Heaven, it was just a job now. He worked a few hours then returned to live with his fathers and, of course, visit Natsumi at college, often making random, spontaneous trips to surprise her. Lastly, Malakai's relationship with Zayne had vastly improved, though was complicated. In fact, it was similar to how it had been all those years ago when Natsumi was born: the two were sleeping in the same bed, acting like a couple for Echo's benefit and... well, they had sex frequently, but they weren't officially dating. However, Malakai adored the situation - it was much better than being hated and mistreated.

Which was where the man currently was, laying in bed beside Zayne and awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact, instead focused on the television as he calmly smoked a cigarette. He had things to do, of course, mostly getting himself dressed and making an appearance for dinner, given he wasn't actually at his home at the moment. Rather, he was at Edwin and Lakota's grand mansion to celebrate their wedding anniversary. The family was all there, though the demon had snuck off to his designated bedroom with Zayne, even in knowing that it would look suspicious.

"Just... tell them we were... unpacking our suitcases or something," he quietly mumbled as he finally braved glancing at human, despite blushing the second he did so. "My mother obviously won't fall for it, but ignore her little comments, you know what she's like... I, uh... yeah, I'll get dressed," he awkwardly laughed as he slid from the bed and tugged on his crumpled clothes, having thrown them off in heated passion.

"...I just needed to get away from them, it's so fucking tense," groaned Malakai, rolling his eyes as he tugged on his leather jacket - he had had it since he was a teenager, after taking it from Zayne, and the fact he was wearing it again showed he was definitely back to himself, and the same old Malakai that he had been when he first met Zayne. So much so, he didn't even get any urges anymore for blood or to do anything murderous, which he would do a year back in tense situations. And why did he feel tense? Because of all the chatter and talk downstairs between the family and their situations - it was loud and joyful, and Malakai had never really done well with coping with so much excitement.

He understood why they were so loud, though. Edwin and Lakota had eight children, four of whom were still very young, so of course it was going to be a little crazy. Add into the equation Edwin's newest pregnancy, and the rabbit's chattering wasn't a surprise. He and Lakota were, of course, filthy rich, so having so many children really didn't affect them much... and if it made them happy, who was going to judge? Besides, they had cause to celebrate nine months ago, when Edwin, after years of being in a wheelchair through the intense pain he had in his legs, had regained movement and, slowly buy surely, began to take small steps. Now? He could walk, albeit with a walking stick, and that was the day he conceived again, undoubtedly through him and Lakota celebrating. If Edwin was excitable already, he was five times so when expecting, as Malakai found out.

"And my mother will be here soon with Raziel, and I can't stand that man," he continued bitterly after puffing out the rest of the smoke. He would hate Raziel, obviously. The man had taken Phoenix and kept Aleksandr all those years - how his mother could not only forgive him, but begin dating him honestly disgusted the demon, and despite her pleas, he was far from accepting it... even if she was, like Edwin, days away from giving birth. Her pregnancy, though, was far more worrying, given her and Raziel's infamy and status, and that the child would be a target if anyone ever found out about her or him.

Flopping back onto the bed to grab another cigarette, he reached over Zayne for the lighter, cheekily grinning at the closeness between them again. "Come on, lazy. Get up, we gotta go back down before Echo comes to find us or somethin'. You aren't even dressed yet, hurry up~"​
Over the year, things had obviously been...Well crazy. Natsumi, Ryka and Shaun had finally got Phoenix back, and Sumi was happier than ever. The two even started dating which surprised no one. They were so obviously in love. Adonia and Alek were out along with Ivy. Adonia was a bit cold to literally everyone, so it was obviously no one really liked her. She was only nice to her lovers.

Zayn had gotten to know Alek, and actually thought he was an okay kid. He still spoiled Echo like a little princess she was because she was his little girl. Zayn and Malakai however...Were back on that confusing ass relationship status again. They were doing everything couple do, just without the label.

Now Zayn wasn't about to go all soppy and ask him 'what are we?' He didn't honestly want labels at the moment. Everything was happening around them so fast so he was happy to just have Malakai take things slow with him. Currently they were all at Lakota and Edwin's massive home, with their eight children. The oldest being only ten. So you can imagine the hyperness and excitement going around. Zee felt so bad for Lakota's maids and butlers. It was like every minute they had to clean up something.

Kota and Edwin of course were beyond thrilled with having so many babies. Babies livened up their lives, and they loved their children. People who were as fortunate as those two would have seen having that many kids being nightmare and dept. But it was the opposite for the two. They spoiled each and everyone of their children.

Zayn hopped up from the bed, stealing a kiss fro. Mal with a smirk as he threw on some clothes and fixed his hair up, so he didn't look so messy. "Hey, I know you hate Raziel , but at least he makes your mom happy. And he is the father of your sibling that's about to pop out ya mom." Said the human as he yawned a bit

He arched a briw when three quick taps were on the bedroom door. Before he could as who it was, the door swung open, revealing a six year old boy. His green eyes were wide and cat snapped. His little cat ears were twitching, as his tail swayed. He had a cute bell on his tail, and curly blonde hair. His skin was an even tan, and he had cute little feline fangs.

The six year old ran into the room, jumping up onto top of a tall dresser, perching himself on top. His name was Philip. And Philip was probably the baddest of the children and was probably hiding from his father for doing something naughty.

"...Phil? Come here, why don't you get down."
"You know, you're actually disgusting sometimes. Use a better phrase, dumbass," retorted Malakai in his typical cussing fashion - not that he used that language around his daughters. Aleksandr sort of made him swear a lot with his cheekiness, but Aleksandr had also inherited Malakai's behaviour, and that meant swearing frequently too, so he was oblivious to his father doing it. And Malakai made sure not to let any cusses drop when spotting one of his nephews dash in, groaning a little when realising it was Philip. He adored him obviously, but he knew he was a handful to deal with, and at a time where he needed to be calm and relax, Philip wasn't the best kid to be dealt with.

"Phil, c'mon, you can't hide away like that. You know that you'll be caught, don't 'ya?" The demon started as he stood with his arms over his chest, an amused grin appearing nonetheless, especially at Edwin's calls and footsteps nearing. "Now, come on down before your Pa gets here, you don't want to stress him out, do you? God knows he doesn't need to be stressed, he doesn't stop talking when he's like that--"

"Philip? Philip, come here and clean up all that mess you just made. Spilling a nice bottle of wine like that is silly. It was for your father and uncles, don't you think it was mean to knock it over?" Protested Edwin as he wandered in, albeit slowly and leaning heavily on his walking stick, having ignored Lakota telling him to sit back and let him deal with it. Hell, he could be on his deathbed one day, and still drag himself up to care to his children.

Smiling brightly at the two, unaware they had just been making love and acting like teenagers again, he attempted to reach up for his son despite the obvious difficulties. "Come on, I don't want to have to call your father, sweetheart... I'm having milkshakes made for you, don't you want one? Natsumi brought ice cream, too~!"​
Philip's little tail swayed happily as he looked down at his father. A soft purr radiated from him, however he made no effort to get down. "No papa, I don't want to. Have a maid clean it up~" Cooed the baby boy, saying it far to sweetly.

Lakota came into the room, his eyes hard and stern. "Philip. Listen to your father. Now come down now."

"Nope~" Giggle the neko as his ears twitched.
"...Come on, you can't use the maids all the time, you need to learn that you have to help out too. You can't just let others do everything for you," attempted Edwin, trying his best to ensure his children, despite their pampered lifestyle, weren't totally spoilt and dependent on their help. They needed to take responsibility and realise that they were lucky, but that didn't mean letting everyone do everything for them... especially when they broke something purposely and didn't attempt to correct it.

"You're making me tired, Philip. I need to go sit down before Malakai's mommy comes here," he weakly smiled as he quietly leaned against Lakota for help to support himself, even if he couldn't entirely hide the pain from his expression. "Please, Phil? Come down, we can get ice cream and... I'll clean up, alright? I just need everyone to be together-- you two need to come down now. What were you even doing? We were waiting for you to come back for dinner to be served."

"We were just... sorting out our clothes and stuff, really." Malakai casually shrugged as he grabbed his mobile and shoved it into his pocket. "We'll, uh... go down now, c'mon Zee. My Mom could be here by now with that asshole boyfriend of hers--"

Though, before Malakai got to even finish the sentence, he grimaced at the recognisable voice of his mother. He wanted to see her, of course. He just didn't want to see the idiot she was dating. However, he bit back the venomous insults he wanted to spout, and chose instead to be mature, wandering down to meet the couple with a small smile, though granted, only to his mother. He couldn't care less about Raziel stood beside her.

Now, domesticity definitely suited Valentina, that much was obvious. She did look a little different compared to how she had been before settling down and living normally. Before, she had always donned grand dresses and dark makeup, her hair black to accentuate her black lipstick and dark eyeshadow. Now? She had let her hair grow out to her shoulders in a wavy bob, and it was, surprisingly, a honey blonde colour that did suit her blue eyes far better. It made her look far more approachable than she had before. Again, she had been on the slim side back then, too much so probably, with her focus having been on escaping trouble and the attention of the angels and demons alike and not actually eating. Whereas now, she obviously took a little more care of herself, reaching a perfect weight and complimenting her natural curves that hadn't really been evident before. Obviously, they were evident more now she was pregnant too - something she had wanted the very second she began dating Raziel again.

Her dress sense had changed, too. Rather than the grand, black dresses she had worn, she currently had on something simple -but incredibly cute, too- in a pair of denim dungarees and a white t-shirt underneath, albeit being splattered in paint. She had been painting the rest of the nursery, until realising that she was late, and hadn't really had time to change... though she figured it didn't really matter. As long as she turned up for the celebrations, right?

And despite only just turning up, she knowingly grinned the moment she set eyes on her son and Zayne, her brow arched in amusement. "And what have you two been doing, then? Working out? Or are you both always that red and exhausted?" She drawled, being careful to be subtle given the fact Echo was nearby, even though Aleksandr also heard and was obviously not a child, groaning the instant the realisation set in.

"Fuck, that's disgusting. Have some decorum, Pa--"

"What, says you? All you do is kiss those girlfriends of yours. It's nice to see you without them, to be honest," retorted Malakai bluntly - to say he hated the women was an understatement. Frankly, he couldn't stand them, thinking his son was far too sweet to be with people so cold and icy.​
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Raziel stood with Valentina, his arm crapped around her waist as he looked down at her lovingly. Raziel had changed his appearance to a far more human look. Instead of pure white hair, he dyed it to a dark brown, nearly black. He cut it as well, so it was shoulder length and always wavy. It suited his brown skin. His eyes, instead of being a piercing gold, he shifted them to a hazel. Instead of wearing grand white cloaks, and some fancy wear, he wore some paint splatted jeans and a regular long sleeve white shirt. The two look so happy and well...Normal. Raziel didn't look so evil and hard all the time. He softened to a rather nice man.

Zee rolled his eyes at Valentina before smirking. "Actually we were working out. Something you do a lot. I can tell by that stomach of yours."

Philip had came downstairs, the little toddler looking at the woman. Smirking a bit, he walked over and rubbed against her legs with a purr. Just like a kitten. "Grandma Val, I've missed you." Phil, like all of Edwin's kids, though of Valentina as a grandmother. She was so sweet.

Clyde, another one of the little neko's, walked over as well. He was on the shyer side. His dark curls bouncing against his head as he waved, smiling a bit.
Eyeing Zayne with a playful scowl at the joke, it wasn't really down thing she honestly got offended over. Why would she? She enjoyed Zayne's company and she could effortlessly tease him as much as he did her. She did have a good relationship with her son's... well, whatever Zayne was to Malakai at the moment. They were friends... unlike Malakai and Raziel, with the Angel currently receiving Malakai's glares and the cold shoulder.

She wisely chose to ignore the tension, however, knowing it wasn't appropriate to address it when the mood was otherwise joyful and jubilant. Instead, she immediately grinned at the two nekos that had approached her. Of course she thought of them as grandchildren. All eight of Edwin and Lakota's children were, in her eyes, her family.

"Oh, you've missed me, have you? Even though you have this huge house with all the toys you could wish for, you still missed your grandmother~? Well, aren't you the sweetest thing, Philip~?" Valentina easily cooed in response to the affection, leaning down to ruffle both their heads with a bright smile. "Raziel, hon? Give them the chocolate I brought for them. They deserve a little treat~!"

Raziel nodded, going into the bag, pulling out candy. Instantly, the other six children came along. A mixture of the bunnies and nekos , all jumping up and down all wanting a little piece of chocolate.

Raziel chuckled and handed the all a bar, smiling softly at how their eyes lit up. Once every child had a bar, he glanced over seeing the glares he was receiving from Malakai, but he chose to ignore it. Today was a happy day.

Lakota walked over to greet Valentina, while he held Edwin to help him. "Hey, I'm glad you two could make it! Dinner is about to be served. I really wish my Dad could have made it. He and Taz are vacationing...And I wish my Papa could be here." He mumbled a bit sadly. When Lakota found out that Malakai's mother was truely dead....Well he was a tad bit jealous. Kai would never come back. And...Kai would never knew how far in life Lakota got.

"What happened to your Papa?" Raziel asked, having no idea what happened.

"Oh...He um, he died when I was a kid. We were at this bowling alley, and Kai went outside for air. A car smashed into him."
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"Yes, well, we don't need to go into that much detail," immediately responded Edwin as he clutched onto his husband. He was supportive, but he did notice the crumpled and confused expression of one of his daughters, and even if she had been told about Kai, she was mostly emotional and sensitive, and Edwin hardly wanted her to burst into tears on a day that was supposed to be celebratory.

Moving to sit at the table finally, gently resting his emotional daughter on her lap when finding the bunny unable to leave his side-- not that he particularly cared. Despite wanting his children to also be independent and not take anything for granted -after all, he and Lakota hadn't been born into wealth-, but Edwin did constantly spoil his children. Hell, he often stayed up well into the night making sure that they were all settled and comfortable, even if it made him exhausted and sleep-deprived.

"I do wish June had come. I haven't seen him in a while now, and I do like meeting up with him," drawled Valentina with a small smirk to herself - mostly, she enjoyed teasing her former lover, but she understood why he hadn't come. He was vacationing and completely in love with Taz. "No matter~! I think we'll have fun regardless, won't we?"

"Will we? How am I supposed to enjoy myself knowing I have to see my mother flirt with an asshole?" Muttered Malakai grumpily, unable to bite his tongue as he finally took a seat, to his dismay being opposite Raziel. Ignoring Aleksandr's weak attempt to stop him getting too bitter, he simply shrugged and rolled his eyes as he glanced to his food. "Whatever. I think you could do much better, Mom, but hey, you do you."

"How old are you? You're not a teenager, Mal. You're an adult, father of three children, I really don't see why you're being immature. Raziel's apologised to you countless number of times. He's offered to hang out with you and to bond, but you're the one rejecting it," she finally sighed, addressing the tension as calmly as she could. "Zee, will you tell my son he's being childish? He isn't listening to me, clearly."​
"Mal, don't act like that." Whispered Zayne. "Remember, Echo's here. We don't need her thinking its fine to simply curse or be rude to people."

Raziel tiredly looked at the demon, before disregarding what he said. He wouldn't let it bother him. He was hundreds of years old, he could handle a youngling easily. "Baby, don't get worked up. You are too far along, remember that." He smiled, rubbing her stomach with a caring smile. He then turned to Lakota, arching a brow. "....Wait. You said Kai? And he died in an accident right?"

"...Yeah, why?" Lakota asked.

Raziel didn't say anything further. However he knew that when nice demons, such as Kai, were killed some reapers would bring them back as reapers. And he knew Kai was around, however it wasn't something he could share.
"What's the deal, asshole? Got something to share?" Retorted Malakai, ignoring Zayne's advice and setting his cold glare on Raziel regardless. He knew something was up. After all, Raziel seemed too knowledgeable and too intrigued in the topic of Kai, and ideally, why would he have such an interest in it? Malakai may not personally know Kai, but he was brought up from birth knowing of the neko. It was ingrained in him, and so, even if he always felt pretty shit when Kai was mentioned (because he did think his father preferred Lakota because he was Kai's son), he always felt like he knew Kai. And he didn't entirely like seeing Raziel dodging questions.

"No, answer my brother," he demanded flatly. He and Lakota may have had their issues, but hell, they were brothers. Malakai was always going to defend Lakota, no matter what. "He asked you a fucking question. Why are you so interested?"​
"It's not like-...I guess it shouldn't matter to me. I abandoned my post, no need to keep secrets... Well, Lakota, you're father Kai is alive. When demons, who are rather nice in life die, they are brought back to be reapers, serving under Heaven. However, when they are brought back, they are prohibited to ever see anyone from their past life. They are only to work. Its not much, but that's their life."

Lakota sat there, his eyes wide. He didn't know how to take this. He just found out his father was alive. His father, the one he's missed so much was alive! "I...I have to see him, Raziel! Where is he?!"

"The reaper realm of course, but this isn't something you should do I mean, you could cause-"

"I have to tell Dad! He should know right?" Lakota asked Mal as he hurried pulled his phone out to text his father.

Raziel hurried grabbed his wrist, stopping him with panicked eyes. "...You can't see Kai. He....He wouldn't be happy. You'd only cause him stress. Reapers don't like to be bothered much. Especially with matters from a past life."
"Of course, tell Dad. I mean, fuck-- see Mom? See how much of a jerk he is? He's been away from his post a year. There's literally no excuse for Lakota not to have known." Malakai seethed as he furiously shot glares across the table at the angel, before rallying around his brother and the mobile phone with an eager smile. He wanted his father to hear about it, because June had grieved Kai for god knows how long. He had moved on, sure, but he always held a candle for Kai...and knowing he was still alive was bound to be amazing news.

And, surprisingly, Valentina did wince and shoot her own glare towards Raziel. Clearly, Malakai inherited his hard stare from her, given it was practically identical. "As soon as I escaped from that prison the demons kept me at, I went and found my son, Raziel. It's the first thing I did. The fact you've hidden this from Lakota for a year is pretty shitty," she muttered as she shoved his hand away, her lips pursed as she quietly eyed the two brothers. "I honestly want you to show everyone you're a decent guy, and you make it hard for yourself by acting like a cold jerk."​
"I didn't hide this, I didn't even know Kai was his father until now, so don't blame me. And I'm serious, this sint a good idea, Lakota please list-"

Lakota was taking the phone from his brother, wanting to tell June himself. He couldn't stop the tears in his eyes. His Papa was still alive.
"Oh yes you did, don't lie," retorted the woman as she pushed herself from the table and made her way to the boys. After all, she may not have known Kai, but she had been with June for a little while and she had genuinely held some feelings for him. They were nothing but friends, but she still cared for him... especially since they shared a child and grandchildren together.

Malakai quietly moved to sit beside her when she headed over, silently happy of her tension with Raziel, though, luckily, he was more focused on the phone call at the moment, forcing his brother to put the phone on loudspeaker. "Dad! Dad, listen--"

"What is it, seriously-- is Edwin in labour? Or your Mom? Shit-- look, I told you Taz! We shouldn't have fucking gone on vacation, I don't want to miss out on this stuff."

"No, Dad, listen, it's not that." Malakai huffed, rolling his eyes at his father's typical babbling. "No, it's-- look, you tell him Kota, Kai's your Pa..."​
Raziel grimaced at his fiance. He honestly had no idea Kai was Lakota's father. If he had known he would have shared this information. However he hadn't.

Kota grabbed the phone, wiping his teary eyes. "Dad? Papa's alive, like really alive. He's a reaper now, and...I...He's alive." He repeated, wiping his eyes.

Taz, who was sitting on the hotel bed, looked at June with an arched brow. "What's going on? Who's in labor?"
"Shh, Taz-- what do you mean your Pa's alive? Kota, you're not on drugs, are you? Are you high? What's Malakai given you?" Immediately asserted June in obvious refusal to believe his son's words. Why would he? He had gone through all these years believing Kai, the first person he had ever loved and committed himself to, was dead and buried. How was he supposed to suddenly come to terms with the fact that he wasn't? "...You're serious? S-Shit... look... I... I'll be home tonight, alright? We'll cut the vacation short-- get Valentina to come get us or something..."

"What, after you just insinuated that my son gave yours drugs? What sort of person do you think Malakai is?" The woman drawled from the side in defence of her son... even if Malakai did still smoke weed. Not that she really realised it. "I can come get you, sure. You all need to relax though. Kota, sweetheart, try and take deep breaths before the kids realise something's up, hm?"​
Kota nodded, taking some deep breaths. He then moved to hug his husband as he wiped his eyes. "I...I just can believe it....My Papa....He's alive. I spent years thinking he was dead."

Meanwhile Taz eyes widen hearing that Kai was alive. And he sure as hell didn't want to go see him. This was June's first love, the person who gave June his first child. Someone June would probably be with if he hasn't died. Yet now he actusly hadn't died and....What were they going to go see him?
Edwin nervously smiled at the other's joy, awkwardly trying to keep his smile up... even if he wasn't the best actor in the world. Watching as Valentina, ignoring her boyfriend's advice, headed off to fetch June and Taz, the rabbit eased from Lakota's grasp and, after sitting back down and pulling two of his children onto his lap, offered the man a tired frown.

"Is this really a good idea? Raziel said it wasn't," he murmured - he was the only person who was actually listening to the angel's advice. Despite everything Raziel had done to the family, he obviously knew what he was talking about, and Edwin did fear that too much to join in the celebratory mood. "I... I don't want you upset, Kota. If it's a bad idea, we should leave it a-alone..."​
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