A Tale of Two Halves (potassiumboron x ForeverRed)

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"Christmas? That's in a few weeks love." Chuckled the man shaking his head. "I'll try my best....Valentina...I...I'm still not completely sure if this is the right thing to do. I love you though so...We're going to do this." Smiled the man, leaning in to take her lips into a kiss.
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"And why wouldn't it be the right thing to do? Because of what happened last time? Jeez, we were kids then, Raziel. I think we know what we're doing now, hm? And should anyone find out, I'll make sure that our child wouldn't be harmed this time, I promise," she quietly cooed in a low, purred tone, mostly to calm him down and settle any doubts he could possibly possess deep down. "It'll all be super fine~! You trust me, don't you?"​
"...I trust you. Well? We should get moving hmm? I'll go get that grandson of yours and what not. You get the paint and everything we need to fix up this ol' cabin. " Smiled the man as he stood up happily.

"And don't make the cabin overly girly like you did all those years ago. I allowed it then because I didn't want to upset you because you were pregnant. But now? Yeah, it was ugly.' He teased.
"Ugly? It was beautiful! Honestly, you have no style or taste, Raziel. You'd be happy if everything was white, like in Heaven. That's so boring. I like colour," she drawled in a mocking tone, though, upon his command, did obediently open a portal ready to collect some paint supplies. "Be nice to my grandson, hm? Take him to my son's and stay with him until you've explained to Malakai and Zayne that we're... together now. I think you owe Malakai a huge apology, sweetheart. He's my baby, I want you to apologise properly, hm?"​
"...Alright." He answers, before opening one of his own portals. "I'll see you in a bit, my flower." He cooed to her like he used to, before heading off back to Heaven.

Meanwhile, Adonia was sitting on the bed, grimacing a bit at how long the angel was taking. "Hopefully this plan worked..." She grumbled.
"You don't think it worked? Of course it worked, have faith," responded Ivy, the girl currently having the best of both worlds with her head rested on Aleksandr's lap as he stroked her long white hair back, and her feet draped over Adonia's, playfully wriggling her toes and offering a smile in an attempt to get the girl to cheer up. "I mean, if it hasn't worked, we'll figure something else out."

"Hmm..." Was all she said as she ran a finger over the girl's feet to tickle her, smiling a bit when she burst into giggles.

Soon the angel came into view. She jumped a bit, before arching a brow at Raziel. "What...?"

"Alek. Come with me."
"Woah, hold on. Just me? C'mon dude, I'm hardly gonna leave my girlfriend and my darling wife, am I? I promise Adonia will behave herself," he cooed as he immediately jumped up from the bed with a mischievous grin up at Raziel, a knowing grin widening when spotting an unsubtle lovebite on his neck... though, to save the angel's blushes, he refused to mention it. He liked Raziel too much to embarrass him that badly, at least not in front of company.

"If you're letting me go, which I think you might be, I won't leave without them," he stubbornly decided as he reached back to tug the girls close with a suddenly stern look in his eyes - one he had inherited from Kam. "I love 'em, and I want my Pa to meet them, so..."​
"....How did you know.....? This was a plan wasn't it....Of course Valentina would do anything to be with her family." Growled the angel, easily growing angry, and feeling used.

Adonia glared at the idiocy of her boyfriend, punching his arm. Hr was supposed to act surprised, but of course he was an idiot.

"Of course she would use me, and you were in on it." Hissed the angel before walking away, fuming
"Wait-- Wait, that's so not it--! Oh c'mon Raz, don't be a childish jerk!" Wailed Aleksandr as he pressed urgently against the locked cage, grabbing at the bars with his hands and pressing his forehead against them in desperation, only to realise he had fucked up big time. Being in the cell drained his powers too, so using them wasn't even an option.

"...Oh come on, you can't be pissed at me. I was excited about seeing my family!" He groaned when noticing the girls glaring furiously at him, awkwardly whining and reaching out for Adonia, knowing she was probably easier to win back around than Ivy. "...Really? You're gonna be a bitch right now? I'm sorry."​
"You are an idiot! Raziek was going to let us out you nitwit!" She growled, turning away from him. "Well, not only did you blow it, but now he thinks Valentina was in on it. He's probably heading there to capture her as we speak you dunce." She growled
And as her grandson grumpily flopped against the bed to wallow in self-pity, Valentina had arrived back at the little cottage, completely unaware that Raziel had it in his head that she had concocted a plan to apparently trick him. She hadn't, of course. All her feelings were completely genuine and every word she had said was the truth, though Raziel, presumably, now didn't believe a word of it.

Currently humming to herself as she stood in the little living room of the cottage, and eyeing up its various problems, she didn't frown or groan, but did smile brightly at how much had to be done - in her eyes, it just meant being a proper couple and doing up their home together."Do you want to get started now?" She called back once hearing him arrive home. "I mean, we totally could, but I'm starving-- I'll have human food, relax. A burger or something-- how was Malakai? Did he accept your apology~?"​
"I went to actually get that grandson of yours. And idiot he is. He slipped up and told me about your plan." Growled the man, his gold eyes burning in rage and anger. "Of course. How could I fall for your stupid act again? You only have your interest at heart. If I were on your side, then all your worries would be gone, correct?" Growled the angel, moving to take his sword out.
The expression from her face, formerly joyous and adoring, immediately fell at the anger and disgust she was shown, though got on the defensive the second she saw the sword, standing several steps back from him. Despite all the confusion she had, and the genuine horror that he thought she had lied about everything, she was concerned about her safety first and foremost - like hell did she want to get seriously hurt when she had done absolutely nothing wrong.

"You think I'd be capable of doing that to you? Really?" She laughed, mostly out of genuine shock, before rolling her eyes. Her defence mechanism was to just act as though this didn't bother her much, when, in reality, she was breaking on the inside over it. "You can't kill me, Raziel, so put your sword away, darling. If you don't believe me, I won't waste a word on trying to convince you, but do stop embarrassing yourself with that weapon. You haven't succeeded in injuring me in four hundred years. Why start trying now?"​
Raziel glared at her, before tossing the sword. He instead moved in to grip her up. Not to hurt her, but to let her know that he was serious. "He knew I was going to let him out. He said plan, don't get all cute with me. Did you plan this or not Valentina. Do you seriously love me?" He asked, now...Desperate for the truth. In all honesty? He wanted to love her, he wanted to have a family, but was a bit too scared.
And despite all her love for him, and all the desires to start a family and abandon her old life that she had had for four hundred years and more, she did stare coldly at him. The very fact he had to constantly ask her and seek reassurance wasn't the nicest thing to have to witness and deal with, and add into the equation that he had believed she would trick and deceive him, then Valentina really and truly was done.

Easing herself out of his grip with a small scowl on her features, she silently adjusted her hair and smoothed it from her dark horns easily before finally glaring at back up at him.

"I'm actually rather disgusted by you. Do you honestly believe I would trick you like this?! Clearly you think I would, and that's the main reason why I no longer want to be in your company, Raziel," she drawled rather calmly and without an ounce of emotion, only letting a smile show after opening up the portal. "Why don't you go find a prissy little angel to date? Someone who you can, you know, trust? I, on the other hand, have places to be, people to kill, you know, that sort of thing~!"​
Grabbing the woman, he made sure she couldn't go before pulling her close. "Don't go....Please." Begged the angel ad he got to his knees and held into her tightly.
"What, after you insult my word and hardly trust me? I have no intention of dating you, Raziel. You haven't changed a bit-- you threaten to hurt me again, with a sword, no less? And you honestly think I'd push that aside and run into your arms? Fuck you. I'm not going to be insulted and treated like I've done something wrong! You ought to trust me, and I don't really want to be here. I want to get something to eat-- preferably one of your little angel spies on earth," she admitted, her blue eyes breaking their facade and growing to their natural crimson colour - both indicative of her hunger and anger.

Not moving -because she couldn't-, she grumpily scowled up at the ceiling instead. "I recommend you release me before I attempt decapitation, Raziel. It won't work and it won't kill you, but I'm sure it'll hurt."​
"Do it. I don't care any more. I'm just....Tired of this." He whispered and looked up at her with tear filled eyes. "Just...stay, please? I'm sorry."
"...I want you to take me to Paris then, as an apology. How about that? You take me away for a romantic weekend and you spoil me rotten after your little... insult. I wouldn't plan to deceive you-- my grandson may have a plan to get us back together, which I think is rather sweet, but I have no plan. But I'll forgive you this time~" She eventually cooed, her fingers gently running through his hair with genuine affection, deciding that his little breakdown of trust in her could be forgiven... after a little romantic trip, anyway. "I want you to trust me, dumbass~ Now, get off the floor and help me paint. We'll fetch Aleksandr later, he can stay in his prison for tricking you a little longer-- for now, we need to get started cleaning up this place~ It's such a dump right now, Raz..."​
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