A summer in Italy

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"Love you too." He remarked, leaning against the counter before popping a fry into his mouth. Then he took a glance out the window for a few moments. "Hm?" He blinked, looking at her and then shook his head. "No, I'm good." Smiling, he popped another fry into his mouth. "Though getting a decent girlfriend would be nice."
"Well you might need to talk to someone more powerful than me,"she joked."I probably could get a girl to date you if I paid her." Sydney smirks and bumps shoulders with him, taking a sip of juice.
He shrugged in reply and placed his small box of fried down on the counter. Then he arched a brow when she smirked and bumped him. "I'm not sure whether to laugh or feel insulted." James replied, leaning against her a little. "Maybe I should just seduce and date you then."
"Do you have milkshakes?"she ask raising an eye brow."Because if you do, then it might work,"she jokes."Naw, if you really wanted to get a girlfriend then I should just stop talking to you. That's probably why other girls don't really talk to you. It's probably my fault,"she says stepping back so she wasn't touching him anymore. She looks down as she takes another sip.
"Milkshakes?" He repeated, rubbing his chin thoughtfully like he was thinking. "Hm...I could probably pick up some." Then he looked over at her quizzically when she pulled away from him and James frowned slightly. "Hey..." Reaching out his arm closest to her, he draped it over Sydney's shoulders and pulled her back to his side. "It's not your fault. If they don't like my best friend then I want nothing to do with them. You're more important to me than anything else."
"Nuh huh,"she argues poking his side and untangling from his arm."You should still go get them if you like them,"she says chuckling. She walks into the living room and sits on the couch with her knees to her chest like she always did, staring at the black tv.
"Bah, if they don't like you then why should I?" He questioned, picking his box of fried back up. Sydney was the only real friend he had, the only one he could really trust with anything. After walking into the living room he leaned against the wall. "And what about me? It's probably my fault that no guys have asked you out."
"Guys have asked me out,"she says chuckling and brushing it off like it was nothing."I just said no." She stretches her legs out on the floor and sighs, running a hand through her long hair. "So are you excited about tomorrow?she asks changing the subject.
"Say what?" He did his best to make himself sound shocked rather than infuriated. "So my little Sydney can attract guys other than me." He teased, finishing the rest of his fries and throwing the box away in the small trash bin next to him. It seemed odd she was changing the subject but James simply pushed it to the side. "Of course I am, what about you?"
"Yeah. I'm kind of nervous though too,"she says chuckling and yawning a bit. "But I can't wait until we actually get there and get to see everything. It's going you be the most beautiful thing that we've ever seen,"she says standing up and stretching slightly again.
"That's not surprising." Sydney had always been the shyer one and also the one who was a little more hesitant to do things. "It will be nice to see." He agreed, watching her as she stretched. A grin formed on his lips as he took a step forward. "But I'm looking at something just as beautiful right now." Amber eyes sparkling in the moonlight.
"Um, I think you've been staying up too long if you think you're seeing something pretty,"she says smiling and poking his nose when he stepped closer. "Come on, you have black under your eyes either you need to stay out of my makeup, or you need sleep. Probably both though,"she says chuckling.
James' grin died down slightly to be replaced by a look of curiosity as he arched a brow at what she was saying. "Huh?" He raised a hand to feel around his eyes. Sure he hadn't been getting much sleep but to everyone else it wasn't noticeable. "Ha ha ha, very funny." Placing a hand on both of her shoulders, he turned his and her body to face the mirror. "Just look at you, you are pretty Sydney." His grin then returned. "But you haven't reached my level of sexiness yet." He snickered.
"Jerk!"She yelled turning around and smacking his chest before cross g her arms over her chest. She looked at him for a little longer before grabbing her juice and walking towards the front door to make sure it was locked."I'm going to bed,"she says simply before walking upstairs and into her room, laying on her bed. She crawled as far to the edge away from the door as shy could before pulling the covers up.over her entire body.
He blinked, taken back while her reaction. In his mind he was hoping she would have made fun of him for saying that about himself. Placing his left hand on where she smacked him it stung and he winced slightly at the pain and didn't even bother to turn and face her. James simply stood there with his head lowered as she checked her door and then went upstairs. Finally his head moved up and he turned back towards the mirror, seething with anger at himself as he reared his right hand that was now a fist and aimed to shatter the glass. But he got himself at the last minute and ditched the attack as he calmed down before walking over to the window.
Sydney laid in bed thinking for awhile about everything, but nothing in particular. She sighed and shook ed her head at herself for reacting like she did. It shouldn't matter what James thought or not. She groaned and walked back downstairs but walked into her bathroom and shut and locked her door quickly before James could see her. She leaned against the door and sat down, all of a sudden, a feeling of wanting to burst into tears over taking her.
Taking his gaze away from the window, he balled his hand back into a fist and raised it up. Though it seemed he was about to strike the window it actually collided with his cheek and then his jaw on the second strike. The burning sensation of immense pain rocketed through his body as he held nothing bad. "Stupid, stupid, stupid." He growled with each punch that hit him. Soon he lowered his fist and fell down to his knees, hunching over slightly. "I'm supposed to be the one who protects her, I'm not supposed to hurt her. That's not something a guy's supposed to do to the girl he loves."
Sydney sat against the wall as tears flowed down her cheeks and her shoulders shook silently. She hated that she had hurt him, and she hated that she was so easily hurt. Even after three years, today was the day that hurt her and made her more sensative than any other day. She pulled her phone out and saw a picture of her mom who had passed away three years before, that day.
Heaving himself up to his feet, James walked over to Sydney's front door and unlocked it before leaving and closing it behind him. "Why didn't I remember?!" He snarled/yelled as he drove down the rode and pulled into the local store's parking lot. Rushing in he bought a few things and quickly went back to his car and drove back to her house. Walking in he locked it again and walked into the living and to a frame that had a picture of his best friend's mother. Placing a bouquet of white lilies in front of it. Then he noticed light coming from the bathroom and walked to it, knocking on the door with his elbow. "Sydney?" James asked in a quiet voice. If she opened the door, she would be greeted by a James who was looking down at the floor and holding a bouquet of tulips, a box of chocolates, an 'I'm sorry' card, and a large teddy bear off to the side.
"Yeah, one sec,"she says quickly standing up and wiping away at her cheeks. Her eyes were still red and puffy, she slowly opened the door and looked down for a second before looking up and meeting eyes with James."Hey,"she says confused a little."What are you doing?"
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