A summer in Italy

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James was really enjoying this little moment, he'd have to do them more often; either to stop her stubbornness or to shut her up at times. This definitely would be an effective method to get his way at times.

Feeling Cheyenne's flinch his eyes narrowed softly, but soon quickly faded as if he hadn't noticed anything. "Yeah...friends." With that he let go of her and returned his arms back to his side while looking at the ceiling. Sometimes he didn't like to be reminded that's all they were.

"Didn't you say you had something planned?" He asked, not bothering to meet her gaze as he asked and instead began to think. "You'll have to wait." The young man then added once she was done whining for the moment before letting out a soft sigh.

Taking a glance at her he then shook his head before returning it to the ceiling. ".....Tell me about the bruises." He suddenly blurted out, his tone and expression becoming very serious and slightly agitated.
"No you said you had something planned,"she chuckled sighing. As she stared upward and thought to herself in silence, she yawned again and sat up, hearing her question she paused immediately.

"What're you talking about? What bruises?"she asks turning her body and crossing her legs. She looks at him and wonders if he somehow found out, and she partly feels bad, and partly doesn't.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have any bruises,"she says sighing and trying to lie her way out of the conversation."Come on let's just go get something to eat before today.

Cheyenne starts to stand up and she looks back at James before slipping some shoes on her bare feet.
Right now he was thinking about just canceling his plans, he was getting pissed that Cheyenne hadn't told him about something important like this. And right now his cap on his anger was pretty low at the moments.

"You know what I'm talking about." James' voice was hoarse as his jaw clenched slightly while he talked. Right now he was trying his best not to start yelling at Cheyenne, it had happened one and he absolutely hated himself for doing it.

"Cheyenne...." Moving to a sitting position and then pulling himself up to his feet, he looked at her window and sighed. "If you don't tell me the truth then I'm leaving and going home. You can spend the rest of your summer here."

James looks at her sadly before going to the door that connected their rooms, "I'm sick of all the lies and you trying to evade my questions. I already had my suspicions your father was up to something." With that he walked into his room and picked up his suit case; placing it on his bed and flipping it open.
Cheyenne sighed and flinched at his words, which hurt a lot more than the bruises ever could. She sat back on her bed and placed her head in her hands. Standing back up, she walked towards James's room and stood between him and his suitcase.

"Stop, James, please,"she begged pressing her hands against his chest to stop his anger."Please calm down and we'll talk. It really doesn't matter but we can talk about it,"she says sadly.

She hated how he would get his was by threatening to leave. It made her upset, angry, and mostly really hurt. The brunette made James sit down before she stood in front of him and took a deep breathe.

"I didn't want to tell you because you'd react exactly like this,"she says sighing, trying to stay calm."Are you sure you even want to know? I don't want you to be mad at anyone, especially me."
James pulled some of his shirts out, tossing them either by or in the suitcase without even looking. There was no point in him staying since this fact was just going to continue lingering in his mind and would slowly eat him. That's just how he was.

Hearing her walk in James turned to face her only to feel Cheyenne's hands pressed against his chest. He was really tempted to just sweep them away from him, but in this state he could hurt her if he acted carelessly.

When she forced him to sit down he wanted to argue and tell her to just go away but his brain stopped him. That would hurt Cheyenne more than anything and eh couldn't do that. Damn it, why did he have to fall for a stubborn girl like her?

"Damn it Cheyenne!" He slammed his foot against the floor, "Any guy who found out the girl he loved was getting hurt would act this way!" Well, they likely wouldn't have been able to reach James' level of rage. "Talk. Now."
Cheyenne crossed her arms over her chest, angry now. She rolled her eyes, and ignored the shock she felt when Jane's said he loved her and instead just went to the anger."No! You have no right to make me tell you anything especially when you don't even tell me anything!"She says.

"Want me to tell you about my bruises? Tell me about your scares! Tell me that they're not my fault that you have them and then I'll know you're lying because the only reason you ever get hurt is because of me!"She says stomping her foot.

"Yeah, that huge scar you won't talk about, I know that it was my fault you have it!"She says with tears in her eyes. She hated to cry and she hated being angry, but then we're two things that he made her the most. She hated when he kept things from her, which was partly why she kept the small bruises from him.

"If you want me to tell you then you'll tell me! No more secrets. No more lies. I'm done with both of them,"she says as a few tears fell. She walked away from him and slammed the door connecting their rooms and locked it, flopping down on her bed.
James' fists clenched against the bed, causing the blankets to crumble in his hands while glaring at her with a harsh look. She had been hiding things longer than him and she had the audacity to start yelling at him while he was trying not to. Now he was really pissed.

When Cheyenne slammed the door that had been the last straw. Throwing himself up from his bed, he walked over to the door and furiously slammed his fist into it. "I bloody, fucking, hate you at times! The scars are all your fault, everything that's happened to me are your fault! Is that what you want to hear?!" He roared and punched the door.

"None of that shit is true! I got these scars of my own volition and my own choices! They might have picked on you but I was the one who decided to hop on my white charger and act as your knight!" James then added and lowered his fist, feeling it throb slightly and bleed from his knuckles. "You're the one who started hiding these first, I've known about your father since your mother died! But I said nothing because I knew it'd hurt you!"

Turning away he took everything and threw it into his suitcase, ignoring the guitar completely he grabbed his suitcase and opened the door to his room and walked out. "We're done, Cheyenne, you've made it blatantly obvious, we do nothing but hide and evade one another... I'm sick of everything so I'm leaving..good bye." James said to her door before walking down the stairs and out the house, without looking at her aunt and uncle.
As Cheyenne heard the yells and the punching through her door, she cried more and clenched the blankets tightly, angry and sadness and hurt all pouring out of her all at once. She heard him in the room next door packing his bags and it hurt her but she couldn't go after him.

Whether he wanted to realize it or not, it was her fault. He had even said it, but in different words. They had been picking on her or doing something bad to her and he would defend her. If they hadn't have known each other, he wouldn't have gotten into the fights to save her.

Cheyenne cried more as she felt conflicted as to if she should run after him or just let him go. If she went after him then it would cause more pain for them both, and he would continue to get more scars when he got in fights to save her. If she didn't go after him then he might stop getting in fights because of her.

Cheyenne stood with tears still falling down her face and she ran out of her door, past her aunt and uncle, and out of the house. She started to run down the sidewalk until she finally came to an empty building. She climbed up the ladder and sat on the edge of the building, looking down.

She had to let James go so that he would be safe. If she didn't then she would be being selfish and it could get him hurt more. The only way she would ever stop herself from going to stop James from leaving her was being up here. She had to wait until he was gone before she come down, and even then she wasn't sure if she could or not.

She was broken and she didn't want to move or eat or sleep, or even breathe. As she waiting up on the top of the building she felt herself breaking more and more inside, not even caring or realizing that a plane wasn't leaving today because it was Sunday, and that her aunt and uncle had tried calling her several times. When she didn't answer her aunts calls, she tried calling James.
James walked down the sidewalk, an expression full of anger and rage which caused everyone in his way to move to the side quickly. If they didn't who knows what could have happened to them, he wasn't in the mood to put up with anyone's bull shit right now.

Finally arriving at the airport, he looked at the flight schedules to see that none would be leaving because of what day it was. "Fuck!" Turning away he gritted his teeth and strode out of the building. He'd have to go find a hotel to spend a night or two until he could get himself an express ticket out of this place.

Finding one James paid for his room and threw his junk in there before locking the door and leaving. Then without a second thought he went to a bar he could tell was serving alcohol to anyone who looked old enough to buy it. Striding in, he shouldered past a few guys before making his way to a bar stool and taking a seat.

"Martini." Gruffly the bartender nodded, taking the money James had placed on the counter before getting his drink. Taking a sip he ignored all the talking, music, and cheerfulness and bliss everyone was having as he simply stewed in his own anger. The alcohol wasn't even doing anything to help.

Feeling his phone vibrate he snarled slightly while fishing it out with his free hand while taking another sip. He really didn't recognize the number at first, especially since it seemed like one from this country and he knew no one that was living here. Then it popped, this had to be wither Cheyenne's aunt or uncle calling.

With a growl he pressed the screen and held it up to his ear while finishing his drink. "What?" Harshly, that was his greeting while the bartender gave him another glass. "I'm done babysitting her, get some other person to do it. I've had enough."
"She's gone,"her aunt says calmly."I wasn't asking you to babysit her, and frankly, neither was she. I was jsut going to ask if she was with you. She left her phone here and I don't know where she went,"she says."If you don't want to 'babysit' her, as you call it, then don't. You never had to pretend like you actually cared or liked her, all she wanted was the truth, and you gave it to her. "

With that being said, Cheyenne's aunt hung the phone up and sighed, knowing Cheyenne would come back when she was ready. As Cheyenne sat at the edge of the building with her legs dangling, she stopped crying, suddenly out of tears. She swung her legs and watched towards the beach which she could see perfect with the view.

Cheyenne sat and began to wonder if she had always caused James so much pain. She knew she should have told him about the bruises but he always got angry at her when she told him things like that, and she hated when he was angry with her. She always thought it meant he hated her. Now she knew it was the truth.

She let the words he yelled at her run through her mind over and over again. He had admitted that he hated her, and that's all she could think about. She pressed her forehead against the railing and scooted to the very very edge of the building.

As she lifted her body up and let go of the railing, her body felt like it was in the air flying, and she immediately forgot about her fear of heights. She forgot out about everything except the three words he had yelled at her. I hate you. That's all it took to make her numb. She closed her eyes and grabbed a hold of the railing again to keep from falling, but then began to let go again.

That was what she wanted right? If she could just turn into a bird and fly away it would solve everything. She could fly away from her problems, her fears, her pain, and everything else that she ruined. All she had to do was let go.
"Well boo-ho for her, maybe she'll rope some other sap into her game then. Lead him along and make him believe she's the only person in the world that cares about him." James retorted as he gulped down his new drink and motioned for another. "Good, that means I'll finally be free to finally live my life, about time I'm not finally led along."

When she hung up on him, he glared at the phone and snorted, "Bitch, if we fought then why bother to call me." Sliding it back into his pocket he waved away a few girls that thought they could talk to him. He was not in the mood to put up with flirting girls right now, they were a pain at times even when not being angry.

But unknown to him, James' brain began to twirl and grind as all the bits and pieces were put together while thinking. Fighting, plus him being angry, all that shit he didn't mean being said, plus her uncle and aunt not knowing where she was met be, big, trouble. Immediately red lights were going off and his eyes widened.

"Oh shit, that stupid blighter!" Realization now dawning on him he hopped out of his chair and full out sprinted from the bar. She couldn't...she wouldn't do something like that...right? She wouldn't do something like that because of what he said, right?

Continuing his all out running around town he wouldn't have found Cheyenne if he hadn't seen the shadow move around on the ground. Looking up all the blood rushed out of his face and his entire body grew cold. No! Quickly he found the stairs and raced up them, not caring about the scratches he was getting from slamming into them or the cuts he got from falling up a step here and there.

"Don't even fucking think about it you idiot!" James' voice roared out as he took ahold of her wrists and pulled her back to the roof. This caused them both to come crashing to the ground and he quickly moved to pin both hands above her head. Droplets of water hitting her face would turn out to be tears falling from his face. "What are you doing?! This is why I never want you around me when I get mad, you can't handle me when I can't hold it back anymore. You can't even tell when I mean the opposite of what I say when I'm angry!" He yelled.

"Why didn't you stop me from leaving?! Why didn't you be your usual stubborn self and figure out that I could never hate you in a million years! Why are you so bloody dense when it comes to my feelings for you and..why...why can't you realize I love you for than anything, Cheyenne?!"
Cheyenne felt herself slammed against the floor and her hands pinned above her and she groaned in a pain a bit. She opened her eyes back up a little and saw James above her and she didn't know what to say or what to do.

As he continued to scream at her and tears fell from his eyes and to her face, she felt her own tears exploding from her eyes. Cheyenne tried pulling her wrists from James grip and squirming away from him, but unfortunately he was much much stronger than her.

"I'm not doing anything! I just want everything to stop! I'm so tired and I don't know what to do anymore!"She says trying to form words with her mouth."I-i just wanted to be free! It felt nice, it felt like I could breath and I don't know!"She yelled back confused and angry at herself.

Cheyenne froze as she heard him ask why she didn't stop him. She let tears continue falling from her eyes and she shook her head."I couldn't stop you! I had to let you go because you always get hurt because of me.... even if you don't want to admit it, you know it. It's my fault. And I can't keep hurting you... I cant.."she says crying and shaking her head.

"I had to let you leave so that you wouldn't hurt anymore because of me.. that way only I would hurt,"she sighed."I can't see you everyday and know that the scars on you are my fault and that you're going to get more because of me.. I'm hurting you everyday... I'm slowly killing you James,"she says calming down and getting her breathing back to normal.

"I'm sorry, James. I'm sorry..."she says shaking her head, disappointed in herself. She looked back up at him with soft eyes, afraid to make eye contact with him.
James glared down at Cheyenne through the tears as she tried to struggle and get away, no way in hell was she getting away before he was done. They really needed to get all this junk sorted out and they were going to do it. down.

Damn it, why couldn't she be a bit more docile in this situation and stop her struggling? It was starting to get slightly annoying as it should be plainly obvious she wouldn't be able to escape from James' grasp.

"So you thought you'd take the easy way out by killing yourself? How fucking stupid can you get? Don't you realize that would cause more pain instead of fixing anything?" He shouted back, forcing Cheyenne's wrists above her head, listening to her yell back at him.

"You think i care about the pain? I don't! This is nothing compared to what you'd feel if I don't shield you from it. If I didn't you'd likely would have pulled a stunt like this sooner." His jaw clenched and he shook his head with a growl. "NO, it's not your fault, the fault is on me because these are the actions I have chosen to lead up to everything!"

"The scars are what keep me going! They show that my life has an actual purpose, that I have reason for being born That my existence is great enough to protect someone precious from the evil of this world, it's not killing me, you're showing me I'm alive rather than being dead inside." He replied while meeting her gaze, though he was still slightly worked up.

"Cheyenne....what ami I to you?' James questioned, meeting her eyes with his own. "Am I a friend, a toy for you to play around with, or do I mean something more to you?"
Cheyenne shakes her head and tries to clear her mind and think."I don't know.. you're you. You're james. You're my best friend. You're the one that makes me happy and smile and you're the one that always knows what to say. You're the one that always makes me mad and angry and just makes me want to jump off a cliff sometimes,"she says sighing.

"You're the person that has always been there for me and has always shielded me from the pain and has always protected me. The one who always makes me do what's right and makes me so mad because he always knows that's best,"cheyenne sighs."I don't know.. you're just you."

"What am I suppose to say to that? You're my best friend.. up until two days ago that's all you ever were to me,"she says as she stops trying to get away from his grip and she rest back into the floor."Now I don't even know.. now you're my best friend who likes to kiss me and I'm just so confused. Then we got into that fight and... I don't know."

"What am I to you? Are you just going to use me like you do ever other girlfriend you've had? Or is it just going to be friends with benefits type thing? After this summer we might not ever see each other anymore James... What's it going to be like then?"

Cheyenne sighed and leaned her head back and stared straight up, letting the tears fall from her eyes without her knowledge. "I didn't mean to keep it from you that long.. I just didn't want you mad at me,"she says quietly, looking down.

"I couldn't stand for you to hate me to.. for you to be disappointed in me just like everyone else,"she says quietly."When you started getting scares and bruises I was scared. You might've chose to do what you did but you wouldn't have chose to do them if you hadn't known me."

"Please just let me up.."she says as she felt the rest of her body getting wet and she realized that it was actually raining now. She sighed and stared up at James with soft, glassy eyes filled with tears."I'm sorry.. I love you I just don't know how yet.."
Cheyenne's response didn't surprise him in the slightest, when it came to making decisions or even speaking about something like this she had a hard time. James couldn't really hold it against her, that was just the way she was and it was also a part of her he thought was pretty adorable at times.

James let out a bitter, forced laugh, "Yeah, a delinquent knows what's best." The young man shook his head while closing both eyes. He didn't know anything so he guessed most of the time and just plowed through without holding back. It seemed to always work.

So...he had always just been a best friend in her eyes from the get-go? He had never been possibly boyfriend material? Seeing how his relationships with several other girls had gone it wasn't surprising since Cheyenne was always the first to find out if he was dumping his latest distraction.

Before he had the chance to open his mouth to speak, he immediately bit on his lip to the point where it bled slightly. "I would never use you, and I wouldn't want that kind of relationship with you. I'd be faithful, always loving and taking care of you, you're the girl I wouldn't mind settling down and starting a family with. If it came down to that I'd hop in my car and come see you whenever I could."

"You really are an idiot." James shook his head, "I'm more mad you hid it from me for so long." Then he bit back the urge to snap at her as Cheyenne said she thought he'd come to hate you. "Stupid...I could never hate you, that's not possible for me." He mumbled, moving to rest his forehead against hers; she could hate him but he could never feel the same about her. "Meeting you was the best thing to ever happen to me....."

Feeling the rain and hearing her pleads, James let go and moved to stand, staggering slightly as all his energy and willpower threatened to leave him. "You better go home, your aunt and uncle are worried." Casting his eyes down to the floor, he offered Cheyenne his hand to help her up.
Cheyenne took his hand and pulled herself into a standing position but grabbed his arm before he could event honk about walking away."James please don't leave. Please,"she said holding on to his arm."How are you suppose to ever conquered your problem if you just run from it?"

"I'm sorry I kept it from you, I won't do it again but you need to promise me that you'll stop getting yourself hurt because of me,"she says quietly knowing he'd never agree to it."Please try. I can't see you get hurt." She looked up at him with soft eyes and another tear fell but she ignored it.

"Come back with me. Don't leave Italy. Don't leave me, please James I need you,"cheyenne says standing in front of him and positioning herself so he couldn't get past her."Please don't run away... We can work it out. I won't keep anything from you and you won't keep anything from me... just don't leave me like everyone else."

Cheyenne stared up at him and pleaded with her eyes for him to stay. Her soft touch holding his wrist gently and running down his arm and taking James tough hand in her soft one."James..."she says holding their hands up to the side where it looking like she was comparing his huge one to her tiny one. "Please stay,"she says helplessly.
It would probably be smart for James to leave now, that's what he would have thought if Cheyenne hadn't grabbed his arm; jarring the thought from his mind. "Cheyenne..." How was he supposed to conquer a problem that he couldn't fight or use his hands to solve?

To the young man running seemed like the only option for him to do, it seemed the safest. Hearing what she was saying he merely turned his gaze away from her and sighed. Cheyenne knew full well that was something James could never promise, there was no way in hell he wouldn't protect her.

Attempting to step around her the plan was foiled as she moved to block his path. Damn it, she had known what James had been trying. "I.." James looked up to meet her gaze and closed his eyes for a few moments before opening them back up to look at her. Was it wise for him to stay, what if he lost control and hurt her again?

But feeling her soft touch and the look in her eyes stopped his thought process, why did she have to be so perfect? Looking at their hands James was quiet for quite a while before he finally made his move. With a light tug he pulled Cheyenne close, enveloping the girl into a hug against his chest while he pressed his face against his neck. "Okay.."
As Cheyenne felt her body being pressed against James again she sighed in relief. She wasn't sure what she wouldn't done if she had to say goodbye to him. If she had to leave him and never see him again. She didn't want to think about it and she hoped that she wouldn't have to.

Cheyenne slowly grabbed ahold of James shirt to keep him close to her. She buried her face in his shoulder and took a deep breath, taking in his scent. As she finally pulled back from him just a little bit, she felt raindrops hitting her cheeks."Come on let's go. It's cold,"she says slowly, still holding onto him.

At this point she was terrified that if she let go of him, even if for only a second, he would disappear and be gone forever. She couldn't and wouldn't let him do that. She would rather him yell at her every day for the rest of her life than to not be able to ever see him again.

As they climbed down the latter carefully and began walking down the sidewalk towards the hotel that James had put his stuff at, she stayed quiet, not saying anything. She took the time to think about everything that had just happened. Everything that James had just said to her.

She had almost lost her best friend because she had kept a secret about her bruises. She are her dad. She had never liked him but he was the reason why she almost lost James. If he wouldn't have hit her and gave her to bruises and she wouldn't have kept anything from him. She wouldn't have been fighting with him or anything.

The one good thing that did come out of today was Cheyenne hearing everything he had to say. Everything that was on James mind he said. He thought that he was going to lose her. She had heard it all and she couldn't believe most of it.

As they got to his hotel she stood outside his room."Are you going to stay here tonight since you got the room or come back with me?"she says. Cheyenne didn't ant him to stay, or if he did she wanted to stay with him. She didn't want to be away from him at all.
All this grief, all this crap happened because of a couple bruises and a few scars. It was a pitiful reason for a fight to happen but this had been something that had been stewing for years. And in his mind this fight was something they both had needed; to vent their feelings and get everything out.

While this could have been handled better James wasn't known for holding back his thoughts or feelings. It was just the way he was, the man spoke his mind to anybody, regardless of who they were or their social standing. When Cheyenne urged him to go because it was getting cold, he nodded.

Going down the ladder and walking on the side walk he mirrored her and said nothing as they simply walked in the dreary silence. They were both recovering from the previous counter and probably needed this time to organize their thoughts and everything that happened.

The main question in James' mind was how their relationship was going to be from now on. Would they continue on with their lives like nothing happened? Or would they both change as how they saw each other was brought out into the light; had they grown further apart? He really hoped not.

Why couldn't life ever be easy instead of this harsh and cruel game that toyed with people? It seemed there was more bad and corruption in the world than there was of goodness and happiness. Where did the darkness end and the light begin, or was there even any light at all after getting through this?

Arriving at the hotel he took her up to his room, unlocking the door and walking in before heading straight to the bathroom. Grabbing a towel James started to rub it against his face and air before finishing and grabbing a new one before walking back out.

"I'm staying here." Tossing the towel in Cheyenne's direction James then motioned for her to come in. "Just like you are, there's no point walking in the rain and getting sick." Turning away from her he unzipped his suitcase, pulling out a t-shirt and shorts then tossed them onto the bed. "After you dry off put those on and call your aunt to let her know you're alright."
Cheyenne caught the towel and she picked up the shorts and tshirt. As she walked into he bathroom and dried off, she changed but the shorts kept falling off of her and didn't have a string to pull and get them tighter.

Sighing, she noticed the shirt went nearly to her fingertips so she figured she'd be fine. She walked out of the bathroom and handed him the shorts."They don't fit. I'll be okay like this,"she says taking his phone and dialing her aunts number.

Cheyenne took a seat in as chair and turned her back towards James slightly as her aunt answered and she told her where she was and that they were fine. After getting off the phone it her, she gave James his phone back and crawled up on the bed. She waited until he was done doing everything he needed to do before she decided to talk to him.

"James,"she says looking at him. She says his name so softly that it sounded like a whisper, but a yell echoing in the room at the same time. "Can we talk please,"she says softly. She felt like there was obvious tension between them and she hated it. She didn't want them to drift more apart, so she had to top it before things got worse.
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