A Spark

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"Safe? Who ever said I wanted to be safe?" he said, smiling slightly at her.
One corner of her mouth pulled up into a smile. "If I wanted safe, I wouldn't be here." She nodded, her expression growing into a full smile. Let's try this again, who is this guy? "What do you want?"
At this, he looked out over the moonlight waters, deep in thought, "I...I don't know. I guess I just want someone to call my own, someone who I can share my feelings and hopes with."
"A lovely dangerous dream." She told him, the sort that breaks she thought.
He sighed, "Sometimes I think I long for danger."
"That I believe, you act like it." She said honestly, he would run ahead into anything, experienced or not.
He smirked slightly, trying to choose his words carefully. He didn't want to ruin this. "Can...can I be honest with you?"
She nodded, she wanted to know more about the mystery man, what would he say when finally being honest.
"Alexis...since...since I met you...I...I've had hope. That's something I don't have a lot of..." he said, looking down at his hands nervously, "I...I have feelings for you that I've never really felt for anyone, and I know that sounds weird, but I mean it..."he said, blushing fiercely.
She blushed, and asked the most baffling question "Hope?"
She wanting him to explain, she had a million questions. How had she given him hope? What difference did it make, what was he doing with said hope? Was it only for a girlfriend? Or for something more?
He shifted uncomfortably, thinking for a moment, "I...I've never really had anyone who understands me, someone I can spend time with, someone I can love...I mean uh...have feelings for..."
Alexis swallowed again. That was exactly it! The nail hit on the head. "But what if we spend more time together only to find out it isn't working?"
"That's a risk I'm willing to take," he said, looking into her eyes.
She looked away at the water considering possibilities, but knew she would be a fool to push someone away who actually understood. She turned to face him nodding "Me too."
His hesitation gave her opportunity to strengthen her resolve. "Yes. You understand."
He thought deeply for a few moments, then looked up at her, "Alexis...I...I think I love you. Would you be willing to give us a chance?"
Her blue eyes were wet, but not with sorrow. "Lets take the chance." she whispered, a smile growing on her face.
He looked into her eyes, a single tear trickling down his cheek. "Okay," he said waveringly, taking her hand in his, squeezing it lightly.
She tried not to let any of her tears escape, an infinitely harder feat when someone else was crying. So Alexis squeezed his hand in return and looked out at the ocean. "You wanna do something after this?"