A Spark

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Understanding lit his eyes, he turned his gaze back to Alexis "Oh, and why do you need ME to hide it from your dear old Dad? Shouldn't you have thought of this before you bought it?"

"I was going to leave it in the garage downtown but then I needed my card and I'm sure he froze my account as soon as the pending transaction came up."
"Then you really didn't have a working plan, what did you think he was going to do?"
Alexis looked at him pleadingly, James ignored it looking at Felix instead "So Felix, what is your part in all this?"
"Uh... I uh..." he stutters, not even sure that he actually HAD a part in all this.
James shook his head a little, "She doesn't know what she's doing either." He sat back in his chair. "Alright let's figure this out. Theoretically the bike it's taken care of, then what?"
"Then I get a cab, drop Felix off, and am home for dinner and lectures." She told him.
"and Daddy takes away your card."
"Not until he reopens my account...they get money and I already have the bike."
"Alexis! You're driving a bike you haven't paid for!"
At this, Felix becomes visibly pale, looking very worried.
"I signed all the papers and left my card there it will go through" she snapped back.
"They will just have to forgive your theft because you are cute and have money? Not everyone is at your disposal!"
Alexis protested but could hardly get a word in edgewise as James continued to lecture "...and what about Felix, he will face consequences because of your decision to. Did he know how much trouble you were trying to get into?"
At that Alexis shrank "I promised he wouldn't get in trouble." she said quietly to the desk.
Felix suddenly looked very alarmed, "Wait a minute, what exactly have you gotten me into!?"
She forced herself to look up at him "Your name isn't on anything, they won't know who went with me. You can go home and forget about it. I'm the one sneaking out and getting the bike." She said then looked back at James "It was my idea, he didn't do anything."
He looks a little sad as she speaks of him going home.
"No. People are not at your disposal." James told her. "You can't just go risking other people's reputations just because you think you are immune. How do you know Felix. No, wait." he held up a hand to keep her from answering.
"Felix, excuse me. I should be talking to you first. How do you know Alexis?"
"I...I uh....we met this afternoon at the library," he says, looking down at his hands awkwardly.
"This afternoon?" He shook his head and became even more determined "If you want to get away from this crazy girl I understand. Otherwise, please do me a favor and do something with her again. Do something normal." He took out a piece of paper and after writing on it quickly handed it to Felix. It had Alexis' name address and phone number on it.

Alexis sat quietly wondering if Felix would want to avoid and forget her after all that had happened today, if he would dare to call.
He took the paper shakily, stuffing it into his pocket.
"Alright" James said standing up. "There isn't much more I can do here, it all depends on Uncle Damion, so lets work this socalled 'plan' I'll take you home." He told them gathering his things up and leading the way to his car, stopping briefly to admire the Bike that he really would love to drive. "That is not what I would expect you to choose." he told Alexis.
"I didn't. Felix picked it out." she replied and climbed into the backseat of his car that was significantly more comfortable than the cab they had been in earlier.
"Oh yeah? You have good taste." James told him, all the lecture gone from his voice leaving only the wonder of a boy with new toys.
Felix grinned, blushing slightly, adjusting his glasses on his nose, "Uh..thanks"
Alexis couldn't settle into the seat, her shoulders were tense. Consequences were easy to ignore from a distance but she dreaded facing them, and the time had dwindled from hours into minutes before she would be home. She tried to smile but it was shallow and empty, she sat fidgeting.

James started the car and pulled out of his spot asking "Alright, where to Felix?"
"398, Thalia Square," he said, still beaming with pride at the compliment.
Alexis glanced at Felix, he did look happy, and he was breathing much more easily than he had been before, that added substance to her own smile. At least one of them would get out of this alright. "So what will you do with the rest of your day?" She asked curiously.
He shrugged his shoulders, staring off into space with a dreamy look.
Alexis sighed, she didn't want to think about her evening and spent the drive to Felix's looking out the window at the scenery instead.

"It was good to meet you Felix." James said as they turned onto Thalia.
"Likewise," he said, in a quite confident manner. It was something indeed. It appeared that when speaking to this man, he was at ease, but when speaking to the girl, quite nervous. Very curious, to be sure.