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[fieldbox=The Change, #ff99cc]
Zahara & Jorvan
In the Middle of Nowhere
Amber @Oetje
Jorvan and Zahara are on the way towards Frosthold but hold camp as the sky darkens, with the evening approaching. Once making camp, Zahara and Jorvan engage in some interaction resulting in Jorvan giving his opinion on the situation with the Blood Brothers and Zahara trying to ease the tension between them by teaching Jorvan how to waltz.

collab between @Gerontis and @Kit Kat

The camp was set within a hour. The entourage existed out of a few women who served Zahara as handmaidens and then there was a group of household guards. A few who Jorvan had trained with and he was well aware that they were vigilant and capable fighters. After the watches had been set and dinner, which had been a simple soup, had been prepared Jorvan had fallen back to the front of his tent. Sharpening his battle-axe, he wondered briefly how Arthur was doing. Jorvan didn't consider that Arthur would fall in battle. They had experienced too much to just perish.

Deciding to push the thoughts of his sibling away, Jorvan would continue to sharpen the edge of the axe with the whetstone. In a slow and controlled pace, he made certain to not make any mistakes. After a few strokes he would oil the steel before deciding that he should take it easy. With the presence of the household guards, there wasn't any need for him to be vigilant or to be on watch. Which was actually a relief. A quick look towards the sky made it clear that the chances were big that it would remain dry. The absence of any clouds made Jorvan wager that they wouldn't need to fear any bad weather this night.

A nice, cool breeze rustled the red and orange leaves slightly. Zahara pulled her long, dark blue cloak closer to her body and passed the needle again through the embroidery hoop. Three young ladies sat at Zahara's side. Demetria, the youngest, had soft, curly brown hair, and a gift for playing the flute and writing poetry. Katryna, a blonde haired woman, would embroider flowers all day if she could, and Alena, a quiet lady, was as witty as she was wise. The fire crackled and gave off a warming aura, but did not settle the uncertainty in Zahara's heart. Her sister was going out to the battlefield, something she'd never imagine would happen in a long time, or at all. She took a deep breath and sewed another stitch.

"Ow." She pulled her hand back. "You've pricked yourself, m'lady," Katryna spoke and touched Zahara's hand to further examine the source of bleeding. Zahara shook her head and ran her thumb over the small point of blood near the end of her pointer finger. "It's just a prick. Nothing to worry about," she sighed as Demetria went over to a bag and grabbed a small bottle of ointment and dressing. Zahara held her tongue as Demetria took care of the small nick. "I don't need any dressings. Thank you," she spoke hurriedly, though politely. "Play me some music. Please." The young lady took out a simple wooden flute from her bag and began to play a gentle tune. Zahara took another deep breath and began to embroider again.

The picture that she'd intended to form inside the hoop was not what she saw. She pursed her lips in frustration and handed her embroidery to Alena. "Fix it," she mumbled, and stood up. "I'm going for a walk," she announced and began to walk away from the center fire. One of the guards caught up to her and spoke in a brisk tone, so as to not keep her waiting, "Please don't stray too far from the camp, m'lady. I'll accompany you for your safety."

"You won't accompany me at all. If anyone's accompanying me, it's the man that Lady Trevelyan sent to protect me. Not you."

She turned on her heel and walked off, alongside the creek that flowed silently upstream. The guard went back to camp and stood firm.

"Ser Jorick, Lady Zahara requests your presence."

Jorvan looked up to the guard that stated that 'Lady Zahara' requested his presence. A soft sighed escaped Jorvan as he would rise up and nodded to the guard. He wasn't entirely certain what to expect as he couldn't really consider the exchanges between him and Zahara to be of the most friendly nature. Just leaving his battle axe behind at his tent and other possessions, his left hand rested on the pommel of his sheathed blade as he walked towards Zahara's position. He noticed that she was walking away from the center fire, which made Jorvan anything but feel comfortable. Slightly picking up the pace, he managed to caught up to her. "You requested my presence?" Jorvan asked, his eyebrows slightly perking up but his tone holding no sarcasm.

"No, I didn't. He only came to you and told you a lie out of obligation to my sister. My sister wants you to protect me which means that I also have to abide by her guidelines and allow myself to be protected by a man. I don't expect anything from you."

A soft snort followed from Jorvan after Zahara's answer. "You sure know how to bring the situation to a charming description." He mumbled in return. "Though you must agree it is curious why you allow me to guard you and not one of those men, sworn to your house instead of a bloody sellsword. Or," Jorvan's eyebrows slightly perked up as he seemed to hold back a laugh, eyeing Zahara quickly, "You have grown to my company? Which is completely fine. I have a certain attraction that some can't get enough from." Jorvan hooked his thumbs behind his belt, snickering about his own 'statement'.

"What?" Zahara stopped and faced Ser Jorick, baffled by his statement. "You think I like it when you parade around me and claim that you're only protecting me? I would've been just fine on my own had the other guard not told you I wanted you to walk with me. Everyone knows I dislike being escorted around like some child. You're just doing your job, unless you truly want to return to camp and slack off, then by all means, please leave. I wouldn't mind my sister cutting down on your pay." Zahara's hands curled into her skirts as she walked on and pulled a loose strand of long hair back. "She could use those dragons to fund the war she's planning to start with the Blood Brothers, can't she?"

"Well, not if you are putting it like that." Jorvan mumbled, on her 'question' if she liked to be escorted and guarded. "And wait, are you blackmailing me right now? Oh, that is just low, m'lady." Jorvan gained a wry smile as his head slightly tilted to the left as he pondered about something. "Technically, I doubt it will be a war with the Blood Brothers. If anything, I doubt it will come to a large battle if your sister plays her cards well. She outnumbers the Blood Brothers. Just doesn't have the exact same quality with her levies but that is military talk. I doubt you have any interest in talking about bloodshed. Or in anything at all." The last sentence was more of a muttering underneath his breath as he kept following her, a step between them as he didn't want to rile her more than she seemed to be. "Perhaps getting some nightrest would be beneficial, m'lady?"

Zahara continued to trek, her mind whirling with the complexity of her own thoughts and feelings. Amber had never done something like this before. She wasn't experienced in being a leader. Zahara felt another twinge of annoyance rush through but she took a deep, staggering breath, as if she was trying not to let her emotions get the best of her. She blinked her eyes free of tears and turned so suddenly on the man. "How are you sure it won't come to a large battle? How? What makes you so sure that it will be nothing more than just some bloodshed? What proof do you have that makes everything seem alright in your book? Tell me," she demanded, chest heaving quickly. She felt desperate to know. Why was it such a casual topic of conversation for him? Didn't he know that her sister, his leader, was about to go out into some monstrous battle and could very well die? She took another deep breath and tried to calm down. "Just- just tell me."

He would let her make her demands. Remaining calm about the whole topic, he hold back a shrug and the short answer that he was good in guessing these kinds of things. but he doubted that she would take that in a good way. "That is cause I served underneath various people. Some good in making plans and tactics and some who utterly failed at it. Let alone, the fact that I am aware how many of the Blood Brothers are currently employed as how large your house's military is. Your sister has more troops. The problem resides with the fact that the Blood Brothers have more quality equipment and training as experience. The whole reason why your father was keen on using them. But, calm yourself, woman." Jorvan said, his tone and expression still casual.

"If the Blood Brothers are still led by a captain that goes by the name Torrack, he will fall for what your sister has planned. The Blood Brothers will fbe led into a trap and their spread out forces will be taken out with relative ease. So yes, I am quite calm about this as I sincerely doubt your sister would just charge into battle and see lives being lost for some personal glory. I might not know much about matters like dancing but I know how these things work."

"I- I am trying with every fiber of my being to stay calm so you don't get to tell me to stay calm," Zahara stated through gritted teeth. "Are they really that stupid, though? These Blood Brothers? You don't think that they would look inside the crates first and realize it's not actually coin? Or think, what if they opened it when they got home, then came back for revenge? Do you understand that?"

"You are? Gods, I must then teach you how to keep yourself calm, eh?" Jorvan simply jokingly retorted at first, regarding Zahara stating she tried to remain calm. "No. I wouldn't call them stupid but they are eager to get their demanded gold to then proceed to a new contractor. Besides, the moment that they flock to the carts with the crates, I think they will be dead within a few seconds or finding themselves ambushed. So, really, I doubt that the Blood Brothers will remain a problem for long unless they have a new and smarter commander. Then again, it was pretty reckless and stupid for them to split among various villages. If I were in charge of those bastards, I would have kept them all in one village. Easier to consolidate a proper defence and more of a chance to enforce demands."

Pausing for a moment, Jorvan sighed out loud.

"I get that you are worried but how much experience do you have with waging battle or military tactics? If you have none, what is the problem with just trusting on my words?"

Zahara pressed her lips together, well aware of his annoyance and her pushiness. She never made things easier for anyone; Zahara knew that. "You'd think I'm an idiot if I told you why," she responded in a calm manner. "Men who kill are so brave, they don't have time to feel any petty emotions before they slaughter their enemies. You just do it."

"I might think you are an idiot for other reasons but that isn't yet the case, dove," Jorvan said, a wry smile flowed on the man's lips. "And truth be told, the feelings usually surface afterwards. With some, that is. Once you have seen and experienced enough of the nasty ordeal, it becomes less haunting. Still," His voice became a tad colder as the corner of his lips moved a bit down. "No need to say such things. After all, how many men did you kill? Or have you never been in the need to defend yourself or kin from somebody who desired to see their blood flow? I imagine that might change your perspective a bit on killing and fighting."

Dove. Who in the Mother's name does he think he is? Calling me 'Dove'...

"I've never killed a man nor have I ever been in the need to defend myself, at least, from those who wanted to spill my blood. I've never done it because I've never been good at what my sister does. I can't kill, I can't wield a sword, or use a shield. I'm just not good at it and my sister, she's amazing at it but..." Zahara took another deep breath and sighed. "She's new to this, taking charge, and just... just doing it, and I don't know if she's doing alright right now or if she's bleeding to death. She's all I've got and if she ever fell in battle..." Zahara trailed off and felt her eyes become blurry, but she held back once more and stood up straight. "If she ever fell, I don't know what I'd do. I'd feel lost and I... I feel just as lost right now." Zahara could feel her cheeks grow warm in embarrassment as she questioned in a gentler tone, "Is that so terrible?"

"You never killed a man or been in need to defend yourself, yet you talk as if those who do are lesser." Jorvan said in a manner as if he was questioning the mere reasoning of the statement. "Look, I get it that you're distressed and all, but if you are going to just worry and take the worst for granted then it isn't going to be any better. It isn't terrible at all. Just shows that you are worried. But you got other stuff to worry about than just constant fret about your sister. A bit of trust and faith is required, I reckon. So please, take a deep breath and try to calm down before the guards will think that I am trying to do something horrible to you."

"This is the first time after that meeting that I've "fretted" about my sister. Show some sympathy and please, don't worry about what the guards think. I'll make sure they think otherwise," Zahara explained in a droll tone, arms crossed over her chest. She looked at him, dropped her arms, and let one hand rest lightly on his shoulder. "Are you still interested in learning how to dance, Ser Jorick?"

He nodded but felt still wary. If anything he rather avoided to be in a pickle with anybody or have Zahara try to clear the situation up. What was the saying again? Prevention was better than patching or something. When she placed a hand on his shoulder, Jorvan considered the offer once more. "I might be. But only if you feel more at ease. I am no expert on dancing but if you are still fretting a lot, I have to suggest to get some sleep could be better." He replied, leaving the choice up to her.

Zahara felt the corners of her lips raise in amusement and stepped forward, closing the space in between them almost immediately. She placed his right hand below her left shoulder blade and took his other hand into her right hand while her left hand rested on his shoulder. "Who said I was fretting, hm? Stand up straight, Ser. We don't want to look lousy, now do we?"

This was certainly different from how dancing went down in a tavern, was what went through Jorvan's mind. His eyes locked on Zahara's as his eyebrows lightly perked up. "I suppose not. But what now? This doesn't seem like dancing to me." He wondered how they were supposed to move if they were this close together. Briefly Jorvan wondered if this was some kind of joke.

Zahara chuckled briefly, "Now, when I move my right foot back, you move your left foot forward." Jorvan took a step forward just as Zahara stepped back. "Now, follow my feet as I move to the left side. And step back with your right foot." Jorvan followed her instructions with ease. "Now, to the right." They moved to the right. "And back again." Lady Zahara and Ser Jorick continued this monotonous maneuver for a few tries. "As you move forward, then to your right side, back, and to your left side do you feel like you're moving around in a box shape?"

"What is this? This isn't dancing." Jorvan grumbled as he certainly found this kind of dancing foreign to what he was used to.

"You're just not used to the dances that we do. Now, I'm going lean back a little, but don't let go and keep your chin up. We'll execute the same steps in longer strides now." The pair continued a while longer as Zahara gradually introduced Ser Jorick to moving around their alleged "ballroom floor" and allowing her the chance to twirl on her own a few times. "How do you feel right now? Does it still feel like we're not dancing?" Zahara teased as they glided across the field.

Don't let go? Wait, what was she planning? Jorvan did not let go but he didn't feel any more comfortable with it. Though nothing seemed to go wrong the question on how he felt, Jorvan frowned slightly. "I feel out of place, I guess." He muttered as he wondered why nobles found it necessary to have these kind of dances. It seemed to restrictive and rigid compared to how people made merry in taverns and inns. "Seriously, I feel like you are pulling a prank on me."

He felt out of place; perhaps it was best to stop now. "I understand how you feel. We've been dancing for a while now though. Why does it feel like a prank?" She pulled away from him, aware that he was uncomfortable and figured it'd be best to take a more innovative approach. "How do they dance where you're from?"

"Cause dancing shouldn't be that rigid and... feeling odd." Jorvan said, wondering if he was saying anything odd. Rolling with his left shoulder, he wasn't entirely sure how to explain it. She didn't seem as the type that would go to a tavern or really being able to fit in with such 'folk' "Simple, just dance. Just go with your guts, I guess that is one way to explain it. Not something as that you need to learn steps and movements but just enjoy yourself." His frown briefly returned but he considered that he wasn't probably doing a decent job on how to explain it properly. "But thanks for teaching me that. I appreciate it."

"You don't need to thank me. I'm just... doing what I think is best." She pulled her hair behind her ear and glanced at the sky. "We should head back. It's dark now and they're probably wondering where we are."

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[fieldbox=Arthur, #FFBF00]

House Trevelyan Armoury

In the armory, Arthur stood in front of his neatly arranged gear, pressing his left forearm against his arm brace as he pulled the last of its straps. He turned his wrists to see how it felt. He ran his hand across the cuts on the leather brace. His hand stopped on one cut in particular, which seemed to have been stitched and melded, but in the cracks, he could see a speck of the scar tissue on his skin under the brace. A mischievous grin crept up his lips as he thought back to the fight he got the wound. After a few moments of standing still, he grabbed the leather jacket and slid it on, followed by the belt with his swords attached, tacking it on his waist. Just as he had finished gearing up, strapping his boots and laces, the door swung open.

"Ser Arthur?" the burly, large soldier blurted out. He looked up and down the blacksmith for a moment, almost appalled at the young man's crude looks. Arthur didn't look like a soldier in any case. His armour was the most proper thing about him. The rough of his palm was clear even from a distance, and it didn't help his image that he wielded an outrageous weapon like a hammer instead of the eleagant blade. Arthur mockingly returned the man's gaze. "What'd'ya want?" he asked. The soldier snapped back to reality, forcing himself to continue. "Lady Trevelyan would be delighted to have you accompany her." Arthur continued the mocking stare. "Oh." He turned away and grasped the warhammer and lifted it from just under the hammer itself. He slung over a small satchel with a small round shield identical to what many of the footsoldiers carried over his shoulder and walked over to the door. He seemed to be muttering something the whole way, but the soldier only understood what he was saying when the blacksmith passed through the door. The man's eyes opened wide as if he'd been struck. When he turned to follow the young man, he saw him turning around the corner towards the gate. He quickly walked after him and caught up.

"You mind your tongue, sellsword!" he said only to be ignored. He remained still, breathing heavily and deeply to calm himself as the crude blacksmith walked away.

Arthur reached the front gate as the forces began gathering. He leaned on the back of his hammer's body, staring at the soldiers gathering, sharing a glare with the soldier sent for him with a wicked grin across his lips.

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[fieldbox=Darion Foxworth, white]

The Gray Fox in the service of House Trevelyan

" Thank you for your service! "

The old clerk gave Darion a small pouch of coins, much smaller than what was in the original contract that he signed before departing. He gave a questioning look, one that could not escape the attention of the clerk. " Our deepest apologies, kind man. Hard times and ... ", tried to continue the clerk, but Darion raised his hand to silence him. " No need for apologies! I serve out of my loyalty, not because of my love of coin! ", Darion proclaimed. Though a few coins for a nice keg of ale would not hurt, he thought to himself. Respectfuly nodding his head, he left the room and walked towards his own rented room in a tavern.

Upon asking some troops, without a doubt heading outside of the walls of Tornburg, undoubtedly to join the other troops he saw out there. Upon asking them he learned worrying news. The Blood Brothers ... damn morons, he though for himself. From what whispers he heard about the group, they were not to be taken easily. Darion doubled his pace to his room, he left a few coins to the maid as rent for his room, and he made for it. He then laid down his swords on the table, together with the rest of his gear.

He then proceeded to inspect it thoroughly. There is no way I can ignore this, he though to himself. He found his armor in a fine condition, not needing any quick fixes or reparis to it. His weapons were fine, aside of his two handed sword. He then proceeded to clean the blade with a piece of linen cloth, and reached for his sharpening stone. He worked thoroughly on the blade, especially the lower parts of it - he kept the upper part of the blade dull on purpose. It took him a few minutes to achieve the desired results, and lied down onto his bad for a bit.

He woke up about after thirty minutes of a quick nap, but felt refreshed. He strapped on his gear, filled his pouches with some coin and travel ratios for the march that was bound to happen. He asked the maid to fill his drinking pouch with ale and he headed out. He then took the horse that he rode on his previous work for House Trevelyan and had him saddled again. I know I am pushing you hard, buddy. I will make it up to you, he though to himself as scratched the white horse he was about to ride.

Upon having him straddled, he quickly mounted it and started to make his way towards the gathering of the troops.

" This is my chance to prove myself to House Trevelyan.
I shall not fail. "
[fieldbox=Only the Wind Knows All || Meera Marric, violet]

-Frosthold||The Gates-

Meera Marric, Eldest Daughter of the late Lord Marric, stood tall and proud as she gave the command to lift the heavy iron gate that separated the Frosthold from the outside world. Leaning slightly over to Ida she whispered "I've always wanted to do that" With a slight smirk appearing on the lady's face. Her twin brother Alexander stood firmly beside her as a few servants stood waiting too collect and unload the Faerson's things. It was important to impress and gain the respect of their banner men house. Watching the horse draw near, her hazel eyes scanned over the Faerson's before they rode in to the Frosthold. Meera waited a moment before addressing those near her.

"Welcome to the Frosthold, On behalf of Lord Marric we welcome you." She gave a polite curtesy before continuing. "I'm Lord Marric's advisor and eldest sister Meera Marric. This is my brother Alexander Marric." She gave a slight introduction of her brother before adding. "It is our honor to have you with us for as long as you wish. Our people will show you to your rooms." She said, nodding to the servants standing idly by, at her command they began helping unload and taking luggage and packages into the main part of the Frosthold. After the formal introductions Meera approached the two Faerson siblings, Rydan and Sanah. With another curtesy she gave a warm smile, her heart beat racing slightly. "Hello Lord Faerson, Lady Sanah. It's a pleasure to have you, we were so honored that you agreed to come. I'm sure Liana will be thrilled to see you." She gave them a slightly larger smile this time. "I'm sure she's in the castle with Lord Marric, someone should be able to find her for you. If you'll please excuse me" She said with a small bow of her head before turning on her heels and pacing away from the front gates. Looking to Alex she said softly "I'm going to get some air, make sure everything is running smoothly please" She said, a pleading look in her eyes to her brother, before calling to Valeria and Ida to follow her.

After they were a few yards away Meera stood with her back against the stone wall. She closed her eyes and let the winds breeze blow over her, calming her fears. "I'm terrified Ida, this banquet could either go well.. or end in disaster." She gave a soft sigh before looking around, her soft hazel eyes landing on the southern bastard. Her heart fluttered at the very sight of him and before she knew it her feet were taking her towards him. Looking over her shoulder she gave a pleading look to Ida before lowering her voice to say "Could you feed Valeria for me and keep an eye on the banquet preparations.. I'll be there in a few minutes" She hoped her best friend would see her pleading eyes to just have a second alone with the tanned male that captivated her attention. As she made her way over to him she thought about what to say before reaching him and placing a hand on his shoulder. "Hello Hel" She said with a soft smile.

Ida Torrington @Wolverbells
Her Sand @Juszen❤Sunshine™
Alexander Marric @Jason Targaryen
Faerson Siblings @zane620 @Lesli

Anselm Marric @AceSorcerer

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[fieldbox=The Right Course of Action, royalblue]
[ Amber Trevelyan ]
[ Lady of House Trevelyan ]
- In Tornburg-

Exiting the keep Amber went towards the stables. A few of her household guards were already mounted and clearly ready to head out. A stableboy held a steed ready for Amber, holding on to the reins. The large courser, which had a dark brown complexion, seemed eager as it shook its head the moment that Amber approached the beautiful animal. Giving her helmet to one of her guards, she would mount the stallion. On top of the animal, Amber would state thanks to the stableboy before starting to steer the horse and make it go at a calm pace. Heading out of the protection of Tornburg's stone walls and gate, Amber saw the gathering of troops. The carts that were readied for her 'convoy' seemed almost ready as did the troops that were rallied around them. Many of them were men-at-arms that were decentish equipped in both armour and weapons. The Blood Brothers still had the advantage when it came down to equipment but, at least, she wasn't bringing frightened peasants to the fight. Or in any case, just a few as she found it necessary to bring a few levied forced into the mix.

As the carts were still being prepared, Amber decided to use the time to speak and interact with various gathered people. There were a few men who seemed quite eager to be put to the test as others were worried. Amber repeatedly got the suggestion if it wouldn't be wiser to stay at home. A suggestion she answered with an amused statement that she would get rusty if she wouldn't get into the mix. Then again, if her plan would go without any flaw then there wouldn't be much for her to get into. Further exchanges with the present soldiers that would go with her to the main location of the Blood Brothers would slightly bolster the morale as Amber was used how many of the soldiers spoke and acted. The brutal honesty and grim jokes weren't perhaps loved or appreciated by many in a noble's court, the atmosphere and attitude many soldiers and commoners had were different. And the difference wasn't either lost or disliked by Amber. In fact, she found the lack of feigned politeness much better than the constant need to follow a certain etiquette that hides disdain and scheming.

Once she received word that the carts for her 'convoy' were ready, Amber also received word that Arthur and Darion Foxworth would join her group. Though eager to seek out the two sellswords, to get them a tad more involved with the imminent action, Amber decided that there would be time later for such interaction. Dispatching orders, various carts would be pulled by horses as her force would form a protective convoy around it. Riding near the head of the convoy, Amber wondered if Lionel and Owen Trevelyan together with Anderson were moving to towards their own position. While she was confident that they all commanded enough of the Trevelyan's forces to take down the separated Blood Brothers, she was hoping for minimal casualties.

A few hours later.
Near the village of Rensworth.

The march towards the small village of Rensworth went without any problems. Likely there was nobody stupid enough to just try to ambush a military convoy of the size Amber was commanding. Now that they were nearing the village, Amber decided to halt the march.

"Send a rider towards the position of my uncle and one to my cousin. Make them know that they will need to strike when the timing is right as I will deal with the head of the serpent." The instruction was given with a grim tone as Amber's eyes were settled on the sight of Rensworth. A wooden palisade formed the village's defence. Mostly effective against threats like wildlife or some small bands of bandits. But not a superb effective defensive measure against organised groups that were also quite well equipped, trained and armed. Such as the Blood Brothers. The village had three entrances. The largest entrance was a thick wooden gate that could be closed and somewhat reinforced, located to the direction Amber's force was approaching. Then to the north and east, there were two smaller gates. Located on a steep hill, Rensworth enjoyed some natural defence. Only making Amber more reluctant to seek a direct confrontation with the Blood mercenary company.

"Move the carts into place. I want half of the company to guard them and move up with me!" Amber ordered as she steered her steed, while half of the company would do as they were being told. Riding a bit to the back of the force, her eyes sought for the two men that she wanted to request a favour from. "You," Amber threw a look over her shoulder towards one of the household guards on horseback, who ride behind her. "Search Darion Foxworths. State he needs to go with around forty men to the west and lay in wait. I want him to stay in hiding until the horns are blown. Then he needs to quickly enter Rensworth and drive any Blood bastard out of that village and ensure the people's safety."

The household guard nodded as he quickly would turn his horse to pass on the command. Amber threw a look at another of her guard.
"You, get the sellsword Arthur. Get him to gather around thirty of my men at arms and lay in wait, east of here. Not too fair as I want him to be ready to flank the Blood Brothers when they come out to get to the wagons. They need to wait until the signal, which will be the horns blowing."
The man that was instructed to pass on the command would nod before he would be on his way. A sigh escaped Amber as she would watch how her force started to move into the plan. The wagons and carts that were loaded with crates were pushed and pulled forward. The remaining number of the force that remained around the wagons and thus under her command for this coming event, would number to a total of one hundred sixty. Hopefully, enough to still outnumber the Blood Brothers in Rensworth but Amber decided to not hope for that. Hoping for something wouldn't get her anywhere, at all.

Riding towards the front, she already noticed some movement at the main entrance of Rensworth.
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[fieldbox=A night to remember? - Part I, crimson]
Lady Zahara of House Trevelyan's entourage,
On the way from Tornburg to Frosthold.

A collab between Gerontis( Jorvan) and Kit Kat (Some NPCs)

Jorvan spends some time at the camp as the guards set up a perimeter control and the rest of the small entourage enjoys the camp. During this camp, Jorvan engages in interaction with some of the followers of Zahara as he decides to kill some time.

The night seemed so tranquil and Jorvan couldn't help but wonder how long this would last. In front of his tent, he sat as he observed how the watch was being handled by the present guards. The armed and armoured men were certainly not the boys who were green behind their ears. Only a few moments had Jorvan noticed a few moments when he considered that the guards made a mistake or lowered their guard. Which was reasonable, seeing that they were still not that far away from Tornburg. Most likely still in the area that was under the control of House Trevelyan. Deciding to stretch his legs, Jorvna would get up and take a quick peek at the sky. It wasn't easy to determine the time of the night but he doubted that it could be past midnight at the moment. There was the thought to approach one or two of the guards. He could already recognise a few but he doubted that they would be willing to exchange some words while being assigned on watch. Then there was one of the maids of Zahara, sitting on a log, together with the two other maids. Seeing that there wasn't much else to do, Jorvan would join the maids. A smile briefly adorned his lips as he would incline his head towards the maids. "Good evening, misses. Don't mind me joining you at this fire, I hope?"

A faint blush appeared on one of the girl's cheeks; Alena glanced over at the others and gazed up at Ser Jorick, abashed. "Of course!" Katryna exclaimed. She glanced over at Alena. "Alena, scoot over." The red haired girl moved further down the log and Katryna followed until a nice space between her and Demetria was made. "Ser Jorick." She pat the space next to her and Demetria moved further down the log to allow him as much space as possible. She noticed Lady Zahara eye them from afar in suspicion and smiled; everything would be alright. Demetria held her breath as Ser Jorick sat down. "What brings you here, ser? Have you grown tired of your friends?" she inquired in a curious tone, gesturing towards the men at the other end, laughing and playfully pushing each other around, drinking even; a rowdy bunch that Demetria was used to seeing.

Waiting a moment, Jorvan would take place as his right eyebrow slightly perked up by the question. "Not yet but I realised that we haven't really got to meet and know each other better. Which would be a pity if we wouldn't make use of the chance, right?" Jorvan asked, considering something. "After all, I haven't really been much around to meet and speak with maids. Which I hope to do now if that would be okay with you lot." Jorvan said in a friendly tone as he wondered what kind of interest these maids had.

"Of course not, my apologies. What would you like to talk about?" She wasn't sure what Ser Jorick found appealing about the three of them. Alena was quiet as a mouse and Katryna was bold... perhaps a bit too bold. Demetria didn't understand why she felt the need to question Ser Jorick, and she was quite sure Alena didn't understand her enthusiasm either. "What do you when you're not serving Lady Trevelyan, Ser Jorick? Do you train or take walks in the garden? Perhaps study?"

"Good question," Jorvan would introduce a pause as he briefly glanced at the campfire in front of them. "When I am not serving Lady Trevelyan? I train with the men at arms and household guards. Or spending some time in the tavern." A faint smile crept upon Jorvan's lips as he shot a sideways look at Katryna. "I am not that fond of reading books. Truth be told, I have trouble reading and haven't got the luck to find myself a good teacher yet."

"What's the tavern like? I hear it's disgusting and full of old men. I've heard that it's unsanitary and people don't clean up after themselves. Do you?"

"Oh, it certainly can be disgusting. And filled with old men." Jorvan replied back to the maid, "It can also be quite fun. Drinking, singing and laughing. Dancing happens as well but none of that dancing that happens on fancy banquets. It certainly has a charm of its own, I can promise you that. Perhaps you should consider to give it a chance one day?"

"A charm of its own? How?" Demetria's nose scrunched up in disgust. She glanced up from her embroidery to look at Ser Jorick, baffled by his statement. An awkward, but brief laugh surfaced. "It's smelly, Ser. What could possibly be charming about a tavern?"

"It might be a tad hard to find," Jorvan chuckled for a second, "But to start, there are a lot of folk. All who come there to drink, dance and well. Some come for other affairs. It isn't as strict and all tied to rules as a feast or event as you ladies might be more used to. Might be a bit smelly but I can imagine that some old farts that are called lords don't smell appealing either. The drink, however, might be not up your alley. Being perhaps more bitter than wine."

The small trio giggled; Alena, Katryna, and Demetria. "Ah, we don't drink, really. Well, I don't, but Lady Alena and Lady Katryna do," Demetria replied, her cheeks warming up a little. "You say they dance? What's that like? If you're not tied to rules, that must be nice, the dancing."

Jorvan slowly nodded. "It really can be. It can be crowded in a tavern, if it is really packed with people. But it is quite easy. If you are truly curious, I might try to teach you a few simple ways." He offered. "I do have to admit. I doubt that there is anybody else in this part of the North who have been to more taverns than I have. I can even tell you some experiences I did during my time in Essos, particulary in the likes of Myr and Pentos."

"Ah." Demetria's cheeks flushed. "Um." She glanced at the other girls and to Zahara, who seemed preoccupied with the intricacies of her embroidering. "I'd love to, if Demetria would prefer not to," Katryna stated. Demetria bit her bottom lip, nerves bunching up in her shoulders and neck. She wanted to, as shameful as it was. "Well, I-I'm just not sure if it's okay with Lady Zahara..."

The eager response of Katyrna provoked a slightly amused frown from Jorvan. He had noticed that the other maid, Demetria seemed to be more reluctant. The other maid hadn't yet uttered a word but Jorvan wrote it off as nothing to be concerned about. "I can else teach you both. First you," Jorvan flashed a smile towards Katryna and then nodding towards Demetria, "And if Lady Zahara wouldn't mind, then I can teach you as well. Though, what objects could Lady Zahara have against a bit of innocent fun, hm?"

Katryna eagerly stood up. "Demetria, play some music for us," she exclaimed, and held out her hands for Ser Jorick. "Let's dance, however you do it." Alena glanced up and set her embroidery aside, deciding it wouldn't hurt to watch Katryna and Ser Jorick have a bit of fun. Demetria took out her flute. "What kind of music do I play?"

Rising up as well, Jorvan would step aside as he would take Katryna's hands. "Something cheerful, dove," Jorvan answered back to Demetria. "Now, the trick is to avoid other people in a busy tavern. Luckily for us, we don't have to worry about drunken patrons or 'smelly' people." Gently pulling Katryna a bit closer, Jorvan would try to lead Katryna slow as he would explain how they would dance. "The music is usually upbeat and cheerful. If you can hear it over the singing and laughing. What you can do is to just move a bit around, while holding my hands and just follow the music and singing." Pulling Katryna a bit closer as he would keep guiding her, Jorvan chuckled as he mumbled something. "Just follow what you think is best or what you want to do. After all, in a tavern most people are too drunk to remember what happened in the night." He told Katryna, as he briefly locked his eyes on hers.

Demetria began to play a melodic, upbeat tune as Katryna and Ser Jorick began to move around the camp in a series of gestures. Katryna moved her head from side to side, swung her arms around, and bounced around. She appeared strange, but she seemed to be having fun, and that was all that mattered. "Is this how you dance at the tavern?" Katryna yelled over the music, pure joy bubbling from within her chest. Lady Zahara lifted her head as the change of scenery, stared at Katryna and Ser Jorick dancing, and went back to her embroidery. No one could quite tell what she was actually feeling in that moment, though Demetria took it as a sign that it was alright if Lady Zahara wasn't stopping the dance. She felt a bit of courage spring from her as she played a bit louder and clearer this time, while the laughter of Katryna could be heard, harmonious and at ease. Her happiness was contagious.

"I do. Perhaps also outside the tavern, who knows?" Was Jorvan's reply back as he would softly squeeze Katryna's right hand with his own. "Of course, some drink can make it, even more, fun and what not. There are, various kinds of dances I have learned." He added. Slowly halting the dance with Katyrna, Jorvan would subtly wink at the maid before he would shoot a glance towards Demetria. "Do you want to give it a try, m'lady? I promise you, we can start slow if you want."

Demetria glanced at Zahara again and back to Ser Jorick. She set aside her flute in the bag and stood up with a huge smile, "I'd love to." Demetria took his hand as he guided her into dancing around the burning fire. "Do you do that often? Dance like that?"

Being a tad slower in the pace and movement with Demetria, Jorvan nodded. "I do, yes. Sometimes in a faster pace and sometimes a bit slower. It is all depending on the partner, after all." Unlike with Katyrna, he didn't pull Demetria close but seemed to keep a more respectable distance between them. Gently and slowly he would move her a bit closer. "It can get a tad awkward when you dance close, holding hands and drank a bit. But it is all good fun." He would take a step backwards, still holding Demetria's hands. "Just give it a try and spin yourself and have some fun."

Her eyes sparked with curiosity as he instructed her to spin. The breeze brushed against her body as she turned around and came back to him. She grinned as she met his eyes and laughed a little. "This is fun. I- It feels... different, but nice." The two shared a merry exchange of lighthearted banter and dancing for what seemed like forever in Demetria's eyes. Lady Zahara had gone to bed without so much as a goodnight, the other ladies and knights had begun to doze off. "I think we've bored them," she giggled as they came to a gradual stop. "Perhaps it is now time for us to part ways and slumber as well. The dance was amazing and I do thank you for teaching me."

Jorvan would slowly release Demetria's hands. "No need to thank me for it." He replied, briefly his gaze moving to see how the other maids and Zahara went to their respective tents as one of the guards putting the fire out. "You know, the night is still young. If you would like to hear about my stories in taverns I could tell you some. I even got a flagon with something to drink over it." Jorvan already took a step backwards to his own tent. "Nothing too strong though but might give you a taste of what they serve in a tavern. Of course, I must suggest we take refuge in my tent. It is going to be quite cold soon. Not to mention that we don't want to keep the rest awake, right?"

"Oh, right. Thank you," Demetria spoke. It was a bit improper, she knew, but if the others were already asleep, it'd be terrible to try and talk outside. "Lady Zahara wouldn't want me to catch cold. Your generosity is appreciated." She lifted her skirts a little off the ground and went inside the tent. "Oh, this is small. Really small," she chuckled a little. "How do you sit in here?"

Following Demetria towards his own tent, Jorvan shot a look once more at the other tents and surrounding. The guards didn't seem to bother much as their attention was more focused on the perimeter and else on the tent of Zahara. Waiting for Demetria to move into the tent, Jorvan would crouch a second later and also move in. Seeing the tent was actually for one person, it was a bit cramped. Managing to find the flagon he was talking about, Jorvan replied back to Demetria. "You don't. That is why you can't really sit." Pulling the cork of the flagon, Jorvan would take a sip of the ale residing inside the flagon. "It is a bit bitter and less... refined than wine, but it is what they drink most often in taverns."

Demetria's cheeks turned red as Ser Jorick moved in. She laid down with hesitation, hundreds of questions flitting around in her mind. It felt considerably warmer in the tent than outside. "Are you sure this is alright, Ser Jorick? It doesn't bother you, um... being intimate?" She took a deep breath and smiled a little and gazed up at him. "It's admittedly a bit strange and inappropriate, but I can't get a cold out there and you can't share your stories if I'm in another tent, so it works out, yes?"

"What wouldn't be alright? And if it wasn't, who will make a hassle out of it?" Jorvan sounded quite amused by the wavering of Demetria. Taking another sip of the flagon, he would offer it to Demetria while replying back. "That is quite it. Besides, have you never done anything that was a bit strange or seemed out of place? I wouldn't imagine my life being all dictated by the rules of how to behave and think, just because you are born as a noble or serving as something as a maid."

Demetria took the flagon and cradled it in her hand for a few moments before taking a sip. It took everything in her will to not spit the drink back out. She swallowed and gave him the flagon back with a sick, yet lighthearted smile. "That is, mm." She laughed in an awkward way. "I've never done anything above or below my station as a lady in waiting until now. If people found out, everyone would make a hassle out of it, especially my family. Ladies have a certain decorum and reputation they must maintain out of wedlock and even in wedlock, not that it was ever easy for anyone, especially Lady Zahara."

Suppressing a laughter by seeing how she reacted to the ale, Jorvan accepted the flagon back and took a sip of it. "It is not the best tasting beverage. Then again, people don't drink it for the taste." Jorvan said as he thought about what she said. "So you are saying that if people would find out that we were just here, sharing stories in a tent that there would be trouble? Don't you find the restrictive? Bothersome? I am certain that you would be feeling a lot better if you would just try to push such rules aside now and then. I know I do." Jorvan took another sip of the flagon before he would offer it once more to Demetria.

She shook her head at the offer of the flagon once more and sighed, content in the moment. "It... can be bothersome, yes, but it's important to follow the rules if a lady wants people to like her and respect her. I doubt I'd be feeling any better if I pushed my duties as a lady aside, but the brief thought of it seems magical in some way. I don't know what I'd do though."

Taking another sip of the flagon as Demetria declined it, Jorvan chuckled. "Rules are important to follow. As a man of a military expertise, I know it better than most, I wager. But I doubt everybody follows the rules. Besides, if we aren't allowed to talk, be in the same tent or share a flagon of ale then what more joys of life are denied just because you are always obliged to follow your duty. Like, humour me," Jorvan shifted on his side slightly to lay down a tad better. "There has to be something you would like to do or wanted to do but was never able to. And don't worry, I can keep a secret."
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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[fieldbox=A Family's Affair, #009999 ] -Frosthold, at the Gate-

Ayleen rode in the distance, towering at her back miles and miles of land framed the view while the icy wind whipped her golden strands in the air.

As she approached the gate a harsh metallic gust obtruded the girl's nostrils, heapings of stone and wood impending, Frosthold was said to be alluring to some, but not to Ayleen. To her, it was a castle like others, a castle who'd gifted her with not as charming memories. A twinge clenched her stomach when she dismounted her horse to step on the wet grass, her teeth tight as the girl gazed around the courtyard, pictures and sounds crowding her mind.

Somehow menaging to silence her head, the lady stepped through the yard towards a few stranger figures in the distance. The girl's horse shaked in fidgets as the grooms attempted to take him in the stables. "They won't have it easy with him" she thought. Darryon, she'd called it: beautiful yet wild and proud, he was her favourite mount.

Ayleen observed with more attention the figures standing before her. Two of them stood closer together, while one was slightly further apart. The girl decided to slow down, in order to allow them to notice her arrival. She wasn't sure which one of them was the actual Lord Marric, or if there was a Lord Marric among them at all, so Ayleen thought she might as well let them make the first move.

With her hands gracefully held together like she was taught to, she stepped in their direction, a kind smile forming on her lips as she got closer.

Faerson Siblings @zane620 @Lesli
Alexander Marric @Jason Targaryen

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[fieldbox="Rydan Faerson, wheat, solid"]


Arriving at the gates, his sister would start to ride at his flank no doubt to make sure they knew he was the leader of the household. Riding inside once the gates had been raised he took a look around for his sister only to be greeted by anyone but her. Dismounting his steed he would glance at Sanah as she approached him, whispering in his ear which caused an amused smile to form on his face. He would quickly glance at the supposed Lord Marric's sister before looking at Sanah. "I think I will be just fine cleaning myself." Rydan would whisper back to his younger sister.

Lady Marric would then give them a welcome and a lot of smiles, which wasn't truly making Rydan smile. What was curious to him was how his sister was doing as she had brought her up. Only he never got to ask her as soon as Lady Marric had arrived she would then leave as well to her brother and servants? A frown formed on his face as Meera would walk away to go about her own business. Which caused him to look at Sanah with a slightly annoyed expression before looking at the brother called Alex. "I was going to ask her, since she may be more acquainted with my sister. However it seems she is busy so I shall ask you instead. How is my sister doing?"

A simple question that Rydan wanted an answer to as this was the main reason he was here, to reclaim his sister. He noticed another woman approaching but she wasn't anyone he knew of, so he paid her no mind. Instead he waited for answers to his question that seemingly were not important enough for the Lady of the house to answer for him.


@Jason Targaryen[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="Alexander Marric, #ff4d4d, solid, 10, Tahoma"]


Alexander gave a polite nod to most in the welcoming party when he arrived. Though he did take a moment to give Ida a friendly wave and smile, having had a few conversations with the girl in the past. Opting not to say anything after that moment as not long after that the Faerson's arrived at the gates. Though not long after introducing herself, Meera quickly excused herself and left Alexander in charge. A quick moment of worry passed through the man, seeing as his sister had always been more particularly suited for situations such as this. Though he quickly forced himself to calm down, and thought for a second about where she ran off to. He had an idea, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it right now. Hopefully their brother decided to have a proper talk with her, as he had promised earlier.

Turning his attention forward once more, Alexander approached the Faerson's as well. Giving a polite bow before speaking up. "Please do excuse Lady Meera, she's quite busy as of late." He said, before pausing as he heard Rydan's question. "From what I've seen and heard, Lady Laina seems to be holding up alright. Lord Marric did wish to speak with her this morning. I was somewhat hoping she'd be here soon enough, with Lord Marric having freed her. I do apologize that wrong was not fixed sooner, or even happened in the first place." Alex said, hoping he properly answered Rydan's question. Noticing another coming in, he quick nod towards the lady before looking at Rydan once more. "As my sister said, our people will show you to your rooms. Should you require anything else such as a bath after your travels, please just ask and we will be happy to see what we can do. It was an honor to meet both you, and your sister, Lord Faerson. Please do excuse me." He said, giving another bow and flashing a friendly smile towards Rydan and his sister.

Making his way over towards the other lady, who he recognized as Lady Graceeood, Alex kept a pleasant expression on his features. Giving a polite bow towards the lady, he smiled slightly. "On behalf of Lord Marric, welcome to Frosthold, Lady Gracewood. My name is Alexander Marric, sworn shield and younger brother of Lord Marric. It is an honor to meet you today. It is truly an honor to have you with us for as long as you wish. Our people will show you to your room. Should you need anything else such as a bath or any other needs, please just ask and we will be happy to assist." He said with a friendly tone, though keeping pretty closely to what he'd learned off watching Meera. Hopefully he hadn't screwed this whole thing up too horribly.

After both the Faerson's and Lady Gracewood were on their way, Alexander stopped one of the guards nearby. "Watch the Gracewood. Seeing our relations with them, I do not trust her. Though please try to refrain from being obvious. Also get somebody to find Lady Marric, and get her back out here." He whispered quickly, to which the guard nodded and went about his buisness to get newly assigned taskes carried out. Meanwhile Alexander went back to stand by the welcoming party, hoping that his sister planned on returning soon. A light sigh escaped his lips as he wondered who else might be coming, and which houses would decide not to come. It was going to be a bit of a long day, that much was for certain.[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox=A night to remember? - Part 2, crimson]
Lady Zahara of House Trevelyan's entourage,
On the way from Tornburg to Frosthold.

A collab between Gerontis( Jorvan) and Kit Kat (Some NPCs)

Jorvan spends some time at the camp as the guards set up a perimeter control and the rest of the small entourage enjoys the camp. During this camp, Jorvan engages in interaction with some of the followers of Zahara as he decides to kill some time.

Time seemed to stop in that moment as silence hung in the air. The young woman pondered her options, pondered what she could say and how she could say it without sounding too unladylike. "Well," she began and took a deep breath. "I've never been this close to a man before and it's... it's a little frightening to think about, but also comforting? Everyone I know seems to blow everything out of proportion but it seems that if a lady spends time with a man- near him that is- it's strangely satisfying, not scary. I mean, this is, this is really nice. And I know it's a little inappropriate to ask but, is it okay if I move a little closer? I'm feeling a little cold right now. I just like being next to you, I mean-" She bit her lip and smiled, looking down and feeling flustered. "I'm rambling my mouth. That's embarrassing."

Jorvan stared at Demetria for a moment. He would take one last sip of the flagon before he answered back. "You never have? And I don't mind. There isn't anybody who will learn of this anyways, right?" Jorvan spoke in a softer tone, as the ghost of a smile dawned on his lips. "It is somewhat amusing to hear that I am both frightening and comforting. Certainly, will take that as a compliment.~"

"You aren't frightening," she giggled a little. "I mean, you're intimidating, I won't lie, but it's... a good kind of fear, a good kind of anxiety. You have a big heart, Ser Jorick. The act of being this close is what is truly frightening, but I think I can also find peace with it. So do you mind? Me moving closer to you?" A hopeful gleam shown in her eyes as she gazed up at Jorvan, an attempt to catch his attention.

"A good kind of fear? That is a new one," Jorvan said, clearly amused. He almost was reminded of captain Rolan of the Broken Banners but pushed that thought quickly out of his mind. Her statement that he had a big heart almost made Jorvan chuckle or give a rather vulgar reply in return. But he decided against it. "Sure. Unless you got the plague or pox, I am not that oversensitive." Jorvan's eyes narrowed briefly as he would just wait, having some fun in this slow 'play'.

She covered her mouth, an attempt to keep herself from laughter. "Ah. If I had those, I wouldn't even be here right now. I'd probably be dead." The young maiden took a deep breath and moved closer to Jorvan. Her body snuggled up against his, warmth radiated from his own body and clothing. Her forehead leaned against his chest. "How do you keep from growing cold on breezy nights like this, Ser Jorick? You don't seem bothered by the weather at all."

"Simple. I don't wear a skirt." Jorvan held back a laughter of his own, chuckling it away. Breathing a tad slower, he slowly moved a hand on Demetria's side. Briefly the thought went through his mind that she would be more trouble than he would be. Probably scolded by her lady and or family. He doubted that Zahara or anybody present would be able to do more than to shot him a glare, unless she in all of a sudden wouldn't venture further. Slowly his hand would move down as he still sounded amused. "Of course, there are various tricks to keep the cold off."

Demetria's own breath caught as she felt his hands move down her petite frame. She could hear his beating heart, calm, but wondered for a moment, if he could hear hers setting aflame. "Why me?" she whispered as she glanced down at where how dangerously his hands were moving down the side of her body.

"Well, you for one don't have the pox or plague," Jorvan whispered back as he halted. "But if you don't want to, then no need to." Removing his hand, Jorvan slightly moved away from Demetria as a smile dawned on his lips. "But if you want an honest answer, I think that because we are here. Is there a need for something more?" There was a slightly mocking undertone in Jorvan's honeyed voice as he would wait to see what his reaction would provoke.

Demetria felt her cheeks burn. "Oh, I mean, it's not that I wouldn't want to, it's just..." She ran her teeth over her bottom lip and looked away. "This is new... to me." She glanced up at Jorvan and smiled a little, feeling awkward. "I don't know what I'm doing."

Her reply echoed almost faintly as Jorvan remained silent for a few seconds. "Reminds me of a lass in Myr. She was perhaps a tad younger than me back then. Drank a bit too much but she wasn't certain of what she was doing." Slowly moving his right hand to Demetria's hip, Jorvan chuckled. "Perhaps it was the nerves or the drink, I can't be too certain as I was myself a tad intoxicated. But it is like the dance," He told her as his hand slowly moved down her hip. "Just follow what you think is best."

She swallowed her nervousness, Jorvan's lightheartedness putting her somewhat at ease. His words echoed in her mind; 'Just follow what you think is best.' Demetria tore her eyes away from where his hands were going and gently placed her own hands on his chest. She sat up a little and ran her fingers up his chest and rested on his neck, wisps of dark hair tickling her. She looked over at Jorvan, his gentle gaze sending sparks of electricity through her body. "A-am I doing it, right?"

Watching her sitting up a little, Jorvan would move on his back as he seemed to ponder in the dark of the tent. "Bit too early to say that. But just relax." He told her with a wry smile as his hands would move up towards her side. "I must state that it will be of important to keep it hushed. We don't want to cause a ruckus or make anybody curious, right?" He asked, one of his hands moving towards her back as the other remained at her hip.

"I- I'll try not to make too much noise," she spit out, flustered, and took another deep breath and lifted her skirts a little to help with mobility. "Do you mind if I go on top of you?"

He was about to say something but when she lifted her skirts, Jorvan chuckled as he removed his hands from Demetria. "I don't." He whispered back. Focusing his breath, he wondered for a moment if she was considering this more than just a simple night of passion. In the dark of the tent, it was harder to see the features that he had witnessed before but he remembered that he had little worries about that Arthur would be upset by this. There was the thought on what that other maid, Katyerna, would think of this. The playful thought of perhaps seeing if the later would be interested occured to him but he doubted that it would be a successful move if he would conduct it now.

Demetria positioned herself on top without another word. She took off her cloak and leaned in, following what she thought was right; a tender, soft kiss. A kiss that was new to her, but elicited all of these strange feelings of wonder, enjoyment, and nervousness. She pressed her lips to his again, soft, albeit reluctant, hoping he would give her some kind of a sign that it was okay.

The soft and tender kiss would be replied, though it made Jorvan briefly wonder if she was still a tad shy or just a 'gentle' soul. His left moved to her hip while his right would move a bit up as he would break the kiss. Briefly locking his eyes with her in the dark, Jorvan would attempt to guide and teach Demetria this new 'dance'. One that would require more cautious pacing but able to grant more satisfaction. At least, more than what Zahara taught him. Chuckling softly, he would gently pull Demetria into another kiss as he would keep the pace slow and easy.

Some time passed and although the sex had been different from what she'd expected, she felt a little braver for trying something new. Demetria smiled, out of breath. "It was... interesting. Strange. I don't really know how to describe it." She kissed Jorvan and pulled back. "You were really good?" She chuckled awkwardly and kissed him again, loving the pressure of someone else's lips against her own and the intense feeling that spiked inside her. "It was good, Ser Jorick. Not like what I hear, but it was good."

He laid on his back, breathing slowly as he heard what Demetria said. "I aim to please." He replied, quite amused. Briefly considering how she was acting, he wondered if she had developed more than just an interest for him. Not certain how he would bring it, Jorvan would remain silent for a moment. "I do not mind if you stay here, but," He began as he slowly would sit up by a bit, "You might give people some 'ideas'. Not sure how much trouble that will give you but perhaps might be better if you soon head to your own tent, dove."

She smiled, "Right. I should go before they think-" A scream interrupted Demetria's sentence and a thud near the tent sent chills up Demetria's spine. Metal clanged against metal and Demetria felt her body become stiff, words none. Her eyes darted over to Jorick, fear and panic instilled. "Ser Jorick, what's happened?" She glanced back to the opening of the tent; it wouldn't be safe to go out right now. "Where do we go?"

The scream that cut Demetria sentence to a halt made Jorvan move immediately. The small tent didn't allow him to get up but his right hand would reach towards the sheathed sword. "I don't know." He replied back. Moving to the opening of his tent, Jorvan heard the sound of fighting outside. "Head to Lady Zahara and just stay away from the trouble," Jorvan instructed her as he would move outside. Unsheathing his sword, he would drop the scabbard on the ground as he observed the situation. They were being attacked from all sides by unknown men. The guards were able to hold off most attackers but Jorvan noticed that the enemy was with slightly more. "Just my fucking luck."

"Of course." Just as the young woman tried to make her ascent towards the outside of the tent, she felt something pierce the side of her throat. She choked and coughed, blood splattering on her clothing and the ground. She couldn't breathe nor talk. Her eyes glanced around to see where the object had come from; a small rip in the side of the canvas proved to be unfortunate. Demetria took one last breath and more blood spilt. Her body gave way, eyes wide with shock and fear; it was the very last time Jorvan, Zahara, or any other man and woman would see the lady's maid.

Jorvan wasn't granted much time to care or react to the death of Demetria. He noticed in the corner of his eyes that she got hit and collapsed. Which served as a warning for him to be wary of enemies with bows. Just as he moved forwards, something whizzed past him. Lowering himself, the sellsword cursed softly underneath his breath as he attempted to move further towards the tent of Lady Zahara. A movement through the dark caught his attention and the shimmering of steel flashing towards Jorvan caused his reflex to kick in. Parrying a strike of a short blade, Jorvan was able to deliver a quick riposte to take down his opponent. The fast counter-attack saw to it that Jorvan's foe fell down, blood flushing out of his neck wound. Another arrow flew past, the deadly song of the projectile loud enough to make Jorvan realize he hadn't been too far away from winding up the same as Demetria had.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: junebug

Zahara's ears were deafened by the blinding clang of sword against sword and her eyes blinded by deep pools of blood on various patches of green grass. A guard named Henry guided Zahara to her horse, actions swift and straightforward. It was unfortunate Zahara did not carry her bow; She cursed under her breath as arrows flew near and far."Where are my handmaidens? Are they safe?" she demanded.

"Yes, they're fine, Lady Zahara! Quick, get away from here! We don't want you amidst this battle. We'll make sure someone goes with you to keep you safe," the guard exclaimed in an alarmed tone. Lily galloped far away from the heat of war, a simmering chance that made Zahara feel a pang of guilt and cowardice as she rode away. Her throat burned from lack of water as the sounds of battle grew farther away.

Zahara's shoulders drooped as she tried to stay awake. She checked herself for any wounds or injuries; luckily, the only one she'd sustained was a few simple arrowheads that'd grazed her right shoulder and lower left arm. Zahara found herself unable to wrap her head around what'd happened, mind unable to comprehend and focus. It was too fast. "I guess that's why I don't go to war anymore."

I can't even hold myself together.

INTERACTIONS Henry (npc) TAGS @Gerontis
[fieldbox=Laina Faerson, orange]
- At Frosthold. -

Blind praise? Laina would not deem it in her advantage to react to Anselm's words. There wasn't anything on her part that she considered important to talk with Lord Marric about. Taking a step back, Laina would perform a courteous bow towards the man before she would turn on her heels and walk away. Holding the parchment that basically eroded her service as a handmaiden made her wonder if she should use it or not. Sure, being a handmaiden wasn't the most thrilling vocation one could have. But it wasn't without its benefits or uses. Deciding that she would first see Rydan and Sanah before making a decision, Laina went to her chambers to place the document there. It could give a wrong impression that she already had made her decision if she would go directly towards the gates of Frosthold with the parchment in hand.

Inside her small chamber, she quickly made work to place the document away. There wasn't anything else she needed to do, so Laina quickly set out towards the main gates of Frosthold. In the halls that provided a view on the courtyard gave her already a few glimpse that the Faerson entourage had arrived. Her heart skipped a beat as she was looking forward to spending some time with her siblings and hear how they were doing. Catching herself that she was walking at the briskest pace possible, Laina managed to calm herself a bit down and lower her pace. Not forgetting that she was still a representative of her house, she rather not would give rise that the Faerson ladies didn't know how to walk or something as vague as that.

Pushing those notions out of her mind, Laina would exit the keep and move towards the gathering. Catching the presence of various people, Sanah and Rydan Faerson were the first that Laina noticed. Yet the young lady would not approach them right away but wait for the welcoming committee to conduct their affairs. Already a smile adored Laina's lips as she kept her gaze focused on Rydan and Sanah.

~ N/A ~

Sanah Faerson
Rydan Faerson
@Jason Targaryen
Alexander Marric
Ayleen Gracewood.

[fieldbox=Arthur | Lying in Wait, #FFBF00]

Trevelyan Forces

"You, you and..."

The young blacksmith gestured at two of the soldiers. His eyes scattered around the camp, staring at the steel and leather the men all wore. As he recognized a familiar dent in the third piece of armor, he pointed with a small movement. "... and you." Arthur gestured finally to the guard sent to inform him of his duty. The man looked down at the smith from his horse, confused. After a few moments of silence, Arthur locked eyes with the man. "You can't expect them to listen to the guy who fixes their armor. Just tell them, y'know-what, and be on your way," the smith said. The guard was about to speak before Arthur went on. "Alright, we're positioning ourselves out east to flank the Brothers on command," he turned to the guard. "I have that right?"

The guard seemed mildly annoyed that he hadn't been able to speak earlier. "Yes, but you'll need to wait for--"

"I think we got it," Arthur cut the man off before slapping the horse, getting it to take a couple of steps forward before the guard stopped it. He shot a glare at Arthur's back before leaving, murmuring. "Each of you gather nine of your men. We'll go to hide east and flank them when the time comes. Make sure all the men are armed and armoured and ready to move in two minutes."

The band gathered and rode out east, keeping a decent distance from the town until they reached the edge of the dense area in the forest. They could see from a distance the houses and some drunk mercenaries stumbling about.

The Snow Princess & Her Dornish Bastard
(@Violet) & (@Justin)
Hel was in his own world of self made chaos. Picking up a dish of food and smirking as one of the handmaiden's tried to snatch it from him. "No, no, no." He grinned, taking a chunk of the food off the plate and gulping it down. Though even when he was being a nuisance, Hel's southern charm still kept people from killing him. Once he had finished the food on the plate, he felt someone tap his shoulder and couldn't help but smirk when he heard that familiar voice.

Turning around, with a bright smile on his face. The Dornish bastard had to take a few seconds to get Lady Meera's beauty out of his mind; or else he'd never be able to speak to her properly. Dornishmen were always confident, just around the Snow Princess; Hel Sand didn't feel his dornish blood running as hot.

"Lady Meera, lovely to see you again." He watched as the handmaidens and servants left the two alone to speak. "It's my understanding that you and your brothers were suppose to be attending a banquet, is it?" He grinned.

Meera's eyes lit up slightly as the dornish bastard turned to face her. She laughed softly at his comment and replied "Attending, Planning, Drowning in it. The usual dealings of a lady" She said with a slight smirk to her tone. "Are you stealing food again Hel?" She asked, raising her dark eyebrows. She couldn't help but shake her head, her brunette curls cascading down her back as she laughed.

After a few seconds of her chuckling, her hazel eyes lifted back up to meet Hel's. Her breath caught in her throat before she smiled softly and took a glance around to see if they were truly alone before she asked softly "Care to join me for a quick stroll? I could use a quick escape from my duties" She knew he'd understand as they often snuck away to study under each other.

It'd been about a year since the young sellspear had joined the Frosthold, bringing with him a confident almost cocky southern aura. Meera had been curious of him since he had arrived, though it was completely forbidden by her father for her to be around him, after all he was only a foreign bastard. Though Meera was head strong and so she had slowly befriended the mysterious tanned boy, leading to an unlikely but mutually beneficial relationship. In exchange for Hel teaching Meera how to use weapons, she taught him Northern customs. Though the relationship was purely innocent, Meera couldn't help but begin to fall for his southern charms. It was slow at first, with lingering glances and flirty giggles but now, The lady of the wind was wrapped around his finger.

"Lady Meera, I would never dream of stealing food from anyone." He gave a pretend gasp with a shocked look on his face. Grinning as he started moving to the exit of the room they had been standing in. Luckily there was an exit that led to the outside of the Castle, near the Training Grounds. So they wouldn't be cornered by guards and be forced to part. "I would be honored to." They made their way out to the Training Grounds. An area where the two had most of their more intimate interactions and deeper words were spoken between the two in this area, than anywhere else in Frosthold.

This is where Hel learned about the North and where Meera was taught weaponry and battle stances. She would be one of the only Northerners to know the tricks and trades of the Dornish. And Hel was glad to teach her all he knew. The more time they spent with one another, the more Hel Sand began to fall deeper and deeper for his Snow Princess.

"Lady Meera, if I may ask you a question." Moving to the center of the training room. "I would love to know why such a wise and intelligent woman as yourself would ever leave with a bastard … unarmed." He grinned and picked up the wooden stick that substituted for his spear. Handing Meera the wooden sword. "Do you remember what I taught you? Never go unarmed … even around the ones you trust."

Moving forward, as he swung his wooden stick towards her.

When Hel swung his sword out to her she countered, gracefully smacking his wooden sword with her own and pushing it away from her chest. When they first started Meera would've drop her sword and squeal. To which Hel would tease her mercilessly for months. The Lady Marric had little fighting skills and had barely survived her Proving, scraping by with what little survival skills she had. A life of nobility left her little room to learn fighting skills unlike her brothers. Meera knew far too well her only purpose in life was to look pretty and make babies.

She pulled her hair away from her face as she countered his attacks. She was a pretty decent fighter after all Hel's training, at least decent enough to defend herself one on one. "I mean, you do remember I carry an actual dagger right?" She joked back as they playfully fought one another. As she went for a side hit she stepped closer to the bastard and whispered "You think I trust you Hel?" She asked, a slight snarky tone to her usually sweet voice. She knew it was all in good fun but she couldn't help the heat rising to her cheeks, she hoped he didn't notice.

This Meera wasn't the same Meera the first time he had started teaching her how to use a sword properly. This Meera had confidence with a large weapon in her hand and she knew how to use it. Impressed, he kept that smirk on his face. "I don't think you trust me … I can feel that you trust me." Hel didn't mention the red coloring that started showing on her face. It would be a typical move for him to make a comment on it, but he liked seeing Meera in such a childlike manner when it came to being around him.

"Let's see if you can dodge … this!" He chuckled as he swooped the stick towards her legs. The first time he had done that to her, Meera had fallen like the sun in the North. Fast and suddenly. There was no telling if she would be able to block him or not. He wanted to see if his sneak attacks still worked on her. Because he had something special planned for her.

Meera stifled her tiny squeal as Hel's attack caught the side of her leg causing her balance to sway like a leaf in the wind. She took a moment to catch herself before shooting him a glare and breaking into a soft laugh. "I'm still not use to that.. But I'm better" She commented with a cocky smile. "Must be a southern thing to attack like that, I've yet to see a Northern go for the legs like you do." She commented as they circled each other, each fully locked on one another. "You're fighting techniques are certainly.. Unique." She said with yet another snarky smile, this time though her comment was meant as a sort of backhanded compliment.

It was then that the northern lady would take her velvet cloak and unhinge it gracefully, watching as it fluttered to the floor around her ankles. She wiped her forehead of the tiny beads of sweat that appeared from the only work out she had in weeks. She had hoped maybe her feminine beauty might distract him long enough to get a tiny advantage against him, after all he was the one that taught her the smallest distraction is the biggest advantage against your opponent. Though she highly doubted he'd be thrown off by her, after all the dornish were known for their seduction and beautiful women. Often leaving Meera wondering about Hel's history with other women, though she was far to bashful to ask.

"Never hesitate to take a strike, Lady Meera." He grinned. As he was use to such moves and techniques, the dornish bastard didn't break a sweat, but he was also trying to not go too hard on her. As he cared more about Meera than anyone else in the world; something he was too afraid to admit to her.

Doing his signature battle dance stance, he swung the stick in a spiral motion. It came down with a crack to the ground. Instead of connecting with Meera and pushing her back … his stick had missed her completely. He was bewildered. For the first time ever, Hel had missed his mark. Was his mind truly too focused on Meera that he couldn't even possibly tell where his next move would land?

Too deep in his own head, to notice anything else around him.

Meera couldn't help but watch, utterly shocked, as he missed his target.. Her. She took the opportunity to gracefully push her sword into his gut, watching as he tumbled backwards and landed on the floor with a loud bang. She walked over to him, a giant smirk tugging at her lips as she placed the sword on his chest and grinned down at him.

"I swear this is the first time I've ever seen you on your back Hel" she smirked proudly. "But I swear if you let me win Hel Sand I'll be so mad at you!" she joked as she leaned down to admire him in a vulnerable position for the first time. "What's the matter Hel? The old gods caught your tongue?"

Finding himself on his back, with a wooden sword poked into his chest, Hel Sand couldn't stop the red coloring that started showing on his bronze skin. Looking at the sword and back up at Meera. "Well Lady Meera, there might be plenty of times you'll see me on my back and also where I would see you on your's." He grinned.

Though not moving or trying to maneuver the sword from on top of his chest, he simply placed a hand into his coat pocket."As a reward for taking down this dornish Bastard … I present you with a gift. Fit for a Snow Princess, as you." Pulling out the rare and most beautiful Winter Rose, still intact and without a petal out of place."I must admit that I do love seeing you on top of me … but I don't think I can properly give you such a beautiful flower in this position." Tapping on the wooden sword.

Meera's face couldn't have been more red, feeling the heat rising straight to the apples of her cheeks and filling her face with the light pink flush. If anyone else had heard Hel, a bastard, saying that to the Lady of the Frosthold he would have been executed on the spot. However, Meera could do nothing but fall for the scandalous line and she shook her head in response. "You're lucky it's the two of us and I like you Hel." She said with a small meaningful smile to the man of her many affections.

When he revealed to the young women the rarest flower in the North. Meera was taken a back, her red flush draining from her face at the sight of the beautiful flower. "Oh my gosh.. Hel.. It's beautiful.. How did you..?" She stuttered as she admired the flower. Flowers had a hard time growing in the harsh winter climate and thus the few that did were hard to come by. When he tapped her sword she quickly removed it and offered him her hand to help him up.

Hearing that she liked him, made Hel's ears perk up a bit in excitement. As he was offered her hand, the dornish bastard stood up and presented the rarest rose to her. "This rose only comes an ounce close to the beauty that you have, my Snow Princess." His expression was one of seriousness. Something that he had never had before.

Pulling her hand towards his that held the rose. Their hands holding one another's as the rose glowed in the snowy light. This was the time he could finally feel what it was like to love someone and have them. If only for a second.

As he told her; never hesitate to take a strike or make a move, he moved in and their lips connected. For the first time since the year he had been admiring her from afar. The Dornish Bastard had finally felt the lips of his Snow Princess. Lips that didn't feel cold. They were as warm as the Lord of Light's flames.

His body setting on fire on the inside. Yet not of painful flames, but warm and comforting embers. Embers that sent his mind to another realm. Where the two of them could be together and forever in love.

Meera's eyes were transfixed on the rose as Hel rose to his feet. Once he was back to his feet and slightly taller than her, he extended the flower to her with a sweet compliment that made her flushed again. "Oh.. Hel.." She whispered softly, her hand held softly in his own. The heat passing between the two as they held each other's gaze. Her own heart was beating faster and faster with every breath she took.

For as long as Meera could remember she knew she would never have a love of her own. She knew love was a dangerous emotion and one that was never allowed. Her own mother would tell Meera that one day she'd produce powerful heirs and carry on the Marric bloodline, that was a women's job. Often she'd ask her mother if she loved her father, and her mother would simply smile and stroke her head. IT was then Meera learned that often actions speak louder than words. She never knew what a true love could feel like until Hel arrived, so different then the love for her brothers, or sisters, or even her house.

Suddenly Hel stepped towards her and their lips collided in a sweet and fleeting moment. Meera's eyes fluttered shut and she reached out to place her hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating under her fingertips. Her other hand reached out to stroke his face lovingly.

Meera had never been kissed, so Hel's lips caught her by surprise and she slowly responded to his kiss. She was nervous, embarrassed, and fully in love with Hel. She'd never be able to admit her true feelings for this southern bastard that held her heart, but she could keep this moment. The moment she felt completely and utterly loved by Hel Sand.

When the kiss was broken, Hel's eyes fluttered open. Green emerald irises full of wonder and adore for Lady Meera. He held her close to him. Not wanting to let her go, but he could hear the sounds of Guards coming towards the training grounds. If anyone was to see them in such an intimate position, his head would be served to Lord Marric in seconds.

"Lady Meera, meet me tonight by the Servants' Quarters." As he gave her a kiss on the cheek, he slipped from her hands, the rose lying lightly in hers alone. He moved effortlessly around her and made his way back into the Servants' Quarters. That smile of his was one of pure happiness instead of pure snarky and comical attitude, normally.

Lady Meera stood completely still, her eyes still dazed as her beloved pressed his lips to her cheek and disappeared quietly. She was stunned as she felt the pressure in her chest finally leaving her with every exhale. It was then that the winds blew harshly, blowing her hair into her face and causing her to return to the present. Grabbing her cloak from the floor and placing it back around her just in time to hear a guard approaching.

"Lady Meera? Your brother, Lord Alexander, requests your presence back at the gates." Meera glanced over at the guard and smiled softly as she replied "Yes, of course. I'll be right there." As the guard left and she turned to leave, she looked down at her hand, still holding the beautiful flower in her palm and sighed. Her heart fluttered at the thought of the southern bastard's fleeting kiss, and as she walked back to the gate, a new and warm wind blew through her, a charming southern wind.
  • Love
Reactions: junebug and Violet
Zahara and Jorvan

This entire scenario was just one huge mess. Jorvan tried to make his way into safety as another attacker approached him. The stranger was armed with a machette, attempting to go with a hew. As response Jorvan would parry the heavy strike and push his foe backwards. Barely was he able to avoid to receive a cut as his attacker seemed hellbent on landing a good strike. Stepping backwards, Jorvan would lash out with his own blade. The steel sliced through the rugged wool of the hostile stranger. A soft grun emited from Jorvan's attacker. Only followed by the soft sound of Jorvan plunging his sword into the stranger's abodmen. Breathing out, Jorvan would jerk his weapon out as well pushing the man backwards to ease the motion. Throwing another quick and worried look around, he noticed that they could hold themselves. Only to then spot that Zahara was mounted.

Time seemed to slow down as Jorvan's eyes would widen. He didn't personally give a damn about the woman. Not in the slighest did it occur to him that she would be an easier target on top of a horse. What did made him try to sprint forwards and try to halt the woman from riding into the dark was the fear that he would miserably fail his objective. Leading to not being paid or worse. Getting the blame of Lady Trevelyan's sibling winding up wounded or worse. Unable to reach the noble lady in time, Jorvan would mutter a curse as he kept himself low. The attackers who were wielding the bow were in the disadvantage that the dark of the night didn't improve their accuracy. Most shots were likely just nothing but quick executed attempts to take out a target that wouldn't be engaged in melee.

"Fucking idiot! Where is she going?" Jorvan sneered at the guard who had lead Zahara to her horse. The sellsword didn't register if the guard said anything in return. "Go clean up that mess. I will take care that she comes back. Damned woman." Spotting one of the horses nearby, Jorvan didn't take the time to untie the reins. Grasping the reins with his left hand, he would swing his blade. Hacking through the leather with relative ease, he would softly grunt. He wasn't the biggest fan of horse riding and without a saddle, he was painfully reminded why not. Spurring the horse to go forward, Jorvan would keep himself lowered to not make himself an obvious target for the enemy skirmishers.

Zahara couldn't fathom why the guard had sent her off without so much as another man at her side. It was dark, quiet; her cloak had been left behind. She glanced around for some sort of shelter from the main road; Tornburg wouldn't show in her line of sight for another few miles. Zahara pulled her horse to the side and got down. She led her horse into the grass where the hooves wouldn't be heard, but still, the lack of trees and bushes kept them out in the open. Nothing made sense right now, but she figured, the guard meant well when he sent her away with good intentions.

"I would hide among the leaves if we were in a forest, Lily. I was taught well but now, all I feel is how naïve I am. I can't even imagine why Henry would send me away from the flurry on my own." Zahara tried to keep lookout as best she could and strained to hear, in case there was any sudden snapping twigs or crunching leaves. Off in the distance, she could faintly hear a loud rumble. Zahara picked up her skirts and led Lily further away from the main road and into the darkness. She could barely make out the figure that approached her area but kept quiet for the whole duration.

Riding in the dark wasn't a great idea and without saddle, Jorvan was going through anything but comfort. Riding for a bit in the direction that he had seen Zahara riding towards, Jorvan couldn't hear anything but the faint sounds of the clash of Zahara's entourage with their attackers. He briefly wondered who those people were. Remembering that the Blood Brothers had been enlisted to get rid of various brigands, this could be perhaps one of the small surviving groups. A small group that attempted some luck in ambushing a group in the dark of the night.

Slowing down the horse to get a better sighting on the area as well giving some comfort to his lower body, Jorvan softly cursed. He didn't want to risk being tracked down by an eager shooter, that would use his calling out for Zahara to let an arrow find its mark. Or attracting anymore hostiles. For a second, Jorvan considered to just use the horse to quickly make his way back to Tornburg and get Arthur. Then just getting away instead of being some naive lad who suspected he wouldn't suffering any backlash. Holding the bloodied sword in his right hand and the reins in his left, Jorvan dismounted his steed slightly to the right to get a look if he could spot anything that would betray Zahara's presence or what direction she went, perhaps any tracks that could have been left behind. But even if she had left any tracks or hints, it was just too dark for Jorvan to make anything out of it. Grumbling, he once more considered the option to start riding to Tornburg and to hit the road quickly.

A cool, eerie breeze brushed against her skin. The longer she waited, the more intense she felt and the less she trusted the figure. Zahara bit her lip and scooped up some dirt nearby. She didn't have any bags of apples or supplies to hit the intruder with- those were all left behind when Henry placed her on the horse without any saddle or restraints. Zahara glanced over at Lily and ran her fingers through her mane to keep her calm. It was a risky situation but Zahara would fight back with all her might. She tried not to step on any leaves, the dirt in her left hand gradually seeping out with every step she took. Her heart pounded as she grew closer to the figure. Zahara stopped, a good few lengths established between her and what she thought to be a man. "Good evening," she stated in a courteous and wavering tone, hand raised and aimed for whatever came her way.

Hearing the voice, Jorvan shot a look over his shoulder. "Good, you are still alive." The statement was made with a tone that marked the man as annoyed. In a fluid manner he would sheath his bloodied weapon in the scabbard, though there was a certain irritated vibe accompanying the motion. "I don't know who was so stupid to send you riding alone but don't think there is much that I could do about it now. Where is your horse?" Jorvan asked, turning around as he threw a look around. "Bloody damned mess. I hope your sister will keep true to her promise cause this is more trouble than it is starting to be worth it."

The dirt in her hand dropped. Ser Jorick? She kept her distance in the shadows and watched as he glanced away from her; a sign, she supposed, that she needed to get back to the camp while there was still killing going on. "My horse is with me. The guard was only trying to protect me in the best way he could. I'm not going back while there's still bloodshed. I see no point in putting myself in that situation where I'm rendered useless. They need me out of the way."

"He was a bloody idiot. But we won't gain anything from just talking on how efficient the guard was." Jorvan replied, in a dispassionately manner. He would mount his horse again and shot a look towards Zahara. "I can't leave you here behind. The best course of action is to move back and see what the situation is. Perhaps the attack has already been snuffed out." While he seemed more than eager to head back, he couldn't go back if Zahara would decide not to mount up and ride back. For a moment, he wondered what he would need to do if she was going to refuse.

"And what will you do if I don't go back right now?"

The question of Zahara made Jorvan narrow his eyes. He wasn't entirely certain if she could see his facial expression. Then again, his patience was running dry. "Are we going to do this right now? I am not certain if you realise it but you are the one in need of protection."

"I'll be fine," Zahara responded, mounting Lily. She steered her away from the direction of the camp. "I'll wait until morning. How on Earth could I be protected amongst battle anyways? It makes absolutely no sense."

"Wait till morning in the dark while clearly the region isn't clean of bandits? As for protection, those men who risked their lives are probably still there. I have seen worse situations and ambushes. I am willing to bet my everything that the fight is already over. That is if," Jorvan's voice took a sharper tone, "You wouldn't mind taking it from a bloodthirsty sellsword. In any way, I am going back to the camp. No need for them to first risk their hides and then worry themselves sick about a lady that can't stand a little bit of blood." Steering his horse to the direction he had came from, Jorvan grumbled something underneath his breath.

"You know, for someone who's supposed to be protecting me," She rose her voice, disdain laced in her tone. "You've got quite a lot to complain about. I'll see you at Frosthold. I don't need your protection anyways." She went off to make her next stop at one of the villages on the way to Frosthold, unconcerned about the consequences she might stir, so long as she made it to a village safe and sound.

Jorvan halted his steed as he looked over his shoulder. There was a reply at the ready on his tongue, marking it clear on why he was 'complaining'. But the lady already made her decision by stating she didn't need his protection. He was about to reply that she indeed did not need his protection. She needed more than just him guarding her if this was her decision. Deciding to not waste breathe and time with arguing, Jorvan would spur his mount to ride back to the camp. Hopefully, his estimation wouldn't be too far off.

COLLAB BETWEEN @Gerontis and @Kit Kat

After setting camp, Zahara's entourage suffers an ambush from a hostile party. While the guards attempt to fend of the nightly incurssion, Zahara is instructed by a guard to make way out. Once the lady is riding away, Jorvan pursues in order to make certain that Zahara isn't without any protection. When the sellsword actually locates the lady, the latter decides to venture out on her own.
Last edited:
[fieldbox="Alexander Marric, #ff4d4d, solid, 10, Tahoma"]


After having sent the guard to retrieve his sister, it slowly dawned on Alex what a stupid decision he had just made. Not particularly what he remembered from being taught about such matters, but simply that he figured those arriving who probably feel a bit slighted. Lord of the House hadn't come, both he and Meera had walked away after a brief welcome. Under his breath, the Marric cursed himself for being stupid. Turning and heading back towards the Faersons and the Gracewood, Alexander would consider how to go about trying to make up for not being a good host. Afterall, manners and keeping the bannermen pleased was certainly a priority right now. Else they might look quite bad with some bannermen simply refusing to bend the knee. Forcing himself to once more have a pleasant expression on his features, Alexander headed straight towards the group of guests.

Upon reaching them once more, he did give another respectful bow before offering his apologies about his previous actions. "Lord Faerson, Lady Sanah, and Lady Gracewood. I must apologize for my behavior a few moments ago, I did not mean to come across as rude. It was not my intention to come across as rude. Please, do come inside. I can show you to where each of you will be staying, and hopefully be a bit of a better host than before." He said, followed by an embarrassed laugh. "Ah, Lord Faerson, Lady Sanah, may I introduce you to Lady Ayleen of House Gracewood. Lady Gracewood, this is Lord Rydan, leader of House Faerson and Lady Sanah of House Faerson." He said, falling silent for a moment to be respectful in case either party chose to speak. "You all must be ready to rest up a bit after journeys, let us head inside." He said before turning and leading the group inside. After ensuring they were coming along, he decided it was probably best to ask how their respective journeys were. "Speaking of your travels, I trust they were good?" He said before spotting another familiar figure out of the corner of his eye. So it seemed she had already come to visit her siblings. Alexander hoped that meant Laina had already spoken to Anselm and thus been released from the contract.

"Lady Laina, a pleasure to see you here." He said, turning towards the girl and giving a kind smile for a moment. "I was just showing the Lord and Ladies here inside, why don't you join us?" He said, figuring that the Faersons would like to see their sister sooner rather than later. As he waited for Laina's response, he tried to read the girl's expression. Figure out if she had in fact gone to see his brother yet or not. She seemed to be smiling, so Alexander took that as a good sign. Turning his gaze then towards his guests, he tried to gauge their reactions. Particularly those of the Faersons at seeing their sister being quite alright. He let out a small sigh, hoping he was making the right decisions here and hoping Meera would return soon so he could have some sort of backup.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=A Family's Affair, #009999 ] -Frosthold, Courtyard

Ayleen had almost made it through the courtyard when lord Alexander summoned her once again.
She was exausted, but courtesy demanded she faced the man with a smile, and so did she. "Oh, it's quite alright, mylord. You must be expecting many more guests, we truly couldn't ask for a better welcome. Even so, I'll join you, gladly."

The lady snapped her fingers at her maidens and servants, her gaze never directly addressing them "Ladies, run along now. Lord Alexander will kindly escort me to my chambers. In the meanwhile, do make sure everything's ready and unpacked for our stay, I'll want to take a bath as soon as possible." Once she was finished, she turned her back on them, instead approaching Lord Alexander and the two other guests with a curious smile. "The pleasure will be mine, my lord, my lady."

"Good. Can't say it was a long one. But intense, yes. That's quite the word. But I do pray we haven't kept you waiting for too long , my lord."

Faerson Siblings @zane620 @Lesli
Alexander Marric @Jason Targaryen

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[fieldbox=A difference of opinion, Orange]
Lionel Trevelyan and Anderon Battley
A collab by @-QT- and @ChromeHound

Anderon Battley rides to meet with his old friend Lionel Trevelyan and the two come to realize that they have very different viewpoints on the current events...

Moving through the ranks of soldiers gathering in the field, Lionel Trevelyan's thoughts traveled to the legacy his elder brother had left behind. Carron had been a compassionate man, more so than Lionel could ever hope to be. While it had made Carron popular amongst his people, it had caused problems that would long outlive the man. The Blood Brothers, a group Lionel had been hesitant about since they were first brought in, were now one of the largest threats to Carron's legacy. It would not have been as bad if they hadn't devolved into mere brigands. While Lionel could understand their frustration at not being paid, it would never excuse the actions they had taken.

The Master-at-Arms steeled his gaze, glancing over towards the wagon that was being loaded by several of his men. The bait was being set... Hearing someone approaching, Lionel turned slightly on his mount, offering a nod towards his friend. "He has," the man replied, looking towards his son. Hearing Anderon's comment, Lionel shot the man a glare, before shaking his head and chuckling softly. "Be careful, old man, I may be slower but I can still kick your ass." Thinking about the question for a moment, he did not know how to answer, not quite. "I'm handling about as well can be expected." he spoke finally, raising an eyebrow and glancing towards Anderon. "How has life fared you?"

"The consequences speak for themselves. Since your brother's passing I have found it difficult to understand this next generation. Children are growing and thinking for themselves. Old men like us are seemingly in the past," Anderson stated with a smirk. Refleciting on his many years of service, Anderon turned to the scouts - many of them baring no wrinkles of war. These were young men forced into a world of blood and chaos with no option of peace. Nations were becoming hungry for power, striking their own flesh and blood to gain upper hand. Anderon could not fathom the idea of a realm without heart, attempting to be that single nip of hope that could turn the tide. The direction they were heading would not give comfort to their fallen lord. Maybe it would wake him from the dead to help knock sense into this ravenous group of people. Even Ser Lionel had those clouded eyes, war being all he knew. He was a man of circumstance, just like the Blood Brothers.

"Have you received word from our Ladyship? The actuality of all these men don't give my counsel favor. I pushed to settle our debts with coin, not blood, but it is evident our Lady did not heed my words. Have you been ordered to attack upon her arrival?"

Anderon's question about Amber caused Lionel to raise an eyebrow. "I have heard word from Lady Amber, yes. Though I must say I am surprised." Shifting slightly in his saddle so that he was sitting straighter, Lionel tilted his head to the side. "You would pay these men? These... brigands?" Letting his question hang for a moment, the Master-at-Arms frowned. "I can understand that they were owed a fair amount due to my brother's miscalculations, but that should never excuse the maiming of innocent civilians, let alone children! Can you honestly tell me you are fine watching these men get paid for hurting our citizens?"

"These 'brigands' are men and women who must feed their children just like any other. Your brother, despite his miscalculations, promised them coin for their service. The Blood Brothers put their lives on the line for his house and have gone unpaid and without promise upon Lord Carron's parture. There's been no word from our Ladyship, I begged for her to speak without action, but she is clouded by grief and sorrow." Anderon started, again attempting to enforce his idealism on a man he hoped would understand. It appeared all were too engulfed in the displeasure of suffering children that they had forgotten about oaths and honor. Children were indeed being tortured, but it was House Trevelyan that brough this on themselves. "What would you have done? Hungry and thirsty in a land not your own? Awaiting to be paid so you could feed your children! Awaiting for a sign or trust, a petition of hope, a simple word...a simple WORD from a leader that promised payment," Anderon added, pausing to exhale his frustrations.

Listening to the advisor speak, Lionel's expression began to shift to a frown. It was clear that Anderon was an advocate for his own sense of justice, something Lionel had never held against him. This time, however, it was growing clear that Anderon was more concerned with honouring a past debt than the lives and well being of House Trevelyan's own civilians. Shifting ever so slightly in his saddle, Lionel narrowed his gaze, staring towards the sworn shield. "What you forget, Anderon, is that my brother's passing was a mere two days ago. You'll have to excuse us for desiring a small amount of time to ourselves to mourn his death." Lionel's tone held a hint of acid as he could feel his temper flaring ever so slightly.

Taking a moment to regain his composure, he shook his head. "Despite the fact that her father passed away only two days ago, Lady Amber has not allowed this grief and sorrow as you put it, to cloud her judgement. I assure you that she is quite sound of mind. And believe me when I say that it would be a mistake to underestimate my niece, or to think that she does not have all her wits about her." Staring across the field for a moment, he let out a sad sigh. "What would I have done? I would not have harmed innocents, that much is certain. I would have found a way to make money honestly, or I would have cut my losses and left before it grew worse!"

"You act as if there was never an attempt made to speak to these men before they turned against our people. Like we simply left them in the cold to starve. We may not have been able to pay them what was promised, but we did not leave them with nothing! These men were provided shelter and they were fed by our people. The very people they quickly demanded more from and turned against the instant they saw an opportunity to force my brother's hand." Shaking his head once more, Lionel turned back to Anderon. "You would reward these men for turning to savagery and torture to get what they want? You say no word was given from Lady Trevelyan to attempt a peaceful resolution and yet she has not been in command for more than a few days and what did the Blood Brothers do? Did they attempt to reach out to her, to reason with her as the new Lady of the House and try to reach some sort of agreement? No. They delivered a bag of fingers to the gates of Tornburg... a fucking bag of children's fingers Anderon!" Despite his best efforts, Lionel's voice had grown as he spat the last words. "What the hell would you have us do? Try and make peace with these bastards? Pay them for ruining the lives of innocents because they were wronged by a dead man?"

"I seek to end this misfortune. We are not rewarding the Blood Brothers for harming our own, we are paying them the dues that were promised by Lord Carron Trevelyan. I stood by his side for years. Since youth. This...this upcoming battle, this bloodshed or whatever there is planned. This is not what he would want............and all of you know it. I'm in no position to change your mind or your plan. You have been given your orders. But heath my words Lionel. Do not force your son into this life. Do not teach him to kill men who yearn for water and bread. They howled and howled and not a single soul listened. So they turned to bite and now they are heard. This is not justice." Pouring his heart into this statement, he hoped his message would resonate with his old friend and all those soldiers in their proximity. Anderon readied his horse, preparing to move to the back of the line and await Lady Amber.

Lionel's fists clenched as Anderon mentioned Owen. In his heart he knew the man was only trying to do what he thought was best for the boy, but Anderon had chosen the wrong time to preach. "Do not dare presume what my brother would want." he began, his voice low and cold. "You may have known him better than most Anderon, but Carron was my brother. He was compassionate to a fault, but even he would never stand by while innocents were being harmed. That's what got us into this whole mess in the first place." Resting one hand on the pommel of his sword, Lionel Trevelyan stared at Anderon Battley for a long moment. "When it became clear that we could no longer afford to pay these men, I offered to go and speak with them, to reach an agreement. My brother waved the idea off, truly believing that the Blood Brothers would understand. That they would be willing to wait until things turned around for us... That time never came. The Blood Brothers turned aggressive as soon as they realized we did not have the money. They attacked our people and forcibly took over their homes, claiming that land as their own."

"I went and spoke with their leader, without my brother's blessing. I wanted to see what could be done to avoid further bloodshed. Perhaps it was foolish, but I even offered to pay them from my own funds. It was not nearly enough to cover what they were owed, but I could at least put something towards that debt, to show that we were trying." Lionel continued, his voice growing quiet. "Do you know how he reacted?" Not waiting for Anderon to respond, Lionel shook his head slowly, a sadness clear in his eyes. "He laughed in my face. Told me that our debt would keep growing and that we already owed them more than what was originally promised. Rather than accept my offer, he chose to spit on the gesture. So no, Anderon, these men have lost any honour they may have previously held. They have no righteous cause to hold over us. They torture innocent lives for nothing more than greed and I have a duty to this House to remove the stain of their presence."

"I swore an oath to protect your niece as I did your brother. I failed Lord Carron, watched him as he took his last breaths. He suffered more than most, endured the sickness that took him from this realm longer than his damn gods wished upon him. I will forever be accountable for his life, but I aim to prevent the same outcome for our Ladyship, which shows difficult as she yearns to fight a war and spill unnecessary blood. I don't seek redemption, I seek peace in a House that struggles to find it. Your brother once told me that a trembling hand can become a fist. What he meant was that fearful individual could tirumph in a world full of terrors if he simply believes. I pray that we never find ourselves at odds old friend, but I will not allow this to become sanctioned by our Lady ever again. She will understand diplomacy. She will crave knowledge and be as wise as her father.......as peaceful. And when she passes, when all of this is over and we are reduced to ash, her children and her bloodline will continue to fight the fear with with a kind heart."

"Peace?" Lionel scoffed, shaking his head. "There will be no peace while these brigands roam our lands, slaughtering innocents and threatening the safety of our citizens. We will bring peace to our House when The Blood Brothers are gone. When families are not afraid to walk in the street. Only then will there be peace, Anderon. Do not be foolish enough to believe diplomacy will somehow sway the Blood Brothers from their campaign of terror." Narrowing his eyes towards his old friend, Lionel sighed. "I would suggest that you do not forget who is leader of this house, Anderon. While you may speak your advice and do your best to persuade Lady Amber, she will do what she believes is best for this House. You do not decide what is "allowed" for her to do. And believe me, Lady Amber is already very well versed in diplomacy. Like I mentioned to you before, you would be wise to not underestimate her."

Petting the mane of his stallion, Anderon looked into his friend's eyes. He smirked momentarily as his horse struck the ground with its hooves. "May the gods be in your favor old friend. May they watch over your son. We should do this more often..." he laughed as his horse moved away from the front line and left the soldiers to fight a good fight.
[fieldbox=Laina Faerson, orange]
- At Frosthold. -

Laina waited patiently. Knowing that it would be considered rude and hasty if she would greet her family while they were being received, the youngest of the Faerson siblings eyed both Sanah and Rydan. They seemed to be in good health. It was a different story if they were in a good mood but she would see about that later. Alexander Marric seemed to be the person who was dealing with the welcoming and this slightly confused Laina. Wasn't Meera around? Didn't she say anything about receiving those who had arrived? Pushing the thought into the back of her mind, Laina would just remain where she was. It was really easy to recognise her own siblings. Who was the blonde woman? She had no direct answer on it but considered it not of paramount importance to know it now.

When the company started to get moving, Laina would take a step backwards and lower her head as a gesture of respect towards the others. Alexander did ask if she was willing to join them. A quick glance was thrown into the direction of her siblings before Laina replied back. "I would consider it a pleasure and a honour, Lord Alexander," Laina courtesly said as she would fold her hands in front of her stomach.

Walking to be at the side of Sanah, Laina couldn't withhold herself from whispering something softly to her sibling. "I missed you two. I hope you didn't mind riding towards Frosthold for me." A more cheeky and yet faint smile found its way towards the lips of Laina as she shot a sideways look at her siblings.

Sanah Faerson
Rydan Faerson
@Jason Targaryen
Alexander Marric

Ayleen Gracewood.
Meera Marric

[fieldbox=Sanah Faerson, chocolate]
~ Frosthold~

The reply of Rydan caused Sanah to throw a sideways glance. Slightly did the eyebrows of Sanah rose, clarifying that she was amused as the subtle motion of her eyebrows went together with a small smile. The irritated expression of Rydan noticing that the Lady of the Keep decided to walk away wasn't lost on Sanah. While she couldn't care less, it did make Sanah wonder what kind of welcome this was. Weren't the Marrics who had requested their presence? If the Lord was so busy then why was his representative walking off as if they were nothing but the neighbourhood's dog or cat?

Then there was Alexander Marric, who Rydan turned to inquire about the status of the youngest of the Faerson siblings. Sanah would opt to remain silent, her eyes locked on Alexander for a moment. She wondered how for a brief moment on how annoyed Rydan already was at the very first slight. Perhaps the children of the previous Lord Marric weren't that much different from the father if they forsake etiquette of welcoming their bannermen.

"She is busy lately, Lord Faerson." Sanah repeated Alexander's words on a casual tone, her gaze still locked on Alexander Marric after he had spoken. There wasn't much else that needed to be said but Sanah figured that there was little wrong for them to get Laina and just ride out right away. While they were technically the bannermen of House Marric, none of them had yet sworn an oath to Anselm or his house. And at this rate, Sanah didn't see why they should uphold loyalty to a House that invited them, only to treat them as low as some smallfolk.

When Alexander made his way to some other woman, Sanah would 'cough' softly to gain Rydan's attention. Her voice was soft, her facial expression neutral but her tone sharp as she spoke. "I wanted to stay and see what we could gain. But clearly, I feel like we need to wait to see who else comes to this event. We will follow the first plan unless they are going to keep up the slights."

That having said in a soft voice, Sanah would notice that Alexander went away. So, the children of the late lord Marric were indeed not that far apart from their father? That was good to know. "I really am hoping that we can contact the Hornwoods now," Sanah whispered, just audible enough for Rydan, on a most venomous tone as her eyes briefly narrowed. "This wretched behaviour is worse than I could have anticipated. No wonder that the other banners are disloyal."
Turning half around, Sanah watched how their entourage was busy with unloading some of their possessions while their guards remained close around them. Would it be too late to instruct their people to reverse their progression and ready to ride out once they would have gain Laina back? Sanah knew she wouldn't have to ask Rydan as her brother would be more than grateful to be on their way back home.

Alexander Marric's return caught Sanah's attention but this time she shot him a look of doubt. The raised eyebrows and distrustful glance would mark it clear that she didn't take his apologies as honest. "I am certain that you are as busy as your sister, my lord," Sanah calmly replied towards the apologies before turning towards Ayleen Gracewood. Who stated that the pleasure was all hers. A most cynical remark was at the ready but Sanah wouldn't direct her irritation of the Marrics towards this woman. "Thanks, it is an honour, Lady Gracewood." Sanah said, inclining her head towards Ayleen while not deeming it worthwhile to answer Alexander's question about their journey towards Frosthold.

When Alexander started to guide them into the keep, Sanah caught sight of Laina awaiting them. The youngest of the Faerson joined them, Sanah flashed a warm smile towards her sister. "I don't know. I am starting to mind coming here. And not to mention to keep Rydan in a hold of not just picking you up and head home as soon as he can." Pausing for a moment, Sanah eyed Laina. "We missed you too. Don't worry, though. We will soon be going home."


Rydan Faerson,
Laina Faerson,
@Jason Targaryen
Alexander Marric,
Ayleen Gracewood.

@Violet @AceSorcerer
Anselm Marric and Meera Marric.

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