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[A Realm of Uncertainty] * [OOC/Sign-up] * [All Ages Welcome - CLOSED]

Damn, shit's about to go down.

Also, guess who's with a brand new laptop? That's right, this mothafucka here! After a week of waiting, it's finally here. And it's awesome
Kadra being attacked by half giants, then lights and explosions amazing rofl.
@Whisket I am truly disappointed you missed the TES IV reference in Prince Erick's speech. -10 from House Redoran!
Of course I noticed @Jack Nolan you just beat me to saying anything before I could post it here you sneaky sneak.

I expect many more in the future.
Also House Hlaalu 4lyfe.
Of course I noticed @Jack Nolan you just beat me to saying anything before I could post it here you sneaky sneak.

I expect many more in the future.
Also House Hlaalu 4lyfe.
Gross! Get your filthy imperial-infested house out of the lands of Vvardenfell! Redoran is love and life.
Guess I have a lot of catching up to do ^^;

I'll reread my CS since it's been a while, then catch up on the story.

Hopefully I'll have a post in an hour or two.
Say that to my face not during a blight storm, S'wit and see what happens
Even your armor looks shoddy! Are your House leaders too busy getting fat and drunk off of Imperial coin that they don't feel the need to make proper Bonemold anymore?

>not wearing Gah-Julan
>not wearing Chuzei
Of course I noticed @Jack Nolan you just beat me to saying anything before I could post it here you sneaky sneak.

I expect many more in the future.
Also House Hlaalu 4lyfe.
House Hlaalu...


Also, sheet's done.
House Hlaalu...


Also, sheet's done.
So. I read your history. I liked it. Except for this...

>she fathered two children


Ive never heard of a mother fathering children. Heard of fathers fathering children. Heard of mothers bearing children or bore children, but thats a new one.
So. I read your history. I liked it. Except for this...

>she fathered two children


Ive never heard of a mother fathering children. Heard of fathers fathering children. Heard of mothers bearing children or bore children, but thats a new one.
I know, I changed that. I rushed to do it before anyone noticed and now it looks like I'll have to commit subaru.
>3E 427
>Anything besides Armun-An

I see how it is, Morang Tong have been notified.
LOLOL, House Hlaalu wouldn't use the Morag Tong. They are too capitalistic and have abandoned any form of tradition! They would use the Dark Brotherhood like any other Western swine!
LOLOL, House Hlaalu wouldn't use the Morag Tong. They are too capitalistic and have abandoned any form of tradition! They would use the Dark Brotherhood like any other Western swine!

Close-minded fool! We have not forgotten the the lessons of Vivec, embrace change do not fear the outlanders!
Close-minded fool! We have not forgotten the the lessons of Vivec, embrace change do not fear the outlanders!
Vivec was a false god! He embraced the power of a mechanized Dwemer god, much like Sotha Sil and Alemexia and corrupted themselves! They KILLED the Nerevar in order to keep their power. YOU are the close-minded fool, following such false idols!
Vivec was a false god! He embraced the power of a mechanized Dwemer god, much like Sotha Sil and Alemexia and corrupted themselves! They KILLED the Nerevar in order to keep their power. YOU are the close-minded fool, following such false idols!

Fool! The tribunal killed Indoril Nerevar to leave him unbound by fate, they loved him and he shall be reincarnated!
Fool! The tribunal killed Indoril Nerevar to leave him unbound by fate, they loved him and he shall be reincarnated!
Resdayn, present day Morrowind, was contested ground between two very different types of mer: the Chimer, who worshipped Daedra, and the Dwemer, who worshipped a profane and secret power. These two people warred with each other constantly until their lands were invaded by a young, vibrant, and violent alien culture, the Nords.

Two heroes, one from the Chimer and one from the Dwemer, Indoril Nerevar and Dumac Dwarf-Orc, made peace between their people and together ousted the alien invaders. Then these two heroes worked long and hard to maintain that peace thereafter, though their counselors thought it could not last or, worse, that it shouldn't. Nerevar's queen and his generals-- Almalexia, Sotha Sil, Vivec-- told him to claim all Resdayn for his own. But Nerevar would not listen, for he remembered his friendship with Dumac. There would be only peace.
Until Dagoth-Ur arrived. House Dagoth had discovered the source of the profane and secret power of the Dwemer: the legendary Heart of Lorkhan, which Dumac's people had used to make themselves immortal and beyond the measure of the gods. In fact, one of the their high priests, Kagrenac, was building a New God so that the Dwemer could claim Resdayn for their own.

The Tribunal urged Nerevar again to make war on the Dwarves. Nerevar was troubled. He went to Dumac, his friend of old, and asked if what Dagoth-Ur said was true. But Kagrenac and the high priests of the Dwemer had kept their New God secret from their King, and Dumac said the Dwemer were innocent of any wrongdoing. Nerevar was troubled again and made pilgrimage to Holamayan, the sacred temple of Azura, who confirmed that all that Dagoth-Ur said was indeed true and that the New God of the Dwemer should be destroyed for the safety of not only Resdayn, but for the whole world. When Nerevar went back and told his Tribunal what the goddess had said, his queen and generals felt themselves proved aright and again counseled him to war. There were reasons that the Dwemer and Chimer had hated each other forever.

Finally, Nerevar, angered that his friend Dumac would lie to him, went back to Vvardenfell. This time the Chimer King was arrayed in arms and armor and had his hosts around him, and he spoke harshly to Dumac Dwarf-Orc, King of Red Mountain. "You must give up your worship of the Heart of Lorkhan or I shall forget our friendship and the deeds that were accomplished in its name!" And Dumac, who still knew nothing of Kagrenac's New God, but proud and protective as ever of his people, said, "We shall not relinquish that which has been our way for years beyond reckoning, just as the Chimer will not relinquish their ties to the Lords and Ladies of Oblivion. And to come at my door in this way, arrayed in arms and armor and with your hosts around you, tells me you have already forgotten our friendship. Stand down, my sweet Nerevar, or I swear by the fifteen-and-one golden tones I shall kill you and all your people."

And so the Chimer and Dwemer went to war. The Dwemer were well-defended by their fortress at Red Mountain, but the bravery and cleverness of Nerevar's queen and generals drew most of Dumac's armies out into the field and kept them there, so that Nerevar and Dagoth-Ur could make their way into the Heart Chamber by secret means. There, Nerevar met Dumac and the Dwarf King and they both fell from grievous wounds. Dagoth-Ur slew Kagrenac and took the tools the Dwemer used to tap the power of the Heart. He went to his dying lord Nerevar and asked him what to do with these tools. And Nerevar summoned Azura again, and she showed them how to use the tools to separate the power of the Heart from the Dwemer people.

And on the fields, the Tribunal and their armies watched as the Dwemer turned into dust all around them as their stolen immortality was taken away.

Back in Red Mountain, Nerevar told Dagoth-Ur to protect the tools and the Heart Chamber until he returned. Dagoth-Ur said, "But shouldn't we destroy these tools at once, so that they might never be used for evil again?" But Nerevar was confused by his wounds and his sorrow (for he still loved Dumac and the Dwemer people) and so went to the fields outside of Red Mountain to confer with his queen and his generals, who had foreseen that this war would come and whose counsel he would not ignore again. "I will ask the Tribunal what we shall do with them, for they have had wisdom in the past that I had not. Stay here, loyal Dagoth-Ur, until I return."

Then Nerevar told his queen and generals all that had transpired under Red Mountain and how the Dwemer had used special tools to turn their people into immortals and of the wondrous power of the Heart of Lorkhan. The Tribunal decided that the Chimer should learn how to use this power so that Nerevar might claim Resdayn and the world for their people. Nerevar did not expect or want this, so he asked his queen and generals to help him summon Azura yet again for her guidance. But the Tribunal had become as greedy as Kagrenac upon hearing of the power of the Heart and they coveted it. They made ritual as if to summon Azura as Nerevar wanted but Almalexia used poisoned candles and Sotha Sil used poisoned robes and Vivec used poisoned invocations. Nerevar was murdered.

Then Azura came forth anyway and cursed the Tribunal for their foul deeds. She told them that she would use her powers over dusk and dawn to make sure Nerevar would come back and make things right again. But the Tribunal laughed at her and said that soon they would be gods themselves and that the Chimer people would forget their old ways of worship. And Azura knew this would be true and that it would take a long time before her power might bring Nerevar back. "What you have done here today is foul beyond measure and you will grow to regret it, for the lives of gods are not what mortals think and matters that weigh only years to mortals weigh on gods forever." And so that they might know forever their wicked deeds Azura changed the Chimer into Dunmer, and their skin turned ashen and their eyes into fire. "Let this mark remind you of your true selves who, like ghouls, fed on the nobility, heroism, and trust of their king."

And then the Tribunal went into Red Mountain and met with Dagoth-Ur. Dagoth-Ur saw what had been done, for his skin had changed as well, and he tried to avenge the death of Nerevar but to no avail. He was driven off and thought dead. The Tribunal found the tools he had been guarding and, through study of Kagrenac's methods, turned themselves into gods.

Thousands of years after their apotheosis, the Tribunal are still the gods of Morrowind and the old ways of worship are remembered only by a few. And the murder of Nerevar is known to fewer. But his queen and generals still fear his return, for the words of Azura linger long and they see the mark of her curse on their people every day.

In ancient days, the Deep Elves and a great host of outlanders from the West came to steal the land of the Dunmer. In that time, Nerevar was the great khan and warleader of the House People, but he honored the Ancient Spirits and the Tribal law, and became as one of us.

So, when Nerevar pledged upon his great Ring of the Ancestors, One-Clan-Under-Moon-and-Star, to honor the ways of the Spirits and rights of the Land, all the Tribes joined the House People to fight a great battle at Red Mountain.

Though many Dunmer, Tribesman and Houseman, died at Red Mountain, the Dwemer were defeated and their evil magicks destroyed, and the outlanders driven from the land. But after this great victory, the power-hungry khans of the Great Houses slew Nerevar in secret, and, setting themselves up as gods, neglected Nerevar's promises to the Tribes.

But it is said that Nerevar will come again with his ring, and cast down the false gods, and by the power of his ring will make good his promises to the Tribes, to honor the Spirits and drive the outsiders from the land.

At some time soon after the climax of the battle, following the disappearance of the Dwemer, Nerevar insisted that he, Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec swear upon and before Azura never to employ the Tools of Kagrenac in the profane manner that the Dwemer had intended. A few years after the battle, when the Tribunal broke their oath to Nerevar and used Kagrenac's Tools to seize divine power, Azura appeared and cursed them. She assured them that her champion Nerevar would return to punish them for their perfidy, and to make sure such profane knowledge might never again be used to mock and defy the will of the gods. When Sotha Sil dismissed her claims, all Chimer were changed into Dunmer, and she professed that all the Dunmer would share the fate of the Tribunal until the end of time. Nerevar's wife Almalexia later became the Consort of her fellow Triune Vivec. The Heirographa claimed that he lived long enough to bless the new Tribunal as protectors of his people.
The disagreement over Nerevar's death created a schism between the Great Houses, who accepted the Tribunal as their new living gods, and the Ashlanders, who decried the Tribunal as murderers. It was not until the early Fourth Era, when worship of the Tribunal faded, that other Dunmer would come to appreciate the Ashlanders again for preserving the ancient traditions Nerevar had promised to respect.

On a completely related note, I have quite literally read every single book in the Elder Scrolls series.
I may not be that big of an Elder Scrolls junkie, but I'm pretty sure I have researched every aspect of Dark Souls 1 lore at one point or another.

Love that game.