A Ninja's Way

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"Alright." She said, she got on like before. "As long as it doesn't bother you."
Syaoran smiles. "Of course." He takes off. The sunrise looked beautiful.
Rin waited for them to get to Konaha. She watched the sky. It had a similar look from last time. She thought about what Syaoran was saying before. She held on a little tighter. I promise, she said in her head.
Syaoran lands outside Tsunade's. As they walk in Shizune sees them and lets them in the office. "Lady Hokage, the mission was a success." Tsunade nods. "Thank you Syaoran. I have all the info we could find. It seems Sasori is hiding out somewhere near the border between the land of wind and the land of water." Syaoran nods.

"I have one last request. I'd like Rin to come with me." "Why?" Syaoran looks at her. "Two reasons. I'm starting to fall for her and if he's part of the Akatsuki then he's your enemy too." Tsunade smiles. "You make a compelling point. Very well, I'll allow it... under one condition. Fight me." She stretches. "I'm bored sitting around here and I want to make sure you can protect her." Syaoran smiles. "Deal." "Let's go to the roof."
Rin followed Syaoran into the Hokage's room. She listened as they talked, staying out of the conversation. As soon as Syaoran mentioned falling for her she blushed a bit but decided to wave it off at the moment. When Tsunade requested to fight Syaoran she got worried. She didn't care if he could beat Tsunade, she already knew he would be able to protect her; if she needed it. There wasn't much she could say though, so decided to follow the two to the roof.
Tsunade gets ready. "Ready for a lesson in pain little boy?" Syaoran laughs. "Big words for a hag." They both laugh and run at each other. They go blow for blow for a few minutes. Tsunade ends up getting a good hit in, knocking him into the air. "Ready to forfeit?" Syaoran laughs. "On the contrary, I'm just getting warmed up! Byakugan!" His wings spread and dive bombs, clipping her chakra point with his wing. All of a sudden her chakra overflows. "Cutting one's chakra off can be deadly but an overflowing of chakra can be just as dangerous. I've mastered doing both." Tsunade smirks. "You win. You can take her. I get the feeling I'm just seeing the surface of your power." She hits some of her own pressure points to undo the chakra overflow and smiles. "Good luck."
Rin watched, unsure of what the outcome would be. When she heard Tsunade say they were done Rin gave out a sigh of relief. She was happy that Syaoran won, she wasn't sure what would happen if he didn't. She would probably trail off with him anyway, disobeying Tsunade.
Syaoran nods. "Let's go Rin." He looks at Tsunade. "Next time, don't hold back. I was actually looking forward to a real match." Tsunade laughs. "We'll just have to have a rematch when you get back." Syaoran smiles. As he starts walking off of he looks back for a moment. "Don't worry. We'll both be back, and in better shape than ever."
Rin followed Syaoran. She had her arms crossed as she walked, not turning back to see Tsunade as they were leaving the building. "You were having fun fighting with her weren't you?" Rin then asked him.
Syaoran laughs. "Ya. Who wouldn't? I mean she's the Hokage, one of the strongest ninja out there." He looks at Rin. "What, are you jealous?"
"Jealous? Of what?" She said to him, walking out of the mansion and into the village.
Syaoran shrugs. "Her strength I guess. I know I'm kinda jealous."
"I think you're pretty strong." Rin said to him.
Syaoran smiles. "Thanks." He pulls her to him, wrapping his arms around her waist, and kisses her.
Rin lets him kiss her. She eventually moves her lips away after a moment but stays in his arms. She looked at him, into his eyes. She felt so safe in his arms; a feeling she was never used to.
Syaoran smiles. "Now, as for that date I promised you." He walks to Ichiraku.
Rin followed Syaoran to Ichiraku. She sat down and got some food. She sat there quietly for a moment. "So...what do people do on dates?" She asked him unsure, she never went on one before and she never discussed it with anyone either. Originally going on a date was never in Rin's mind.
Syaoran gets his food. "Get to know each other and have a good time. I guess in a way we've been on a date a few times..." He laughs.
"Oh. Then what do we talk about now." She said with a straight face.
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