A Nice Night for a Run IC

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Anna would smile as she looked over her papers. "It's from the FBI. Rachel Kellogg, she was the partner of Agent Winters." She reached into her coat pocket, and reached for a stick of gum. She put it in her mouth, and chewed it for a second. "She... And the rest of the FBI want you to find the information Winters had, and his killers. You will be paid for this, and you can return to your worlds. This is a Government sanctioned Shadowrun." She scratched her head, and looked at the crowd. "What do you all say?"
Faith Connors
@Minerva @Others

Faith thought about this proposal for a moment... Then, she shrugged, realizing she had virtually nothing to lose at this point, other than maybe her life.

"I'm in." She said.

It was apparant by the look on her face that she wasn't going to be backing out of a deal like this one anytime soon.​

Eh? It was that easy, huh?

Assuming that Rachel wasn't simply playing Akane for a fool, then she was certainly right. The thing with this talk of Knight Errant taking over their case was strange. In fact, as stressed before by her, this whole scenario was strange. She didn't really know what to make of it, except for the unlawful murder of an officer of the law, the Winters that Rachel had mentioned.

Well, at least there was someplace to go from here.


"The catch seems like a fair trade, yes," Akane nodded, averting her gaze for a moment, "It'd indeed be a shame if the murder case of an officer were to go unresolved, so I'd help you even if it wasn't to be the condition for me getting back home safe and sound. Just point me in the right direction and I'll see if I can pick up any potential leads... That is, me and my future associates, I suppose."

After a small breath, she spoke again upon noticing Rachel tear up a little.


"Ah, excuse me... If I may ask, were you particularly close to this... Agent Winters, miss?"

Rachel turned around. "Agent Winters was my partner, as well as a father figure to me. He encouraged me to join the FBI, and guided me through it. I wasn't just his partner, I was his apprentice." She laughed. "He was a teacher, a friend, and like a father to me. Hell, if it weren't for him, I'd probably be out in the barrens, committing crimes. But no, he saved me, and for that, I want to thank him." She smiled softly. "Anyway, your first major job will be in Seattle. You all leave tomorrow, but for now, let's get you some food." She turned to the door, and opened it. "Nurse? We have a patient here for discharge." She said. An Ork nurse walked in, and looked at Akane.

"You sure, ma'am? Isn't this the one who the FBI wants?" He said looking at Rachel, assuming she wasn't an FBI agent. Rachel fished in her pocket and flashed her badge.

"She'll be in my custody the whole time, sir." She said. She winked at Akane. "Just discharge her. The people of the UCAS thank you."

Faith Connors
@Minerva @Others

Faith thought about this proposal for a moment... Then, she shrugged, realizing she had virtually nothing to lose at this point, other than maybe her life.

"I'm in." She said.

It was apparant by the look on her face that she wasn't going to be backing out of a deal like this one anytime soon.​
She catgirl's ears perked up when Faith said she was in. A smile appeared on her face. "That's great!" She said.

Motoko stepped forward. "I'm in as well." She said. She straightened her hair.

Anna turned around. "Oh, Marcus? Can we get these lovely people out of here?" She said happily. The burly Ork officer from earlier pushed his way inside. He held an ID card in his hand, and he swiped it. The door into the cell was unlocked.

"This is a kindness. If I hear about any of ya makin' trouble on Ares Property, well, the Feds can't save you all then. You hear me?" He said, pointing to his big-ass gun. He patted his body armor.

Anna stood up after putting the papers in her briefcase and smiled. "So, you all must be soooo hungry! I know a place just down the street where you all can get some food. I would get it and rest up, because your first job is in Seattle. You fly out tomorrow. Now go! Go! I have work to do. You'll find the place. It's called Stuffer shack." The catgirl sat silent for a moment. "Oh! There's one last thing, MONEY!" She reached into her pocket and held up what looked like a USB. "This is a Credstick, Ebony level. Enough money to get you where you need to go. I'll meet you all and miss Tsunemori at the airport tomorrow." She smiled, and sat back down. "So, get yourselves some food and I'll see you tomorrow!"

((Roll Call! If you all are still in despite my slowness, post next round))

Face: Akane Tsunemori @Verite
Hacker: Major Motoko Kusanagi @Minerva
Mage: Shaitan @Ringmaster
Muscle: Cameron Phillips @Thuro 116 Pendragon
Infiltrator: Faith Connors @york
Sniper: James Bond @Cromartie Sarkissian
Rigger: James Rhodes @Mighty Roman
Medic: Jude Mathis @FireDrake150
Overwatch: Jesse McCree @CrunchyCHEEZIT
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Well, that had seemed like forever to get to the point.

That and it annoyed Shaitan in particular, the more he heard this sniveling lawyer. Nevertheless, he listened because that was how he learned and he revealed nothing. All his questions to be asked was granted, regardless. And he was not about to voice his opinion in a bugged cell.​
Jude sighs softly, Heading out of the cell and taking the credstick. "We don't have much choice. May as well do as suggested. Get food and get to know each other since we seem to be drafted..." The messy black haired medic Quietly heads out of the cell and waits for the others. "I am Jude by the way. Jude Mathis."

@All interested in talking to a med almost graduate.
Rachel turned around. "Agent Winters was my partner, as well as a father figure to me. He encouraged me to join the FBI, and guided me through it. I wasn't just his partner, I was his apprentice." She laughed. "He was a teacher, a friend, and like a father to me. Hell, if it weren't for him, I'd probably be out in the barrens, committing crimes. But no, he saved me, and for that, I want to thank him." She smiled softly. "Anyway, your first major job will be in Seattle. You all leave tomorrow, but for now, let's get you some food." She turned to the door, and opened it. "Nurse? We have a patient here for discharge." She said. An Ork nurse walked in, and looked at Akane.

"You sure, ma'am? Isn't this the one who the FBI wants?" He said looking at Rachel, assuming she wasn't an FBI agent. Rachel fished in her pocket and flashed her badge.

"She'll be in my custody the whole time, sir." She said. She winked at Akane. "Just discharge her. The people of the UCAS thank you."

"I... see. Then him leaving... must have been difficult on you," Akane simply said sympathetically in response to Rachel's initial explanation for her relation with Agent Winters.

Afterwards, she would only give a silent nod when Rachel would assign her the mission in... Seattle? She could only assume it was another city in America. Fair enough. If discharge was going to be immediate, she may as well get a move on. The wound in her shoulder wasn't about to heal by itself if she wasn't gonna get her strength back. With that, she would slowly get out of the bed, shifting her legs onto the floor and letting them support her body. It was almost difficult to remember that her legs weren't even wounded in the exchange. Perhaps she was just out for that long? Who knew?

"Yeah... a meal sounds good."



Cameron stood, the elegant motion belying the metallic gears that sat underneath that perfect human sheath. She had been listening to the lawyer, her mind making no judgments of whether she was annoying or not, the lack of action likely not being shared among the more organic of her supposed teammates. She had been semi disappointed when the girl had refused to shake her hand, or rather the Terminator equivalent of disappointment, the acknowledgement of a failed opportunity. She'd wanted to get a read on the data that touching the catgirl could provide. She had no information on how a mixture of human and animal biology altered the killing protocols that Skynet had built into her.

It wasn't a massive missed opportunity. Any target could be eliminated with enough firepower and persistence. And, as an aside, she didn't have to be as subtle when removed from her own timeline.


When presented with the catgirl's question and offer, she offered a set of her own. "If you return my weapons and promise not to have the police in this city harass me upon the completion of this mission, I'll find out what happened to Cain Winters."

@The Silver Paladin (the true name)​
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She catgirl's ears perked up when Faith said she was in. A smile appeared on her face. "That's great!" She said.

Motoko stepped forward. "I'm in as well." She said. She straightened her hair.

Anna turned around. "Oh, Marcus? Can we get these lovely people out of here?" She said happily. The burly Ork officer from earlier pushed his way inside. He held an ID card in his hand, and he swiped it. The door into the cell was unlocked.

"This is a kindness. If I hear about any of ya makin' trouble on Ares Property, well, the Feds can't save you all then. You hear me?" He said, pointing to his big-ass gun. He patted his body armor.

Anna stood up after putting the papers in her briefcase and smiled. "So, you all must be soooo hungry! I know a place just down the street where you all can get some food. I would get it and rest up, because your first job is in Seattle. You fly out tomorrow. Now go! Go! I have work to do. You'll find the place. It's called Stuffer shack." The catgirl sat silent for a moment. "Oh! There's one last thing, MONEY!" She reached into her pocket and held up what looked like a USB. "This is a Credstick, Ebony level. Enough money to get you where you need to go. I'll meet you all and miss Tsunemori at the airport tomorrow." She smiled, and sat back down. "So, get yourselves some food and I'll see you tomorrow!"

((Roll Call! If you all are still in despite my slowness, post next round))

Face: Akane Tsunemori @Verite
Hacker: Major Motoko Kusanagi @Minerva
Mage: Shaitan @Ringmaster
Muscle: Cameron Phillips @Thuro 116 Pendragon
Infiltrator: Faith Connors @york
Sniper: James Bond @Cromartie Sarkissian
Rigger: James Rhodes @Mighty Roman
Medic: Jude Mathis @FireDrake150
Overwatch: Jesse McCree @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Well, that had seemed like forever to get to the point.

That and it annoyed Shaitan in particular, the more he heard this sniveling lawyer. Nevertheless, he listened because that was how he learned and he revealed nothing. All his questions to be asked was granted, regardless. And he was not about to voice his opinion in a bugged cell.​


Cameron stood, the elegant motion belying the metallic gears that sat underneath that perfect human sheath. She had been listening to the lawyer, her mind making no judgments of whether she was annoying or not, the lack of action likely not being shared among the more organic of her supposed teammates. She had been semi disappointed when the girl had refused to shake her hand, or rather the Terminator equivalent of disappointment, the acknowledgement of a failed opportunity. She'd wanted to get a read on the data that touching the catgirl could provide. She had no information on how a mixture of human and animal biology altered the killing protocols that Skynet had built into her.

It wasn't a massive missed opportunity. Any target could be eliminated with enough firepower and persistence. And, as an aside, she didn't have to be as subtle when removed from her own timeline.


When presented with the catgirl's question and offer, she offered a set of her own. "If you return my weapons and promise not to have the police in this city harass me upon the completion of this mission, I'll find out what happened to Cain Winters."

@The Silver Paladin (the true name)​
Faith Connors
@Verite @Minerva@Ringmaster @Thuro 116 Pendragon @Cromartie Sarkissian @Mighty Roman @FireDrake150 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Others?

Faith simply nodded... She had to admit she was more than a little hungry, but frankly, she just wanted some air... For now, it was a bit difficult to stay cooped up in a cell like that for very long, perhaps after a little food for the go, she could go for a run? In either case, she stepped out of her cell, most of the questions she might have would need to wait until later; the cell wasn't a very good place to talk about more... Delicate matters. In either case, she was quick to try and search for that place down the street Akane mentioned.

Rachel turned around. "Agent Winters was my partner, as well as a father figure to me. He encouraged me to join the FBI, and guided me through it. I wasn't just his partner, I was his apprentice." She laughed. "He was a teacher, a friend, and like a father to me. Hell, if it weren't for him, I'd probably be out in the barrens, committing crimes. But no, he saved me, and for that, I want to thank him." She smiled softly. "Anyway, your first major job will be in Seattle. You all leave tomorrow, but for now, let's get you some food." She turned to the door, and opened it. "Nurse? We have a patient here for discharge." She said. An Ork nurse walked in, and looked at Akane.

"You sure, ma'am? Isn't this the one who the FBI wants?" He said looking at Rachel, assuming she wasn't an FBI agent. Rachel fished in her pocket and flashed her badge.

"She'll be in my custody the whole time, sir." She said. She winked at Akane. "Just discharge her. The people of the UCAS thank you."

She catgirl's ears perked up when Faith said she was in. A smile appeared on her face. "That's great!" She said.

Motoko stepped forward. "I'm in as well." She said. She straightened her hair.

Anna turned around. "Oh, Marcus? Can we get these lovely people out of here?" She said happily. The burly Ork officer from earlier pushed his way inside. He held an ID card in his hand, and he swiped it. The door into the cell was unlocked.

"This is a kindness. If I hear about any of ya makin' trouble on Ares Property, well, the Feds can't save you all then. You hear me?" He said, pointing to his big-ass gun. He patted his body armor.

Anna stood up after putting the papers in her briefcase and smiled. "So, you all must be soooo hungry! I know a place just down the street where you all can get some food. I would get it and rest up, because your first job is in Seattle. You fly out tomorrow. Now go! Go! I have work to do. You'll find the place. It's called Stuffer shack." The catgirl sat silent for a moment. "Oh! There's one last thing, MONEY!" She reached into her pocket and held up what looked like a USB. "This is a Credstick, Ebony level. Enough money to get you where you need to go. I'll meet you all and miss Tsunemori at the airport tomorrow." She smiled, and sat back down. "So, get yourselves some food and I'll see you tomorrow!"

((Roll Call! If you all are still in despite my slowness, post next round))

Face: Akane Tsunemori @Verite
Hacker: Major Motoko Kusanagi @Minerva
Mage: Shaitan @Ringmaster
Muscle: Cameron Phillips @Thuro 116 Pendragon
Infiltrator: Faith Connors @york
Sniper: James Bond @Cromartie Sarkissian
Rigger: James Rhodes @Mighty Roman
Medic: Jude Mathis @FireDrake150
Overwatch: Jesse McCree @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Bond paused for a second, contemplating his newfound freedom. Everything was changing so quickly; one minute he was waiting for his executioner, the next he was being taken out for dinner by a fine young lady

In other words, it was akin to all of his previous escapes

"Marvelous- Lunch it is. But we shan't be needing your credits, young lady- MI6 funding will be arriving in my account any minute now..." James paused "But in the mean time, why don't you tell me what a beautiful young girl such as yourself is doing in a job like this? Women such as yourself usually actresses, or duchesses"
Maybe she was an actress; it would certainly explain the ears...

How he wished that guard would return with his cigarettes...
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Jude sighs softly, Heading out of the cell and taking the credstick. "We don't have much choice. May as well do as suggested. Get food and get to know each other since we seem to be drafted..." The messy black haired medic Quietly heads out of the cell and waits for the others. "I am Jude by the way. Jude Mathis."

@All interested in talking to a med almost graduate.


Cameron stood, the elegant motion belying the metallic gears that sat underneath that perfect human sheath. She had been listening to the lawyer, her mind making no judgments of whether she was annoying or not, the lack of action likely not being shared among the more organic of her supposed teammates. She had been semi disappointed when the girl had refused to shake her hand, or rather the Terminator equivalent of disappointment, the acknowledgement of a failed opportunity. She'd wanted to get a read on the data that touching the catgirl could provide. She had no information on how a mixture of human and animal biology altered the killing protocols that Skynet had built into her.

It wasn't a massive missed opportunity. Any target could be eliminated with enough firepower and persistence. And, as an aside, she didn't have to be as subtle when removed from her own timeline.


When presented with the catgirl's question and offer, she offered a set of her own. "If you return my weapons and promise not to have the police in this city harass me upon the completion of this mission, I'll find out what happened to Cain Winters."

@The Silver Paladin (the true name)​
For this, the Orc officer stepped forward. "Far as we're concerned? You break the law, I'll break you. As long as you follow the law, you shouldn't have any problem." He grimaced. "But you do have some form of immunity. FBI won't charge ya, but Ares'll come kick your ass." He rippled his muscles at that. "Got it?"

Anna panicked a small bit. "Er... I'll find some way to get you out..." She said timidly.

Motoko looks at Jude as he exits. She follows him. "Major Motoko Kusanagi, Public Security Section 9." She nods and follows him out of the cell.

Faith Connors
@Verite @Minerva@Ringmaster @Thuro 116 Pendragon @Cromartie Sarkissian @Mighty Roman @FireDrake150 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Others?

Faith simply nodded... She had to admit she was more than a little hungry, but frankly, she just wanted some air... For now, it was a bit difficult to stay cooped up in a cell like that for very long, perhaps after a little food for the go, she could go for a run? In either case, she stepped out of her cell, most of the questions she might have would need to wait until later; the cell wasn't a very good place to talk about more... Delicate matters. In either case, she was quick to try and search for that place down the street Akane mentioned.

Bond paused for a second, contemplating his newfound freedom. Everything was changing so quickly; one minute he was waiting for his executioner, the next he was being taken out for dinner by a fine young lady

In other words, it was akin to all of his previous escapes

"Marvelous- Lunch it is. But we shan't be needing your credits, young lady- MI6 funding will be arriving in my account any minute now..." James paused "But in the mean time, why don't you tell me what a beautiful young girl such as yourself is doing in a job like this? Women such as yourself usually actresses, or duchesses"
Maybe she was an actress; it would certainly explain the ears...

How he wished that guard would return with his cigarettes...

Anna smiled at Faith as she walked out. She then looked at James Bond as he talked to her. "Well, until your funds arrive, Mr. Bond, you can stick with the credstick." At the compliment, she perked up and grinned, baring one of her canine teeth. "My father was a lawyer, led me into the practice. I wouldn't mind being an actress or duchess." she said in a sweet and happy tone of voice. "Thank you, sir. I guess I will see you all tomorrow at the airport." She swiftly hurried down the hallway.


The group would be given their gear back at a desk with a bored officer sitting behind it. He handed the group their clothes, weapons, and ammo. Faith was handed the messenger bag that held the Cyberdeck. That would come in handy later. As they would get it back on, two Firewatch troops dressed in what looked like Bomb Disposal Armor armor would watch the group with their guns pointed at them, hoping another attack wouldn't occur. They began guiding the party to the exit of the building. People began moving out of the way as the armored troops and the party began walking down the hallway. Once they finally reached the entrance, one pointed his rifle out of it.

Meanwhile, Akane would be handed her gun and clothes back by a young nurse. She smiled as she discharged Akane. "I hope you have a wonderful day, Miss Tsunemori!" She said. An agent in a finely tailored suit would guide Akane out the door of the hospital. He pointed to a map on some sort of device. "It's just down the street there. you'll find it. Big Old Sign that says 'Stuffer Shack.'"

Agent Kellogg steps behind Akane. "Alright, why don't I take you down there myself? It's... The least I can do after all that trouble." She says, brushing her tie off. She smiles. "Ready?"

As everyone would walk down the street, they would be surrounded by buildings. Most prominently, the building they had just exited, which towered into the sky. Buildings had lights in Red, White, and Blue. Ares logos were everywhere. People milled around the street. Several wore finely tailored suits, some wore body armor, some were ordinary police men just getting back from patrol. The city seemed alive and teeming with people. They talked in many languages, both familiar and different. An unfamiliar flag hung from several flag poles. It seemed like some sort of mix between the US and Canadian flags:


Looking up at a large clock on a building, they would see the time was 2:07 AM. The world was very different from the worlds most of the people here knew. Whether it was the tech, the number of buildings, or the elves, Orcs, dwarves, and trolls milling about, it was an entirely different place.

Motoko would shift her long coat as they walked down the street. She had her pistol hidden inside of it, just in case something happened. Her eyes cautiously scanned the crowd and her mind connected to The DC Grid of the Matrix. ((No, not that one, Thuro.)) Her mind analyzed various threats in the crowd via Matrix signatures indicating weapons. She finally jacked out and continued moving forward.


The group finally reaches Stuffer Shack. It looks like any convenience store, except maybe the size. A lot of words were around the window, in Japanese and English, so it read like an alphabet soup of some kind. Ads for various products were plastered around the windows. Fluorescent and neon lights buzzed. They find Akane in front of it next to a woman in an FBI suit. She smiles as the group arrives, and stares at them. "Well, Miss Tsunemori, looks like the group's here. I guess I'll see you all tomorrow!" She says before leaving.

Entering the store, the group would find it to be a normal day, even for the time of 2:00 AM. There were eighteen aisles in total, each holding some manner of Junk Food, or some sort of supplies. You didn't recognize a lot of the brands. A bored human sitting behind the counter flipping through what looked like a magazine looked up slightly as the party walked in. "Welcome to Stuffer Shack. Stuff your face for half the price." He said in a bored tone. A woman with average features sat next to him. She was chattering away to him about something he seemingly didn't care about. A man stands near the freezer cases muttering to himself and staring at the various ice creams. A man and a woman, both college age, and both wearing pajamas stand in an aisle talking about their homework. Everything seems just about normal for a Convenience Store in a city at 2 in the morning.

Motoko goes to aisle fifteen and vegans looking at the various snack foods in the aisle.


Aisle 1: Air filters, radon testers, water purifiers, Detoxy™ products ("Clean your Oxy … Use Detoxy!") and other environmental and antipollution products for the home.
Aisle 2: Automotive and bike supplies.
Aisle 3: Soaps, detergents, bug sprays, roach condos, rat traps, big rat traps and so on.
Aisle 4: Small hardware, household goods, paints and sprays.
Aisle 5: Personal hygiene soaps, sprays, pads, strips and spritzes, in regular or industrial strength.
Aisle 6: First aid supplies, along with a big sign reading: "Don't Wait To Get Hit … Stock Your Medkit!". There are also patent medicines, vitamins and so forth.
Aisle 7: Pet foods and supplies. Jake and Angie are making out here.
Aisle 8: Small appliances, such as Zap-O-Nuke microwaves, Toast-R-ovens, coffee makers and so on.
Aisle 9: On the left is a locked display of simchips and simdisks, both audio and video, for purchase or rental.. On the right are snacks to go with the vids— sodas, soynuts, Slurpee-doos, Zap-corn, and a host of individually wrapped treats.
Aisle 10: Use'N'Lose disposable plastic products, such as clothing, tablecloths, containers, utensils and umbrellas.
Aisle 11: Baked goodies, such as cakes, doughnuts, twisters, Sweeteez and Krak-L-Snaps. A large NutraSoy Energy Cakes™ display is located at the end of this aisle facing Area E.
Aisle 12: Breakfast foods, such as AlmostEgg, BacoSoy and ready-to-eat cereals (including Maxiblast Sugar Bombs in three popular flavors, Red, Green, and Purple!).
Aisle 13: Soykafs, teas and herbal teas, Koko chocolate substitute and beverage mixes.
Aisle 14: On the left, Aztex-mex cuisine, ranging from mild ("Wussy") to very spicy ("Meltdown"). Most products feature the steppedpyramid logo of Aztechnology on the label. On the right, guaranteed organic health foods imported directly from various Native American Nations and Elven Wines from Tir Tairngire. Prices are very high. Perishables are in Areas K and J.
Aisle 15: On the right, chips, dips, crackers, cookies, twitters, chocoslurps and berry-bombers On the left are candies and other mega-carbohydrate-death "food" like Boostergum, SucroZoom, and Womp-Snappers.
Aisle 16: On the left are soypasta, sauces, ramen noodles, and CupO-Soup products. On the right are soups and stews, both freeze-dry mixes and prepackaged heat-and-serves.
Aisle 17: This aisle is jam-packed with plasti-packed fruit dishes and vegetables that are gammaray treated to retard spoilage. There are small radiation wrappers on the packaging.
Aisle 18: Flour, raw nutrisoy and flavor additives, krill filler, textured vegetable protein, dextro- and levo-sugars and sugar substitutes.

Area A: The checkout counter. Besides Vern working the counter and Veronica nattering at him, there's a barcode scanner, cash register terminal, credstick receptor, a PanicButton™, a shotgun and various counter displays.
Area B: Everyone's favorite, the simsense arcade games are located here. There are four different games: "Little Mutant Vik Ninja Cyberboy! 3", "Orbital Ninja Death Commando 5", "The All-New Ultimate Bike Race Ninja Street Duel," and "Street Fighting Magical Ninja 8." Each is 1¥ per minute of play—just slot your credstik and put on the 'trodes.
Area C: The manager's office. It includes a second PanicButton™, and the recorder for the security cameras.
Area D: This is a locked display of cheap, personal electronics such as personal computers, cheap CD and chip players, data readers and portable simsense rigs.
Area E: The dispenser bars for liquid and viscous products such as Shmoozies, Snorkels, Shakeups, Soykaf, Fizzygoo and so on are located here. It also features Ludivenko Lovely Soya-Sloppies with the DoubleThick option.
Area F: The Cook-It-Your-Self microwave, the rotating pizza display machine, the Synthmeat "Hot Dog" dispenser and the Soy Patty Yummy Burger Grill-O-Matic are located here. The table in this section offers plates, cups, napkins, plastic knives and plastic sporks.
Area G: The employee lounge, featuring the time clock, toilets, lockers, a sofa and some chairs. The area attached to this is the restroom.
Area H: The stockroom. There is a door in this room that leads to the alley behind the store.
Area J: The cold food items are stocked here. The microwaveable foods are closest to Area F; the rest are "homemade sandwiches and meals shipped in overnight", plus kafsoda, synthjuice, and soy milk.
Area K: Frozen foods of all kinds, with delicious frozen confections near Aisles 1 and 2. Dustoo is sampling ice cream here.
Area L: This area contains a tiny, dusty and yellowing display of books and magazines in actual hardcopy format. There are also two NewsFax printout terminals and a HoloQuik copy machine.

Face: Akane Tsunemori @Verite
Hacker: Major Motoko Kusanagi @Minerva
Mage: Shaitan @Ringmaster
Muscle: Cameron Phillips @Thuro 116 Pendragon
Infiltrator: Faith Connors @york
Sniper: James Bond @Cromartie Sarkissian
Rigger: James Rhodes @Mighty Roman
Medic: Jude Mathis @FireDrake150
Overwatch: Jesse McCree @CrunchyCHEEZIT

((I'm finally done with the update! You all can mill around the store, talk to each other, talk to the NPCs or whatever. I don't care as long as it won't get Orc McOrcpants or Detective Cavendish sicced on us. I'm done with cops for a bit.))
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Meanwhile, Akane would be handed her gun and clothes back by a young nurse. She smiled as she discharged Akane. "I hope you have a wonderful day, Miss Tsunemori!" She said. An agent in a finely tailored suit would guide Akane out the door of the hospital. He pointed to a map on some sort of device. "It's just down the street there. you'll find it. Big Old Sign that says 'Stuffer Shack.'"

Agent Kellogg steps behind Akane. "Alright, why don't I take you down there myself? It's... The least I can do after all that trouble." She says, brushing her tie off. She smiles. "Ready?"

The group finally reaches Stuffer Shack. It looks like any convenience store, except maybe the size. A lot of words were around the window, in Japanese and English, so it read like an alphabet soup of some kind. Ads for various products were plastered around the windows. Fluorescent and neon lights buzzed. They find Akane in front of it next to a woman in an FBI suit. She smiles as the group arrives, and stares at them. "Well, Miss Tsunemori, looks like the group's here. I guess I'll see you all tomorrow!" She says before leaving.

Entering the store, the group would find it to be a normal day, even for the time of 2:00 AM. There were eighteen aisles in total, each holding some manner of Junk Food, or some sort of supplies. You didn't recognize a lot of the brands. A bored human sitting behind the counter flipping through what looked like a magazine looked up slightly as the party walked in. "Welcome to Stuffer Shack. Stuff your face for half the price." He said in a bored tone. A woman with average features sat next to him. She was chattering away to him about something he seemingly didn't care about. A man stands near the freezer cases muttering to himself and staring at the various ice creams. A man and a woman, both college age, and both wearing pajamas stand in an aisle talking about their homework. Everything seems just about normal for a Convenience Store in a city at 2 in the morning.

Motoko goes to aisle fifteen and vegans looking at the various snack foods in the aisle.


Aisle 1: Air filters, radon testers, water purifiers, Detoxy™ products ("Clean your Oxy … Use Detoxy!") and other environmental and antipollution products for the home.
Aisle 2: Automotive and bike supplies.
Aisle 3: Soaps, detergents, bug sprays, roach condos, rat traps, big rat traps and so on.
Aisle 4: Small hardware, household goods, paints and sprays.
Aisle 5: Personal hygiene soaps, sprays, pads, strips and spritzes, in regular or industrial strength.
Aisle 6: First aid supplies, along with a big sign reading: "Don't Wait To Get Hit … Stock Your Medkit!". There are also patent medicines, vitamins and so forth.
Aisle 7: Pet foods and supplies. Jake and Angie are making out here.
Aisle 8: Small appliances, such as Zap-O-Nuke microwaves, Toast-R-ovens, coffee makers and so on.
Aisle 9: On the left is a locked display of simchips and simdisks, both audio and video, for purchase or rental.. On the right are snacks to go with the vids— sodas, soynuts, Slurpee-doos, Zap-corn, and a host of individually wrapped treats.
Aisle 10: Use'N'Lose disposable plastic products, such as clothing, tablecloths, containers, utensils and umbrellas.
Aisle 11: Baked goodies, such as cakes, doughnuts, twisters, Sweeteez and Krak-L-Snaps. A large NutraSoy Energy Cakes™ display is located at the end of this aisle facing Area E.
Aisle 12: Breakfast foods, such as AlmostEgg, BacoSoy and ready-to-eat cereals (including Maxiblast Sugar Bombs in three popular flavors, Red, Green, and Purple!).
Aisle 13: Soykafs, teas and herbal teas, Koko chocolate substitute and beverage mixes.
Aisle 14: On the left, Aztex-mex cuisine, ranging from mild ("Wussy") to very spicy ("Meltdown"). Most products feature the steppedpyramid logo of Aztechnology on the label. On the right, guaranteed organic health foods imported directly from various Native American Nations and Elven Wines from Tir Tairngire. Prices are very high. Perishables are in Areas K and J.
Aisle 15: On the right, chips, dips, crackers, cookies, twitters, chocoslurps and berry-bombers On the left are candies and other mega-carbohydrate-death "food" like Boostergum, SucroZoom, and Womp-Snappers.
Aisle 16: On the left are soypasta, sauces, ramen noodles, and CupO-Soup products. On the right are soups and stews, both freeze-dry mixes and prepackaged heat-and-serves.
Aisle 17: This aisle is jam-packed with plasti-packed fruit dishes and vegetables that are gammaray treated to retard spoilage. There are small radiation wrappers on the packaging.
Aisle 18: Flour, raw nutrisoy and flavor additives, krill filler, textured vegetable protein, dextro- and levo-sugars and sugar substitutes.

Area A: The checkout counter. Besides Vern working the counter and Veronica nattering at him, there's a barcode scanner, cash register terminal, credstick receptor, a PanicButton™, a shotgun and various counter displays.
Area B: Everyone's favorite, the simsense arcade games are located here. There are four different games: "Little Mutant Vik Ninja Cyberboy! 3", "Orbital Ninja Death Commando 5", "The All-New Ultimate Bike Race Ninja Street Duel," and "Street Fighting Magical Ninja 8." Each is 1¥ per minute of play—just slot your credstik and put on the 'trodes.
Area C: The manager's office. It includes a second PanicButton™, and the recorder for the security cameras.
Area D: This is a locked display of cheap, personal electronics such as personal computers, cheap CD and chip players, data readers and portable simsense rigs.
Area E: The dispenser bars for liquid and viscous products such as Shmoozies, Snorkels, Shakeups, Soykaf, Fizzygoo and so on are located here. It also features Ludivenko Lovely Soya-Sloppies with the DoubleThick option.
Area F: The Cook-It-Your-Self microwave, the rotating pizza display machine, the Synthmeat "Hot Dog" dispenser and the Soy Patty Yummy Burger Grill-O-Matic are located here. The table in this section offers plates, cups, napkins, plastic knives and plastic sporks.
Area G: The employee lounge, featuring the time clock, toilets, lockers, a sofa and some chairs. The area attached to this is the restroom.
Area H: The stockroom. There is a door in this room that leads to the alley behind the store.
Area J: The cold food items are stocked here. The microwaveable foods are closest to Area F; the rest are "homemade sandwiches and meals shipped in overnight", plus kafsoda, synthjuice, and soy milk.
Area K: Frozen foods of all kinds, with delicious frozen confections near Aisles 1 and 2. Dustoo is sampling ice cream here.
Area L: This area contains a tiny, dusty and yellowing display of books and magazines in actual hardcopy format. There are also two NewsFax printout terminals and a HoloQuik copy machine.

Letting herself be guided around upon being discharged from the hospital and led to some place called Stuffer Shack, it would seem that Akane would eventually be reunited with the rest of the group that she had mysteriously awakened with before. She could only assume that they had also been given the rundown on being assigned a new mission in order to find out the truth about their situation in exchange for the ability to go back home safe and sound.

... At least, she could only hope that was the deal anyway.

Before she knew it, Agent Kellogg would be well on her way back to her own business, leaving with that before the younger woman could even think to say goodbye. This was all going so fast for her, she hardly had any time to process what was happening right now. Awkwardly sitting with the other guys, she would purse her lips a little. Truth be told, as much as people seemed to associate her with them, she hardly knew anything about them. In fact, she could almost describe them as... other-worldly. It was surreal in a way. She had to wonder if they thought of her in any similar fashion.

Guess the idea is to bond with the other guys over a midnight snack. God... What did I ever do to deserve this?

Still, may as well start somewhere. If this was really early morning, she may as well grab some nutritious breakfast food or something.

That said, she'd waltz over to Aisle 12 to see if there was anything she'd like.

@Minerva @Anybody
For this, the Orc officer stepped forward. "Far as we're concerned? You break the law, I'll break you. As long as you follow the law, you shouldn't have any problem." He grimaced. "But you do have some form of immunity. FBI won't charge ya, but Ares'll come kick your ass." He rippled his muscles at that. "Got it?"

Anna panicked a small bit. "Er... I'll find some way to get you out..." She said timidly.

Motoko looks at Jude as he exits. She follows him. "Major Motoko Kusanagi, Public Security Section 9." She nods and follows him out of the cell.

Anna smiled at Faith as she walked out. She then looked at James Bond as he talked to her. "Well, until your funds arrive, Mr. Bond, you can stick with the credstick." At the compliment, she perked up and grinned, baring one of her canine teeth. "My father was a lawyer, led me into the practice. I wouldn't mind being an actress or duchess." she said in a sweet and happy tone of voice. "Thank you, sir. I guess I will see you all tomorrow at the airport." She swiftly hurried down the hallway.


The group would be given their gear back at a desk with a bored officer sitting behind it. He handed the group their clothes, weapons, and ammo. Faith was handed the messenger bag that held the Cyberdeck. That would come in handy later. As they would get it back on, two Firewatch troops dressed in what looked like Bomb Disposal Armor armor would watch the group with their guns pointed at them, hoping another attack wouldn't occur. They began guiding the party to the exit of the building. People began moving out of the way as the armored troops and the party began walking down the hallway. Once they finally reached the entrance, one pointed his rifle out of it.

Meanwhile, Akane would be handed her gun and clothes back by a young nurse. She smiled as she discharged Akane. "I hope you have a wonderful day, Miss Tsunemori!" She said. An agent in a finely tailored suit would guide Akane out the door of the hospital. He pointed to a map on some sort of device. "It's just down the street there. you'll find it. Big Old Sign that says 'Stuffer Shack.'"

Agent Kellogg steps behind Akane. "Alright, why don't I take you down there myself? It's... The least I can do after all that trouble." She says, brushing her tie off. She smiles. "Ready?"

As everyone would walk down the street, they would be surrounded by buildings. Most prominently, the building they had just exited, which towered into the sky. Buildings had lights in Red, White, and Blue. Ares logos were everywhere. People milled around the street. Several wore finely tailored suits, some wore body armor, some were ordinary police men just getting back from patrol. The city seemed alive and teeming with people. They talked in many languages, both familiar and different. An unfamiliar flag hung from several flag poles. It seemed like some sort of mix between the US and Canadian flags:


Looking up at a large clock on a building, they would see the time was 2:07 AM. The world was very different from the worlds most of the people here knew. Whether it was the tech, the number of buildings, or the elves, Orcs, dwarves, and trolls milling about, it was an entirely different place.

Motoko would shift her long coat as they walked down the street. She had her pistol hidden inside of it, just in case something happened. Her eyes cautiously scanned the crowd and her mind connected to The DC Grid of the Matrix. ((No, not that one, Thuro.)) Her mind analyzed various threats in the crowd via Matrix signatures indicating weapons. She finally jacked out and continued moving forward.


The group finally reaches Stuffer Shack. It looks like any convenience store, except maybe the size. A lot of words were around the window, in Japanese and English, so it read like an alphabet soup of some kind. Ads for various products were plastered around the windows. Fluorescent and neon lights buzzed. They find Akane in front of it next to a woman in an FBI suit. She smiles as the group arrives, and stares at them. "Well, Miss Tsunemori, looks like the group's here. I guess I'll see you all tomorrow!" She says before leaving.

Entering the store, the group would find it to be a normal day, even for the time of 2:00 AM. There were eighteen aisles in total, each holding some manner of Junk Food, or some sort of supplies. You didn't recognize a lot of the brands. A bored human sitting behind the counter flipping through what looked like a magazine looked up slightly as the party walked in. "Welcome to Stuffer Shack. Stuff your face for half the price." He said in a bored tone. A woman with average features sat next to him. She was chattering away to him about something he seemingly didn't care about. A man stands near the freezer cases muttering to himself and staring at the various ice creams. A man and a woman, both college age, and both wearing pajamas stand in an aisle talking about their homework. Everything seems just about normal for a Convenience Store in a city at 2 in the morning.

Motoko goes to aisle fifteen and vegans looking at the various snack foods in the aisle.


Aisle 1: Air filters, radon testers, water purifiers, Detoxy™ products ("Clean your Oxy … Use Detoxy!") and other environmental and antipollution products for the home.
Aisle 2: Automotive and bike supplies.
Aisle 3: Soaps, detergents, bug sprays, roach condos, rat traps, big rat traps and so on.
Aisle 4: Small hardware, household goods, paints and sprays.
Aisle 5: Personal hygiene soaps, sprays, pads, strips and spritzes, in regular or industrial strength.
Aisle 6: First aid supplies, along with a big sign reading: "Don't Wait To Get Hit … Stock Your Medkit!". There are also patent medicines, vitamins and so forth.
Aisle 7: Pet foods and supplies. Jake and Angie are making out here.
Aisle 8: Small appliances, such as Zap-O-Nuke microwaves, Toast-R-ovens, coffee makers and so on.
Aisle 9: On the left is a locked display of simchips and simdisks, both audio and video, for purchase or rental.. On the right are snacks to go with the vids— sodas, soynuts, Slurpee-doos, Zap-corn, and a host of individually wrapped treats.
Aisle 10: Use'N'Lose disposable plastic products, such as clothing, tablecloths, containers, utensils and umbrellas.
Aisle 11: Baked goodies, such as cakes, doughnuts, twisters, Sweeteez and Krak-L-Snaps. A large NutraSoy Energy Cakes™ display is located at the end of this aisle facing Area E.
Aisle 12: Breakfast foods, such as AlmostEgg, BacoSoy and ready-to-eat cereals (including Maxiblast Sugar Bombs in three popular flavors, Red, Green, and Purple!).
Aisle 13: Soykafs, teas and herbal teas, Koko chocolate substitute and beverage mixes.
Aisle 14: On the left, Aztex-mex cuisine, ranging from mild ("Wussy") to very spicy ("Meltdown"). Most products feature the steppedpyramid logo of Aztechnology on the label. On the right, guaranteed organic health foods imported directly from various Native American Nations and Elven Wines from Tir Tairngire. Prices are very high. Perishables are in Areas K and J.
Aisle 15: On the right, chips, dips, crackers, cookies, twitters, chocoslurps and berry-bombers On the left are candies and other mega-carbohydrate-death "food" like Boostergum, SucroZoom, and Womp-Snappers.
Aisle 16: On the left are soypasta, sauces, ramen noodles, and CupO-Soup products. On the right are soups and stews, both freeze-dry mixes and prepackaged heat-and-serves.
Aisle 17: This aisle is jam-packed with plasti-packed fruit dishes and vegetables that are gammaray treated to retard spoilage. There are small radiation wrappers on the packaging.
Aisle 18: Flour, raw nutrisoy and flavor additives, krill filler, textured vegetable protein, dextro- and levo-sugars and sugar substitutes.

Area A: The checkout counter. Besides Vern working the counter and Veronica nattering at him, there's a barcode scanner, cash register terminal, credstick receptor, a PanicButton™, a shotgun and various counter displays.
Area B: Everyone's favorite, the simsense arcade games are located here. There are four different games: "Little Mutant Vik Ninja Cyberboy! 3", "Orbital Ninja Death Commando 5", "The All-New Ultimate Bike Race Ninja Street Duel," and "Street Fighting Magical Ninja 8." Each is 1¥ per minute of play—just slot your credstik and put on the 'trodes.
Area C: The manager's office. It includes a second PanicButton™, and the recorder for the security cameras.
Area D: This is a locked display of cheap, personal electronics such as personal computers, cheap CD and chip players, data readers and portable simsense rigs.
Area E: The dispenser bars for liquid and viscous products such as Shmoozies, Snorkels, Shakeups, Soykaf, Fizzygoo and so on are located here. It also features Ludivenko Lovely Soya-Sloppies with the DoubleThick option.
Area F: The Cook-It-Your-Self microwave, the rotating pizza display machine, the Synthmeat "Hot Dog" dispenser and the Soy Patty Yummy Burger Grill-O-Matic are located here. The table in this section offers plates, cups, napkins, plastic knives and plastic sporks.
Area G: The employee lounge, featuring the time clock, toilets, lockers, a sofa and some chairs. The area attached to this is the restroom.
Area H: The stockroom. There is a door in this room that leads to the alley behind the store.
Area J: The cold food items are stocked here. The microwaveable foods are closest to Area F; the rest are "homemade sandwiches and meals shipped in overnight", plus kafsoda, synthjuice, and soy milk.
Area K: Frozen foods of all kinds, with delicious frozen confections near Aisles 1 and 2. Dustoo is sampling ice cream here.
Area L: This area contains a tiny, dusty and yellowing display of books and magazines in actual hardcopy format. There are also two NewsFax printout terminals and a HoloQuik copy machine.

Face: Akane Tsunemori @Verite
Hacker: Major Motoko Kusanagi @Minerva
Mage: Shaitan @Ringmaster
Muscle: Cameron Phillips @Thuro 116 Pendragon
Infiltrator: Faith Connors @york
Sniper: James Bond @Cromartie Sarkissian
Rigger: James Rhodes @Mighty Roman
Medic: Jude Mathis @FireDrake150
Overwatch: Jesse McCree @CrunchyCHEEZIT

((I'm finally done with the update! You all can mill around the store, talk to each other, talk to the NPCs or whatever. I don't care as long as it won't get Orc McOrcpants or Detective Cavendish sicced on us. I'm done with cops for a bit.))

The armor was restored, each to its proper place. The helmet came on last, the eerie visor hiding Shaitan's features from the world. Armored, yet flexible....No longer a Shadow Guard of the Empire, but still wearing their colors.

And using their weapons.

The staff and other assorted items would be grabbed and then at the Orcs voice, he turned to look at her. There was nothing threatening in his posture, nothing to indicate he would strike. Rather instead, it appeared to be more the air of someone memorizing her features before he finally turned away with the others.

He would remember her face.


The world around them felt in turmoil.

Not that it was anything new, but never had he felt anything so...Twisted. Like a maelstrom of conflicting powers though pain and torment colored the Force in his sight.

He felt right at home and seated on one of the diner benches, his helmet laid next to him as he sipped a slurpy with casual interest.

@Minerva @Whoever​
For this, the Orc officer stepped forward. "Far as we're concerned? You break the law, I'll break you. As long as you follow the law, you shouldn't have any problem." He grimaced. "But you do have some form of immunity. FBI won't charge ya, but Ares'll come kick your ass." He rippled his muscles at that. "Got it?"

Anna panicked a small bit. "Er... I'll find some way to get you out..." She said timidly.

Motoko looks at Jude as he exits. She follows him. "Major Motoko Kusanagi, Public Security Section 9." She nods and follows him out of the cell.

Anna smiled at Faith as she walked out. She then looked at James Bond as he talked to her. "Well, until your funds arrive, Mr. Bond, you can stick with the credstick." At the compliment, she perked up and grinned, baring one of her canine teeth. "My father was a lawyer, led me into the practice. I wouldn't mind being an actress or duchess." she said in a sweet and happy tone of voice. "Thank you, sir. I guess I will see you all tomorrow at the airport." She swiftly hurried down the hallway.


The group would be given their gear back at a desk with a bored officer sitting behind it. He handed the group their clothes, weapons, and ammo. Faith was handed the messenger bag that held the Cyberdeck. That would come in handy later. As they would get it back on, two Firewatch troops dressed in what looked like Bomb Disposal Armor armor would watch the group with their guns pointed at them, hoping another attack wouldn't occur. They began guiding the party to the exit of the building. People began moving out of the way as the armored troops and the party began walking down the hallway. Once they finally reached the entrance, one pointed his rifle out of it.

Meanwhile, Akane would be handed her gun and clothes back by a young nurse. She smiled as she discharged Akane. "I hope you have a wonderful day, Miss Tsunemori!" She said. An agent in a finely tailored suit would guide Akane out the door of the hospital. He pointed to a map on some sort of device. "It's just down the street there. you'll find it. Big Old Sign that says 'Stuffer Shack.'"

Agent Kellogg steps behind Akane. "Alright, why don't I take you down there myself? It's... The least I can do after all that trouble." She says, brushing her tie off. She smiles. "Ready?"

As everyone would walk down the street, they would be surrounded by buildings. Most prominently, the building they had just exited, which towered into the sky. Buildings had lights in Red, White, and Blue. Ares logos were everywhere. People milled around the street. Several wore finely tailored suits, some wore body armor, some were ordinary police men just getting back from patrol. The city seemed alive and teeming with people. They talked in many languages, both familiar and different. An unfamiliar flag hung from several flag poles. It seemed like some sort of mix between the US and Canadian flags:


Looking up at a large clock on a building, they would see the time was 2:07 AM. The world was very different from the worlds most of the people here knew. Whether it was the tech, the number of buildings, or the elves, Orcs, dwarves, and trolls milling about, it was an entirely different place.

Motoko would shift her long coat as they walked down the street. She had her pistol hidden inside of it, just in case something happened. Her eyes cautiously scanned the crowd and her mind connected to The DC Grid of the Matrix. ((No, not that one, Thuro.)) Her mind analyzed various threats in the crowd via Matrix signatures indicating weapons. She finally jacked out and continued moving forward.


The group finally reaches Stuffer Shack. It looks like any convenience store, except maybe the size. A lot of words were around the window, in Japanese and English, so it read like an alphabet soup of some kind. Ads for various products were plastered around the windows. Fluorescent and neon lights buzzed. They find Akane in front of it next to a woman in an FBI suit. She smiles as the group arrives, and stares at them. "Well, Miss Tsunemori, looks like the group's here. I guess I'll see you all tomorrow!" She says before leaving.

Entering the store, the group would find it to be a normal day, even for the time of 2:00 AM. There were eighteen aisles in total, each holding some manner of Junk Food, or some sort of supplies. You didn't recognize a lot of the brands. A bored human sitting behind the counter flipping through what looked like a magazine looked up slightly as the party walked in. "Welcome to Stuffer Shack. Stuff your face for half the price." He said in a bored tone. A woman with average features sat next to him. She was chattering away to him about something he seemingly didn't care about. A man stands near the freezer cases muttering to himself and staring at the various ice creams. A man and a woman, both college age, and both wearing pajamas stand in an aisle talking about their homework. Everything seems just about normal for a Convenience Store in a city at 2 in the morning.

Motoko goes to aisle fifteen and vegans looking at the various snack foods in the aisle.


Aisle 1: Air filters, radon testers, water purifiers, Detoxy™ products ("Clean your Oxy … Use Detoxy!") and other environmental and antipollution products for the home.
Aisle 2: Automotive and bike supplies.
Aisle 3: Soaps, detergents, bug sprays, roach condos, rat traps, big rat traps and so on.
Aisle 4: Small hardware, household goods, paints and sprays.
Aisle 5: Personal hygiene soaps, sprays, pads, strips and spritzes, in regular or industrial strength.
Aisle 6: First aid supplies, along with a big sign reading: "Don't Wait To Get Hit … Stock Your Medkit!". There are also patent medicines, vitamins and so forth.
Aisle 7: Pet foods and supplies. Jake and Angie are making out here.
Aisle 8: Small appliances, such as Zap-O-Nuke microwaves, Toast-R-ovens, coffee makers and so on.
Aisle 9: On the left is a locked display of simchips and simdisks, both audio and video, for purchase or rental.. On the right are snacks to go with the vids— sodas, soynuts, Slurpee-doos, Zap-corn, and a host of individually wrapped treats.
Aisle 10: Use'N'Lose disposable plastic products, such as clothing, tablecloths, containers, utensils and umbrellas.
Aisle 11: Baked goodies, such as cakes, doughnuts, twisters, Sweeteez and Krak-L-Snaps. A large NutraSoy Energy Cakes™ display is located at the end of this aisle facing Area E.
Aisle 12: Breakfast foods, such as AlmostEgg, BacoSoy and ready-to-eat cereals (including Maxiblast Sugar Bombs in three popular flavors, Red, Green, and Purple!).
Aisle 13: Soykafs, teas and herbal teas, Koko chocolate substitute and beverage mixes.
Aisle 14: On the left, Aztex-mex cuisine, ranging from mild ("Wussy") to very spicy ("Meltdown"). Most products feature the steppedpyramid logo of Aztechnology on the label. On the right, guaranteed organic health foods imported directly from various Native American Nations and Elven Wines from Tir Tairngire. Prices are very high. Perishables are in Areas K and J.
Aisle 15: On the right, chips, dips, crackers, cookies, twitters, chocoslurps and berry-bombers On the left are candies and other mega-carbohydrate-death "food" like Boostergum, SucroZoom, and Womp-Snappers.
Aisle 16: On the left are soypasta, sauces, ramen noodles, and CupO-Soup products. On the right are soups and stews, both freeze-dry mixes and prepackaged heat-and-serves.
Aisle 17: This aisle is jam-packed with plasti-packed fruit dishes and vegetables that are gammaray treated to retard spoilage. There are small radiation wrappers on the packaging.
Aisle 18: Flour, raw nutrisoy and flavor additives, krill filler, textured vegetable protein, dextro- and levo-sugars and sugar substitutes.

Area A: The checkout counter. Besides Vern working the counter and Veronica nattering at him, there's a barcode scanner, cash register terminal, credstick receptor, a PanicButton™, a shotgun and various counter displays.
Area B: Everyone's favorite, the simsense arcade games are located here. There are four different games: "Little Mutant Vik Ninja Cyberboy! 3", "Orbital Ninja Death Commando 5", "The All-New Ultimate Bike Race Ninja Street Duel," and "Street Fighting Magical Ninja 8." Each is 1¥ per minute of play—just slot your credstik and put on the 'trodes.
Area C: The manager's office. It includes a second PanicButton™, and the recorder for the security cameras.
Area D: This is a locked display of cheap, personal electronics such as personal computers, cheap CD and chip players, data readers and portable simsense rigs.
Area E: The dispenser bars for liquid and viscous products such as Shmoozies, Snorkels, Shakeups, Soykaf, Fizzygoo and so on are located here. It also features Ludivenko Lovely Soya-Sloppies with the DoubleThick option.
Area F: The Cook-It-Your-Self microwave, the rotating pizza display machine, the Synthmeat "Hot Dog" dispenser and the Soy Patty Yummy Burger Grill-O-Matic are located here. The table in this section offers plates, cups, napkins, plastic knives and plastic sporks.
Area G: The employee lounge, featuring the time clock, toilets, lockers, a sofa and some chairs. The area attached to this is the restroom.
Area H: The stockroom. There is a door in this room that leads to the alley behind the store.
Area J: The cold food items are stocked here. The microwaveable foods are closest to Area F; the rest are "homemade sandwiches and meals shipped in overnight", plus kafsoda, synthjuice, and soy milk.
Area K: Frozen foods of all kinds, with delicious frozen confections near Aisles 1 and 2. Dustoo is sampling ice cream here.
Area L: This area contains a tiny, dusty and yellowing display of books and magazines in actual hardcopy format. There are also two NewsFax printout terminals and a HoloQuik copy machine.

Face: Akane Tsunemori @Verite
Hacker: Major Motoko Kusanagi @Minerva
Mage: Shaitan @Ringmaster
Muscle: Cameron Phillips @Thuro 116 Pendragon
Infiltrator: Faith Connors @york
Sniper: James Bond @Cromartie Sarkissian
Rigger: James Rhodes @Mighty Roman
Medic: Jude Mathis @FireDrake150
Overwatch: Jesse McCree @CrunchyCHEEZIT

((I'm finally done with the update! You all can mill around the store, talk to each other, talk to the NPCs or whatever. I don't care as long as it won't get Orc McOrcpants or Detective Cavendish sicced on us. I'm done with cops for a bit.))

The armor was restored, each to its proper place. The helmet came on last, the eerie visor hiding Shaitan's features from the world. Armored, yet flexible....No longer a Shadow Guard of the Empire, but still wearing their colors.

And using their weapons.

The staff and other assorted items would be grabbed and then at the Orcs voice, he turned to look at her. There was nothing threatening in his posture, nothing to indicate he would strike. Rather instead, it appeared to be more the air of someone memorizing her features before he finally turned away with the others.

He would remember her face.


The world around them felt in turmoil.

Not that it was anything new, but never had he felt anything so...Twisted. Like a maelstrom of conflicting powers though pain and torment colored the Force in his sight.

He felt right at home and seated on one of the diner benches, his helmet laid next to him as he sipped a slurpy with casual interest.

@Minerva @Whoever​
Faith Connors
@Minerva @Ringmaster @Others?

Faith was hungry, and a bit tired... Though she would have loved to go for a run right now, after her bag had been returned and they had been allowed to roam free at a local convenience store, she wanted to make the best out of her freedom. However, how was she going to manage that if she was worn out from that exertion from before? Not just that, but well... Running her whole life left her with quite the appetite, not so big that she'd have trouble not stuffing her face every five seconds, but but enough that she would probably need to "fill er up" as they say sooner or later.

Just to start herself off, and well... Get a little downtime, she figured she'd start with something simple... First, she paid aisle 8 a quick visit, filling up a cup of coffee to wake her up a little, before heading off to area F, where she was quick to pile a few slices of pizza onto a plate, while she waited for her coffee to cool. Then, of course, she paid at the counter, and set herself down at a place not too far from Shaitan, carefully placing her bag right beside her... Even in a moment of calm, she wasn't about to lose track of a potentially usefull asset. Then, she proceeded to dig in, wolfing down her pizza slices with a surprising ferocity; she had underestimated how long it's been since her last, proper meal... Perhaps this was why she felt a bit more worn out than usual.​
Faith Connors
@Minerva @Ringmaster @Others?

Faith was hungry, and a bit tired... Though she would have loved to go for a run right now, after her bag had been returned and they had been allowed to roam free at a local convenience store, she wanted to make the best out of her freedom. However, how was she going to manage that if she was worn out from that exertion from before? Not just that, but well... Running her whole life left her with quite the appetite, not so big that she'd have trouble not stuffing her face every five seconds, but but enough that she would probably need to "fill er up" as they say sooner or later.

Just to start herself off, and well... Get a little downtime, she figured she'd start with something simple... First, she paid aisle 8 a quick visit, filling up a cup of coffee to wake her up a little, before heading off to area F, where she was quick to pile a few slices of pizza onto a plate, while she waited for her coffee to cool. Then, of course, she paid at the counter, and set herself down at a place not too far from Shaitan, carefully placing her bag right beside her... Even in a moment of calm, she wasn't about to lose track of a potentially usefull asset. Then, she proceeded to dig in, wolfing down her pizza slices with a surprising ferocity; she had underestimated how long it's been since her last, proper meal... Perhaps this was why she felt a bit more worn out than usual.​
"I remember you. You were the woman who followed me in the hotel."

His voice was low and quiet, every word chosen with absolute care it seemed. His face was the one who contemplates more then speaks and golden eyes flicked from his aged features to Faith's.

He placed his slurpy down and examined her briefly before finally speaking again.

"Where were you, before we woke up in those hotel rooms?"

@Minerva @york
"I remember you. You were the woman who followed me in the hotel."

His voice was low and quiet, every word chosen with absolute care it seemed. His face was the one who contemplates more then speaks and golden eyes flicked from his aged features to Faith's.

He placed his slurpy down and examined her briefly before finally speaking again.

"Where were you, before we woke up in those hotel rooms?"

@Minerva @york
Faith Connors
@Minerva @Ringmaster @Others?

Faith frowned, trying to call back any memories of what had transpired before waking up in that hotel... Her memory was a bit fragmented, probably thanks to her disheveled state, fresh out of a jail cell and all, but she could recall the more important details.

"I was on a job." She said simply, scarfing down the last of her pizza.

It wasn't quite clear what sort of job she had been running, but whatever it was... She had ended up in that hotel not long after, and instinctively, grabbed that intel bag. Whatever was in there, she figured was important, and possibly connected to her job, or not... Who knows, but what she did know was that whatever it was, it had been compromised when that security team had busted her, and the others, but yet she couldn't quite understand how they had all located them so quickly.​
Jude sits at the restaurant, eating his food, Wishing immediately for Lurgers food which is always so much better than what he is currently faced with, And looks over everyone, Before glancing towards McCree. "So, We may as well learn enough about each other, as we seem to be pulled into whatever grander scheme this is for the long haul. Mind Enlightening your Medic?" Jude sighs a bit before pulling out his journal, And flipping to a new section to take notes, his college education habits showing*

@whoever the frell. too lazy to tag.
Cameron walked smoothly to aisle fifteen, snagging a bag of chips off the shelf. Moving to open them with a small twist of the fingers of her right hand, her left hand, the one holding the chips, twitched, sending the contents of the bag flying all over the floor. Looking around the floor, she was decidedly unpeturbed by the mess, instead turning her gaze upon her write hand. It was flexing of it's own volition free from input from her higher systems. Her glitch at work again. With a frown of consternation, she deactivated her entire left hand, the fingers falling limp as the life was cut from them. Glancing around at the chips, she felt a small flicker of what could only be described as disappointment. She'd wanted the chips in a way that had nothing to do with system repair and less than nothing to due with blending in, due to the exotic nature of her companions.

She'd wanted the chips, which in itself was a disquieting notion to the machine that had been programmed only to look human, to simulate being human.

Abruptly, with a swiftness that suggested her own awareness of the contradiction within herself, strode away from the scene, stepping on the lone chip that had survived the punishment of before.

Striding to the forefront of the store, she sat next to Faith and Shaitan, adopting the bored look that she had used previously to blend in with high school girls. It was somewhat offset by the armory that she carried on her back, but if she couldn't pass for normal at least she could attempt to pass for human.

Letting herself be guided around upon being discharged from the hospital and led to some place called Stuffer Shack, it would seem that Akane would eventually be reunited with the rest of the group that she had mysteriously awakened with before. She could only assume that they had also been given the rundown on being assigned a new mission in order to find out the truth about their situation in exchange for the ability to go back home safe and sound.

... At least, she could only hope that was the deal anyway.

Before she knew it, Agent Kellogg would be well on her way back to her own business, leaving with that before the younger woman could even think to say goodbye. This was all going so fast for her, she hardly had any time to process what was happening right now. Awkwardly sitting with the other guys, she would purse her lips a little. Truth be told, as much as people seemed to associate her with them, she hardly knew anything about them. In fact, she could almost describe them as... other-worldly. It was surreal in a way. She had to wonder if they thought of her in any similar fashion.

Guess the idea is to bond with the other guys over a midnight snack. God... What did I ever do to deserve this?

Still, may as well start somewhere. If this was really early morning, she may as well grab some nutritious breakfast food or something.

That said, she'd waltz over to Aisle 12 to see if there was anything she'd like.

@Minerva @Anybody

The armor was restored, each to its proper place. The helmet came on last, the eerie visor hiding Shaitan's features from the world. Armored, yet flexible....No longer a Shadow Guard of the Empire, but still wearing their colors.

And using their weapons.

The staff and other assorted items would be grabbed and then at the Orcs voice, he turned to look at her. There was nothing threatening in his posture, nothing to indicate he would strike. Rather instead, it appeared to be more the air of someone memorizing her features before he finally turned away with the others.

He would remember her face.


The world around them felt in turmoil.

Not that it was anything new, but never had he felt anything so...Twisted. Like a maelstrom of conflicting powers though pain and torment colored the Force in his sight.

He felt right at home and seated on one of the diner benches, his helmet laid next to him as he sipped a slurpy with casual interest.

@Minerva @Whoever​
Faith Connors
@Minerva @Ringmaster @Others?

Faith was hungry, and a bit tired... Though she would have loved to go for a run right now, after her bag had been returned and they had been allowed to roam free at a local convenience store, she wanted to make the best out of her freedom. However, how was she going to manage that if she was worn out from that exertion from before? Not just that, but well... Running her whole life left her with quite the appetite, not so big that she'd have trouble not stuffing her face every five seconds, but but enough that she would probably need to "fill er up" as they say sooner or later.

Just to start herself off, and well... Get a little downtime, she figured she'd start with something simple... First, she paid aisle 8 a quick visit, filling up a cup of coffee to wake her up a little, before heading off to area F, where she was quick to pile a few slices of pizza onto a plate, while she waited for her coffee to cool. Then, of course, she paid at the counter, and set herself down at a place not too far from Shaitan, carefully placing her bag right beside her... Even in a moment of calm, she wasn't about to lose track of a potentially usefull asset. Then, she proceeded to dig in, wolfing down her pizza slices with a surprising ferocity; she had underestimated how long it's been since her last, proper meal... Perhaps this was why she felt a bit more worn out than usual.​
"I remember you. You were the woman who followed me in the hotel."

His voice was low and quiet, every word chosen with absolute care it seemed. His face was the one who contemplates more then speaks and golden eyes flicked from his aged features to Faith's.

He placed his slurpy down and examined her briefly before finally speaking again.

"Where were you, before we woke up in those hotel rooms?"

@Minerva @york
Faith Connors
@Minerva @Ringmaster @Others?

Faith frowned, trying to call back any memories of what had transpired before waking up in that hotel... Her memory was a bit fragmented, probably thanks to her disheveled state, fresh out of a jail cell and all, but she could recall the more important details.

"I was on a job." She said simply, scarfing down the last of her pizza.

It wasn't quite clear what sort of job she had been running, but whatever it was... She had ended up in that hotel not long after, and instinctively, grabbed that intel bag. Whatever was in there, she figured was important, and possibly connected to her job, or not... Who knows, but what she did know was that whatever it was, it had been compromised when that security team had busted her, and the others, but yet she couldn't quite understand how they had all located them so quickly.​
Jude sits at the restaurant, eating his food, Wishing immediately for Lurgers food which is always so much better than what he is currently faced with, And looks over everyone, Before glancing towards McCree. "So, We may as well learn enough about each other, as we seem to be pulled into whatever grander scheme this is for the long haul. Mind Enlightening your Medic?" Jude sighs a bit before pulling out his journal, And flipping to a new section to take notes, his college education habits showing*

@whoever the frell. too lazy to tag.
Cameron walked smoothly to aisle fifteen, snagging a bag of chips off the shelf. Moving to open them with a small twist of the fingers of her right hand, her left hand, the one holding the chips, twitched, sending the contents of the bag flying all over the floor. Looking around the floor, she was decidedly unpeturbed by the mess, instead turning her gaze upon her write hand. It was flexing of it's own volition free from input from her higher systems. Her glitch at work again. With a frown of consternation, she deactivated her entire left hand, the fingers falling limp as the life was cut from them. Glancing around at the chips, she felt a small flicker of what could only be described as disappointment. She'd wanted the chips in a way that had nothing to do with system repair and less than nothing to due with blending in, due to the exotic nature of her companions.

She'd wanted the chips, which in itself was a disquieting notion to the machine that had been programmed only to look human, to simulate being human.

Abruptly, with a swiftness that suggested her own awareness of the contradiction within herself, strode away from the scene, stepping on the lone chip that had survived the punishment of before.

Striding to the forefront of the store, she sat next to Faith and Shaitan, adopting the bored look that she had used previously to blend in with high school girls. It was somewhat offset by the armory that she carried on her back, but if she couldn't pass for normal at least she could attempt to pass for human.
As everyone would relax and talk, music would play above the crowd. At this point, the music was nearly 100 years old, but still calming and peaceful.

Motoko would be eating a candy bar she picked up off the shelf, and leaning against one of the shelves.

A moderately beautiful young elf woman with blonde hair and green eyes and carrying a baby stepped through the door, nearly hyperventilating. The Clerk looked up, a bit panicked. "Ma'am? Are you..." He said as the woman ran to the back of the store. She rummaged through several shelves, and the baby would begin to cry. The clerk sighed and returned to the counter while his girlfriend looked on.

Motoko picked something up off of the Matrix. "Everyone, get down!" She would shout. Just as she shouted it, an explosion rocked the building. Glass shattered, and a large hole was now in the front of the store. Several men approached the building, with their guns drawn and gas masks on. However, these weren't trained Firewatch soldiers, or even law enforcement at all. They were just a bunch of rookie hitmen.

They haphazardly fired a spray of bullets around the room, several of them ricocheting on various objects around the room. The Clerk and his girlfriend would duck underneath the counter. The couple would flee out the back, and the man at the freezers would attempt to climb inside. The three hitmen would then spread around the building, clutching their rifles. They seemed rookies at their jobs.


Motoko ducked behind a shelf and cocked her rifle. "Let's try to keep civilians from getting hurt!" She shouted.

You have entered combat!

Suggested Music:


-The hitmen are novices. Firing randomly, not having good aim, are easily distractible, and are not gathered in a group, making it easy to take them on one at a time.
-You are in a store. Objects here can be used as weapons. However some objects should also be steered away from.
-Security Cameras have been disabled by their hacker.
-Cops will not arrive until later because no one has pressed a PanicButton!
-The Hitmen are all carrying pistols as sidearms and are carrying either rifles or submachine guns.
-There is a shotgun and ammo under the Clerk's desk. The clerk is too scared to use it himself, but may toss it to someone.

Civilians: 5/5 (VIPs: 2)
Enemies: 4/4


-Keep the Elf girl and her child alive
-Get rid of the Hitmen in any way possible
-Minimize Civilian Casualties

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Mighty Roman
  • Like
Reactions: Thuro 116 Pendragon
As everyone would relax and talk, music would play above the crowd. At this point, the music was nearly 100 years old, but still calming and peaceful.

Motoko would be eating a candy bar she picked up off the shelf, and leaning against one of the shelves.

A moderately beautiful young elf woman with blonde hair and green eyes and carrying a baby stepped through the door, nearly hyperventilating. The Clerk looked up, a bit panicked. "Ma'am? Are you..." He said as the woman ran to the back of the store. She rummaged through several shelves, and the baby would begin to cry. The clerk sighed and returned to the counter while his girlfriend looked on.

Motoko picked something up off of the Matrix. "Everyone, get down!" She would shout. Just as she shouted it, an explosion rocked the building. Glass shattered, and a large hole was now in the front of the store. Several men approached the building, with their guns drawn and gas masks on. However, these weren't trained Firewatch soldiers, or even law enforcement at all. They were just a bunch of rookie hitmen.

They haphazardly fired a spray of bullets around the room, several of them ricocheting on various objects around the room. The Clerk and his girlfriend would duck underneath the counter. The couple would flee out the back, and the man at the freezers would attempt to climb inside. The three hitmen would then spread around the building, clutching their rifles. They seemed rookies at their jobs.


Motoko ducked behind a shelf and cocked her rifle. "Let's try to keep civilians from getting hurt!" She shouted.

You have entered combat!

Suggested Music:


-The hitmen are novices. Firing randomly, not having good aim, are easily distractible, and are not gathered in a group, making it easy to take them on one at a time.
-You are in a store. Objects here can be used as weapons. However some objects should also be steered away from.
-Security Cameras have been disabled by their hacker.
-Cops will not arrive until later because no one has pressed a PanicButton!
-The Hitmen are all carrying pistols as sidearms and are carrying either rifles or submachine guns.
-There is a shotgun and ammo under the Clerk's desk. The clerk is too scared to use it himself, but may toss it to someone.

Civilians: 5/5 (VIPs: 2)
Enemies: 4/4


-Keep the Elf girl and her child alive
-Get rid of the Hitmen in any way possible
-Minimize Civilian Casualties

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Mighty Roman

He put down his slurpy and replaced his helmet back on.

Now for the fun part.

And with a wave of his hand, he aimed for the light switches. He may not be strong with telekinesis per se.

But he could manage something that small. If it worked, then on switched the infrared view.

And away he dashed, stealthy and silent as he attempted to take out each killer, with a neck-snap silently before moving to the next.

@Minerva @Runner group​
As everyone would relax and talk, music would play above the crowd. At this point, the music was nearly 100 years old, but still calming and peaceful.

Motoko would be eating a candy bar she picked up off the shelf, and leaning against one of the shelves.

A moderately beautiful young elf woman with blonde hair and green eyes and carrying a baby stepped through the door, nearly hyperventilating. The Clerk looked up, a bit panicked. "Ma'am? Are you..." He said as the woman ran to the back of the store. She rummaged through several shelves, and the baby would begin to cry. The clerk sighed and returned to the counter while his girlfriend looked on.

Motoko picked something up off of the Matrix. "Everyone, get down!" She would shout. Just as she shouted it, an explosion rocked the building. Glass shattered, and a large hole was now in the front of the store. Several men approached the building, with their guns drawn and gas masks on. However, these weren't trained Firewatch soldiers, or even law enforcement at all. They were just a bunch of rookie hitmen.

They haphazardly fired a spray of bullets around the room, several of them ricocheting on various objects around the room. The Clerk and his girlfriend would duck underneath the counter. The couple would flee out the back, and the man at the freezers would attempt to climb inside. The three hitmen would then spread around the building, clutching their rifles. They seemed rookies at their jobs.


Motoko ducked behind a shelf and cocked her rifle. "Let's try to keep civilians from getting hurt!" She shouted.

You have entered combat!

Suggested Music:


-The hitmen are novices. Firing randomly, not having good aim, are easily distractible, and are not gathered in a group, making it easy to take them on one at a time.
-You are in a store. Objects here can be used as weapons. However some objects should also be steered away from.
-Security Cameras have been disabled by their hacker.
-Cops will not arrive until later because no one has pressed a PanicButton!
-The Hitmen are all carrying pistols as sidearms and are carrying either rifles or submachine guns.
-There is a shotgun and ammo under the Clerk's desk. The clerk is too scared to use it himself, but may toss it to someone.

Civilians: 5/5 (VIPs: 2)
Enemies: 4/4


-Keep the Elf girl and her child alive
-Get rid of the Hitmen in any way possible
-Minimize Civilian Casualties

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Mighty Roman

He put down his slurpy and replaced his helmet back on.

Now for the fun part.

And with a wave of his hand, he aimed for the light switches. He may not be strong with telekinesis per se.

But he could manage something that small. If it worked, then on switched the infrared view.

And away he dashed, stealthy and silent as he attempted to take out each killer, with a neck-snap silently before moving to the next.

@Minerva @Runner group​
Faith Connors
@Minerva @Ringmaster @Cromartie Sarkissian @Mighty Roman @Others?

Faith took a rather long sip of her coffee, finishing it in one, long swig just right before a bunch of hitmen busted into the store; looks like she'd be going for a run after all this time... Though, she hadn't been expecting something like this, she figured it would happen sooner or later. Taking a deep breath, she carefully began to weave around the store shelves, carefully running up to the closest assailant, time slowed down a little as she made her move, intending to disarm her opponent upon moving close enough, weaving back and forth to try and avoid the gunfire.

As everyone would relax and talk, music would play above the crowd. At this point, the music was nearly 100 years old, but still calming and peaceful.

Motoko would be eating a candy bar she picked up off the shelf, and leaning against one of the shelves.

A moderately beautiful young elf woman with blonde hair and green eyes and carrying a baby stepped through the door, nearly hyperventilating. The Clerk looked up, a bit panicked. "Ma'am? Are you..." He said as the woman ran to the back of the store. She rummaged through several shelves, and the baby would begin to cry. The clerk sighed and returned to the counter while his girlfriend looked on.

Motoko picked something up off of the Matrix. "Everyone, get down!" She would shout. Just as she shouted it, an explosion rocked the building. Glass shattered, and a large hole was now in the front of the store. Several men approached the building, with their guns drawn and gas masks on. However, these weren't trained Firewatch soldiers, or even law enforcement at all. They were just a bunch of rookie hitmen.

They haphazardly fired a spray of bullets around the room, several of them ricocheting on various objects around the room. The Clerk and his girlfriend would duck underneath the counter. The couple would flee out the back, and the man at the freezers would attempt to climb inside. The three hitmen would then spread around the building, clutching their rifles. They seemed rookies at their jobs.


Motoko ducked behind a shelf and cocked her rifle. "Let's try to keep civilians from getting hurt!" She shouted.

You have entered combat!

Suggested Music:


-The hitmen are novices. Firing randomly, not having good aim, are easily distractible, and are not gathered in a group, making it easy to take them on one at a time.
-You are in a store. Objects here can be used as weapons. However some objects should also be steered away from.
-Security Cameras have been disabled by their hacker.
-Cops will not arrive until later because no one has pressed a PanicButton!
-The Hitmen are all carrying pistols as sidearms and are carrying either rifles or submachine guns.
-There is a shotgun and ammo under the Clerk's desk. The clerk is too scared to use it himself, but may toss it to someone.

Civilians: 5/5 (VIPs: 2)
Enemies: 4/4


-Keep the Elf girl and her child alive
-Get rid of the Hitmen in any way possible
-Minimize Civilian Casualties

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Mighty Roman
James Bond instinctively threw himself to the floor at Motoko's command; soldier's order- he knew nothing less. Agent 007 had long since grown used to situations like these-- gun fire was practically his alarm clock nowadays. Thus, there was nothing more than a flinch found of James' face when the hitman came in

Instead, a smirk

The blasted fools had tried to attack him and his comrades in a public place- a bad decision. There were too many hiding places and escape routes, not to mention the fact that they had left Bond with enough time to aquanaut himself with his surroundings- bad decision.

They had played into his hand-- now all he had to do was call their bluff and take their chip

He drew his deck, rushing around to isle 7 and 8. He reached picked up as many cans of dog food as he could and began bowling them across the shop- with any luck, a few more tripping hazards would have been created- a deally tick to play in a dark store

Of course, humiliating the Hitman was not his main goal- that, of course, lied in isle 8, he pushed past the physical couple with nothing more than a smirk and a wink, rolling across the small gap between the two isles. There stood the holy grail-- a microwave. Where he came from, such appliances were fools gold- plastic, unreliable and overpriced. Yet, they had one redeeming feature- they were explosive! He had read so many articles in the times about poor women and children loosing their homes all because they left a knife in with their potatoes.

Now, Bond was going to try to replicate that complex 12 fold. He grabbed the nearest can of dog food from the floor, and opened the door of the nearest Zap-O-Nuke and set it to start cooking in 20 seconds. He hoped like hell that the Zap-O was battery powered, otherwise it would be a race against time to find a power outlet close enough to the guards, or he would have to attach it to one of the light switches...either way, kicking the box towards the Hitmen was a smart move

Thus, Bond placed the tin inside the microwave and threw it towards the group of guards
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