A New Year Begins

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She looked at him shocked, a small blush falling onto her face once more. "I am glad you think so highly of me." she said softly. "I am sure I can come up with lots of ideas. For trips or dances or what have you." she said happily as she sat there. Just the fact that he thought that she could compliment him, made her feel good about herself. Those hateful words from before draining away now, and they started to mean nothing to her.

Getting up she followed him to the desk and opened the file up that had James name on it. "Who's this Samantha, a crush of yours?" she asked jokingly as she looked through the file. "Don't take that seriously, I am only kidding." she said glancing at him for a moment, a grin on her face before she went back to reading.
He reached into another drawer and took out a pair of glasses. Placing them on his face he started flip through the folder, Samantha is a straight A student who has had a crush on me. She is also the the most popular girl in the school. However she has no previous experience with leading."

He looked up at her and pulled a paper from the folder for James, "Here read this..." He holds it up for her to see. It is a police report of his raping of a 12 year old girl, "This is why I said to leave if he makes advances on you." He sets the paper down then grabs a picture from it showing a red haired boy, "This is James Cochran."
"Oh okay." she said softly as she was reading over Jame's file. "Was she with you today outside?" she asked glancing over at him. "I might of had a little run in with her today, but I am not so sure." she told him as she stood there. "Some of the girls just start to blur together at some point." she said laughing.

When she showed her the police report on James, her face went pale. "No way!" she whispered as she stood there. "That is insane...to think people would actually do that." she said a small chill going do her back. "Thank you for the warning. I just though it was that he messed with girls. Not that he would actually...force himself onto girls." she said softly. She lightly took the picture of James and nodded her head ever so slightly. "I would stay away from him then. Promise."

Autumn put the picture down and then looked back up to Tomoya. "Well maybe you should talk to Samantha then about joining. If she is a straight A student, then she must be really good at math too."
"No she wasn't with me this morning. However one of the guys was telling me I should ask her out." He shook his head, "James is a good for nothing. Remember that face because it just might save you. He does both of those though which is what disgusts me. He screws with them and forces himself on them." He shook his head and leaned back.

"Just because she is a straight A doesn't help me. I hardly know her and nonetheless she would probably be distracted from her duties by being on the student council with her crush." He sighs and takes the glasses off setting them on the desk, "It is just an endless cycle." He ran a hand through his hair and looked at her, "What do you think we should do?"
She nodded her head as she looked at him. "I will burn it into my memory." she said softly. "I didn't think about that, with her being distracted." she told him as she stood there. "It might be worth a try though. Though if she isn't holding up her end of the job and just messing around, can't you like...take her off?" she asked looking at him and tilting her head to the side. "I don't mean to stress you out, and if anything we can always keep looking." she said happily.

"I am sure we can wait a little longer too, since it's just the first day of school as well." she said kindly.
"I guess you have a point..." He smiled and stood up, "I knew I made a good choice in picking you." He turned and looked into her eyes, "Thank you for your input. Well let us go back to the first period class."

He shut the drawers and moved to the door bringing a key out of his pocket, "We are given free time to do student council stuff so we will be ok."
She looked back into his eyes and blushed before nodding her head. "It makes me happy that you feel that way." she told him happily when he said that he made a good choice in picking her as his VP. "We should go then." she said kindly as she went to walk pack out of the room.

"And that's good that they will give us free time. We will get this all figured out, and I will talk to Poppy about joining. If she accepts then we would have at least one spot filled. That is if you want her." she told him.
He pushed open the door and walked out, "Yes it is very nice to not have to worry about time." he smiled and as she stepped out he shut it and locked the door. Reaching into his pocket once more he withdrew a second key holding it out to her, "Here this is for you so you can get in here whenever you need."

He turned and beckoned her to follow, "I would greatly appreciate a chance to talk to your friend...Poppy was it?"
She watched him lock the door and lightly took the second key when he held it out to her. Smiling she nodded her head. "Alright thank you." she said softly. Autumn started to follow him once again and nodded her head. "I can set that up. I am sure we will bump into her in the hallway or something." she told him. "I don't know what classroom she is in right now. I didn't even know she was going to this school until I saw her in the gym." she explained as she walked with him.
"Hmm..." he raised a hand to his chin, "I will find her file and pull out her schedule for this year and find a good time." dropping his hand he continued down the hall keeping his pace and stride about the same as hers so he didn't get ahead of her. She was still learning the layout of the school so he needed to careful.
"Okay." she said with a smile as she kept walking with him. "Or we could meet up after school or during lunch." she explained as she was taking everything in about the school. Stopping from time to time to admire a picture of the wall. Or to make a little map in her head.

She was keeping a nice pace with him, and was content just walking at his side. Even more so now that the hallways weren't so crowed and she didn't have to worry about random people running up to them.
"Sounds like a wonderful idea." smiling he looks over and would stop and wait whenever she stopped. At one point he slipped his hands into his pockets. After a few minutes of this they arrived outside the classroom door, "Well all I can say is prepare yourself for whatever may come."

Placing his hand on the handle he slides the door open wide strolling in and nodding to the teacher who blushes and multiple squeals are heard as he smiles at the class, "Good morning everyone don't mind me I am just returning from some duties of mine." One of the girls raised her hand as Autumn walked in, "Is it true that you like her?" she pointed at Autumn accusingly.

Tomoya chuckles at the girl, "I wouldn't be so narrow minded as to say I like her instead I would say this." he pauses so everyone leans in anticipation, "That...I adore her. She compliments me well." he smiled brightly as he hooked an arm around her shoulder pulling her close to his side, "In fact I might even say I find myself falling for her."

At this all hell broke loose as the entire girl population of the class stood up with their mouths hanging open. Guys stared ridiculously and one girl even managed to move from behind her desk to walk to him, "You don't mean it do you..." her eyes were wide and filled with fear of his answer. He looked at her with a solid look of sorrow, "I do." it was a whisper but the class was so silent it was heard by everyone.
When they got to the classroom she nodded her head slightly. Her stomach twisting in knots for what might be said to her in the classroom. She felt more nervous then being in front of the whole student body at the assembly. She glanced at Tomoya when he walked in, though she slowly put herself at ease. Thinking he would protect her in case one of the girls spoke out with harsh bitter words again.

She stayed outside a couple of seconds after he walked in, but soon started to walk in herself, after taking a deep breath. She turned blue eyes to the girl that was accusing him of liking her. Autumn started to laugh nervously, waving the girl off and was about to speak, but Tomoya hard already beat her to it. Though his words sent a shock through her once again. Even more so his actions when he put his arm around her and pulled her to his side.

The blush was burning on her face at this point, much stronger and noticeable then before. She felt a little tense with how close she was to him. She was looking up at him with wide eyes, like she wanted to say something. But her attention was drawn to another girl as she approach them. The only thing she could offer was a small smile after Tomoya answered her. "Sorry." she said softly. It wasn't in a snotty way, or an 'I am better then you way'. Instead it was like she was unsure of what to say to make the situation better. Autumn never pulled away from Tomoya though, and at some point she had slightly leaned back into him.
As the girl staggered backwards a little she put her hands to her mouth, "But...but...but...y-you..." tears welled up in her eyes as she turned and ran out of the room. Standing back up to his full height he surveys the rest of the class who stares in awe at him. They had never expected such a bold move from the quiet popular guy.

He smiled softly as he waved his hand telling the girls to sit back down before he turned his attention to Autumn and he chuckles very quietly for a second, "Nicely done." he continues to smile when he hears another girl's voice, "If you really like her that much then prove it to us."

Others began whispering their agreement to her claim and he looked at the class with a stern look, "I am afraid that your request will be put on hold because I don't know her feelings and nor do I just want to take her as my own so quickly." his words were soft and caring but stern and final as if to say that there would be no arguing the point. Still with his arm around her he started walking back to their seats in the middle of the classroom.
When she saw the girls eyes start to well up with tears Autumn started to panic a bit. "No no, don't cry!" she told her. "It's okay...really." her words had trailed off as she watched the girl off out of the room. She felt bad, but there was nothing she could do about it, and in turn she was glad that Tomoya had picked her of all the girls in the school. She could rest easier knowing her feelings wouldn't be put to waste towards him. That her feelings for him would be returned.

Though at the moment, she wasn't sure it would of been best to confess her feelings, seeing as the other girls prince had been taken away from them. "I don't believe it." one girl said as she sat back down in he desk. "This...this has to be some kind of joke. Even more so when you wouldn't prove it. I refuse to believe this is the girl that...that is taking you away from us!" she told him. "What makes her so special, she is just some freshmen!" another girl asked.

Autumn was following Tomoya back to their desk and subconsciously went to hold onto his hand that was around her. Though she softly laughed and looked to the other two girls that spoke out. "See she is even laughing at our questions. How can you have a VP that laughs at the students!" another said. Autumn simply shook her head. "You are right though, there isn't mush special about me. I mean I like to sleep, and I over sleep and miss things. But you can't help how you feel about someone, right?" she asked.
He reached over with his other hand gently prying it from his as he lets her sit in her chair. He turned and looked at the girls who were speaking poorly of her. He narrowed his eyes which he doesn't do often, "I made my decision because she has everything that I need to work well for the school. I read every file on every person in this school and I made the best decision."

He slowly walked back to the front of the class to speak to them all. Stopping behind the small pedestal he stares down everyone, "She isn't laughing your questions. She was laughing at herself. She reached for my hand and held it just then. She laughed at herself for that. Not at you but at herself. She lacks the necessary confidence to do what I do. However she has the mindset that supports my own so that we can the best decisions for this school."

A sadder look came across his face, "I have the best interest of this school in mind. Sure she might have flaws. We all do. I have flaws. Hard to believe for you because you all only see the best of me." he set his hands on the pedestal and leaned forward, "I have my own flaws just as everyone does. I'm not perfect so I made the best decision I could." he raised his hand to regard Autumn, "She has the necessary things in mind to help me help you. End of discussion." he stood back up and started to walk back to his seat, "Oh one more thing. If I find out about any of you messing with her or hurting her you will have to deal with the consequences. I don't care who it is. If you mess with my VP I will hurt you."
She had slowly sat down in the chair and looked around at some of the students, mostly the girls who were glaring daggers at her. If looks could kill, she would of already of died ten times. Autumn turned her eyes back to the front of the room and listened to everything that Tomoya was telling the students.

He had everyone's attention at that point, a couple of girls had left to go to the bathroom to regroup themselves. When he got done speaking and was making his way back to her desk. She gave a small smile and silently mouth the words 'thank you' to him. Though she was a bit caught off guard, as the other students were, when he made his own promise that he would hurt who ever messed with or hurt Autumn.

Though it was a shock, she felt herself more at ease after those words. Part of her hoping that the other girls would just leave her alone at that point. Another part of her couldn't help but wander how his little threat would do when she was left alone. Most girls might of took his warning in stride, but there were always a few bad apples in the bunch.
He winked when no one was watching to tell her 'your welcome'. He silently reached his desk and sat down smiling at the teacher, "You may continue now sensei." he could feel the stares in the room directed at him and her.

The teacher stumbled out of her chair to the pedestal and stumbled over her words, "Thank you Tomoya for that interesting proclamation." she then went back to explaining rules and expectations for her class. It all went by in a blur to him. He was just sitting there thinking about what he needed to find for the Student Council.

There was much to be done as soon as the bell rang. He quickly stood up and smiled at Autumn, "Come on we need to go to the council room. But first lets get some lunch." he reached down and slung his backpack over one shoulder.
She smiled a bit more at his wink as she relaxed in her chair, things seeming to calm down once again with in the class room. Though when the teachers were explaining the rules, her head started to slightly bob up and down as she tried to stay awake. It was shortly after that she laid her head down on the desk and started to drift off to sleep.

When the bell rung she jumped awake. "I wasn't sleeping!" she said half panicked in her sleep like daze. Though when she looked around to see everyone was getting up and leaving, she started to relax once more. Looking up to Tomoya she nodded her head. "Of course." she said happily as she jumped up and grabbed her backpack. "Though I should already have my lunch with me." She placed her own backpack over one shoulder so it hung at her hip, starting to follow him out once more.
Several girls giggled at her outburst but kept walking. Tomoya just sighed and smiled, "Very smooth Autumn. Very smooth." he started down the hall towards the cafeteria. As she caught up he started to say something but was cut off by one his stomach growling and two a girl that came running up and jumped latching onto his neck yelling, "Darling! I knew I would find you!"

As she dropped down she had brown hair and bright green eyes. She was slightly shorter than Tomoya. He sighed very loudly, "Suukiori I thought I said not to call me that. I am no ones darling." he turned to Autumn, "Autumn meet Suukiori Issei. My sister."
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