A New Year Begins

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She smiled a bit and nodded her head as she stood there. "That sounds like a good idea. Just let me know if I am imposing on your family or anything." she said softly. She went to get her bag and went to take his hand to follow him out the door. "Thank you again for letting me stay with your family. I would go home it's just..." she trailed off and shook her head as she started to walk with him.
He smiled and nodded, "I honestly don't think that you can easily impose on us..." he chuckled and shook his head, "Don't mention it. I am sure my parents will love you. The only one who won't is my sister because now you are an immediate love rival for her 'darling'..." he laughed as they walked out into the outside air, "It is nice today so lets get to my home and get you acquainted with everyone..."

((Terribly sorry for not replying I got busy and couldn't get on long enough to say anything.))
She couldn't help but laugh when he brought up her sister. Smiling she nodded her head as she went to hold his hand as they walked. "Well darling I hope she doesn't get too upset." she told him teasingly as they walked. The sun had almost started to hurt her eyes when they walked out, to her the day had been dark and gloomy. Now it was showing brighter then before, and it made her relax at least a little bit. "Well maybe if I cook dinner and everything tonight for you guys, your sister will hate me a little less." she said laughing.

(It's fine don't worry about it XD I understand getting busy lol)
He rolled his eyes, "You are insistent on calling me darling now aren't you?" He laughed and entwined his fingers with hers as they walked away from the school and towards his home, "I am sure my mother would appreciate the help since my sister doesn't help her." He shrugged as they continued down the street and before long they arrived at the front door, "Here we are. Home sweet home..."
"Only to tease you with." she told him with a grin as they walked together. "Well I will help your mom out as much as I can then. Kind of like earning my keep to stay at your house." she said softly. When they got to his house, she looked up at it with a smile. "It's cute." she said happily as she started to follow him inside. Looking around and just taking everything in as she did so.
As they pushed open the door he called out, "Mom! I'm home! I brought someone you should meet!" he took off his shoes and smiled at Autumn, "Be prepared. She can be a little overbearing at times..."

Before he could finish his thought his mother came into the entryway, "Tomoya! You're home early!" she was wearing a yellow dress with a white apron on over it with her brown hair let down in its wavy curls. She wrapped him in a hug and kissed his cheek, "Who is this person you wanted me to meet?" her voice was sweet and soft sounding.

He pointed to Autumn and she followed his gaze and blushed a little, "Oh my aren't you a pretty little thing...." she walked over and leaned over observing her face, "What's your name sweetie?" she smiled a bright smile and she smelled of cookies.
She looked to his mom when she came in and gave her a small wave. "Hello." she said softly when she looked over at her, though a blush fell onto Autumn's face when she called her pretty. "Oh, thank you ma'am." she said laughing as she stood there. "It's really nice to meet you, my name is Autumn." she told her happily. She had pulled away slightly when the woman leaned over her and gave a nervous laugh as she stood there.
She stood up straight and smiled looking at Tomoya, "Is this the day my Tomoya finally brings home a girl?!" She almost jumped up and down, "So Autumn... Have you two kissed yet?"

"Mom..." He looked at his mother, "She is here for some specific circumstances that I will explain soon..."

She just nodded and smiled acting like it was expected, "Uhuh sure she does... I'm just kidding sweetie." She looked at Autumn, "So have you kissed him yet?"
Autumn blushed deeply when his mom asked if they have kissed. "Well...I..." she said unsure of what to say at first, she looked to Tomoya, as if confused as what to do. Slowly she looked back to him mom when she asked again and gave her a small smile and slowly nodded her head yes. "If it's not too much of a burden or anything...I was wandering if I could live here...with you guys." she said looking unsure. "If you rather me not that is fine as well." she told her kindly. "I don't want to impose or anything. But if you allow me to stay, I will earn my keep. I am really good at cleaning and my cooking is decent enough."
She put a hand to her mouth, "Oh my... Tomoya..." she grinned and looked at her son, "Stealing young girl's hearts already are we?" she smiled and looked back to Autumn, "Sweetie. Might I ask. Just why are you wanting to stay here with us? Surely you must..." She gets abruptly cut off by her son's arm in her face.

He looks at her telling her to stop talking, "Mom her situation is a little difficult and she needs a place to stay. So I thought it wold be nice to open up our home." he smiled showing his pure intentions.

She nodded slowly, "Well then. In that case welcome to the family dear..." she smiled and winked at her son, "Now don't go having too much fun." she joked. Rolling his eyes as she walked out into the kitchen he smiled at her, "Come on. I will show you your new room..."
Autumn gave a kind smile when she asked why as she was wanting to stay, and she would of answered her. Though she was glad when Tomoya had cut her off. Her expression was to easy to read as the hint of misery and mourning was falling back into her eyes once more. "Thank you ma'am." she said softly giving her a small bow. "If you need any help please let me know and I will do my best to help." she explained to her.

She watched his mother go, before looking back to Tomoya and nodded her head. "Alright." she said softly. She went to hook her arm with his and was resting her head against his arm as she started to follow him up the steps. Taking some comfort that he was there with her, she kept trying to remind herself that it isn't so bad. Yet as the same time it was. "Your mother is really nice." she told him with a small smile. "And the cookies smell really good too." she said giving a half hearted laugh.
He smiled at her as they walked up the stairs, "I am sure it will all be fine... Yes she is very nice and she always smells like cookies. I dunno why. Must be a mother thing..." he shrugged and led her to the landing where he pointed at some doors, "This first one on the right is mine. If you ever need me I will most likely be in there." his arm swung to the room next to it, "That. Is the room of my sister. I would advise not going in there..."
"Okay." she said as she pointed out the doors. She looked to his sisters room and nodded once again. "I don't think I will go in there unless I have to." she told him. "That is like walking into the lion's den. You know what would be really creepy?" she asked looking up at him. Though she continued before he could even asked 'what' "If she had pictures of you plastered against her wall. Like you eating breakfast, or sleeping or walking to school or something." she said with a slight grin as she stood there.
He laughed at her remark then became somewhat worried at the thought, "Actually to be honest. I think she does..." he looked slowly over at her room and his face paled, "I want to see for myself but yet I am afraid of what I will find..." he shook his head and looked to another door on the left side, "That is the bathroom and the room next to it is yours now."
"Really?" she asked looking at him with wide eyes. "I was just kidding, but that is like...more creepy that she would actually do that." she said softly. "Maybe one day...when we are alone and she isn't here we should peek in at her room. It would be interesting I would think." Autumn told him. Looking to where he was pointing next, she nodded her head. "Bathroom and my room...okay I think I got that." she said softly.
He nodded slowly, "Yes well I wouldn't put it past her..." he sighed, "She has been like that for as long as I can remember..." He looked at her and smiled, "But what can you do?" he turned to his room and opened the door, "Please come in..."
"Not too much I guess." she said laughing a bit as she stood there. "I think I will have to keep one eye open when I sleep if she finds out we are dating." she told him. She smiled as he invited her into his room and nodded her head ever so slightly as she started to follow him into it.
He chuckled softly and followed her into his room shutting the door, "Thankfully my sister isn't back from school yet so we have some time before things get royally screwed up." he smiled and went over to his desk and sat down. Gesturing to his bed that was next to them he waited for her to take a seat, "So. What about me do you want to know? I am sure you have many questions."
"Well that is good." she said happily as she went to sit down on the bed once he gestured to it. She took her shoes off and was just relaxing as she curled up slightly. "I want to know lots of things about you, but I don't know what to ask really." Autumn explained to him. "I want to know your likes and dislikes. I would really hate to annoy you by accident, do you do any after school activities besides the Student Council?" she questioned.
He turned his chair to face her, "Hmm... Well... In terms of after school I don't actually do a whole lot other than come home. A couple years ago I did do track and field but that was only once." he shrugged, "Honestly it is a little hard to annoy me. However my sister has broken that scheme..."
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