A Mortal and a God (Nassione and Chello)

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"Ah well perhaps I shall visit him in a few days, let him know what is going on. I'll leave out the whole Loki part just for now," Thor responded. "I wonder how Loki slept."

Loki woke up and stretched out, he blinked a few times and realized he had slept outside. Quietly he walked back into his room, "oh hey."
"Well maybe you should ask him? " Jane suggested smiling happily as she minimized the search page.

Darcy looked at Loki and smiled " Goodmorning" she said softly. "I'm happy that you slept you needed it" she said happily
"I suppose I should when he wakes up, why don't I help you make some breakfast. We all need to eat, especially Loki. Though he can't handle anything to rich, he hasn't eaten for his entire prison stay. I don't want him getting sick." Thor spoke.

"I'm feeling a bit better too, guess the sleep really helped." Loki responded pushing his hair back.
Jane nodded "sure we can make scrambled eggs on toast " she said standing up grinning walking into the kitchen to get a bowl out then pulled out a treat of twenty four eggs. "How many eggs do you think we will need?" She asked curiously.

Darcy smiled " that's great your probably hungry" she mused happily
"Well Loki will probably only eat a little bit, so..ten let's say," Thor responded helping her get breakfast ready. "I just hope Loki will actually eat, you know this isn't the first time where he stopped eating completely." Thor sighed remembering his bout of depression when he was a teenager.

"I guess I'm a little hungry," Loki responded grabbing his shirt and putting it on. "I could probably eat."
Pulling out the toaster and bread Jane nodded "alright I'll do the eggs and you do the toast" she said hoping he remembered how to use the toaster.

Darcy grinned " good well let's go get breakfast" she said standing up then putting her glasses on. "come on" she said holding her hand out to him.
Thor nodded and put the bread into the slots, "this is such a strange thing this toaster. I don't think I will ever get use to the fact that it cooks the bread or how," he spoke watching it.

Loki took her hand and walked out with her he looked at Thor and Jane, "morning." He spoke before sitting down at the table.
Jane laughed "I'll explain it again later alright" she mused happily preparing the eggs. She saw Darcy and Loki together. She nudged Thor. "Morning you two"

Darcy waved and sat down beside Loki. She was relieved that Loki was planning to eat.
Thor looked at Loki, "well well someone looked like they had a good sleep. Look at your hair loki it is a mess," Thor teased.

Loki glared at Thor, "oh and yours is much better brother?" Loki retorted, "it's just as long as mine so don't talk."
Jane just laughed and begun to pull out the toast from the toaster and buttering them as age expected Thor to put more down . "Well I hope your hungry" she said happily as she put all the eggs in a large bowl and all the toast on a large plate. Then carried them to the table for them to eat. Then rushed back to grab plates all miss matching and forks and knives.

"Jeez Jane you've gone crazy again" Darcy said looking at the food.
"I'm always hungry you know that," Thor smiled sitting down next to her and putting some eggs and toast on his plate. "Eat up little brother you need protein in your system."

Loki just sighed and put a little bit of eggs and a piece of toast on his plate, "you aren't going to watch me eat are you?" He asked.

"Jus eat," Thor commanded.
Jane sat down across from Thor and smiled. When it came to Thor she actually didn't think she cooked enough. Shrugging she knew he couldn't pig out because Loki had to eat.
As Thor said Loki ate a little bit before sitting back in his chair he looked over at Thor who was eating fast like he always does, "you're going to still be hungry after this aren't you?" Loki asked, "how can you eat and eat and still be starving? I never understood that."

"I...Like..Food," Thor responded through bites he then swallowed and looked at his brother. "I am glad to see you have eaten Loki."
Jane laughed, it really would be like having kids. She and Darcy quickly served up there food leaving plenty for Thor and Loki.

Darcy nudged Loki's leg and smiled " it wasn't too bad eating huh?" She asked
Loki looked at Darcy, "yeah..Yeah, food is great." He responded as he watched Thor devour his food, "you would think he's never eaten in his life by how fast he consumes his meals."

Thor finished eating and sat back, "and people would think that you have an eating disorder. Or wait you do," Thor retorted. "You need to eat more so your bones aren't showing."

"My.." Loki crossed his arms against his chest frowning at his older brother, "shut up."
Darcy shook her head " are you two always going to fight?" She asked curiously eating her food quickly.

Jane did the same. She really did not want to get caught in the middle of the brother's argument. With our without powers for sure Loki could fight.
"We are brothers of course we are going to fight," Thor responded. "This is nothing you should have seen the arguments we had growing up, though Loki would always cry and go running to our mother. She always took his side."

"That's because you were a big jerk!" Loki growled, then taking a deep breath. "Sorry ladies, I'm just going to go back to my room. Thank you for breakfast," Loki responded getting up and walking to his room closing the door.
Jane smiled "your welcome" she said watching him leave then looked at Thor surprised "you two are just two children" she pouted crossing her arm's.

Darcy laughed at Jane then finished up her food and went to check on Loki making sure he didn't throw up his food.
"He's the unreasonable one, he takes things way too seriously. He needs to lighten up," Thor responded as he started clearing the dishes. "He has always been like this, he can never control his emotions. It has been no wonder he didn't have any friends growing up."

Loki was just laying down on the bed staring up at the ceiling when Darcy came to check up on him, he was upset with Thor and didn't want to be around him at the moment.
Darcy let herself in and sat beside Loki "if he keeps being a jerk you can borrow my tasser" she said smiling lightly as she looked at him.

Jane sighed "well lets try cut down on the arguments we need to get you two clothes today" she muttered getting up to help clean Then just sighed hugging Thor from behind resting her head against his back.