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A Immortal Rebellion: The Academy (IC) (Still accepting)

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Alex watched him as he disappeared into the background. She could hear a bit of clanking in the background, and her ears perked up, stretching her hat as she looked for him. When he came back around, she smiled, laughing a bit as she jumped into ring, using the edge as a brace for her to land on the other side. She padded over to him, sliding down onto the floor next to him, laughing. "Good job. Hope we don't get in trouble."
Val felt the breath leave her lungs as he had her arms locked in she could feel her armor start to melt, she started to panic a little her body temperature started to warm up and she could feel her vision waning a bit, "Please let go?" She choked out.
Grant dodged her little kicks before just grabbing one of her legs, "A little to easy there sweetpea."
Geo smiled as he grabbed her hand, her eyes flashing again as her tattoo's started to glow. "Hmm, then let's take this up a notch." She said, before flicking her foot, causing a small blast of sound to be unleashed from her foot, and she crossed her fingers that it worked, or at the least caused him to drop her foot.
@Poisoned Rose
Roman laughed "Um, only if we get caught." He smiled a cheesy grin at her. He then laid back, having both his hands behind his head. Roman smiled and started to sing the lyrics, it was one of his favorite by Green Day, and the most played on his phone. Romans mind started to drift and he closed his eyes, he always did his best thinking when he felt peaceful, even with Alex here. "Lay down, close your eyes and just feel the beat." He said softly.

Cai immediately let go of his, he could see cold droplets begin to fall from her, it was as if she was melting. "I am so sorry, Val I didn't realize." He felt awful, never have fire where ice is around he thought to himself. Cai moved past Val and walked over to the benches to sit. He leaned into the bench, letting his head full back, he brought his hands up and rubbed his face. He should have know better then to do that to her. "Ice and Fire don't mix well Cai." He said to himself.
@Poisoned Rose
Alex smiled as he had laid down, and she followed suit. As he had already closed his eyes, he had no idea. Smiling, she let out a sigh. "Way ahead of you." She said, cracking one eye open to look at him before closing her eyes again. "Did my bite hurt?" She said softly, her mind still wandering on the fight. She hated when she lost control, she could remember everything afterwards, and it sucked.
Val dropped to her knees when he had released her, her body was in a full reaction mode now. Her body started to over heat more and her vision became blurry and her ice armor fell off her body and crashed to the ground. It wasn't just the heat affecting her it was the emotions that she was feeling all at once things most of her kind never felt in their life times. She tried to slow it down but she was heating up way to fast for her liking. "Cai... cold please." She called out to him trying to remain conscious.
Grant leaned back away from the sound blast, "Watch it you could melt my ears with that." He teased and tossed her in the air a bit playfully.
Geo smiled as he tossed her, taking it to her advantage and aiming towards him. She smiled and controlled her fall, ending up so she landed towards his back. "Hmm, maybe you should be more careful." She teased before she started bending backwards and towards the floor, wrapping her legs around his neck as she tried to stretch him back with her.
@Poisoned Rose
Roman inhaled deeply, should he tell her? He sigh "It hurt like a bitch, but not the worst thing I have gone through." He opened his eyes, a little to look at her through the corner of his eyes. He shut them after a second, "Don't be upset or nothing, just what fighting is about."

Cai could hear her gasping for cold air, he looked up at her. He focused on her allow a blizzard to form around her. He felt horrible, he could have killed her. "I am so sorry, Val." He saw her in pain, and it hurt him. He never cried in his life, from what he could remember, but now he felt his eyes begin to water.
@Poisoned Rose
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Alex stared at the ceiling, her face pushed into a deep frown as she looked at the ceiling. She always hated being the cause of someone's pain, it hurt her more than it should, but she took a lot of things to heart. Closing her eyes, she let out a sigh. "I wish it was easier to control myself. I had to stay really focused." She mumbled, taking deep slow breaths.
Roman shifted on to his side to face her, "Hey, look at me," His tone becoming a little more serious, "Until you are able to control it, I will be willing to work with you on it." He smiled. Rolling back on his back, he stretched his arms to the skies and back down, "that is like the most amazing deal I have ever offered," he joked with her, trying to lighten the mood.
Axel cracked her eyes open to glance at him as he talked, feeling her heart slam into her chest once, and she almost jumped out of surprise. She let out a soft chuckle at his words, rolling her eyes. "Alright, alright. No need to boast." She joked, lightly punching his arm before going back to resting and listening to green day.
Roman laughed as she hit him, "WOW, never thought of you as a fighter." He chuckled, "Joking, Joking." He said. He relaxed again as he feel the pulse of the music run through him, he felt his heart begin to beat in time with Green Day. Roman let out a relaxing sigh and pushed his back deeper into the ring, wishing to stay there for ever.
Alex let herself breath into the music, but couldn't help being just a little distracted by all of the scents around her. One of the reasons she liked being busy was because it kept her brain, stable. When she wasn't thinking about anything, her senses kicked in, which sometimes could be overwhelming. The area smelled like the woods, but what was interesting is that Roman smelled better than the forest, which was odd. Usually she loved the smell of the forest more than anything.
Roman's mind started to drift, he was able to think clearly about things. He starting think about his family, and wondered how they were. Then without realizing it, he turned his head to Alex. What was she thinking about? Roman looked at her with a quizzical expression on his face. "What are you think?"
Alex was so absorbed in trying to figure out what scents where in the air that she jumped a little bit when Roman asked her something. Flushing, Alex closed her eyes again, trying to refrain from showing embarrassment. "I was just observing the scents in the air." She said, hoping he couldn't hear the pounding of her heart in her chest.
Roman smiled, scents? Really? "Okay" He said as he rolled back onto his back. The song switch to boulevard of broken dreams, Roman loved this song, and started to hum it. "So, is there anything you wanna talk about?" He had a smirk on his face.
Alex inhaled softly, her blush going down a bit as he dropped the subject of scents. It would have been so awkward to explain that she was basically sniffing him out. She pursed her lips as she looked up, thinking about what to talk about. Heaving a sigh, she turned her head to look at him. "I am not usually the most social of people, but we could learn more about each other? Isn't that what friends do?" She asked curiously.
Roman chuckled a little at her question, "Yes that's what friends do." Her question was so cute, it was almost like she never had friends before, had she? "Wait you never really had friends? Did you?" Roman looked at her with curiosity in his eyes. He never knew someone without friends before and it puzzled him why he got the vibe that Alex did not have none, everyone had to have a friend sometime in their life.
Alex pursed her lips, looking down. "Well, I had friends when I was a kid... or at the least I thought they where friends." She mumbled, sweeping her bangs over her eyes as they shifted downwards towards the ground. The fact that she wasn't even social enough to make friends was embarrassing. She didn't want to make friends, not after she started shifting. It was to dangerous for anyone to be close to her.
Roman nodded his head, "Ahh, I see" Roman looked at her. "I have friends, but most of them are fake." He laughed he had no clue why he still called them friends, he hadn't talked to them since the beginning of summer. Well his summer was spent beginning alone and hiking the local mountains, a billion times.
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