A Immortal Rebellion: The Academy (IC) (Still accepting)

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Alex's senses kicked in, hitting her like a brick as she flickered her eyes open, sensing small and slight changes in his phisical appearance that could change the outcome of this fight, not that her brain would make her any less stubborn. Her clothes where effectively torn down the middle, which she would have to fix later, if she could. A loud rumble came from her throat as the large cat padded around him and began to circle, a coming thing to do when facing an opponent. Her muscles rippled as she walked, her gaze always on him from the start.
Roman watched her circle him, he decided not to follow her gaze, but to close his eyes and sense her movement. Her felt her moved slyly around him, she was assessing him for a moment where it would be best to strike. He focused in on her muscles, if there was any change he would know. He also felt the students watching with curiosity, one freshman told Roman to open his eyes, that he couldn't possibly fight with his eyes closed. Ignoring them Roman focused, cutting out the rest of the world. It was only him and her, this could go either way.
Val looked up as Grant joined her and Cai. Val always liked him he was a really good friend to her when she needed it and she appreciated that about the fire elemental. The only thing that they always did was keep their distance from each other hot and cold do not mix (much to the dismay of that snowman in that movie). She looked back to Cai and laughed, "You sound like you had a lot more fun than I this summer. I told Cai that I had diplomats over practically all summer, your parents included." She gave a sweet smile and pulled out a notebook, "Oh I made you both something this summer." She dug around in her bag looking for the things that she wanted to give them she found Cai's bracer first and pulled it out. She pulled it up and the an amber crystal hung from it with a thin silver wire weaved around it and formed the rune dagaz (meaning the the daily turn of time). She handed Cai's to him and then found the bracelet she had weaved for Grant with a chrysoprase was in the middle with the rune wunjo(meaning joy and hope) carved into it.

Grant smiled and took bracelet and smiled at Val, "Thanks Val I appreciate this.I spent time in the human world with my cousins in Australia. Its amazing there! Clear waters and pretty much hot all the time I loved it. Yeah my parents told me they talked with you mainly and not your parents. Something about you 'taking on more responsibility' or something like that." Grant turned to Cai and smiled, "Aliens that is freaking bad ass man what were they like?" The brown haired boy asked excitedly as he leaned forward in his seat.

Cai was beyond happy to receive a gift from Val, especially a bracer. His old one had broke during summer training, which it should have broken long ago seeing he had it since freshman year. "Thanks Val, this is awesome." He smiled looking at Grant as he asked about the aliens. "They are pretty legit creatures, but all in all they are like me and you. Minus a few have different bone structures and color skin, but some look like human. They powers are insanely cool, man. How was your summer Grant?" Cai could go on forever about them, but decided to turn things to Grant. Though as he did, he noticed Max helping out a girl and then walking over. "Hi Max, do you know the girl you helped back there?" Cai pointed to the blind girl in the back. It wasn't like he was trying to be rude, but his curiosity always seemed to get the best of him.
@Poisoned Rose
@Lunita Nesta
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Alex circled Roman until she had reached his back and she paused, growling before she continued. She was ready to strike at any moment. Suddenly, Alex shot forwards, her claws extended as she shot forwards and towards Roman.
Roman knew she had left the ground, he spun around to meet her. Grabbing her two front legs, Roman bent backwards, throwing her over him and into the wall. She was fast, but he was faster. He smiled, let the games begin he thought. This was intoxicating to him.
Alex easily flipped onto her stomach, her claws raking the floor with a screech as she stopped herself. Just as quickly as she had stopped, she ended up running forwards again, her muscles pounding as the 200 pound cat raced across the hall, scattering students as she aimed to bite his legs, her maw open wide.
Loralie and Rowl

Her eyes turned bright white again, the panther and some other man fought. "Trouble, Rowl. Bring me to the hall, please?" Rowl's soft glow turned a bit brighter as he began to lead Loralie to where Alex and Roman were. They arrived just as Roman threw Alex into the wall. With the help of Rowl, she drew closer to Roman. She placed her hand over Roman's shoulder, "Must we fight amongst ourselves? That girl needs direction, not broken bones." She let go of Roman's shoulder, stepping in between Roman and Alex. Her voice had a tint of command to it, "There are better prey awaiting you, panther. Now, is not the time." Loralie was scared out of her mind. The panther was charging toward them. She had no desire to communicate unless it was necessary but her fellow students were being quite irresponsible. Her feet planted firm on the floor. She attempted to push Roman out of the way as she rolled to the side. Her hands went in front of her. If Alex would not calm down, she would be forced to act. She did not want to be a part of this but it was important that the students fought as a team.


He shrugged when Cai asked about the girl, "Not really, I just thought I would give her some help."
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Alex didn't even stop to think, because she couldn't. The beast roared, pulling forwards again. Her muscles contracted as she took a large leap towards Loralie, the panther not stopping to think. She had already drawn some blood from passing students who got in the way of her target, who had now shifted to the girl in front of him.
@Autumn_Burns_Red @Lunita Nesta
Before Roman could think, a girl...a blind girl had stepped in the path to Alex. Roman looked down at the girl, Alex was speeding her way. No matter what, Roman couldn't let Alex hurt her, he didn't know what the girl was capable of, but he knew that Alex wouldn't be able to handle the aftermath of killing her. Hearing what the girl had to say, Roman relaxed, she was right at this point in time it was stupid to fight with no cause. Focusing on Alex, Roman quickly thought of something to do, he moved along side the girl and honed in of Alex. Taking a breathe, Roman made a fist. He could feel the Earth start to move, opening his hand in a split second, allowed the Earth to shoot Thick rods of stone up, connecting the floor and ceiling, trapping Alex inside. This was no longer a fight, it was just what had to be done to return Alex back to her normal state. Roman looked around at his fellow peers "GO! NOW!" His voice was like thunder, many students jumped. After they left, Roman looked back to Alex then to the blind girl "Hey, the names Roman," Nodding his head toward the now trapped panther, "that's Alex. May I ask who you are?"
@Lunita Nesta
Loralie and Rowl

Loralie sensed the cat about to chew her up for lunch. Before Roman shifted the earth, a monkey the size of a rabbit formed on the ground. When the earth started shooting upward, the monkey climbed onto Loralie's shoulder. The monkey glanced at Alex, then jumped from Loralie's shoulder, drawing closer to Alex. Loralie shifted her gaze toward the ground, "My name is Loralie." She held up the orb a bit for them to see. "This is Rowl. He is my guide, and protector." The communications began too early for her. Loralie sighed heavily to herself. She felt so foolish to try to get involved in something like this. Her visions were going to get her into a lot of problems.
Alex was very displeased with this cage she was trapped in while the others talked calmly. The words did nothing but anger her, as she began to gnaw on the stone, slamming into it as she tried to escape. She snapped at the students passing, her teeth grazing a few of them. She could taste blood, and it only made her crazier. She wasn't going to be content being held for long, though her transformation was weakening a bit, the blood was only making her more energized. She slammed into the stone again, hearing a crack, and she let out a grunt, suppressing the pain of one of her bones denting again.
@Autumn_Burns_Red @Lunita Nesta
Roman looked at Loralie, "Thank you." Roman turned his attention to Alex, who was now ramming the cage he had set for her. "Alex try to clam down." For some odd reason he didn't want to see her get hurt, "I am your ally, not your enemy. Try to see straight." He bent down close enough to the cage, but not close enough to where she could claw him. "Hey, look at me, I am sorry for whatever I did to upset you." Roman smiled, he wasn't use to making nice with people or apologizing. He watched her for any signs of change, but he couldn't tell. What was she thinking?
@Lunita Nesta
As Roman started talking to her, she turned towards him and started pacing, her golden eyes a little hazed as she paced back and forth. She rammed the cage a few more times before she flopped on her side over by Roman, her eyes flickering back and forth for a bit before she looked at him, her lungs heaving for air. Her time was up, she was going to change back, but she didn't have the strength to move anymore, as her bones started to shift.
Roman watched as he coat started to shift back into skin. He didn't know what was to follow; he quickly looked for his jacket, grabbing it off of the ground. He draped it over Alex. Smiling, Roman spoke to her "Are you okay now?" One thing Roman learned today, was she was a worthy opponent for him, and saw her to be very challenging for the most part. "Maybe in a more organized way we can train together in the future, without the need to rip each others throats out, okay?" Roman looked down at her, she was somewhat injured and out of breathe, but it was her eyes that caught him, they were golden, and with the sun in the east shining on them they shined brightly, it was breathe taken in it self.

Alex was still breathing hard, and her arm hurt a lot from trying to break the stone. As it shifted back, she let out a pained cry, pressing her jaw together as she tried to muffle the rest of her pain. Shifting was quite painful with injuries, which is was one of the small nuisances of being a shape shifter. As she finished shifting, Alex sat on the floor inside the cage, shutting her eyes right before opening them again and looking at Roman. She looked at him for a few seconds before she grabbed the cloth close to her and she backed up and away from him, putting as much space as possible between them.
Roman didn't understand why she moved away, but he didn't ask either. "You can keep my jacket, I have a dozen more like it." Roman sat on the ground next to the cage. He laughed "You probably don't want to be in a cage anymore." Examining the cage, Roman focused his powers, the cage then shattered into a million pieces and froze in mid air, before he could blink they were swallowed back into the ground. "There..." Roman looked at her, he didn't think she wanted to be near him. He frowned, "Sorry about the arm, fighting kinda makes me get carried away, especially with a good opponent." Roman stood and gracefully walked over to his bag and picked it up. As he thought of the past few minutes of his life, he still didn't understand why, why back away from him, he wasn't trying to hurt her. "Why..." Roman whispered, then looked at Alex "Why are you frightened?"
Alex watched Roman carefully, fear filling her eyes as she kept herself closed in. She breathed a few times, looking around the hall. There was a bit of blood on the floor, big paw prints smeared across as it as well, but not enough to have killed someone. Without a word, she curled up into a ball, letting a high pitched groan of relief as she stayed where she was. She didn't want to talk about something like this with Roman yet, no one but her knew what she felt like. She kept the jacket around her shoulders, slipping her arms though the Jacket that he had given her, trying to keep herself kind of concealed.
Roman saw her fear through her eyes. She didn't want to talk, not yet at least. No matter what, Roman had to respect that. "Did you want me to take you back to your dorm? No questions, I promise." Roman smiled, he cared for her, but he couldn't understand why. Maybe just maybe they had a similar history, but he didn't feel like sharing and neither did she. "Or I can walk you to your next class. Just to keep you company. A lot of our peers, saw what happened, so there is going to be some talk about it." Roman wanted to walk away, to leave her here, he hated caring for someone, and he hated not caring for so many others. He was lost, lost in his past. Focusing back in, he offered a gentle hand to Alex, "Come on I son't bite."
Some part of him hoped she would take his offer.
Alex looked upon as Roman aproached her, backing away a bit. She was afraid that if she took his hand she would end up drawing blood again from be it either him or someone else. She took a shakeup breath and stretched her hand out to meet his, only to hold hers back from him as she looked up. "I want to go back to my dorm. But if I touch you, I don't know what will happen." She said softly.
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