A Game of Cat and Mouse (potassiumboron w/ Blooming Bismuth)

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"How do you fuck up your hair?" He sighed quietly, reaching instantly for the shampoo to lend his assistance. "How did you manage before me, huh? I'm your first boyfriend, right?"​
"I dated like, one person. She's awful." He murmured, eyes closing. "Plus my parents and family helped me out a bit... but a majority was myself. I can manuever Berlin easily
"She? You dated a girl?" He squeaked quietly, biting on his lip in shock, having to hold back from blurting any more, and so did attempt to be... subtle. Though how he was supposed to be subtle when subtly was far from his strong point was hard. "...I mean, I know you're not gay, so you're not only for one gender and stuff, but... what was she like, your girlfriend?" He cooed quietly, pressing inward whilst massaging the shampoo through his hair. "I can't imagine you with a girl~"​
"What s that suppose to mean?" He huffed, pressing closer. "Whwt do you mean, how was she? She was sort of a bitch... but she was only eh in the sex department. Not a fan myself.
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"You had sex with her?" He screeched quietly, a burning jealousy suddenly hitting him - he was in love with the other, yet they'd only really kissed; yet this girl he proclaimed was a bitch had made love with him? Xander couldn't pull out the phrase of wanting to be his 'first', because he was hiding the fact he had dated someone else... but was there a point of hiding it if the other confessed to dating someone previous? It was hardly a crime, though. "...Ugh, god. And you don't wanna make love with me? Whatever..."​
"I do, but you never suggested it," He admitted, his cheeks growing red. "You always seemed like you just wanted to kiss, so that's all I'd do! If... you want more..."
"I have had an ex before, I'm not a virgin," he finally admitted as he moved to squeeze out a dollop of coconut scented conditioner onto his lover's head, massaging it in with an automatic hum. "And we rushed into... sex..., and it was awful, and I didn't love him really. I love you, so it has to be meaningful, right? Not just rushed... but you haven't seemed to show interest and... I guess I'm just a pain, huh?"​
"You had an ex?" He blinked, "Oh... I-I mean, I'm surprised! But I still love you... I mean, if you want to have sex, tell me".
"Mm, I was fifteen and homeless and... he was just this guy that helped me a lot on the streets. He was an asshole though, got convicted and jailed for beating up some guy who ended up in a coma-- he could be dead. I could have dated a murderer, ugh. Ca you imagine? It makes me feel dirty, honestly," he admitted again, immediately reaching to scrub at his arms with a hum, blissfully unaware that he had been dating just that sort of person for the last two months now. "I'll... tell you then, okay? It'll be a while though."​
The only sign of guilt was the slight cringe, though it came just as fast as it went. "Please do. I want to be a part of you."
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"Hm, just be patient," he cooed softly, suddenly deciding to press in close and carefully use the nearby jug to wash the other's hair for him. "...Can I dye your hair? I know you don't know, like, what colours are and stuff, and you can't explain a colour, but... I think blue would suit you, you know."​
"Go right ahead!" He replied, moving for a peck. "Just fuck me up, alright? I trust you enough with my body."
"I'm not going to 'fuck you up', Kaz. I just wanna dye your hair, and I'm good at it... I think... I used to help my sisters, so..." He murmured, trying to sound as confident as he potentially could - seeing Kaz be so confident in front of Bryan had made him want to try hard in return, however difficult that was.​
"If you want me to look blue, I'm good with that. I want you to make me look like how you want me to, since I want you to find me appealing. If that means blue hair, or whatever, I'm fine."
"...That doesn't sound nice. I like you as you are! I... i'm not trying to mould you into something you're not," he muttered, taking the other's words like that, however contrastively they were meant. "I... I just thought it'd be a change."​
"It would be fine!" He reassured, his cheeks growing red as he shyly twiddled his thumbs. "I just want you to be happy with me."
"I know, and I am, but I don't want it to be like I'm changing you to make you better. I'm not shallow," he murmured softly, climbing out the bath once feeling that the mood hadn't soured, but dimmed if anything. "You enjoy your bath, I'm gonna be waiting in the bedroom so gimme a shout when you're done, 'kay?"​
His frown only grew when the footsteps could be heard outside the tub. Wasn't he good enough? He could easil uh change any flaws he had, after all... Letting an eye appear on his forehead, he looked over his body with a soft whine. He sank further into the water, digging his nails into his surprisingly malleable skin
"Hey, babe? Wanna try some of this? I made it a week back, it's for relaxing muscles!" The boy called as he suddenly peered his head back into the bathroom - though thankfully, at least Kaz's head was sunk down into the water enough for the warlock to avoid seeing the organ having just appeared in the middle of his forehead. He would hardly react well to it, obviously. "It's just some herbal stuff, I thought you'd need it, 'cause of the whole thing with Bryan and all."​
And gone was the extra eye just as it went, his head returning above the water. "Y... Yeah, alright. I do love those potions of yours... though I didn't think my muscles were that tight!" He laughed
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