A Game of Cat and Mouse (potassiumboron w/ Blooming Bismuth)

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"I could never hate you, silly," he laughed easily, despite squeaking at being tugged forward like that, even if he responded by wrapping his arms close too. "Not even if you dumped me. I'd be pissed, but I couldn't hate you."​
"Well, that wouldn't happen," He reassured, though he did frown if only slightly. "Yoy wouldn't hate me, no matter what? Be honest..."
"I am being honest, silly. I don't think I could hate you, really," he said softly, leaning in close to pepper kisses along his cheeks and lips. "Now just stop worrying, alright? We're never going to be in a situation where I hate you~"​
Letting out a nervous whine, he immediately buried his head in the other's neck. "I... need to tell you something, then. But you need to promise me you win't get mad, alright? Because... it's who I am."
Sensing the nervousness, the warlock found his own smile fading fast, leaning back to create a little space between them, just in order to keep his eyes locked on his boyfriend. Frankly, dread was the main emotion, his knees suddenly weak in anticipation. "...You're scaring me, to be honest," he murmured, finally taking a seat in fear he'd just collapse. "...Are you dumping m-me?"​
"No! No..." He replied, rubbing his neck. Taking a deep breath, he tried to think of the best way to express himself in English. "You see, I'm like you, Xavier. I'm not normal. " As he spoke, he held out his hand where an eyeball appeared, his expression softening. "I'm a shapeshifter, Xavier."
It took a moment before Xavier fully took in what he was being told - and another moment prior for him to realise that this wasn't a hallucination or a dream. This was reality, and his boyfriend of two months wasn't some human he had believed him to be. Of course, he was hiding more than just his species, but for now, Xavier could probably only handle this, his eyes glimmering with tears and hands pinching anxiously at his skin. It was generally a mix between anger and what felt like betrayal - he had admitted to Kaz what he was only two weeks after meeting him, yet it had taken this long for the other to return the favour? "Are... Are you serious? I-I mean, I..." He grimaced, turning his eyes away from the one that had appeared in the other's palm. "...You're... f-fucking kidding me! I-I... can't believe you, seriously..."​
The eye vanished quickly as he nervously rubbed his arm. "I knew you'd get mad, aha..." He whispered, cursing under his breath in his native tongue. "I didn't want to scare you, so I just thought it was better to say nothing. I just... I just wanted you to like me, but when you mentioned you were a magic user, I panicked and decided to say nothing. I should have admitted it, but I was scared." He admitted, feeling his way to the bed before sitting down.
"I would have thought that me admitting that to you would be the perfect time to tell me," he muttered quickly, the sudden realisation that he was a shapeshifter immediately jolting him into what that could mean, peering wearily at him with distrust. "...Is this wh-what you look like? I mean, is this... you, or... just some conceived image to fool me?"​
"I don't really know," He admitted, "I wasn't lying when I said I was blind. I've been blind since birth, but... It quick instances, like just now, I can see. So I just put together a form I felt comfortable with and stuck with it. So... I don't know how to answer the question, I guess. It's the real me to me."
Shuffling away from him promptly, he did find himself doubting whatever left the other's mouth now. "Do you even love me?" He finally blurted, unaware of the fact it wasn't wholehearted love just yet, while on his part, being a romantic, he was easily ready to give his life for Kaz. "Was that another of your s-silly little lies?"​
"I still love you, Xavier. D-Don't use pretense, please." He pleaded, getting to his feet quickly as he nervously held his own waist. "If I hadn't loved you, do you think I'd be here? I wait around every day for you to come home, to brighten my day. I've loved you since that first bus ride... And the fact that you don't trust me with my own feelings really hurts!"
"And tell me how I'm supposed to trust a thing you say when... when you basically lied about what you were? I mean, you sort of hid from me, and I was truthful to you and... and I'm annoyed, not gonna lie," he sighed, flopping back onto the bed with eyes glued to the ceiling awkwardly. But, Xander was someone who easily forgave, and that was what often got him into bad business. When he was homeless and forgave a gang that had stolen Sofia from him, they simply took his money the next day that had taken him two weeks to collect. "...There's no excuse for you tripping over now, you know," he said after a long few minutes, sitting up again as he cracked his back. "If... If you can pop eyes somewhere on your body, then you shouldn't have any reason to go flying over my things, hm~?"​
"I can't make a new form or body parts for very long," He admitted, "It's exhausting, you know? It takes a lot out of you to make an entirely new organ from scratch, thus why I don't do it very often. I really only use it when I go shopping or when I work on my gadgets. The longest I've gone with a new organ is an hour."
Unable to really take it all in, he did wearily hunch his knees to his chest and lean back against the headboard with a tired sigh. "...Is there anything else?" He finally asked, deciding that he could get over this if they both loved each other, and it was nice that he wasn't the only one not 'normal'. "I mean, you're not hiding anything else, right?"​
"No, nothing else." He replied flawlessly, his expression softening. "That's why I'm always so worried on how I look to you. I could be anything you want me to be, and I want you to be happy with me. But... I obviously c-couldn't just change my entire appearance in one go, especially if you didn't know what I was. It would be too freaky, obviously."
"And I've told you, you're pretty darn perfect as you are," he reminded swiftly, leaning in for a kiss as he quietly fell back into trust. One little moment of drama was quickly taken care of, mostly because he was a forgiving person by nature. "Honestly, stop panicking, okay? I don't want you to change a thing~"​
"Are you sure? Because I can, honestly. It'll take only a few seconds. You wanted me with blue hair, right?" He stammered, and like that had his bubblegum pink hair change to a cool blue. "It's really not that difficult, and I don't mind... I mean, I'm used to changing for other people, you know?"
"That's... awesome," he babbled, still determined to prove he loved him as he was, but hair colour, in his mind, was nothing to do with wanting to change his looks. It was a bit of fun, really. Running his hands through his hair carefully, the smile spread on his face, now akin to an excited child. "You're amazing, y'know~?"​
A bashful blush grew on his face, before offering a smile. "Nah, not really. I would rather be a cool wizard and stuff than a shapeshifter. You could make a potion for whatever you wanted, you know? You could have like, politicians and stuff bow before you if you really wanted."
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