A Fae of the Utmost Standing

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Serena's body was hot, her breath was heavy and the more she kissed him the more she found her body was moving on its own. At this point she had no idea what was coming on to her but she liked it. The feeling of his hands on her, the scent of his skin all over her body. That was the one thing she liked the most that every time she breathed Eseldor's skin was all over her. It was perfection no matter how he looked at him.

As they kissed a battle of tongue wrestling and passion when she felt his hand on her bare butt she squeaked hiding her face in his neck blushing horribly. When he stopped and asked her what was wrong she lightly giggled feeling stupid for being so embaressed.

"How do you do this? Im so embaressed, this is nothing new to you but I can't help but blush and feel like an idiot for not being able to pleasure you." She said honestly her face still in his neck beat red not wanting him to take his hands off her but so emabressed when he does.
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He wondered perhaps if his hands grabbing her butt had been too forward. He hadn't meant to embarrass her. He removed his hands and instead wrapped them around her back, hugging her to him.

"You are no idiot, Serena, and believe me, your touch, your hands and your mouth...were incredibly good." He let out a heavy breath as he said that, noticing how hot his cheeks felt for the first time. He kissed the top of her head. "I think we have taken things far enough tonight. I won't push you further than you want to go. We can just lie together now."
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When he removed his hands from her butt she almost pouted wanting him to put his hands back on her but while he hugged her so tightly she couldn't help but completely melt in his arms. Closing her eyes she listened to his smooth voice just loving this moment more than anything.

"Okay," Getting comfy she wrapped her legs around his, her arm drapped lovingly around his chest. "Eseldor, if you wake up and decide you don't want this, I will understand. I just want you to know that I love you, and I always will. That I am thankful I even recieved this much of your time."
He smiled at her. Still she doubted. Although he supposed he couldn't blame her. He had been far too fickle in his past.

Eseldor kissed her again. "I assure you, I will still love you in the morning, and I'll prove it, too. Would you prefer to hold onto me as a human tonight? You look comfortable and peaceful...and beautiful like this." He kissed her again, his arm wrapping around her waist.
In his human form? All night, just her and him, this was going to be ineteresting it was different when he was a dog but now he was her lover. Smiling she turned red and snuggled close getting ready for bed. "Okay," Looking at her laced fingers she brought his hand up and kissed his hand before giving it a little nibble, Serena didn't know why but it felt like the right thing to do in the moment. SMiling she listened the sound of his even breathing as she slowly fell asleep on his chest cuddled up to him.
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He chuckled lightly as she nibbled on his knuckle. He pulled her even closer to him, though that did not seem possible, and closed his eyes. It was a while before he fell asleep, but when he did it was the most peaceful sleep Eseldor ever had...

The next morning had the sunlight beaming through the window and draping over their sleeping bodies. It was warm, welcome, and as Eseldor opened his eyes he allowed it to confirm last night had been real. He ran his hand along her waist, just touching her backside now and then. Okay. So he was still a bit of a pervert. Only when he saw her eyes slowly open did he speak.

"Good morning, Serena," he cooed to her. He kissed her forehead. "It seems we both slept well, and very late, judging by the sun. And guess what? I still love you."

He kissed her full on the lips until he heard banging and feverish movements at his door. He only had enough time to sit up partly when they burst open, a very distraught Reya and a hard-faced Cook storming in.

"Eseldor we can't find Serena! She's not in her bed and - " she stopped as she saw the two together. She stared at their lack of attire. "Holy shit!"

Eseldor blushed. Him! He moved his hand to Serena's shoulder and tried to take control of the situation. "Reya, I can explain...later. I'm not doing it twice. Is everyone at breakfast?"

Cook nodded. "We were waiting on Serena. I figured you'd still be sulking."

He took that gentle jab in stride. "Well, it's become a family meeting. Give us a few minutes and we'll be out."

"How the - ?"

"Reya, please!" Eseldor snapped, his face reddening deeper. She started laughing then - not good for his complexion - and ushered Cook out the door. He winked at him before it closed. Eseldor sighed. "Those two...better them than someone else, I suppose."
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The sun gently hit her eyes as she slowly opened them adjusting to the light. When her vision finally came too she was in awe with the sight in front of her as two big hands wrapped her like a safety blanket. Sending shivers up her spine when he spoke it was almost like waking up to humming birds singing you a beautiful song. Smiling she went to speak but he stopped her with a gentle yet strong kiss. A kiss only Eseldor could give, one that curled your toes but gave you the sensation of flying at the same time. Smiling like a little girl she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck just wanting to feel his warm, Eseldor's warmth.

Which was completely gone in a flash when she heard the banging on thhe door. It warmed her heart that instead of trying to hide the scene or push her out of the bed. Eseldor covered her and held her with a secure arm that made her melt which she couldn't enjoy with the two running in. In a way she couldnt help but laugh at the fact that when Reya and Cook noticed she was gone they went into action. It made her feel special as Eseldor handled the scene Serena merly just giggled against his skin thinking about how loved she felt.

When they left she looked up at him smiling, kissing his cheek. "Breath," She giggled. "I guess everyone knows now." Running a hand through his hair massaging his scalp she kissed him gently. "Come on, today is going to be a long day. We might as well get ready for it."

Getting up she grabbed her dress from the floor putting it on tightening the corset as she turned and watched him dress blushing and smiling. Serena felt like the luckiest girl in the entire world as she looked upon the man that completely ownered her heart and soon her body. Biting her bottom hair she didn't bother putting her hair up as she wawlked back over to him hugging him and giving him one last gentle kiss.

"Lets get this over with." holding his hand reassuring him she wasnt going to leave his side.
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He nodded as she kissed him, feeling emboldened by her encouragement. He got out of bed, too, and immediately had to avert his eyes as she took off his shirt and began to get dressed. Oh how he wanted to look! To drink in the sight of her beautiful body! But it would make her uncomfortable, he knew. Serena was shy about such things, not having much experience.

So he dressed facing away from her. When she finally was ready to lose her virginity, Eseldor would no doubt be able to look at her lovely, youthful body all he wanted, however she was dressed. Besides, as respectful and loving as he may be...he couldn't help but peek. Their eyes caught each other once, and he smiled, blushing.

As she hugged him he responded in kind. And with Serena's hand in his he was able to face the household.

"Yes. From the sounds of things, I have a lot of lies to discredit from Luna."

The thought angered him, but he would save that for the meeting. Eseldor walked hand-in-hand with Serena - something he could get very used to - and came to the dining room. All the ladies were there waiting patiently, but there was suddenly the sound of chairs scraping and hushed whispers as the couple entered. Everyone seemed intent on getting a better look, not believing their own eyes. Luna sat wide-eyed and pale, looking on the border between surprise and fury. Reya did her best to hide her glee.

"Well..." Eseldor began uncertainly. He looked at his hand locked with Serena's. "I suppose there's not a lot to explain. I've made my decision. I...love Serena, here - love her deeply, more intimately than I care for all of you. Uh...d-don't think this means I don't care for you. I still do. But she shares a special place in my heart."

"But Eseldor, we thought Luna - " Lucinda began, but Reya punched her shoulder.

He turned to Luna. "Where did that rumor come from, Luna? It seems everyone believes it."

She closed her eyes and composed herself before responding coolly, "I don't know, Eseldor. I never expressly stated you and I were together. If they assumed that from our behavior is it really my fault?"

He scowled at her. "Luna, your arrangement to stay still stands, but no more of these games. If necessary, Serena will have the power to expell you from the house."

"Ooh!" Reya chuckled in her seat.

Luna blanched. "Eseldor! You can't! She hasn't even been here a week! How dare you - ?"

"How dare I WHAT?" he growled back. He loomed over them. Even those not in his sights shrunk at his rage. "I want you civil, Luna. If you can't do that I'll find another place for a cursed ex-royal."

She glowered at the girls across the table, especially at Serena, but went silent. He pulled out the seat next to him and helped Serena sit, then seated himself. Everyone slowly began eating. Lucinda smiled at Serena across the table.
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When they walked into the diningroom the looks of confusion was obvious to everyoe as they looked from Serena to Luna. A blush settled on her face not sure as to what she should say or not say, but it felt nice. Not once throughout his whole little talk did Eseldor let her go for a second. Everytime she looked up at him the look ove love and ameration was apparent all over her face. The way Eseldor held the room it was even more obvious he felt the same way. Serena's heart sank when Luna started talking, Eseldor being forced to respond with an anagered tone. Even if in her heart she knew Eseldor was her's, she knew it was still hard for him to yell at her and be this way toward the little family he worked so hard to make. In a way she felt sadened, a bit of an intruder, Serena felt as if she had done a bad thing in the end.

Coming back to whereever she was she looked up at Eseldor smiling at her. Immedietly a smile playing across her plump cheeks as she sat right where he asked her too. Looking at the food she sniffed it her stomach coming alive as she turned to look at cook. When they made eyecontact she opened her mouth to tell him the meal looked amazing for him to look away from her not even trying to speak with her. Biting her lip she tried to hide the hurt on her face as she simply just picked the fork up and began to eat.

As she ate a part of her just wanted to be close to Eseldor, this was all happening so fast but he was the solid fondation that kept her from freaking out. Moving she placed a gentle hand on his thigh finishing her meal. Serena's blush was completely alive as she thought about the fact that she was trying to hold him without enyone knowing. But she couldn't help it, all she wanted was to be in his arms, breath him in and let him whisper that everything was always going to be okay. To be in his arms was the best feeling in the world no wonder woman were willing to fight for him, he was such a wonderful man she couldn't help but look at him with love in her expression and heart.

Giggling at him when he noticed her hand she used her finger and wrote 'I love you" into his thigh, it felt silly and stupid. Considering he was her first love more than anything she wantes Eseldor to look at her like a woman not a love sick puppy but the girl couldn't help but he playful toward him, it was so easy. As she finished writing out every letting into his thigh she giggled feeling stupid but his smile just started a fire in her stomach she couldn't unparsh. A hundred years could go by and she would never get tiered of those mismatched eyes and handsome smile.
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There was a palpable tension in the dining room as they ate their breakfast. Eseldor tried to ignore it, but since he'd made it in the first place that was next to impossible. Most of the maids seemed to accept this - perhaps they had noticed his love for Serena before he did - but there were still grumblings. Luna finished her food and left early, not looking at anyone.

He did not second-guess his choice, but he did second-guess being so upfront about it. Perhaps he could have played it better...he was distracted by his musings by Serena's hand. He gave her a small, somewhat embarrassed smile, making her giggle. As she traced words in his leg, he realized how sweet, innocent, and inexperienced his new love was. It was adorable, but he felt guilty seducing someone so innocent.

The other maids were leaving to work on their chores. Reya excused herself to the garden, with another of those annoying knowing grins of hers. Cook gathered the plates and went to the kitchen without a word. Eseldor frowned.

"I suppose he's a little bitter for losing his chance with you," he said. "I can't blame him, honestly. You are awfully special."

He kissed her cheek. "I...don't know what to do now. I'd been mulling over my feelings for you over these last few days, and you've been doing housework. Now that we're together...what do you want to do today?"
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The whole scene was just awkward as she sat their holding Eseldor's hand under the table finishing her meal. Looking at cook as he took the plate without even saying a word. Serena physically wanted to pout at the thought of him ignoring her. A part of her wondered exactly why he was so mad until Eseldor told her straight up that he was probably bitter about her not being with him. Blinking she looked at him as if she barley understood it.

"No, of cource not, Cook and I are best friends just as Reya and I. Those two have been my rock since I appeared here. Its probably Luna, she always brings out an anger in him, or hes unhappy that we were late to breakfast, you know how he can get about puncuality. Plus we didn worry him when you were trapped in your room for a few days. Hes probably still mad about that as well, I doubt it has anything to do with us."

Serena, honestly didnt want to believe that she hurt Cook like that, or that he even had feelings for her considering she really did think of Cook as the older brother she always wanted. Not wanting to focus on it she turned to Esledor and smiled wide before turning bright red in the face.

"I was wondering if maybe we could go out on a date? Ive never been on one or really seen the city considering the home wouldn't let me until I was of age and then I came here before I could." Her voice was sweet and small almost like a child asking if it was okay to have dessert before dinner.
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Eseldor couldn't hide his smile as she defended Cook. She was so kind to assume the best of him - of all of them - when they hadn't deserved it. He felt some guilt as she confessed to Cook being her rock. Indeed, he remembered that he was the only reason Serena stayed beyond the first day.

At the mention of a date he smiled again. An evening out. He had never actually had one, himself, so this would be a first time for both of them. All of his women he simply brought to his bed. The idea made him blush, but thrilled him to get some time alone with her.

"I'll call for a horseless carriage and we can head into the city," he said. Eseldor gave her another kiss. "Why don't you go and get dressed? Your clothes are still in your room, so I'll meet you in the foyer, alright?"

As she left Eseldor went to the kitchen to find Cook washing dishes with Lucinda helping dry and put them away. At the sight of him she did a double-take between the men and retreated away.

"You're mad at me?" Eseldor asked.

Cook turned, then went back to washing. "No. I'm not mad at you."

"You shouldn't be. I didn't ask Serena to love me. Are you mad at her?"

He scoffed. "I could never be mad at her. Don't think anyone could, except for jealous bitches like Luna."

Eseldor took a deep breath, his hands on his hips. He sighed. "Is it because I don't deserve her?"

The human turned off the sink and rotated to face him, his wet hands leaning on the counter. "She has had nothing but problems since day one, and ultimately, you're the cause of them. And now she's fallen for you. She didn't even like you at first and the girls almost killed her. What do you think will happen now? I can tell you now that Luna knows she's on thin ice her next attempt won't be so subtle."

He glared back. "I'll take care of Serena. I love her, and I mean that. Maybe I don't deserve her, but I'll do everything I can to be someone who does."

Cook was silent for a while, then he nodded. "Alright. I'll keep an eye open for her, but I expect you to hold yourself to that promise. I'd hate to find out I lost to an asshole."

The two grinned at each other, the good-natured ribbing a sign that they were on better terms.

"Serena and I are going out today," he told him. "We should be home for supper. Just make sure Luna doesn't do anything but her chores."

"A date?" Cook chuckled. "A first for you, huh?"

"First for both of us..." Eseldor left him to wash and went back to his room. He pulled out some of his nicer clothes - a black waistcoat with gold stitching, black trousers and coat, white shirt, and a red handkerchief tucked in the left breast pocket. As he looked over his reflection, though, he felt he looked too old to be on a date with someone like Serena. It felt...inappropriate. He made some of his wrinkles vanish, got rid of the grey in his hair, and shrunk a couple inches until he was a younger version of himself, maybe just a few years older than Serena.

He made the call for a carriage and went to the foyer, looking forward to seeing Serena.
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When he told her to head upstairs to get ready for their first date she almost rocketed there. When she got to her room she realied she had no idea what to wear for a date or if she even had anything pretty enough for the date. Just then a knock came at the door as she turned seeing Reya and another maid.
"Who whats green earth happened to you close?" Reya said look around the whole room.
"Eseldor is taking me on my first date and I am not sure I have anything pretty enough for a date." Her face turned into a mixture of a panic, and a pout.
"I think I have something you might like." The other maid spoke up. "Wait let me go get it."

A few minutes went buy as she came back with what had to be the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. The corest was absoltely perfect as she looked at the big red ribbons that laced the back. "Are you sure I can wear this? I don't think i have ever even seen anything that looked this lovely." Serena said her eyes wanting to tear up horribly.

"Please I got this dress and worse it once, it needs another day out and not stuck in the back of my closet. Plus the dress isnt the greatest so their is nothing to worry."

"Oh but it is, Ive never woren such soft fabric, it look expensive." her fingers tracing the fabric softly.

"Oh Serena you are in for big time, get ready to be spoiled because Eseldor is the spoiling type, so get use to beautiful dresses and maybe even beautiful jewlery." Reya said heading to the sitting area pulling out brushes and clips.

"Yea, if you think this dress is amazing just you wait."

"But i don't want any of that, all I want is to just spend time with him." she said innocently.

"My gods she is so sweet, I see why Eseldor chose you now." The maid smiled as she started stripping her and helping her into the dress.

"You look beautiful Serena." Reya cooed as she hugged her. "Now sit I will do your hair."

Some time went by before long Serena looked into the mirror her eyes wide with what Reya had done to her. Her hair was done in beautiful stitch work followed by beautiful curls that caressed the top of her breasts what made her smile were the flowers that laid in her hair so gently.

"Thank you so much Reya." Serena spoke tearing up as the maid grabbed her face as Reya blew on her eyes.

"Your wearing make up, no crying" They both said as the maid grabbed a little over for her putting it on her and her shoes.

"Come Eseldor is probably waiting."

They left all giggling and smiling as they walked down the stairs to the front door where Eseldor was waiting. She stopped in her place as she looked at him he looked different almost younger but there was no missplacing those eyes as she smiled walking up to him. Gently she placed a hand on his cheek looking him over.

"Did you make yourself look younger for me? Eseldor, there was no need, I fell for the old man who stole my heart. I don't care if people speak>" she said low only really for him to hear. "Plus I loved your salt and pepper hair, it was..." She stopped as her already pink cheeks turned red. "Sexy.." Biting her lip she was so embaressed but could not stop smiling.
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Eseldor waited in the foyer for about five minutes. Instead of getting impatient, he found himself getting nervous. It had been so long since he spent an evening outside his mansion. What would they do? How would he keep her happy by his side when they were out?

His worrisome ruminations were halted when he heard footsteps. He took in Serena's beautiful hair, her white dress with pink ribbon (he briefly recalled buying that for another maid), and the slightly pale skin she was showing to him from her slender, bare arms. A few years ago, the look would have been scandalous. It was like wearing only your undergarments; not even the lowest prostitute would wear so little in public. But the Fae revealing themselves had changed views of modesty. Many had no views of it at all, and it was a concept that ever eluded them. This carefree attitude made the humans freer as a result.

Of course, even if that wasn't the case, Eseldor would never tell Serena to cover herself up.

He shyly adjusted his uncomfortable erection as she came down the stairs. He greatly wished she wasn't a virgin right then. He blushed as she took hold of his cheek and said her piece. At mentioning she thought he looked sexy, his blushing - and his tight trousers - made him audibly grunt. He changed back, remaking his hair with the white finishings.

"So you think I'm sexy, too?" he asked softly. They were both quite red at this point. "Well, it'll be a hard time keeping my hands off you in the carriage."

He looked her up and down again and offered his hand to her. He gave her a quick kiss and led them out. An automatic carriage much like the one that first brought Serena into his life was waiting for them already. He opened the door for her and held her hand to steady her as she got in, then followed after.

"London, please. St. James Park," he said. The carriage hissed with steam and started forward. Eseldor smiled at her and took her hand. "So...our first date. I...thought we should start with the park. There's the Mall nearby. Such a busy street, I'm sure there'll be something to see...the theater district isn't far...and perhaps we can find somewhere for lunch."
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(I have the biggest crush on Eseldor~~)

As he looked at her with eyes that even she as inncent as she was could tell waht was on his mind as he reverted back to his older charm. Young, old, dog, it didn't matter she loved him, smiling from the gentle kiss he gave her the comment about keeping his hands to himself made her a little weak in the knees as she felt herself slightly getting wet from the thought of his hands on her body. Her face a dark red as they walked outside getting in to the carriage holding his hand. Moving to link their fingers instead she listened to the plan he had made for them.

"I am so excited, for many reason. One our first date, two Ive never been to town, this is more excitment than I ever thought I would get in my life." Holding his hand she placed it on her lap running her thumb over his rough hands. Looking out the window in trance of everything that went by, the tall building, the people, the smells that made it into the carriage. It was all just so amazing and exciting, what was better she got to do it with the man she loved. Turning to smile at him she tapped his shoulder pointing at a wall painted in amazing colors and shapes.

"Look Eseldor, its beautiful!" Her voice childlike and innocent as she looked at everything that passed, shaking him to make him look at the next amazing thing that caught her eye. After a few moments she looked back at him turning red. "Sorry, this must all be boring to you, you've seen this so many times I bet." Serena calmed in her seat trying to act more lady like embaressed from her reaction to something that was just simple to him. "Im sorry.." Smiling she looked at him bending to kiss him gently hopfully to distract him a little from how childish she just acted. Serena wanted him to see her as a woman not as the innocent nobody she was.
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((S'okay. I got one for Serena. ♥))

Eseldor sat back and smiled. True, he had seen so much of what they were passing, but he loved the wonder and delight that filled Serena's eyes as she took in the sights. He remembered she was a princess, meant to be a queen. For her, this should seem low. But her upbringing must have allowed her to appreciate such simple things. He was grateful for it, because it allowed her to appreciate him as well.

They passed bistros and bakeries on their way down, the delicious smells wafting through the carriage. He smiled when she pointed out a mural. Then she became embarrassed and somewhat quiet. He returned her kiss and grabbed her waist, pulling her to him and having her take the seat next to him.

"You have nothing to be embarrassed over," he said. He gave her a long kiss - knowing they weren't passing anything interesting - and rubbed her bare shoulder. "I love your innocence, your curiosity, your ability to enjoy what's around you. It's one of the many things I love about you. I want you to enjoy yourself. So please, gush at the sights."

He gave her another kiss as the carriage began to slow. They were approaching St. James Park. The grass was greener than it had been in decades. Some sapling trees had pink and violet leaves. Dryads swayed lazily, catching the light of the sun.
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As Eseldor grabbed her pulling her close her body instantly became warm from how close he was. The kiss was loving, his hands on her shoulder made her want to lean in more and never let go. Though it was calming words at how he loved her innocence that made her feel even better. "I love you." She said smiling right before he placed another kiss to her lips. Holding him close she stared at the window to a world she never knew, never expierenced. The excitment grew more and more, before the carriage stopped.

As they got out Serena held on to his arm her smile unable to hide as she looked at everything adn everyone. All the men walked by looking so put together, the woman all shapes and sizes wearing beautiful dresses. They all looked so elegant and everything she looked at was full of color as the streets seemed so busy. Everything was so new, it was a bit over whelming.

Feeling Eseldor close to her made her feel calm, his arm around her made her happy as she looked up at him. "Where to first?" Her little giggle sweet and adorable.
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He chuckled as she giggled and clung to him so sweetly. To most, he probably looked like her father taking an abnormally excitable girl around town. But he knew the truth; that he - a creature formerly kept in the realm of nightmares - had somehow won the heart of the secret princess. It filled him with warmth to have her by his side, arm in arm.

"Let's just walk, see where the morning takes us," he said. He gave her forehead a quick peck before they started off. There was a nice little path through the grass, and Eseldor pointed out the Fae bushes that had been planted. He explained their properties as far as he knew, like how some could cure deadly diseases and others put you in a dreamlike state.

"Rather more people than I was expecting," he muttered to her.

In fact, it looked like a crowd was beginning to grow around the fountain near the middle of the park. The grass by it was cold and frost-ridden. Everyone seemed aimless, as if waiting for something, and just sort of wandered about until whatever they were expecting happened.

A dryad was nearby. The great nature spirit, like a walking tree, was handing out beautiful flowers in bloom from the tips of its fingers. In exchange the humans requesting them touched skin to bark, and a green light passed between them.

"Would the lady like some flowers?" Eseldor grinned, leading her over. As they approached he held out his hand. The Fae extended its own.

"Five minutes," the dryad said. Eseldor nodded and they touched, but after nothing happened it drew away, frowning. "Cannot take time from an eternal. The ages are cheaper."

He reluctantly understood. "Another bargain?"

The tree thought. "...new soil." It wiggled its rootlike toes. "Fresh earth."

Eseldor frowned, then looked at his shoes. He took them off one at a time and inspected the bottoms. He was glad that with everything that had happened at home no one had had time to clean his shoes. He smacked them together, letting the dust of his garden feed the Fae, who sighed at the new soil. The Fae's hand sprouted into a bouquet, which he took and gave to Serena, snatching one and putting it in her hair.

"Might I ask if you know about everyone coming here?"

The dryad nodded. "Frost's nymphs are putting on a show to tease for their grand performance in a few weeks. It should begin in an hour or less."

"Thank you." As they walked towards the crowd, Eseldor explained. "Nature spirits like dryads don't care about gold or most things people think are valuable. They value life and the earth. That's why they're standard payment terms is time in a person's life. Minutes, weeks, years - depends on the service. Dryads, thankfully, love different soils just as much, so long as it's been well cared for. Reya's gardening makes ours quite valuable."
As they stepped foward on to the streets of the new city Serena could not believe everything that she was seeing.There were so many colors, smells, faces she had never seen before. In a way she understood why her home would keep her well hidden from the outside world but until she saw it all with her own eyes it made her slightly angry. The fact that her whole life she never got to have fun, walk around meet new people like all these others were doing.

Yet, as she looked at Eseledor it all deflaited, it honetly meant more on the fact that she could spend her first time out in the world like this with man she loved- fae or not. Hugging his arm tight she followed him through the streets as the most amazing sight came into her view. These people they looked so beautiful her mouth almost hang open, they were almost like tree's yet the way they all walked around so gracefully she had never seen something so spectacular.

What made it even more wonderful was the way Eseldor just interacted with the new being. Serena knew Fae were all over but she never have fully gotten to see the new co-exsisting fae world. It was amazing how Eseldor knew exactly what it wanted before it really even needed to speak. He was so comfortable, so knowledgable about the world, human and fae.

When he kicked dirt on to the Fae it confused her a bit but when a beautiful flower bloomed from it's fingers she could not help but stare in awe. The flower was beautiful, but what caused a red tint to her pale skin was the way Eseldor tenderly placed the flower in her hair. God, all her life she was told she was a princess but she never felt it to be true until she was in his arms. The way he smiled, tenderly touched her, held her, treated her with such respect, god not even a castle, and a crown could make her feel more like a princess than the way he did with such ease.

As they walked toawrd the crowd again she listened carefully to everything he was saying. Wanting to no more about his kind, if she were to be with Eseldor she needed to know everything about his own people. "I think that is wonderful, to much people spend their whole lives for money, but what is really a life if you are not living it. People are more willing to give up what little pressious time they have rather than an pint of riches. I think that is very sad, I feel those Fae have it right, take whats more important." Blushing she looked up at him feeling embaressed for her little rant there.

"So what do you wish to do before the show starts?"
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He nodded at her assessment, somewhat bitterly. He liked how she saw the world, but he knew she was a rarity. So many humans gave up so much for their perceived treasures. That was what made it so easy for the Fae to take over. Some could spin straw into gold - to think these single-lifetimed fools would clamor for a useless metal, a metal some Fae detested like manure.

"The Fae have used it to their advantage. Usually when they take the human suffers for it in some small way down the road," he said. He smiled. "But there are good things. I heard about a service that caters to the terminally ill. They go to someone with six months to live and take that time of agony and soreness away. In exchange they are given the best last day on earth they could ever ask for."

He lapsed into silence then as he felt that got away from him a bit. Last moments? He shouldn't be thinking about that. What he really wanted was MORE moments; more time with sweet Serena.

"I suppose we can both rant," he chuckled. He put his arm around her shoulders and looked around. "Hm...the dryad said they would begin at the fountain. I say we find a place to watch that will give us a good showing. Then I can have you sit on my lap as we wait." He kissed her. "Anything you want to do I will want."
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