A Fae of the Utmost Standing

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Listing to Reya talk about her mother Serena smiled as she felt her soft hands in her hair as she braided it. Apparently her mother would comb her hair for hours, doing these intricate beautiful hair braids. Feeling a bit nolstalgic she decide to do Serena's hair, giggling and smiling as she told her about her life before coming to the manor with Eseldor. Serena smiled and laughed as she thought about how cute Reya looked like a smiling child happy to be talking about good old memories. Rubbing her bad arm she tried to ignore the annoying soreness as she focused on Reya till her voice rang about being finished.

Holding up a mirrior Serena looked at herself blushing feeling a little amazed about how Reya turned her flat brown hair into a beautiful array of braids and curls. "Oh Reya itsbeautiful" she smiled as she looked up at her.
"Yes you are." She hugged her as Cook came up to them looking pissed as he swore under his breath.
"What's wrong?" Reya asked as Serena winced as she got up from the pain.
"No don't get up you need to heal." he said trying to sit her back down slowly.
"I'm fine, really whats the matter?" Serena asked.

For the next couple minutes, Cook explained the weird scene that happened just a few moments ago. Serena's heart melted in sadness as she heard about Eseldor locking himself in her room. If he was happy with Luna why was he by himself. Getting up she found herself wondering around until she ended up in front of his door. Maybe she should just let him be yet as she said that to herself she found herself already knocking on the door.

"Esledor, are you in there? It's Serena." Her voice was soft and delicate full of sadness for herself and him. More than anything she just wanted to know if he was okay.
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Eseldor turned around under the covers as he heard the knock at the door. "Just leave me alone," he called out with barely any force. When he heard, Serena's voice, however, he threw off the covers and looked at the door. Serena. Maybe he could talk to her now. Maybe he could finally explain.

Emboldened by the opportunity he leapt out of bed and ran to the door. He paused, considering changing into the beagle she loved so much. No. He probably shouldn't. She sounded upset and taking that form would be manipulative and cowardly. As much as he wanted to hide away, he didn't think he ever could from her.

He undid the locks and opened up. He looked down at small, sweet Serena and felt his heart ache with a need to hold her and beg for understanding.

"Serena...What is it? Please...Do you want to talk? I need to explain. I need someone to understand." He stopped himself as he realized how desperate and foolish he sounded. He had probably sounded foolish to her since the first day. He looked at her sadly. "Please let me explain...Unless, that's not why you're here."
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(He was really cute there~♡ all stumbly and adorable)

Waiting for him to open the door was just ner wrecking in every sense of the word. Her heart was beating so fast but she couldn't keep it in anymore. Even if he was with another woman she needed to tell him exactly how she felt, then maybe then she could learn to move on and really be happy with his decision. Yet, as she stood there her hands shaking she wasn't sure if she were really going to be able to go through with it.

After a few seconds she heared the sound of shuffeling from behind the door and quickly the door split open. A moment of shock hit here as he looked at her in a way that was truly different. He looked unshaven, the look of sadness in his eyes it killed her. Yet, even then he looked so handsome standing in front of her sadened and weak. The wild look in his eyes just practically enchanted her completely though brough on the question. Why did he look like this if he was so happy with Luna. Either way it wasn't her right to prey into it.

When he spoke so quickly it pulled her out of her entrance she was in as she pushed through entering his room. Serena needed to get this all out before she exploded, if she kept all of this in she knew living here was not going to be nessisary. When he shut the door and turned to her to speak Serena quickly put a gentle finger on to his lips.

"Please do not speak, I need to say this before I lose my barings."

Turning her back to him a tear fell from her cheek this was so hard, she knew this was going to end with her heart being broken but she couldn't take it anymore. Turning back to him she let in a harsh breath before looking him in the eye.

"Esledor, I know I have no right to be here. Or really any right to be here standing in front of you about to say what I am but I can't hold it in anymore. I know you have choosen someone to love but..." She bit her lip tenderly before continuing. "But I can't live here feeling the way I do and not be honest with myself. Esledor...." She looked down her face flushed as tears rolled down her face.

"Esledor I love you..."
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When Serena put her finger to his lips he felt a pleasant tingle flow from those lips down his spine. That tingle stopped to stir between his legs, but quickly circled back to his brain. He was silent for her. If she asked, he might never speak again.

How he wanted to silence all this reluctant, forced approval! He opened his mouth to finally say he didn't love Luna, but was held up when he saw the tear she tried to hide away.

"You...love me?" He had heard that many times before from the maids trying to get something from him, fighting for his affection. But Serena had made it clear she would never be that manipulative. If she said it...

He placed his hand on her cheek and steered her up to look in his eyes. They both looked so sad as they stared at each other. She had been so sweet to him, so understanding. He thought about how she held him in his beagle form.

"Serena..." There were no words that could get out what he wanted to say. He pulled her face forward as he leaned over. Their lips touched. He felt surprise from her, but he hoped to think acceptance, too.

"I didn't choose Luna. I don't love her." He wrapped his arms gently around her and kissed her again. Their bodies pressed together. "I love you."
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When she finally got the words out of her mouth the feeling on her chest was finally lifted, well a not as much as she thought it would but enough to hopefully let him go and move on with her life. But before she could tell him that he didn't need to think about it that it was mainly all for her she felt two gentle hands on the both sides of her face.

When she looked up and saw his face her own turned bright red from him looking at her so intensely what happened next was almost like a blur before she really could explain herself the last thing she expected happened. A light pressure tapped her own flustered lips leaving her completely unsure of what to do. But just as quickly as they appeared they were gone leaving her standing there completely lost of words.

Opening her mouth trying to and speak he stole her words completely with his own. Hearing him say he loved her made her heart explode with so many emotions she became almost frozen with what to feel and think. Biting her lip she looked up into his face immedietly tears fell from her face harder than before.

"You don't have to say that, just because I confessed doesn't mean you have to pity me. Don't lie to me Esledor I won't be able to take it, my heart wont be able to take it. I came in here ready to just let you go, please don't say that unless you mean it."

The last of her words were muffled and staggering from how hard she was crying, if he was playing a joke on her it wasn't funny. Serena loved Esledor with everything she had and in the back of her mind she wondered how a many of his statuse and amazment could ever love someone orphan girl like her. Serena wasn't pretty, she didn't have curves like Luna, or breasts like Reya, a man like him would never fall in love with her.

Her hands fisted at his chest as she weeped not sure what to think at this moment. "I love you, I love you, I love you... Please, please don't be lying to me..."
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He held her to him, not wanting her to step away for even a second, lest this all snowball into a worse situation. Her not believing him hurt, and reminded him just how deeply Luna's influence sunk.

"I am always lying to you," he said. "This face is never my true face. Hiding is a type of lying, and the type I am best at. But..." He brushed at her hair and kissed the top of her head before guiding it to face him. "I try always, to be sincere about how I feel. Luna - " She flinched at her name, but he pushed on. He had to make this clear. "Luna has nowhere to go. If I released Reya, or you...I am quite confident you both could find a respectable living. Luna I do not believe can. She stays because I am a foolish Fae who pities what he perhaps shouldn't. I don't know what she has told you all, but I do not love her."

He began to gently guide her to the bed, not for any salacious reason, but to get comfortable. They sat down and he held onto her as much as she would allow.

"You say it and mean it," he said. "You're not trying to get anything. That is real love. You are gentle, you are self-sacrificing, and you are brutally honest with me like no one else is. I love all of my maids in certain ways. They're family. But you have taken hold of...a special place in my heart. A place I did not even know was there. It puts you above the others, to me."

He caressed her cheek and kissed her again. "I truly do love you, Serena. From the first moment I saw you I wanted to hold you. And now you have won the rest of me. I ask you only to believe me, to listen to your heart. Your wise, beautiful heart. I love you."
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The moment he spoke her eyes went wide then it was true he was lying to her but he kept her in place no matter how much she really wanted to just run. Biting her lip she let the tears fall as she listened to him speak. When he pushed her toward the bed her tears stopped only to be brought on by a red face of embaressment. Though he just continued to talk explaining everything and how he truly felt about her, when he finished talking she just looked at him completely unaware of what to say.

"Esledor..." she said low as she cupped his face in her hands gently just taking in the site of him. Her sweet Esledor, the man who stole her heart with nothing more than showing her a piece of his own charming heart. Smiling lightly she slowly closed her eyes she leaned her head up taking his lips for her own. He stole her lips earlier and not it was her turn.

Esledor was so warm against her, his lips felt so nice against her's a part of her felt so embaressed as to the fact that she was just kissing someone from her own accord. It was really embaressing once it fully hit her panting she seperated their lips biting her bottom one her face red but engaged.

"Sorry" she giggled looking down at her lap.
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The kiss was unlike any Eseldor had with his other maids. With them it was all playfulness and lust. With Serena things were slow, gentle, and most of all loving. To kiss for the sake of kissing...wonderful.

"Don't be sorry," he whispered. He reached up to her lips and untucked the bottom one with a smile. "Don't ever be sorry for how you feel. For example...I love how you react when I kiss you. It makes you glow."

He smiled and brushed at her hair. He frowned as his own thoughts began to trouble him. "I suspect tomorrow I will have to call another family meeting to make things clear...but for tonight, would you..." he hesitated, not sure if this was too bold "...would you like to sleep here again tonight?"
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As their little kiss came to an end Serena found herself already missing the feel of his on her. Blushing horribly as he spoke about loving the way she reacted just made her blush more. "Glow you mean embaressment, at my age I shouldn't get embaressed about a kiss." She said smiling to herself as she sat there holding his hand tight not wanting to let him go.

When he mentioned announcing to the house everything she turned red down to her shoulders. Only spreading it more when he asked if she would stay the night with him. Yes, she had done it before but then it was different, they were lovers now staying the night meant more than just telling each other stories till she fell asleep.

Thinking about it for a bit she decided to stay the night, turning to him her nerviousness completely apparent all over her body. "I will stay but I have nothing to sleep in, and I sure can not just go to my room for a night gown just to come back in my sleepwear." Looking around she looked at the closet getting up pulling out a button up shirt of his.

"May I borrow this?" Smiling she swirled her finger in a motion to tell him to turn around as she got undressed. Making sure he wasn't peaking she untied the back of her dress letting it fall in a pool around her feet. Untying the corset she slowly slipped it off enjoying the freedom she always loved when she took it off. Quickly sliding off her under piece she turned to make sure he still wasn't looking.

God, she was so embaressed to be doing this, even if he wasn't looking she couldn't help but feel completely hot thinking about the fact that she was undressing in his room. Wanting to get this over with she threw his shirt on buttoning it up quickly looking at herself in the mirror in his room. It was a bit long on her reaching up to mid thigh, seeing her bare legs caused an extreme embaressment. No one but her ever saw her legs or Reya even her night gown went down to her ankles wearing this felt, different.

Pulling the clip out of her hair she let her light curls fall around her body as she turned hugging herself looking at him, well his back. "I'm done." Her voice practically shaking at what he might think of her wearing something so provocative.
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"Perhaps not," he agreed as she referenced being embarrassed, "but it makes you look adorable."

At her inquiry of what to wear Eseldor's mind worked hard for an answer, while other parts of him already decided she didn't need anything at all. Before he could embarrass himself, Serena seemed to have found a perfect solution on her own, going to his wardrobe and fishing out one of his shirts.

"You may." He kept staring at her for a while, not getting the hand gesture right away. When he did he blushed. It would take some getting used to to be with someone so modest. "Yes, of course."

It took every ounce of his willpower to keep from turning back and admiring her elegant figure. As he heard the thump of her dress hitting the floor he sucked in his breath, picturing that smooth, pale canvass of flesh in his mind's eye. His fists balled up at his sides while he fought his perverse curiosity.

Finally he could look. He turned and his eyes practically bugged out of his head. Her free, loose hair. Her supple, bare legs. The mere fact that she was wearing his clothes was arousing. Realizing quickly that his staring must be making her uncomfortable, he closed his eyes and blinked a few times before stepping up to her.

"A...I'm speechless," he said with a smile. He chuckled. "I think I want that as your nightgown from now on."
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When he turned around to look at her, every inch of her body turned red. No one had ever looked at her like this. As if they were the most pressious thing in the entire world. Serena's heart completely would not stop beating ferociously inside her chest, evern her breath already was becoming heavy from how nervous she felt at this moment.

When he mentioned that she should wear his shirt everynight she smiled wide unreally able to hide it. "So your saying you want me here every night?" Giggling like a child well, she was still eighteen it gave her a little leway to act innocent in a way. Grabbing his hand she was practically shaking when they headed to the bed.

This was completely different from the last times she had slept here, there was something more intamite about it. Looking at Esledor bare chested and ruggedly handsome in made her body ache in a way that was confusing to her. They had confessed to each other, she was staying in his bed wearing something provocative, in a way Serena knew what the next step was going to be.

Biting her lip she thought for a second, he is a man, and sex is something that is just done, she thought. It made sense that he would want to go all the way tonight with her. Yet, as she thought about it the more nervous she got to the point her body actually started to shake. 'I need to do this for him.' she thought as she jumped on the bed and laid down on her back closing her eyes tight.

"Alright, come at me..." she said low and nervous.
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As she smiled and giggled he nodded and stroked her hair. "Absolutely. I've made my choice."

She looked so adorable when she bit her lip like that. Eseldor longed to taste it again. She then jumped on the bed and shut her eyes tight. She looked like she was bracing for something. He eyed her strangely as he approached the bed.

"Come at you?" he repeated. He sat down next to her, as she had taken the middle of the bed, and kissed her cheek. "What are you waiting for, lying like that? Do you think I am going to ravage you? Use you for my pleasure?"

Granted, it was extremely tempting. Seeing such a young, innocent beauty, provocatively dressed and helplessly displayed was a temptation that would make a priest sin. His treacherous hand trailed up her thigh, stopping at the edge of his shirt. He noticed how she shook, and considered that she was a virgin. She was probably terrified of what she thought was to come.

He kissed her neck, his arm moving from her legs to around her shoulders. He sighed as his forearm grazed her breast. "You taught me there was more to loving someone than what you want from them. I have to consider your needs, and the fairness of all this, too."

Eseldor laid down next to her, pushing her up to the pillows and over to the right. He pressed his lips to hers, and showed her something he hadn't yet: tongue. He licked her tongue with his, circling around the roof of her mouth. His hands found her shoulders and held her firm, should she panic.

"I know you're not ready to lose your innocence," he said. He smiled and pressed his thigh - and the hard bit of flesh that accompanied it - against her. "And that's okay. But tonight I will show you things you are ready for."

He gave her another deep kiss.
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She laid there waiting for him to do whatever it was that sex really involved. Serena had heard stories from the girls at the home talk about their expierences but they never went into complete detail about the things that went along with it. All she really knew is that at one point he would stick himself in her and that would be it. Serena really got the idea how something like that could be pleasurable but if Esledor wanted it she was going to give it to him.

When she felt the kiss on her neck she knew it was starting, she was about to lose her virginity. He held her close to him but when he started talking she opened her eyes and looked at him. Her heart completely swelled up when he talked about everything he learned from her. If it was one thing this man knew how to make someone feel special, no wonder woman fell for him so easily. Yet, in the end she was the one laying in her bed getting the 'I love you's,'

As she laid there smiling she blushed as he kissed her, but the kiss changed very quickly. Before she knew what was really happening, she felt his tongue enter her mouth. This was all very new to her, kissing like this felt weird at first but the deeper he kissed her the more her body lit up in complete heat. Little whimpers started to escape her mouth as he kissed her with such intensity.

When he seperated from the kiss to speak some more she barley heard anything he said her head was spinning from how light headed she felt as she looked at him with dazed eyes, and a pink face. Serena's mind was completely filled with Esledor's lips, in a way she wanted them back and just like that her wish came true as he met her lips again with a deep kiss. So this is what people meant when they said they tasted someone, god what had she been missing her whole life.

Kissing Esledor was like kissing a prince from a fairy tale story, passionate, and loving. It helped that he was completely and utterly attractive with eyes that just melted her completely. Where other's might find the two different eye colors a bit off it was the first thing she grew to love about him. He was unique and special and she loved him for that and now he was her's. Completely and utterly her's, and the feeling that brought on was something they didn't explain in the books.
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Eseldor's lips twisted into a smile around hers as she accepted his kiss. He took her waist suddenly and pulled her up to lay on her side with him. He pulled his lips away from hers, much to both of their dismays, and smiled. He caressed her cheek as they looked in each other's eyes.

"I love you," he said softly. He kissed her again, then parted and dove into her neck, licking and gently nibbling. He pulled her closer, hands staying on her waist.
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The kisses he gave her had her completely drunk, every inch of her body was feeling something different. The warmth eminating off of him had her wanting to jus curl up inside him and lay there in all the happiness in the world. As their lips parted she almost wanted to pout completely until she felt his hands on her. All the kisses, touches and then hearing I love you from his lips it was all a fairy tale. When he stopped kissing her again she almost wanted to yell at him not too until she felt him move to her neck.

Anything she wanted to yell was completely taken over by the sound of light moans escaping her lips. When she moaned she was almost shocked to hear something like that escape her lips. Her face went red but she found she didn't really have enough time to be embaressed from the feeling of his hands on her soft skin, or lips on her neck. It was all enough to make her faint from how good being touched by him was.
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His hands began a slow journey south, to her bare, firm rear. He blushed between kisses as he took hold of the twin cheeks. They felt so nice. Pleasantly toned from her housework, and just enough to be a handful each. He removed himself from her neck, still blushing.

"I hope that wasn't too forward," he said. Eseldor then returned to the nape of her neck, grabbing her tight and pressing her into his hungry mouth. After a few minutes he had an idea and pulled away, smiling. "Would you like to try now?"
As he touches her, Serena kept moving against him. His body felt so good against her, it felt so hot but she liked it. Little whimpers continued to escape her.mouth as he touched her. It felt so good, all she wanted to do was bury herself into his skin kissing him deeply before he moved back to her neck.

When he asked her if this was okay she blushed biting her lip and nodding as he went back to her neck as she moaned a little louder feeling a bit more sensitive. When he stopped again she physically pouted as she looked at him panting lust in her eyes. "Try what?" Did he mean what he was doing?

Completely embaressed she tried to get her barrings as she tried to remember the things that girls would tell her. Letting in a deep breath she moved on top of him straddling his abs. Her hands were shaking as she looked down at him sliding her hands across his abs to his chest and cupping his face bending down kissing him exactly how he kissed her. Her whole body was red blushing as she tried to remember exactly what he was doing to her.

"I'm sorry if I'm really bad at this..." She said moving her hair to get to his neck laying little kisses on his neck.
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At first Eseldor feared he'd gone too far with his question, but quickly turned that fear around as Serena gave it her a try. Her straddled atop his lean, muscular frame was a good start, and he could feel himself tighten pleasantly at the contact. His hands delicately traced her waist as she kissed him. He breathed in her scent, drank her up as he felt her tongue timidly explore his mouth.

As she warned she might be bad at this he chuckled and caressed her sides tenderly.

"Don't be so worried about performance," he advised. "Think on how what you're doing makes you feel. I'll...ah! That's actually pretty good..." he said, derailed by Serena's lips on his neck. "I'll help guide you if you're worried...a little lower, please..."
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It was kind of turning her on even more as she straddeled him making him feel good too. This was all so new to her, it was hard to give him pleasure when she herself didn't even know what pleasure was. When he told her to go lower she kissed slowly down his neck to the crook of his shoulderlicking that spot before nibbling it as he had done for her.

Esledor's reactions made her feel incredebly hot as sheslowly caressed a hand down his hard chest over his stomach. "Esledor..." She whispered slowly into his ear as she nibbled his colar bone before licking the spot. Before she really even knew what she was doing her body started to just move for her.

Serena's hips moved against his member as she gently rubbed him with her own sex not even aware that she was doing it. All she wanted to do was rub herself against him over and over. Gripping a hand in his hair before she moved back to kissing him deeply swirling her tongue with his trainging to gain little control that she could.

"Esledor.." she moaned again.
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He sighed as Serena's hands explored. Her tongue on the nape of his shoulder turned that sigh into a soft moan. For his part, Eseldor's hands were just intent on keeping them together, holding Serena's back as she experimented with her newfound lust.

He let out a low groan of pleasure when he felt her rock her hips against his erection, and he began to move his back on reflex. He cupped her bum firmly and pressed her to him as tight as he could, groaning into her mouth, his tongue shooting forward and pushing deep into her mouth. It transformed back as they parted again, both breathing heavily.

"Serena..." he panted. He looked up at the beauty who had captivated him. "What is it, Serena?"
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