A Dragon's War OOC (Closed Signups)

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I am on Skype. My tablet wont show me as online but you can message me anytime!

I should just bug Erran until she does post, the brat! Her and her castle touring and vacationing...

I'm aboutt to get on my computer to reply to the manor collab...I say we continue convos about Ogual elsewhere tho. ^^

EDIT: I really hate Auto Correct!
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If Ketsueki doesn't post by 6 pacific time, she's out. I'm tentavely searching for another person.
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Good post, Person Whose Name is so Strange Not Even the @ Symbol Works, but you seem to have missed one tiny detail.

There are about 15 Cherry Blossom trees...not one.

That's all. ^^
Baha what I do is I have to copy her name, and that normally works
Not even that worked T_T

I tried it at least a dozen times...failed. I give up!
Bwahaha Try messaging her, that seemed to get the point across to getting her to post...I was literally about to give the spot to someone else who had messaged me showing interest, when I noticed she posted.
She should be watching the OOC, but just in case, send her the link to us so that she can keep up with what we're planning out here...

Being in an RP like this one, it's important to participate in the OOC so you can keep tabs on who's saying what and what the plans are for the IC...You don't have to chat, but at least pay attention...the biggest reason for that is so the GM doesn't have to hunt you down.

I hate hunting people down...
I know it's not my place to say in this case but a GM should never have to hunt people down. They either want to be in the RP or not and it's did job to do what it takes to remain a part of it. Simple as that.
*recedes respectfully into mowkie' pillow fort to snack on Graham crackers and bide time*
I agree, but I wanted to give her a chance before I messaged her saying she was out. She knows if it happens again without her telling us she'll be out.
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I typically don't bother...if we have to hunt her down again we'll just let her fall out of it...

*growls slightly at ze soul before settling in pillow mountain*
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Sorry it took so long, guys...wasn't feeling it today. >.<'

And I think posts for Ykhrat'e are always going to be short, so I made his image smaller. *nodsnods*
I PROMISE ILL POST TOMORROW :3 I'm excited to actually lol. I loved your posts guys ^^ and Cavyr is HILARIOUS XD lol I could see Grimsfeldt getting jealous/protective of Moren when he sees "the cat" taking such an interest in him XD
Yeah, Moren is now officially known to Cavyr as "The Short Man." Haha XD
O.o I thought I had Vivian introduce herself to Sytiavi before she asked her name....my bad.
HELL, did I forget Vivian? I thought I typed that...

She did, I was talking about Katarina. I'll go edit now!

EDIT: I did type Vivian - the name is in her widespread introduction.
Ah. My brain skips words sometimes...I have no idea why. I take it slow too so I don't miss anything. :|
It's all good. I've done that a time or two. ^^ It's always good to give me a scare every now and then, too, so I keep on my toes with my writing...ya know, so I can make sure everything is there. XD
Bahaha Good to know! :P Working on a reply now. (:
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