A destroyed world

I stood out in the storm for quite some time but then finally turned to go back to go inside. The kid I had seen earlier was still at the door. "You gona make him die out here before you let him in?"
"Just let him in." Lacey said, yawning, sitting up, not rested up at all. Two hours of sleep really wasn't enough.
"I'm hardly armed." Riley said. He unsheathed his knife and tossed it on the ground. "Can I come in now. I would like to not get struck by lightning or anything like that."
I stepped inside and went back to my corner. I was soaking wet from the harsh wind and rain.
Luna set down her bow.

"Alright, come in. There's food and water over there," she said, nodding to the stash on the floor. "And don't worry about them. Don't touch the pups and don't brandish a weapon."

Luna sat back against the wall. She glanced around and cracked her knuckles.

"Alright, it's about time we stop being strangers. I'm Luna."
I nodded and replied "John." I didn't like to even know people by name but this time it was different. I was going to be the one to die.
Luna nodded.

"Alright. Riley and John. What about you two?"
"Im lacey." She said rather softly, still unused to all the people, and not being threatened. She stared down at her hands.
I was getting really bored now. Normally I would be walking trying to find someone dumb enough to jump me but whenever a storm pops up all I can remember is all the people that I met and watched die. I started to frown thinking about it and my eyes welled up but I wasn't about to cry. I never let myself cry when no one was around and I wasn't going to do it when someone was around.
Lacey felt the typical burning in her lungs that had been occuring for weeks now, so she began coughing, getting ash out. She didn't know how it hadn't killed her, but she frequently had to cough it up. She wiped her mouth clean with her sleeve, smuding the dirty, wet grayish stuff on her sleeve.
Luna glanced both at John and Lacey. John looked like he was... thinking about something. Lacey was just a mess.

"How long have you been walking around?" Luna asked. If she knew anything it was that staying outside for too long can cause a build up in the ash that's swarming around. Especially since Lacey didn't seem like she had a mask.
"Weeks. There's ash in every place I go. This isn't even a lot compared to some places I've been." She coughed one more time and then the burning faded and she scooted closer to the fire, as she was shivering.
Luna shook her head.

"Are you trying to kill yourself? You can't stay outside for that long!" She scolded. "The ash and debris is flying around like mad."
"I didn't have a safe haven anywhere. So I had to stay outside." Lacey mumbled, looking a little down for some reason
"You're insane." Luna muttered.

She sighed and stood up to stretch.
I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and started to walk out into the storm. "I'm gona kill something." was all I said before leaving.
"Hey! Wait!" Luna shouted.

When he stepped out Luna reached up to her black hair and scratched her head.

"What the fuck is his problem?"
Riley sighed. "I think the best thing to do would be to get out of the city. There are too many people, everythings been striped clean, any second the whole place could collaps." He paused for a moment. "What caused all this? Why is the world suddenly ending? All I know is that there was some kind of evacuation for the city, then a freak storm hit. Nearly everything was destroyed, burned, or looted."
I walked down the street alone... in the storm... trying to get my mind off of my fallen friends. I didn't see anything that I could kill and started walking back. Something caught my eye and I turned to look. It looked like a gun. Knowing it was a trap I decided to spring it and see what would happen.