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And who was there to greet the boy when he awoke? Mordecai himself, taking time out of his schedule again to greet the newly transformed teen as he awoke. He did this for every creation, so Eui wasn't any different or special, but admittedly, Mordecai was looking forward to his awakening more than anyone else's, other than Nathan's. He'd come up with the idea for Eui months ago, but had never found the right person to try it out on... until now. Eui was perfect, he thought, and when the boy opened his eyes, it took everything Mordecai had not to squeal in delight.

Clasping his hands together in front of his chest, he let out a small breath in delight before nodding to his scientists proudly. "You've done excellent work, yet again-- Eui? Eui, darling, how are you feeling? Do you feel good? Nauseous? You might feel a little nauseous..."
"....Nauseous." Answered the teen almost immediately. Groaning, he looked at the man, before remembering what happened. "....So...What am I?" He asked, fraud to even look at himself. He didn't want to know what he was turned into. "...You look happy...I....Can I have a mirror?" Asked the not fearfully. He wanted to at least see what Mordecai turned him into.
"Are you eager to see what they've done to you? I imagine you are, it must be very intriguing," replied the calculating man, who tauntingly waved a hand-mirror around without directing it at the teenager. Instead, he thrust his face close to inspect the teenager up close, smiling more and more the longer he stared at the newest addition to his little collection of test studies.

"Here," he eventually conceded, handing the mirror and standing up straight again, back rigid and arms falling stiffly to his sides. "After this, you'll be returned to your room where you have paints awaiting, assuming you don't lash out at me. If you do that, you'll be sedated and maybe I'll stab you a few times in anger. I don't deal with with bad attitudes. I've given you a new lease of life, a new opportunity. I'd like some gratitude for it."
Looking in the mirror, his eyes widen at the look of himself. Long raven black floppy ears were now growing out the side of his head. They were just droopy, but shot up in fear. He...He could hear so well now. He now realized his old ears were gone, replaced by these giant rabbit ears. And the pain on his bum obviously meant he had a cotton tail to match.

His eyes watered up at what had been done to him, his nose even twitching like a rabbit. However he blinked back the tears and forced a smile. "...Thank you...For the paint..." He whispered. He just decided he would never look at himself again. Simple.
"I'm glad to see you're learning to be a good little lab rat-- or lab rabbit, I suppose. Don't you see what I see? Don't you see how beautiful you are now, how far superior you are to these pathetically, boring, plain humans? I've perfected you, made you... wonderful. There's no need for all these tears," said the man and, if it was based on the words alone, it almost sounded like he was being sympathetic and caring. In truth, though, his voice was devoid of all emotion, and his face was rather cold and expressionless. He simply motioned towards the scientists to accompany the boy back to his room, managing a sly smile towards Eui before he vanished out of sight.

Waiting for him in the formerly plain whit room was Nathan who, in a clear effort to be supportive, had painted a few random icons along the walls. If he was honest, he was glad to have something to do for once, and while he was an awful painter, he had taken pride in the things he'd managed to create - it was nice to do something that wasn't totally useless.

"...Oh... Oh wow..." He murmured once the boy came into view, keeping his face from reacting to the sight for a few seconds before smiling rather widely. "...It's pretty cute. I mean, it could be worse. I look scary, huh? Like a fucking monster. Yet, here you are, looking all sugary sweet. You're gonna give me a damn cavity, kid."
Eui looked up at him, his eyes having even been enlarged to fit the bill. He looked st the paint and paintbrushes with a bit of a smile. "You started? That's cool." Answered the boy as he moved to grab a brush. He didn't want to talk about the way he looked. He felt like an idiot. A damn rabbit. A rabbit!

He felt like his manhood had been taken from him. But instead of complaining, he began to paint the meadow, like he said he would. "I feel silly, Nathan...."
"...Do you realise how much I'd prefer to look like you?" The man suddenly sighed, getting up to kneel right beside the newly transformed teenager, reaching for a paintbrush to finish off the rainbow he'd started to paint earlier on. He hadn't always been the muscular man he was now, after all, and before he was changed, he'd always been happy to get involved in anything and everything; to give everything a go, no matter what it was. He'd been pretty heavily involved in political things, often heading on protests and marches before his life went downhill.

"I know it's a shock and I know you feel awful, but fuck me, kid. I'd have loved to look like you do. Look at me! Sure, it ain't too bad, but I... I can't ever look normal again. You can stick a hat on and you'll look normal, almost. How the hell am I ever gonna go out with wings? Hm? If we ever escape from here, I'll have to live in the woods alone, or in some fucking cave like a monster."
"A hat? My ears I don't o my damn waist, it'll have to be some overly huge top hat!" He growled, and looked at him with his large eyes. "And my eyes? They're far too big! Someone would notice." Stated the teen before he calmed himself down.

"..Let's not talk about looks okay...I...I don't want to talk about this anymore. Let's just paint. Painting is nice. And calming."
"All I'm fucking saying is that you look a hell of a lot better than most the people in this shithole. You should count yourself lucky because, for whatever reason, Mordecai likes you. Do you really think he'd have made you look this cute if he didn't? If he hated you, he'd have... I dunno... made you look like a monster," he grunted under his breath, though obediently shut up the moment he realised he was getting too heated-- and he didn't want to ruin the budding friendship by growing angry. When he got angry, he did tend to lash out violently - just another added problem he now had to deal with, along with the obvious appearance.
Days blurred into others, and Eui couldn't tell you how long time had past. Each day was the same. Eat, be tested one, paint and stare at the ceiling until sleep finally blessed him. Eui had slowly became accustomed to his boring and sad way if life. Sometimes he would have panic attacks, thinking of how he would die in here. But he tried not to let it get to him.

One afternoon though...Something different had happened. All the test subjects were allowed recess. Which was just all of them being in this boring white and silver room, that resembled a gym. Eui's ears twitched in excitement as he looked around at all the equipment.

"...Don't get excited bunny boy. They're just testing us." Stated this one man who resembled an Eagle.taehyung_angel_by_pinjis-daupjlq.png
"...No need to be an asshole to him, is there? He's new, leave him the fuck alone before you corrupt him with your constant fucking misery," responded Nathan. If he was honest, he knew that Eui wasn't particularly happy at the moment, but he did find the boy's relative hope comforting. He didn't want all hope in him to be obliterated by some of the other test studies. Nathan felt a duty to protect his roommate, even if he'd only known him a few days.

Folding his arms over his chest, he eyed the room critically before taking a careful seat down, motioning for Eui to do the same. "Come on, just... come take a seat. Ignore this asshole, he's always had a scowl on his face since he came here. Miserable little fucker, really."
The Eagle like man, Frankie, growled and flapped his massive wings to slightly push Eui and Nathan. "Miserable? All of us is miserable mate! We're fucken animals for cryin' out loud! Ain't even human anymore, and ya expect us to all be happy?"

Eui's ears twitched and flopped down to his sides from all the yelling. "...Hey look, dude...Calm down...The guards will probably get ya...Nathan why don't we get on the treadmill? You wanted to stretch your legs right?"
"...Keep your damn mouth shut, Frankie. You know, before I break your nose again. Did it hurt to get fixed? I bet it did. Looked painful," the man antagonistically muttered in response, deliberately shooting the eagle-winged man a smirk as he bypassed him to head towards the treadmill in the corner. He didn't really know the purpose of all this, because it wasn't something they were usually subjected to often, but he wasn't complaining. Being able to get out of that room and do something was an opportunity to be grasped.

"Ignore him," he repeated again with a much softer smile down to his friend. "He likes fighting, y'know? Gives him something to do. Best if you just put him to the back of your mind."
Before Nathan could start running, a doctor hooked up wires to, him. Frankie was right. It was a test to see how far the doctors could push them. See how fast and strong they were

Eui glanced at the wires on Nathan, grimacing at how they were treated like animals.
The larger man silently glared down at the doctor until he moved away from him, grimacing to himself at all of the wires... but honestly, this was much better than being stuck in some bright white room, doing nothing but listen to Eui complain. Obviously, the boy had every reason to complain after what had happened, but hearing it only made Nathan feel like shit that he couldn't help the kid. He'd been here years and he'd never managed to get out, so what hope did Eui have?

"Better start running, huh? I mean, at least... at least this is something to do?"
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Eui grimaced before getting on the other treadmill. Hopping on, the doctor hooked wires onto him as well. Instantly, they put it on full speed, and Eui was able to actually keep up. Since his DNA had been tampered to be like a rabbits.
Admittedly, there was a part of Nathan that wanted to win at everything he did-- at least since becoming the way he is now, at least. Glancing to Eui and seeing how easily he coped only spurred the bat-winged man to compete with him and continue to run-- though it was all friendly, of course, which was why he flashed the rabbit-eared boy playful grins during their bout of exercise.

He was enjoying it, really-- until coming to an abrupt stop the moment he felt the eerie presence behind him, turning to come face-to-face with Mordecai who, of course, was accompanied by two burly guards just in case something kicked off.

"I see you're coming to terms with your transformation? I think you'll grow to love the chances, I find you rather adorable," he drawled, tapping his finger delicately against his chin in contemplation. "...Now, I'd like you to accompany me somewhere private, Eui. You're my new prize possession, I'd like to talk to you."
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Prized possession? That didn't sound to rewarding for Eui. Eui slowed his steps sending Nathan that look he always did when he was afraid. Getting off the treadmill, he pulled the corners of his mouth up to a smile. ".. Okay...Let's talk."

One of the burly men put the cuffs on Eui before they began to walk. Just in case Eui got any ideas, he wouldn't be able to even hit Mordecai
The graceful man offered a thin-lipped smile before slowing his long strides to be able to stroll alongside the newly-transformed human, while absently admiring the changes in him. Unlike the monster Eui seemed to see in himself, Mordecai only saw something beautiful in front of him. Something utterly perfect and unique-- which was the purpose of calling Eui for a one-on-one meeting, something he'd never done with any of his creations.

After reaching his office, having taken a secret elevator all the way there to avoid Eui being seen by his employees who only worked on medicines and had no idea what the basement was used for, he calmly seated himself down in his leather chair and motioned for Eui to sit in the one opposite. Waiting a further second for them to be left alone, that smile dropped to his usual cold expression, even though he was far from angry or mad.

"I have a convention being thrown here tomorrow night, for benefactors who invest in what goes on in the basement. Powerful people who envision what I see, who want to create something beautiful. I'd like you to attend as an example of what I've managed to achieve. Granted, this isn't an invitation you can refuse; I'm just being polite by informing you beforehand."
There were more people who were like Mordecai? Who...Wanted to change helpless humans into monsters. Eui stared at Mordecai for a moment, gaping at how....Crazy this all seemed. His ears twitched slightly, before his large eyes glanced st the floor. "...Of course. I'd love to come." He answered however he was dreading going. They'll stare at him. State at the monster he's become.

All Eui was now was...A possession. A shiny new toy, that would be show casted tomorrow. Clenching his fist in his lap, his eyes looked to the window, finally seeing the sky for the first time in days. "...Is that all you wanted...Mordecai?"
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