A Basket of Fruit {{ Closed }}

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She shook her head,"I'll be fine" she said softly, jumping when the timer rang. She turned off the heat then stopped the timer and opened the pot to stir it.
Ziekonry paused, then walked over, looking over her shoulder at the food. "Are you sure?" He asked, not wanting to let her push herself if he could do anything to help. "Can I help in any way?"
She pointed to the table,"just sit down, we need to let it cool for a few minutes then I'll bring you your dinner" she told him, stirring it slowly for a little bit before dishing him some of the stew. "Where is Shigure and Yuki?" She asked softly when settig down his food.
Ziekonry shrugged weakly. "No idea where Shigure is, as for Yuri-" He looked over as Yuri walked in.
"Hey Kiara, I see Zy's awake." He said, walking into the kitchen with a faint smile.
She smiled and dished some out for him,"yep, and you are right on time for supper" she said, handing him a bowl and fork. She smiled before heading to the door,"I'm going to go see if Shigure is in his study" she said.
Yuri nodded, sitting down. He looked at Zie, waiting until Kiara was out of sight and earshot before frowning. "Why haven't you said anything?"
Ziekonry looked up. "About?" He whispered back.
"I can tell you are in a lot of pain, stupid cat." Yuri whispered harshly.
Ziekonry glared. "Shut up you damn rat, I'm fine." He looked away from Yuri, who sat back, watching Zie with cold eyes.
She went into shigures office and smiled when she saw him there, she began to feel dizzy and just as shigure came to the door she collapsed against him, against his chest causing a soft 'poof' sound and a cloud of smoke to appear. This shot Kiari into semi-awake and she picked up the dog wrapped in sigures clothes, a german shepard."Ziekonry! Yuki!" She called frantically, holding the german sheapard as she ran out, tumbling into the two as she headed for the kitchen.
Ziekonry stood, turning towards the door, but as she bolted in, she fell on top of him. He dashed under the table the moment he realized he was now a cat. Yuri on the other hand, managed not to get fallen upon. "K-Kiara..." He said softly, biting his lip. "Could you put the dog down please?"
She was frantically running around the kitchen with the dog,"it was shifure, now theres a dog, whats going on?!" She yelled in a panic.
"Kiari, please!" Yuri stepped in front of her, though had his hands out. "Put the dog down and take a deep breath, alright? I'll explain!"
Ziekonry cowered under the table, white fur matted on the back where his sewed up gash was.
She panted heavily, already exhausted but the adrenaline and panick kept her legs stable and her body burning, about to collapse. She tried to take even breaths but couldn't manage to calm herself. She set down the dog and curled up, hugging her knees as she tried to calm her mind and body from its panicked state.
Yuri knelt beside her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Kiari...this is a huge family secret. If I explain this to you, you have to swear you will never, ever, ever tell anyone. No one. It doesn't matter who they are or what reason you have, you can't tell anyone...alright?" He said softly.

Ziekonry backed up a little, staying hidden in the shadows. He knelt down, frowning. In this form the pain was a bit more prominent, but he still kept quiet.
She gazed into his eyes and nodded,"I promise" she said having been able to calm herself enough to where she could actually hear what he was saying.

Shigure padded up to the cat and sat down, watching,"does it hurt Ziekonry?"
"The Sohma family was cursed long ago..." he started, crossing his legs.

Ziekonry looked away from Shigure, backing away slightly. He said nothing, his steps light.

"Any time we're hugged by someone of the opposite gender, we turn into our zodiac animal." He said quietly. "That's why earlier I said no hugs." He added, looking at the ground.
Everything finally clicked and she nodded,"so..so shigure is...is the dog?" She asked
"Yes, Shigure is the dog." Yuri nodded softly.

Ziekonry backed under a chair, but didn't realize it. He started to turn around, but his back bumped the chair. He collapsed, mewing painfully and closing his eyes tight. Pain seared in his back and he made a soft sound.

Yuri glanced at the table. "And Zie is the cat..." he said, frowning a little.
She heard the cry of pain and isntantly ran to the call. She picked up the cat and ran out and up to the bathroom,"Oh I wish you could talk" she muttered unhappily before moving to examine the cut and where it had begun to bleed again.
Ziekonry made soft whining noises, his eyes still closed tight. He rubbed his head on the counter to try and be quiet, but that did no good.

Yuri stood, quickly following Kiari to the bathroom. "I guess he hit it on something...that's Ziekonry, by the way." He said quietly.

Zie hissed quietly at Yuri, but then whined again.
She smiled,"Theres a cat!" She said happily. As she bandaged the cats back and smiled at him,"no offense to anyone else but I think you are the best" she giggled softly, fixing him up before holding him gently.
Ziekonry looked up at her with slightly confused eyes. Involuntarily, he ended up purring softly as she held him.

"Well..I can promise you he's thankful for that." Yuri said quietly, looking away and going off to pick up the clothes Shigure and Ziekonry had left when they changed.
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