A Basket of Fruit {{ Closed }}

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She smiled and held Ziekonry carefully while she gently pet him, staying clear of the wound, making sure not to touch or hurt it.

Shigure had snatched up the clothes and began to trot up to him with a big puppy smile.
Yuri knelt down, patting Shigure's head. "Thanks." He took the clothes, then sighed. "She looks like she's taken a liking to Zie." Yuri sighed, keeping his voice down so she wouldn't hear him. He glanced back down the hall at the bathroom.

Ziekonry purred softly, closing his eyes. She was warm and comfortable...and he didn't hate him. He felt like he could trust her more than anyone else, which was strange and new to him.
He laughed and rolled on the ground,"really? Oh goodie!" He laughed. But he suddenly calmed,"wait, do you like her?" He asked.

She smiled, continuing to hold the cat in a sweet calm manner, petting him gently. She wanted to help him, to talk to him, to be there for him, it was a particularly strong feeling.
Yuri shook his head, then paused. "N-no." He said, but he didn't look directly at Shigure. Standing, he folded the clothes. "The stupid cat is going to get her memory erased if he's not careful." Yuri set the folded clothes on a chair.

Ziekonry relaxed, surprised by the security and calm he felt around Kiari. He purred softly, his tail swinging slowly, dangling down. He looked like a happy kitten almost.
Shigure could tell Yuri was lying because he didn't look at him. This caused him to put on a goffy grin as he trotted alongside him.

Kiari smiled and went to sit down at the kitchen table for him to turn back,"when you guys are all back to normal we can eat dinner" she said with a smile.
Ziekonry looked up at Kiari. He mewed softly.

Yuri looked over his shoulder. "You don't want to see them when they change back." He said quietly.

Zie rested his head on Kiari's arm, closing his eyes again.
She frowned,"why not?" Kiari asked softly, continuing to pet him gently. She gazed at Yuri in confusion, wondering why he was suddenly giving her the cold shoulder.
She frowned,"why not?" Kiari asked softly, continuing to pet him gently. She gazed at Yuri in confusion, wondering why he was suddenly giving her the cold shoulder.
Yuri turned to face her, sighing softly. He couldn't help but smile faintly at her unknowing. "Kiari... When they changed, where did their clothes go?" He motioned to the chair.
After taking a moment to think through it her cheeks turned bright red and she looked at her feet,"I'll leave you guys to change back" she said before gently setting Ziekonry down and rushing out of the room.
Ziekonry watched her leave, then hissed softly at Yuri. He carefully hopped off the table, then winced. That hurt.. he started to jump to the floor, but there was a small poof and he groaned, having changed back, the chair having fallen over at the sudden weight on the edge of the chair. He collapsed on the floor, grimacing.

Yuri sighed, grabbing Ziekonry's clothes. He tossed them at the cat. "There." He muttered, going to his room.
Kiari was waiting in the living room and before he could go upstairs she stumbled to catch his hand,"we havent eaten yet" she pleaded with him.

Shigure shifted back and put on his clothes, opening the door once the two were dressed.
Yuri stared at her a moment, then looked down. "Alright, alright." He nodded, stopping. He looked up at Shigure opened the door. Ziekonry was sitting silently, head on the table.
Yuri sighed softly, sitting across the table from him.
She smiled at him then shigure se dishdd everyone their food then sat in the middle of the side, right between the two boys. She tapped Ziekonrys shoulder and smiled at him,"you need to eat, it will help."
Ziekonry's eyes flickered open and he sighed, nodding softly. Sitting up, he took a bite. It tasted really good!

Yuri took a bite as well, smiling. When he swallowed, he spoke. "This is delicious Miss Kiari, thank you!"
Shigure smiled as he took a bite,"this is really good Kiari!" He said happily.

"awww thanks guys," she said with a blush powdering her cheeks.
Ziekonry smiled softly at her. "It is good.." he agreed quietly, taking another bite.

Yuri continued to eat happily, humming softly.
After shigure had finished he sat back and sipped on his tea, thinking of something to try and break the silence.

Kiari finished and immediately got up to clean the dishes and put things away.
"Let me help." Yuri said as he finished, standing and walking to Kiari, glad to offer his help.

Ziekonry was the last to finish eating, stretching just slightly. "Thanks Kiari..." he said shyly when he finished.
Kiari smiled at Yuri,"thank you," she said before going and colecting the other dishes. She finished cleaning and yawned.

Shigure saw her yawn and jumped up,"Kiari you should go to sleep, its bad for your health to be so exhausted.
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