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In order of preference, I like 3, 1, 4, then 2, but this was really hard and I love them all.
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I like 1, foR the reason that it would be conflicting for the edhil resistance to stab someone who looks so non-offensive and pretty.

Unless she behaves like a tsunami...

edit: Nevermind, I magnifIed the image and saw that she was holding a sword not a quill ... and was showing us her nostrils. That's pretty offensive.
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I didn't know there was anything offensive about nostrils.
My humor is lost somewhere in those words.

But the general consensus is that If you show someone your nostrils, it means you are looking down on them (think of the way the head is tilted).
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Nieri has officially been changed to a Cemgollor. If anyone finds things I missed in her sheet that relate back to her former Rautoth class, let me know. I kept her as a Pildae because reasons.
Looks good, it's not easy to find Rautoth specific things though since alot of that can be Cemgollor skills. Both very naturey even if one is physical, the other magical.

I'm also RefRaIning not to read so much, I don't want to risk the meta. :)
While you are right about them being kind of nature-y, the similarities kind of end there. You're right about one being physical while the other is magical. Rautoth have ranged weapons use that Cemgollor don't have. Cemgollor aren't scouts, either. Their abilities to find things are purely magical. Furthermore, Cemgollor are more about bonding with nature while Rautoth are more about using it to their advantage without really trying to go deeper into it. I actually had to remove everything Rautoth-specific that wasn't a Pildae-crossover from Nieri's ability-list when I changed her to a Cemgollor.

I don't know what you mean by not wanting risk the meta. I think maybe I just don't know what meta means here.
It means that If I read too much, I might know too much about your character and IN the knowing, risk playing my character with that foResight.

It's a term that means meta-gaming. In this case it would be the first time I'm meeting your character, other than appearance I would not know anything about you.

Hmm anyway, I always thought they both would know very similar things. Like how to find cover, water and things regarding living in the wilds. Maybe that is just me, I usually think of non-combat skills first when it comes to characters so I found them very similar and therefore would have no issues when you switched classes.

How's the IC coming along?
I was not rushing her or anything, just wanted to let her know I am going to be busy with a tournament this week and If the IC was going up soon that I might have to delay my IC posts aBit.

Being considerate, that's all. :/
That's fine, I didn't mean to sound defensive :) its good to keep up with everyone on scheduling. I just wanted to let everyone know that she - and I - are generally slower.
Oh my god, this means I have to stay up until midnight tonight. Blurgle blargle! Blanket monster attack!
Is that the chinese culture thing where if you want your parents to live for a long time, that you stay up till the sun rises?

That's not on the international New Year's night though, I think it's on the Lunar New Year. Which is ...I don't know when. I used to live in china before I had to travel because of work. :|
Nah, then I probably wouldn't actually mind too much. This is just me being a butt about New Year's Eve traditions like counting in the new year, and staying up until midnight to watch fireworks and balls dropping. Of course, I tend to stay up late a lot voluntarily, but parties make it harder to stay awake somehow. Though they usually do have good stories. :P
To stay up on New Years to watch balls dropping? o_O That is some freakishly well-timed puberty.

I never heard any good party stories, they are usually so mundane (see: personal relationships). It's worst when drunk ones are telling them. They are usually the most loud ones too. If you have any to share, I'd like to hear them (and repeat them next year :>). It's better than me acting like I can't speak english everytime just to avoid the awkwardness.
Allright, there's really only one and we don't usually watch it anyway, because it's not the most exciting thing to see.

I don't remember any good New Year's stories, but we did do a Christmas themed pictionary once and my Granny got 'immaculate conception' as the thing she had to draw for everyone to guess. We are all still easily amused by that.

On a more related side note. You are all going to hate me, because I'm considering giving my scout fellow a regional accent. It will be fuuuuuuuuun! But I'm taking my time getting him set up because 1) your votes were very helpful and I appreciate them, but I'm still waffling between Greybeard and Gingerbeard. I cannot help it. I like waffling. Also, waffles. And 2) he won't be needed at the start, so I can. Ha! :P
This looks really interesting, actually! I'm thinking of making a Calva slave/slave escapee for the resistance. Probably a rautoth - anyone here have a character who could link in with this? Maybe as a buyer, or rescuer, or fellow slave etc?
Ooooh, heylo! New interest! We's raking it in. lol Kinda sorta, maybe, not really.... >.>

I don't have a character who could personally help, although the fellow I'm making for the Fatanen Party could potentially have tracked your runaway, if indeed they did run away. Beyond that, you've got plenty of options. :) Provided I'm reading things right, anyway.

@Thought Manifest Nieri has helped at least two of the characters escape already, so she's certainly available for others.

@Beckett Hue is coming from Eriston, where his family might have kept a slave, and possibly brought them with him when he went off to 'help' the resistance. Though I'm not sure because of his Calva heritage.

@Rainjay Shale did travel extensively and may have tried to help out the Calva slaves at one point. Either through buying or helping them escape, but I'm not sure if they'd have been doing this very frequently after the Uialien genocide. :/ Which would make timing a little awkward. heh

@Sarcor Dolf might also be a possibility for buying a slave to set them free or helping an escapee, he seems inclined to help that way, but with the recent troubles, he might not have. Though possibly anything to get back at the Fatanen. :P Or, he might just have wanted some help carting things around while exploring Aliudea.

@Torack Eovaine has also travelled a bit, and worked for the resistance, I cannot remember exacts, sorry, but I think I remember possibilities that might be made into opportunities.

If I'm utterly wrong, apologies to everyone involved for misreading things.
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Yeah, unfortunately, the timing sort of negates the chance of Shale having been involved. Shale only recently was rescued from execution; wouldn't have met any slave traders of the sort. Although I was thinking of making a Calva/Edhil second character, if you have any ideas for relations there. I couldn't pick between a Sairuvar or Rautoth/Cemgollor (I was coming up with ideas for said character a week or so ago) and so didn't really continue (indecisiveness! It was aided by the fact I couldn't find a picture I liked for a Calva), but I've still got the ideas in mind if you wanna do backstory planning or somert.