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♡ vast and brilliant. ♡
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
Usually in the evenings and late at night.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. No Preferences
Definitely fantasy, anything with magic, sci-fi, apocalyptic, occasionally modern/slice of life depending on the plot.

Every year, the Capitol ties us up like animals. They rope us in according to our ages, our genders, they pick us out at random. Two of us, from every district, one girl, one boy. We are sent to fight for their entertainment, forced to kill each other as our families, our friends, the whole nation watches. Only two come out victorious, bringing honor, glory, and a year of supplies to our districts. Punishment, they tell us, this is our punishment. For rebelling all those years ago. Their children, their grandchildren, their great grandchildren, all doomed to the same fate of fighting like rabid animals for the promise of their life and their wealth. Some think its no more than a game. Some think it's a living nightmare. But we all have one thing in common; we're going to end up in that arena with fear in our hearts and knives at our throats.

Will you walk out victorious, or die at the hands of your fellow tributes?

red This roleplay takes place before canon events, and in no way shape or form will your characters have any relations with any canon characters. There is only the past rebellion that caused the Hunger Games. You don't have to know anything about the series to join, as we are not going to exactly follow the canon plotlines. You will be forced into an 'arena' with your fellow tributes.There are many things that can, and will, be your demise. Not only will you fear those forced into the games with you, but the arena is also full of dangerous animals, elements, and twists. If you prove to not be entertaining enough, the Gamemakers may kill you off. Only two of you will walk out alive.


» career district

DISTRICT ONE is one of the wealthiest districts of Panem, it's primary industry being the manufacturing of luxury items for the capitol, and as a result, is one of the favored districts in the eyes of the Capitol. These luxuries include anything from perfumes to jewels. DISTRICT ONE also tends to pack the most punch in the games, as it's not rare for their children are taught that the games bring glory to their district and their families. The richer families of the district often train their children from a young age to becomes CAREERS, or perfect soldiers, to volunteer for the games.

» career district

DISTRICT TWO is one of the largest and wealthiest districts of Panem, it's main industry being masonry. This is also where most Peacekeepers and recruited, trained, and where most of the country's weapons originate from. They take great pride in producing the most winners out of all the other districts, as they train their children from a young age to compete in the hunger games. This is not always the case, but more often than not, the tributes hailing from DISTRICT TWO are more than ready.


DISTRICT THREE had previously been one of the wealthier districts but now is slowly succumbing to abject poverty. This district produces many great techonlogical advances, as well as provides the capitals with anything from televisions to computers. Many of the people living in DISTRICT THREE work in factories and are well adept in engineering.

» career district

DISTRICT FOUR is one of the wealthiest districts of Panem. It's industry is fishing, which is useful for tributes in the Hunger Games as they have experience using nets and tridents, making fishing hooks from scratching, swimming, and hunting sea life. Being one of the wealther districts, DISTRICT FOUR tends to produce Career Tributes, those who volunteer to participate in the Hunger Games after training for it their entire lives.


DISTRICT FIVE is responsible for producing power and electricity for the entire nation. They are not entirely wealthy nor are they entirely poor, the district stuck in the middle between two such worlds. They are not known to produce CAREERS, since it is illegal to do so.


DISTRICT SIX produces the nations' transportation, such as high-speed trains, hovercraft, etc. Ironically, they have little love for travel. DISTRICT SIX is known for being one of the more rebelious of all the districts, and drug addiction is an increasing problem here, especially among the victors who wish the forget and numb the pain the Hunger Games has caused.


DISTRICT SEVEN is a middle class district, and provides lumber and paper for the nation. It's mostly covered in lush forests, and it's people are mostly hard-working and down to Earth.


DISTRICT EIGHT is a lower class district, it's industry being the production of textiles and clothing. They have at least one factory primarily used for making Peacekeeper uniforms. DISTRICT EIGHT is painfully urban, factories clogging the skies and barely a blade of grass in sight. Like most lower class districts, they harbor a festering dislike for the capitol.

DISTRICT NINE is a middle class district, responsible for producing grain. It's people are hard working, and the district has many factories, most likely for grain processing.


DISTRICT TEN is one of the lower class districts of Panem. It's industry is livestock and provides beef, pork, chicken, etc for the capitol. Most of the district is farm land, as they produce countless numbers of livestock.


DISTRICT ELEVEN is one of the lower class districts of Panem. Their industry is all things agriculture, ranging from orchards, to fields of wheat, to cotton. Almost everything they grow goes to the capitol, despite the growing problem of starvation throughout the district.


DISTRICT TWELVE is the poorest of all the thirteen districts in Panem. It's located near the mountains, and it's main industry is coal mining. The people here are hard workers but are barely paid off for all that they produce, as most are living in painful poverty.

[warning=red] R U L E S
- All Iwaku rules apply, obviously.
- Keep drama IC, take OOC drama to private chats if you're that worried about it.
- No Mary-Sues/Gary-Sues.
- You do not need to read the books/watch the movies to join! Any of us who have are more than willing to answer questions.
- You are allowed three characters maximum. One character being a mentor (a previous victor from the games), and two tributes. (Preferably one male and one female). Your tributes cannot be in the same district.
- As previously stated, this roleplay will not follow canon events. Your characters will not in any way know of any of the characters from the books.
- Please, please keep in mind that your character has a strong possibility of not making it to the end. Even when my characters die, I'll be stalking the thread from afar to make sure everything is running okay.
- You can reserve a spot for one week, however, after that it will open up for somebody else to take.
- Posting expectation is at least one or two paragraphs per character, once, preferably twice a week. If you can't meet these expectations, please don't join! I'd like to keep this running as smoothly as possible for a roleplay in which everyone dies. If something comes up, please message me and we'll work something out.
- If you're unheard of from for at least two weeks, your character will be killed off from natural causes.
- Keep this realistic. A smaller, petite character won't have as good of a fighting chance as a career who has trained his/her entire life. Children will most likely not make it as long, either.
- Please be gentle, I've only GM'd my own rps like, twice. Just lemme know if I forget to add you to the cast list or anything!
- If you've read the rules, please add 'Mockingjay' at the end of your character sheet.
- Be friendly with each other! Talk out relations and plot ideas. Alliances will be formed and broken. Romances will blossom. Enemies will be made. And this is encouraged! Feel free to clog up the OOC thread with this stuff.
- Finally, have fun, try not to die, and may the odds be ever in your favor. ♥ [/warning]


Mentor : Medea Isla King. @Lulunopia
Female Tribute : Circe Day Amor. @Mysty
Male Tribute : Charming King Glamour.@Shattered♦Secrets™

Mentor : open!
Female Tribute : Amber Quartz. @DANAsaur
Male Tribute : Julius Ashlar. @neptune

Mentor : Decima Emeraude Lovelace. @Hospes
Female Tribute : Reserved @Alexstrasza
Male Tribute : Filler character. (open until start date)

Mentor : Beatrice Merina Lackland. @Princess Poisoned Rose
Female Tribute : @The Mad Squeen
Male Tribute : Maxon Atlas Lacius. @Stargazer

Mentor : open!
Female Tribute : Terra Eliza Salvatore. @Brea
Male Tribute : Jitea Park. @Daz

Mentor : Aster Wex Farwind. @The Mad Squeen
Female Tribute : Reserved @Stargazer
Male Tribute : Weston Francis Rivers.@Brea

Mentor : Reserved @Dovahkiin
Female Tribute : Orna Keith.@neptune
Male Tribute : Reserved. @The Classy Mog

Mentor : Reserved @Michaela
Female Tribute :Amilia Vi Malcom. @Lulunopia
Male Tribute : Aspen Leigh Blackwood. @Mysty

Mentor : open!
Female Tribute : open!
Male Tribute : open!

Mentor : open!
Female Tribute : Arayah Celesia Rummage.@Hospes
Male Tribute : Reserved @Kade

Mentor : open!
Female Tribute : Reserved @Michaela
Male Tribute : March Hugo Ernst. @Lulunopia

Mentor : open!
Female Tribute : Reserved @Misguided†Ghost
Male Tribute : Filler character. (open until start date)

[picture here, feel free to add more. real people only!]
Name: (full name)
Nickname/alias: (what has Panem nicknamed your character?)
Gender: (self explanatory)
Age: (12-18)
Birthdate: (self explanatory, year is not required)
(self explanatory)
District: (1-12, the capitol does not count)

Height: (how tall are they?)
Weight: (how much do they weigh?)
Build: (slim? built? petite?)
(are they tan, porcelain, freckled?)
Race: (self explanatory)
Marks: (scars? piercings? tattoos?)
(describe their eyes, shape, color, anything you feel necessary)
Hair: (describe the texture, length, style, color, etc)
Dress: (please keep the culture of your district in mind)

Outer Traits: (how do others view your character?)
Inner Traits: (what are they really like, on the inside? What do they keep hidden?)

Likes: (at least five)
Dislikes: (at least five)
Hobbies: (what do they like to do as a person, not a tribute?)
Talents: (what are they good at?)
Extra: (anything else you feel we'd need to know)

Strengths: (the strengths that will help you in the games. it doesn't matter if Lucy Jane can sing, a love song won't stop her from getting stabbed)
Weaknesses: (make sure they balance out the strengths!)
Score: (the score the game makers ended up giving your abilities. the higher the score, the better your sponsers. range is 1-12)
Weapon of choice: (what does your character prefer wielding? it does not have to be a physical weapon, witts are considered weapons as well)
Extra: (anything you feel you want to add)

Family: (who does your character consider family? Are they fighting for anyone?)
Friends/Allies: (in relation to other characters, has your character allied with anyone?)
Enemies: (is your character dead-set on killing anyone in particular?)
Romantic Interest: (star-crossed lovers? a pretty girl back home?)
Backstory: (you don't need to go into extreme detail here, but feel free!)
Theme Song: (because why not?)

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I know, I was just saying why I personally wouldn't want to use a random generator for the initial blood bath. It's just frustrating to have the character you worked for a couple of hours on die before you can even make a single post in the arena. Being the first player character to die or dying fairly early on aren't so bad if you've at least been able to make a few posts with them- it's sort of to be predicted, since like you said this is a Hunger Games RP. It just feels pointless to have signed up and worked on a CS just to immediately die once the games begin. If however the majority of people want to do it this way, I'll accept that. This is merely my opinion on what I would like to do, which is not use any player characters in a blood bath, and let the player character deaths start slightly (although not much) further in.

I personally would prefer to not randomly generate the order of deaths and just have it naturally play out, but I'm not so bothered by this. I can completely understand deciding to randomly generate the order to avoid problems with people not wanting to allow their character to die.
I've PM'd Mysty letting her know that if they choose to decide to do things randomly, I could help out and even make sure that no one with just one character is killed in the initial Bloodbath. I agree that would be a pain to work on a character and have that character dead and you out of the game immediately. I wasn't looking at the Player List when I was making my example because it was just that, an example. More care would be taken if doing a random bloodbath became official.

EDIT: As for deaths in general, I would also prefer for them to be completely random. I may be in the minority since I don't care when my characters die, but I know others are really attached to theirs and wouldn't put them up for slaughter so voluntarily. Doing it randomly will take that factor out.
I'd love for you to go ahead and check her out @Mysty :3

But ohh, ah, do I need to change Decima's district since someone else wants d3?

EDIT: Or I could change her age and make her mentor?
I've PM'd Mysty letting her know that if they choose to decide to do things randomly, I could help out and even make sure that no one with just one character is killed in the initial Bloodbath. I agree that would be a pain to work on a character and have that character dead and you out of the game immediately. I wasn't looking at the Player List when I was making my example because it was just that, an example. More care would be taken if doing a random bloodbath became official.

EDIT: As for deaths in general, I would also prefer for them to be completely random. I may be in the minority since I don't care when my characters die, but I know others are really attached to theirs and wouldn't put them up for slaughter so voluntarily. Doing it randomly will take that factor out.
I'm sure it would, it's a perfectly fine example. I was expressing my immediate thoughts about the random generator idea, I'm not saying it can't be done or anything- I'm simply pointing out potential problems which make me personally not a big fan of the idea. If it is implemented I know plenty of care will be put into doing it well, you've got plenty of good ideas about how to do it.
I'm sure it would, it's a perfectly fine example. I was expressing my immediate thoughts about the random generator idea, I'm not saying it can't be done or anything- I'm simply pointing out potential problems which make me personally not a big fan of the idea. If it is implemented I know plenty of care will be put into doing it well, you've got plenty of good ideas about how to do it.
I'm actually glad you expressed those concerns because it wasn't something that I initially thought of in my example and because I didn't think of that, the example would look pretty scary to those individuals with only a single character. Since I have 3 characters, it never even crossed my mind, so I appreciate the input.
I personally would prefer to not randomly generate the order of deaths and just have it naturally play out, but I'm not so bothered by this. I can completely understand deciding to randomly generate the order to avoid problems with people not wanting to allow their character to die.
Also, my thoughts as well. However, I do think it'd be a good idea for the GM to have say in this if people are being unrealistic and refusing to let their character die or get injured when they should, and that the GM should have the right to say it's time to go.
I'm actually glad you expressed those concerns because it wasn't something that I initially thought of in my example and because I didn't think of that, the example would look pretty scary to those individuals with only a single character. Since I have 3 characters, it never even crossed my mind, so I appreciate the input.
Thanks, and I'm sorry if I seemed a bit too critical. The random generator is a fair way of doing things, plus you've suggested some good ways of overcoming problems such as people with one character having their only character killed. It's still not how I'd personally deal with the problem, but that doesn't matter, I'll be happy with it if that's what we go with.

Also, my thoughts as well. However, I do think it'd be a good idea for the GM to have say in this if people are being unrealistic and refusing to let their character die or get injured when they should, and that the GM should have the right to say it's time to go.
Yeah, if the order isn't randomly generated then the GM would definitely have to keep an eye on things to prevent that happening. But that might be a lot of work for the GM, so whether or not this is possible might depend on how much spare time Mysty has.
Thanks, and I'm sorry if I seemed a bit too critical. The random generator is a fair way of doing things, plus you've suggested some good ways of overcoming problems such as people with one character having their only character killed. It's still not how I'd personally deal with the problem, but that doesn't matter, I'll be happy with it if that's what we go with.

Yeah, if the order isn't randomly generated then the GM would definitely have to keep an eye on things to prevent that happening. But that might be a lot of work for the GM, so whether or not this is possible might depend on how much spare time Mysty has.
Nah, you were fine! You had understandable concerns and there's nothing wrong with that!

Off-Topic Slightly, but in terms of main gameplay, we could due natural & random interchangeably. It would be mainly based on what the characters do in terms of the roleplay. So if Bob wants to trap Sally and attack her, the only thing random would be the outcome. If a Random Number Generator is decided, it could go off of a scale of 1-6 (or more of more than 2 characters are involved in the conflict).

1 = Bob Injured, 2 = Sally Injured, 3 = Both Injured, 4 = Bob Killed, 5 = Sally Killed, 6 = No Death

Once the GM decides the outcome, Mysty would tell the players and they could play the rest of the scene out until it reaches the conclusion. Random Numbers would only come into play if 1) GM decides a Random Event or 2) Conflict Ensues.

Can you tell I love random.org? I'm sorry for that. It's just how I do things a lot even IRL. xD
Can you tell I love random.org? I'm sorry for that. It's just how I do things a lot even IRL. xD
Random.org is amazing, always use it to make fair decisions IRL. Stops people getting mad at me for somehow always winning rock-paper-scissors. :lol:
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Brea
I'd be willing to be maimed x) but not killed before I can make at least a few posts.
Okay, so, I think what I'm going to do in the beginning is kill off a few NPCs. I know there's a few people who have gone over their time limit on their reservations, and if I don't hear from them within the next few days, their spot will open back up and I'll use them as disposable characters.

As for the rest of the games, we will do it naturally. The only random thing will be deciding the outcome, like @The Mad Squeen said. What I'll probably do is PM the players the result of the random generation.
I'd love for you to go ahead and check her out @Mysty :3

But ohh, ah, do I need to change Decima's district since someone else wants d3?

EDIT: Or I could change her age and make her mentor?
Omg did you have d3 female reserved already? I am so sorry if I forgot to add you into the reservation list. If you want to change her then you're welcome to, but if I forgot to add you in I'll fix it. (Again I am so sorry.) Otherwise, she's accepted.
Did you say that we were starting a little before the games, like during a training day? So that they could figure out their alliances? Or, am I just remembering things wrong?
I am so, so sorry about the delay on my character @Mysty life has been biting me in the ass. I will have her up as soon as I get back to my desktop this evening. So sorry for the inconvenience.
Did you say that we were starting a little before the games, like during a training day? So that they could figure out their alliances? Or, am I just remembering things wrong?
I think they did. I'm trying to search the thread for where they replied, but all of the CSs mean it's taking a while to load.
Did you say that we were starting a little before the games, like during a training day? So that they could figure out their alliances? Or, am I just remembering things wrong?
I pretty sure @Mysty did. It was in the Interest Check thread, though. I don't think it was mentioned here.
She mentioned it here, too.

Anyways, yeah, if someone else wanted d3, I don't mind switching at all. I just gotta edit the CS in that case and such.

Additionally, I suggest tagging all of the people who have reserves that have yet to post! Sometimes, people's alerts get wonky from not having recently checked the thread and they forget about it. Speaking from experience on that.
I stand corrected! Bwahah!

I'm going to force myself to take a break on my school junk to finish my last two characters tonight.
So the score thing.. do you guys give me a number when everything is filled? :D
Gonna go ahead and post my W.I.Ps. I've been swamped with homework lately so I haven't had the chance to work on them much.


"You should already know my name, dollface."
Rendwick Ellwood

"They called me The Wolf back in the days. Had a funny way of sniffing people out I go by Ren now."
The Wolf

"I don't know, sweetheart. Mind checking for me?"

"I'm not old, screw off."

"I'm a Capricorn, baby."
January 10th

"I swing both ways."

"Good ol' District 8. Don't you love the sweet smell of smog in the morning?"
Mentor of District Eight

"Tall enough."

"Seriously? Didn't your momma ever teach you manners?"
167 lbs

"Honey, I've got abs for miles."

Ren has a fair complexion and easily burns in the sun.

"Caucasian. Though, I heard I have a little Romanian blood in me."

"Couple of scars, here and there."
- A scar running down the right side of his face.
- Whipping marks on his back, mainly from his childhood.
- A tattoo of a rose on his forearm.

"Blue as the pacific ocean, my ma always told me."


"Oh, haven't you heard? Ratty overalls and old t-shirts are the rage now-a-days."

Outer Traits: (how do others view your character?)
"Oh man, I suppose
Inner Traits: (what are they really like, on the inside? What do they keep hidden?)
Likes: (at least five)

Dislikes: (at least five)
Hobbies: (what do they like to do as a person, not a tribute?)
Talents: (what are they good at?)
Extra: (anything else you feel we'd need to know)

Strengths: (the strengths that will help you in the games. it doesn't matter if Lucy Jane can sing, a love song won't stop her from getting stabbed)
Weaknesses: (make sure they balance out the strengths!)
Score: (the score the game makers ended up giving your abilities. the higher the score, the better your sponsers. range is 1-12)
Weapon of choice: (what does your character prefer wielding? it does not have to be a physical weapon, witts are considered weapons as well)
Extra: (anything you feel you want to add)

Family: (who does your character consider family? Are they fighting for anyone?)
(Anyone interested?)

(Anyone interested in becoming enemies?)

Romantic Interest:
"I've got no one, doll. I've had no one for a long time."
Once upon a time, Ren had loved someone. Unfortunately, his sweetheart participated right alongside him in the games. She met her ultimate demise one week

(There could be a potential love interest later on, if anyone's interested.)

"Nothin' you need to know. You've got no business going around asking people that."

Theme Song:
The Garden - July Talks


"Juniper, not that any of you care."
Juniper Hayes


"Isn't it obvious?"

"I was just about to turn eighteen before I was reaped. Lucky me."

"I'll be spending my birthday in the arena."

"Bisexual, I suppose. Never really gave it any thought until now."

"District Eleven."
Female Tribute of District 11

"Taller than you, at least."


Slim, but slightly muscular


Juniper tans easily in the sun, freckles scatter her cheeks and arms.
Race: (self explanatory)
Marks: (scars? piercings? tattoos?)
Eyes: (describe their eyes, shape, color, anything you feel necessary)
Hair: (describe the texture, length, style, color, etc)
Dress: (please keep the culture of your district in mind)

Outer Traits: (how do others view your character?)
Inner Traits: (what are they really like, on the inside? What do they keep hidden?)
Likes: (at least five)

Dislikes: (at least five)
Hobbies: (what do they like to do as a person, not a tribute?)
Talents: (what are they good at?)
Extra: (anything else you feel we'd need to know)

Strengths: (the strengths that will help you in the games. it doesn't matter if Lucy Jane can sing, a love song won't stop her from getting stabbed)
Weaknesses: (make sure they balance out the strengths!)
Score: (the score the game makers ended up giving your abilities. the higher the score, the better your sponsers. range is 1-12)
Weapon of choice: (what does your character prefer wielding? it does not have to be a physical weapon, witts are considered weapons as well)
Extra: (anything you feel you want to add)

Family: (who does your character consider family? Are they fighting for anyone?)
Friends/Allies: (in relation to other characters, has your character allied with anyone?)
Enemies: (is your character dead-set on killing anyone in particular?)
Romantic Interest: (star-crossed lovers? a pretty girl back home?)
Backstory: (you don't need to go into extreme detail here, but feel free!)
Theme Song: (because why not?)

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