2035 OOC

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Probably not. It was attacking dragons, specifically those of the eatery variety. Unless Artemis is part eater dragon, then no.
Also, I would like to point out that Surpy has been sick a lot longer than she's known the group. She really is tip-toeing in Death's garden from the way I see it. Her family is already dead, and the only reason she didn't die already too is because she's stubborn and she had a hope of finding somewhere safe again. It was basically driving a near-corpse. She was already coughing up acidic bile by the time I joined the rp. The rest of the symptoms for her demise are following quickly. Scales have already begun to fall off, and her mind is being damaged by pain.

The only thing that remains is how she'll snap. :3
woah that's going to be real intense. I can't wait! But also sad because Surpy will die :[. Don't leave us!!!

By the way, here is how Russell stayed warm in the mountains:
He naturally absorbs lots of heat and his skin provides an extra layer of insulation. So it's like he's walking around with a thick, black body coat in the heat.
Depending on where this is going, Rocky's going to get infected and die, too. Yes, he can get infected.
How would a rock brought to life be infected by a disease that effects biological creatures?
Because it's infecting the planet whole planet! Mother Earth's growing weaker. The soil underneath his rock skin acts as blood, which can get tainted, resulting in Rocky growing weaker. Too weak to support his own weight.
I see. That's cool, sorry I never looked at it. Well, that is awkward, I guess. Not really, but whatever. I'm not too active here, anyway.
Well, I see where you could go with it. Mother Earth is tied to every living thing on earth, right? Magic is essentially the life force of everything. If every living organism becomes infected and dies, Mother Earth will be too weak from the extreme loss to cohere magic to anything, thus rocky and all other magic constructs will die along with her.
Quite like that. I had Rocky planned out, was just looking for an RP to put him in.

I was thinking, since the dead walk, the planet's also starting to whither and die. Infected soil no longer grows plants, and the whole planet basically dies with everyone on it.
Basically, something so tragic happened, the planet itself took matter into its hands.
The soil itself can't be infected, but if it absorbs enough infected blood, then what you're describing would be possible.
So yeah, I threw the douchebag priests at us again, mostly to explain the lack of undead, and to give me a excuse to have pat get his ass handed to him without seriosly endangering the group. I had him get knocked out to show that he ain't unstoppable, and to show how far gone the priests are into ego if they refuse to acknowledge that "devil spawn" has willing allies.
*inserts that clip of M. Bison saying "OF COURSE!"*
Goody! I don't wanna post again so soon, though. :<
should definitely used the yes instead of, of course lol
The blood of the Coldstone barbarians shows its face at last, and.....fuck man... That's some dark shit. For the record this is truly the most pissed he has ever been. And the skeleton is controlled not by a trapped soul, but a portion of Pats concentration.
Fun times. Welp, Surpy has gone off to devour her meal. :3 uh. I don't really know what state she'll return in. If at all.