1x1 With @Vaila

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'' Yes! A big one too!'' Hunter said teasing her as he pushed her the bed gently for her to roll and look at him. He turned to his stomach looking at her, '' and I didn't mean gross because it's you. I just... I dunno. Remember that girl in France? I came back running towards you cause I found her gross? I didn't mean that she was ugly or anything. I just find ....sex...weird you know? I just... I can't do it even if I have impulses sometimes'' he said with a small shrug and a lopsided smile. '' So it's kind of the same thing with you. I know a lot of my friends would go for you. I remember Demetri actually asking me to hook up with you before Abby and all.'' he added,
Demetri suddenly felt movements from behind and saw guys walking their way. He could see the jealousy on there face but his gaze was drifted to a certain blonde sitting not too far and his heart jumped a beat. He hadn't seen her in a year and a half. As much as he wanted to push the love that he still cared for her, all of the pain she caused, his misery at the moment, everything he blamed her for it. But he couldn't hide that she was still the one that held his heart. His thoughts were short when one of the guys punched the light out of him and he just fell to the floor.
"You've obviously never had great sex," she murmured, looking at him for the first time. "I haven't even dated anyone in two and a half years, and I can't even remember the last time someone kissed me," she said frowning. "I know it's silly, but I supposed to be the daughter of Aphrodite. Guys and girls are supposed to be throwing themselves at me, and I know it makes me seem shallow but honestly I miss being close to someone that way. Not sex, but just.... loved ya'know? Like someone who would wrap their arms around me and hold me to them. Someone who could make me feel safe," she rambled, not stopping to take a breath before she continued. "Someone who would kiss me in the rain or tell me they loved me just because they wanted to." Freya paused and closed her eyes sighing. "I'm sorry I shouldn't be venting this to you, I know you have your own shit to deal with," she said softly, not looking at him again.
Abby looked up and gasped at the movements, practically jumping over the table to get to him. She pushed the guy who had punched him and bent down to check on Demetri. "Glykia? Glykia are you ok?" she asked softly, her eyes scanning him from head to toe. He looked different, a little older certainly, but definitely sadder. There was something about the way he lay there looking vulnerable that made her heart clench. When she saw he was out cold and breathing, she wrapped his arm around her neck and half carried, half dragged him out of the mess hall. When she was outside, she shifted into a cyclops and carried him to his cabin. She managed to make it to his room on the ground floor with him and lay him down on the bed. She slipped off his shoes and tucked him in, checking his head carefully for a concussion.
'' It's fine... I dealt with my shit for a while and you were there for me. '' Hunter said rolling towards her as he placed his head on her lap. '' Now I want to hear all of your worries.... I'll always be here for you. By the way, now that you mention it, I never saw you making out with a guy since Luke.'' he added.
Demetri's head spin and the headache was short but still incredibly painful. Luckily, naturally his body would heal it and he could handle a punch from a minor god son. He groaned as he tried to straighten back up and rested his head on the headboard ignoring the rest of the world. He slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Abby with an unemotional face or maybe showing a bit of pain mixed with I-Dont-want-to-see-you look.
Freya began to stroke his hair automatically, not really noticing as she did it. "You were my last kiss," she said with a half shrug. "In the alternate reality," she continued frowning. "Although I'm not even sure if that counts," she said sadly. "The only guy that I liked after Luke didn't even notice me in that way, he was already in love with someone else and even though they aren't together anymore I still can't have him," she said as her feelings began to resurface but she pushed them back down. It wasn't right. He didn't like her that way.
Abby sighed. "I can tell that you don't want me here, but I'm a nurse. I wanted to make sure you were ok," she said with a voice thick with emotion. She got up from her seat at the end of the bed and turned around so he wouldn't see the tears in her eyes. She knew that he would hate her for what she'd done, but he would never hate her anymore than she hated herself. "Whether you care about me or not, I still care about you," she saidm replacing the word care with love in her mind.
Hunter sighted, '' You never told me who it was.... How is he anyways? Tell me about him. '' Hunter said relaxing at her touch while staring at the ceiling.
Demetri looked away. He didn't want them to resurface, he didn't want to love anymore. What was the point of it anyway? '' It's fine.'' he said almost in a whisper as he turned around to his side. He felt like his heart was shattering but he got hurt so much by her.
"He's doing better than he was," she said as she inwardly fought against her feelings. "He's kind and intelligent although sometimes I think that he doesn't believe it. He has this talent and it's just so wonderful to watch him do it. We've been friends for ages but that's still how he see's me, even when he was dating my sister," she said, pausing as she thought about Ira. They had been as close as sisters once and she regretted not doing more to save her everyday.
Abby wrapped her arms around herself but she didn't turn to look at him. "How have you been?" she asked softly, wanting to know if he would lie to her. She'd heard from Freya what he'd been up to, and although it broke her heart more than she had, she couldn't go back and change it.
'' I've been good. Got a job in my father business, one here, girls around me... Went back to my old life style with less travelling. '' Demetri said with an indifferent voice. He completely forgot to mention his fiancee. She wasn't part of that life anyways. '' and you?'' he asked looking at her.
Hunter looked at her brightly knowing exactly who it was. '' Seriously? How come you didn't tell me before!'' he asked offended that she wouldn't tell him that she liked Demetri of all people.
"I graduated," she said turning to look at him. "Last week. I'm now Nurse Abigaia Collett," she said as she played with the ring on her ring finger. It had belonged to her father and she'd been wearing it since she changed her name, wanting to keep a part of him with her even if she'd hated him. "Got a job at one of the hospitals in New York. I'll be switching between the camp and living with Bash, you remember him right? Sebastian Collett, he's Freya's half brother," she said as she wrinkled her nose, trying to think of what to say.
"Why would I tell you something like that?" she asked, staring at him. She couldn't believe he was being so calm about this. It wasn't everyday that your bestfriend looked at you like he'd just won the lottery. And as that thought passed through her mind, her feelings for him were back in place. "Nothing could ever happen...."
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Demetri unconsciously smiled but went back to his distant self, '' That's... great I guess.'' he said quieting his voice down. He was thinking about this all. Them breaking up and her coming back here for some reason acting all caring when SHE is the cause of it all. He couldn't help but notice the changes in her face, body and even style. She was less of a teenager now. He changed himself so wasn't surprised. He's body was more build and his shoulders more broad. He looked like a man and seemed more mature than his age. '' Why are you here?'' he asked making his fiance ring turn around his finger. subtily.
'' Why do you say that?!'' Hunter asked surprised with a pout as he turned to his stomach to stare at her blinking. '' I can see it '' he said replacing his pout with a smile.
"You... you can?" she asked, slightly hopeful. Her face fell after a moment. "Really? Because earlier you said...." she trailed off, looking down at her hands and swallowing nervously.
"I told you, I had to make sure you were ok," she said softly, looking into his eyes. "When I saw that guy punch you.... I just acted. I had to see if you were ok," she continued, willing him to see the love in her eyes once more.
'' Yeah! It's not like Demetri and Abby or going out and all... And Demetri told me.. Oh never mind... He has a fiancee. I forgot about that.'' Hunter said feeling bad now that he remembered that he was in a date with his fiancee and because of her hopeful look.
Demetri smirked, '' Thank you. I'm good now.'' He said looking straight into his eyes with nothing but pain and no love in them even if he still did. He could see it in her but for him, it was just another way of playing with him like she did before. She would use him when he was around but once it's too demanding, she would throw him away not caring about his feelings.
"I know that," Freya said suddenly confused, before realisation hit her. He thought she was in love with Demetri. Her eyes dulled slightly. "Just forget I said anything alright?" she asked, hopeful that he would. She wanted to forget her feelings for him again, not that there was anything in her way this time but she knew that Hunter would never see her like that.
"No," she said in a voice thick with emotion. She was on the verge of crying from the look of pain he gave her but she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry. "No you're not good, Glykia," she continued, shaking her head as she walked out.
Hunter raised his eyebrows " huh!? I'm confused now.... " he said laying his back on the bed and looking at the window, his back turned to her
Denetri looked away not wanting to see anything more. He was done getting hurt by stupid commitments that didn't give him anything particular.
"Just forget it," she said sliding off the bed and pushing her hair back from her face. "It's not like the feelings would be returned anyway," she continued. "We should focus on other things.... like what you're going to do next."
Abby hurried out of his cabin and hurried into hers. She said nothing as she walked into her room on the ground floor and shut the door behind her quietly. She'd had enough of love, and all she wanted was to curl up and sleep but it didn't come quickly as she lay on her bed. Instead she just cried silently.
"Hmmm..... I'm going to grow old and live with you in a farm with rabbits and cats!" Hunter said grinning and turning to face her like a kid would do. " We always stick together!" He said fist pumping her
Freya snickered. "Yeah right," she teased. "Maybe I wanted kids at some point, and unless you're gonna be my sperm donor, I dont think us on a farm would work out," she joked fist pumping him. "But it's certainly a back up plan."
'' Oh and I want kids too! Like tons of them! '' Hunter laughed rolling on the bed before getting on his feet. '' It's a great back up plan!'' Hunter said stretching upwards, '' and I heard the door didn't you?'' he asked cracking his back before walking towards Freya,
Demetri stood up once he heard the door closing and looked out the window. Seeing her leave broke his heart and he honestly had no idea why they became like this. He knew one thing for sure was that they would never be as careless as before, maybe not as close or even become friends again, if they were ever. He went back to his bed kicking a chair on the way and just laid there looking at his ceiling.
"You kind of need a woman for that," she said rolling her eyes. "I think it was Abz, I'll go check on her," she said softly before moving to walk out of the door. "You want to come with? Or are you gonna hang out in my room by yourself? I'd better not find you looking through my underwear.... it's bad enough that you've seen me naked."
'' Woman for... Oh babies? If I love the women, I don't mind it all THAT much.'' Hunter said rolling his eyes and making obvious eyes. '' I'm gonna go to the kitchen and then see you guys!'' he said stepping out and running to her kitchen.
Freya snickered and jogged down the stairs, walking into Abby's room where she froze. "You saw Demetri," she said softly and Abby nodded. Moving back out to the kitchen she tapped Hunter's arm. "You deal with her, I'm going to murder your cousin," she said simply as she moved towards the front door.
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