13 Dragon Tribes (Sign-Ups Open!)

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Oh no... I just realized I misunderstood what the Life tribe was getting into...
I thought that tribe was going to completely lose all interest for battle. I didn't realize they were just not going to support any side of this disagreement... That is why I thought it was best for Grant to leave the tribe.
Well, good news for the Life Tribe! Grant will continue to lead their army! Sorry @Ascendant
Are you interested in my suggestion, @fantasy ?
Yes i am
Full Name: Julious Shingen Yi
*The mind shall vanquish the sword*

What S/he Would Like to be Called: Yi

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance(picture preferred but not required):

Seen as a calm and gloomy strategist by those that knew him, this is a facade for Yi is a man filled with Ambition, he is a man who is arrogant and conniving, he is also known for his maniacal laughter and insulting his friends and foes alike by calling them "Fools" or "Imbeciles", Yi doesn't believe in his Leader (Junko Uesugi) but takes pleasure and is eager to exploit every opportunity given to him by his master, He is also prideful of his intellectual mind and believing that no one can surpass him in Wit

Tribe: Light Tribe

Tribe Rank:Second-in-command

Strengths(at most 4):
Yi is a master strategist and Master in the political field and is known to outwit his political enemies and foes in the battlefield, only defeated by the current leader of the tribe, he is also a master in the arts of photokinesis on which he can make a blinding light which blinds his enemies so he can either escape or move in to kill them, he is also has an aura of leadership and treats his subordinates well and good.

Weaknesses(at least 2):
Easily embarrassed and humiliated when can't predict the result of the battlefield or someone outwitted him in his own game
His arrogance on his power

+His master Junko Uesugi (For now)
+Xander Evans




It's a secret​
Well now that's settled, when shall we begin ?!
Sorry that it sounded like I was getting fussy, I was just hungry XD
And I don't think we can soon. Almost all of the tribes don't have all their hierarchy, so we indeed need more joiners. I don't know about you, but I do not want any of the role players who take on leaders pushed into role play, when they, or only one other, is in their tribe.
Personally things are maybe a bit crowded as it is. It's already going to be fairly difficult to track who is doing what exactly, and there are bound to be some who simply don't show up again as well.
i agree with ascendant, also it does suck for some players who only have themselves in there tribe but they can always be in another allied tribe. Thats why i like the idea of having the set up sides.
I agree with that!
Okay, then. I'll get to work on making the in character thread right now! The banner for this RP just got approved yesterday.
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If this is still open which i presume that it is, I have a character in mind but I haven't had the time to go over all 12 pages of this.
Someone mind bringing me up to speed on what I can have for a Char. I have a healer for the light tribe but not sure if I can use her.
If this is still open which i presume that it is, I have a character in mind but I haven't had the time to go over all 12 pages of this.
Someone mind bringing me up to speed on what I can have for a Char. I have a healer for the light tribe but not sure if I can use her.
Yes, this rp is open.
Copy and pasting this from one of my earlier posts: Also, I have an idea for this currant plot. A disagreement after the capture could continue for weeks, tribes ambushing their rivals and so on until it is settled to have a great war to erect the victors. The losing side would be beaten, physically as well as mentally, and it would take quite the effort to reestablish proper ways within their tribes again. The winning tribes would be gifted victory of the battle, and this only. They will be almost, if not just, as exhausted as the losing tribes.
This could also carry to the next plot. The tribes may part from the comrades they had for the last battle, as it would be a struggle for all tribes to regenerate confidence, trust and normal ways. With this, they must work to find food and nutrition to continue their tribe's life. It will not be as easy, as the territories would have been greatly shaken from all the magic and combat struck to their grounds.
We can continue discussing this... If y'all think it is a good idea. (The Fire Tribe's leader, Shinaka, is going to capture the Life(I think) Tribe's leader. I forget what he's going to do with her...)
Also, it is great that you are making a healer for the Light Tribe! I am not the gm on this plot, but however, I suggest making characters for tribes that only have one person in it, like the Lightning Tribe, the Air tribe, the Nature Tribe, the Earth Tribe and so on.
Ok yes the rp is still open and next, Shin is capturing the nature tribes leader. who is an npc. next I already have my plan, planned out for shin's flow of the story but its a group effort for the rp. so if we make it to were the losers are mentally and physical abused I like this idea because i just do, but not my final decision but then again your idea of how it will outcome is different than mine. Thats rp, always changing big or small which causes everyone to think.
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