Zombies Go Boom: First Chapter.

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It had been a while of digging for Rolf, but he'd finally finished the best burial he could make for the man. Although a shovel wasn't in the house, Rolf had used what strength he had left to dig a hole with a garden trowel. His arms were killing him, but he could barely care about the pain. Rolf felt empty. Alone. This man's death only made Rolf think more about his sister. The fact that... the horrible possibility that her body was out there somewhere... or that she'd had to go through the pain and suffering this man did.

N-no... he couldn't think like that. He had to have some hope.

To finish the grave, Rolf bound two sticks together with a few discarded rags he found, forming them into a crude cross. It would have to do. Before he left the grave, Rolf laid the man's baseball bat beside the cross, and looked down at the floor.

"I should have come sooner. Then maybe you'd still be here, and I'd get to know you more. But... at least you're with your family now." Rolf whispered, then turned away from the grave with a deep breath - heading towards the house again, and dropping the garden trowel behind him.

As Rolf re-entered, his hands coated with dirt, he saw Olivia comforting Jason - telling him that he didn't murder the man. Of course he didn't murder the man - there were no bullshit laws against voluntary euthanasia now. Someone had to do it.

Rolf privately smiled to himself a little to see those two were getting on okay. He thought it would happen, as soon as the man came out from nowhere and shot one of the walkers. Sure, Rolf killed the other one, but... that was with some dumb, sharpened stick. Turning away and sitting on the staircase, Rolf was quiet as he rested his head in his hands, his mind a blur of thoughts.

Although it was always nice to be around other people... Rolf wondered if he actually fitted in with this small group. I mean... would he be anything more than just someone on the sidelines? The quiet one? The one who talked to himself - or the cowardly kind of guy...?

Rolf didn't know what had caused him to start thinking about all this. He just felt somewhat... alone, even if he was with people. Empty. That was a better word to describe it. And with all of this going on... Rolf privately wondered if there was anybody out there - who was made for him. But he quickly pushed that thought aside. It would just be a distraction... and make him more on edge.

Wiping one more tear away from earlier, Rolf spotted his fencing mask, and placed it in his pack, before heading to the kitchen. As expected, kitchen knives were around - and a broom.

Rolf had an idea for a new spear. He couldn't think about finding somebody made for him at this stage - right now, survival was priority... ... ... ...right?
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A cough grunt echoed the room as Derek had got up and put his hand on the door handle, he froze. these guys need more inspiration... they're not obviously ready for this type of scenario... Derek opened the door, and shut it quietly behind him, he walked downstairs and stopped at the landing before sighing. "ALRIGHT GUYS GROUP MEETING" Derek called out like a drill sergeant, but in a foolish matter.

@PureKor @Jakers @Andy @Justice_20 @MonarchFrost


kiara shrugged and put the bag of weed in her backpack, she then zipped up the bag tight before turning back to the twins "I'll try and cut down on my slang, since it confuses you guys...but anyways, is there any game plan for you guys? or are you just gonna stay in here forever... because I mean, this place is cool and all... but it might get boring, ya know? how about we go and find supplies tomorrow and hopefully meet more people" she smiled in joy at the thought "or smash in more zom zom skulls"

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Asher laid against the wall with his arms crossed as he eyed his bottle of pills still laying in the floor untouched. They must not like to party. Was the only thought he could muster. He watched the small group trudge outside and sighed deeply. They were definitely shaken up. He fancied himself more of a surgeon or pharmacist. He didn't really have any skills in mental trauma. Plus, he highly doubted that telling them to 'suck it up' would be received very well. The world sucked, this house sucked, and this group was starting to suck. He almost missed his gang. He cracked a smile when he recalled that he was actually the one to kill them. He chuckled and scratched at his chin.

Derek yelling snapped him out of his thoughts and he shot a glance up to him before snapping. "Would you mind shutting the fuck up? You know those things can hear you, right?" The house was good enough to bunk up in for a day or two but wouldn't hold out against a massive group of the dead from before. The less noise the better was the philosophy Asher was favoring at the moment. Asher groaned and walked into the next room. He wasn't up for any kind of meeting. Retrieving his pills, he found a quiet corner and slid down the wall.
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Wrapping some cordage to bind a sharp, kitchen knife around a mop with its' cloth cut off - making it essentially a pole - Rolf looked at his new spear. It was certainly very crude, but much better than wasting ammo on zeds. He hated using guns, anyway. The knife was fastened tightly around one end of the pole, and on the other side was a crude cloth grip that Rolf could hold more comfortably whilst stabbing. Some duct tape would have done the job much better... but the crude knife spear would have to do. Better than a sharpened stick, ri-

"Wha-!" Rolf grunted as a sudden shout echoed across the house - coming from the military man. The surprise caused Rolf to drop his spear and almost trip over, but he quickly got over it. Resting the knife spear against a kitchen table for later use, Rolf figured he should go for this... meeting, or whatever. Although Rolf felt somewhat intimidated by the military figure, the chances were he'd have been through tough experiences in the past - making him a useful ally.

Rolf followed the voice - as he did so, he saw one of the new additions to the group sitting quietly. The doctor - Asher. Rolf didn't know what to think of that guy... but... he'd be a useful addition to the group too, right? Something about the doctor made Rolf feel somewhat intimidated, and insecure, but his medical skill would still be useful in the future. Right?

On that thought, Rolf did his best not to stare as he moved into the room Derek had shouted from. Standing with an inconfident stance, Rolf rubbed his hair as he looked up at the military man.
"Wha, um... what's this about, then...?"
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Olivia tried her best to maintain her composure for her sake and Jason's sake to. Despite that, despite what he has done she did not hate him. Actually Olivia was admiring him for his courage, especially after what happened. And so, she patted his back before giving him another squeeze and finally stood up; at that point the other guy already hurried the boy from before.
Olivia took Jason's hand to push him to his feet. Then for a moment she looked over the - made up grave- praying for the boy.

Suddenly, when Olivia was about to say something, a very loud voice came out of the house.
" What the hell is that guy thinking shouting ? I will tape his mouth !
Let's go Jason.. It will be alright. Because I am here, okay?"

Olivia said to him continuing to hold his hand, feeling slightly warm and reddish in her cheeks. Embarrassment took over her for a moment, but still managed to walk holding his hand, towards the house.

Olivia prayed that the shouting was worth it.
God's sake.

Jason looked at Olivia and took her hand as she helped him to his feet. He gave her a soft smile and a small nod "..thanks Olivia..I appreciate it.." It was then that he heard the one guy shouting from inside and he gave a slight jump he looked at the door and shook his head "Is that guy crazy?..you can't be yelling like that.." He looks at Olivia and sighs and starts walking back with her inside. It was when they reached the door that he realized they were still holding hands and a light blush spread to his cheeks. He swallowed hard but didn't even consider letting go. He looked over at the guy that called them and sighed again "so..what's so important that you had to start yelling like that? Unless zombies were breaking through the windows and swarming the building I don't think it was necessary to do that"
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They appreciated her cutting down on the slang words, at least until they got a better grasp of the English language. All they needed was for Kiara to explain to them what each slang word meant and everything would be fine. "This is just overnight stay.." Elia said in response before Elliot decided to answer the blonde girl's question. "We don't know.. We go wherever we go. If we come across a sanctuary, then that is where we stay." He said in response. The two of them had considered going back to Russia, but with such limited food, water, and traveling by sea for weeks didn't sound at all pleasant.
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Zac, still with his revolver drawn had both hands on the gun, his elbows and shoulders loose just in case. Each step he took he was more alert has he had already encountered three walkers before, thankfully ladders were invented. With his heart pounding like a drum he continued down further towards the street.

The sound of sprinting towards Zac made him turn around yet it was already too late as a large gloved fist slammed into his jaw sending him to the ground yelping in pain, "Oi Fellas!, Got a live one!" The male called out as 4 more other survivors walked out from different hiding spots each looking the same in their attire. Seemingly this was planned.

Zac still holding his revolver in one hand foolishly decided to turn and aim it at the male who had punched him to the ground "Fuck off...Ive killed walkers so don't think i wont kill you!" He spoke trying to sound stronger than he was being only a teenager. The men all stood a step back including the one who had hit him "Woah..Kid...I just wanna live like you" a male spoke from the group as he took another step back...then BOOM...lights out.

The sixth man, who seemed to be alot larger and decorated in thick leather and denim had booted the side of Zacs head knocking him out cold...guess thats what you get for being a kid out after dark. Slowly after a while he eventually began to come too...the sound of laughter and teasing of Zac was heard all to clearly however his vision was blurred. Shaking his head he tried to get up yet he was stuck in a chair tied with...Ziplocks? well guess its better than nothing for these chumps.

Zac looked around as he remembered he was holding his revolver when he was kicked and his ammo was now missing. 'Fuck...Fuck...Those Fucks!' he thought to himself as he finally saw his ammo on the table across the room yet his revolver was no where.
Blake held the bottle of whiskey in his left hand, taking a few sips off the bottle, he was ready to drink the rest, to get drunk in the apocalypse, to be intoxicated and hallucinated while all of his group work there asses off to help protect one another survive. Blake clutched his hand on the bottle, as tears ran down his cheeks, flashes of bad memory ran through his mind, terrible memories...

The man dropped the bottle onto the ground, the lid off as it pored down onto the carpet. Blake stood up, then tipped his foot causing the bottle to roll under the desk. The man then heard a yell causing him to freak out, He's been surviving this long, how doesn't he know the rules of surviving? How can he be a soldier if...

Blake walked down the stairs, pissed off because of Derek. "What the hell? Do you not get that we bordered the doors and windows for a reason you? To block those monsters from breaking inside and ripping us apart, so tell me what is the fucking reason you would yell across the house making those Rotters probably limping to our door?"
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The man rolled his eyes. "Will ya'll shut the fuck up please, I know what I'm doing I'm not some fucking moron." Derek shook his head and wiped his face before looked down with his hands at his hips. "Look, I know you guys are grieving over a loss of a man, I get it, it's normal for you guys... But this is the type of shit that'll get ya'll killed" he then put his gaze to the eyes of others. His voice was more sincere.

"On the field, I've lost good men too, sure I haven't gotten to know them as good as I would want to, but I could take one good look and tell they were good, just like that man. I could tell he had a good heart, but he wouldn't want us to get killed. Our emotions out there, will be our demise, you can't let that control you. Out there, I'm not going to lie. It's hell on earth, and some of us might die. But the best way to prevent that is to not get to attached to things. That's what'll make you weak. It's harsh, I know, but it's the truth. You can shit talk me all you want, but I'm not wrong...am I?" He said shaking his head slightly. "Let's get some rest and figure out a game plan." The soldier said expecting some shit back.


The girl looked to the ground. And yawned. "I'm gonna go to bed now...all this shit has been tiring. Just don't kill me while I'm sleeping please" she giggled before putting her head down on her bag, and turning her back towards them. Shutting her eyes.

Didn't take long before she began snoring quietly.

Olivia got inside the house along with Jason, letting finally go of his hand just when she realised that the situation was beyond embarrassment . She took a deep breath, while squeezing her crossbow before crossing her arms, squashing slightly her breasts. Olivia let her eyes to wonder at Derek, then at the rest of the people in the house.

" Well, I think we all had a rough day today, and I pretty sure that to some of us it will take some time to adjust to this new world more than the other.
As for the plan, that was my idea! Ughh.. Men never change wanting to take charge of everything.

I am going to find myself a spot and be on guard. I need some space as its to .. Crowded for my taste."

Olivia said to them, while now stepped from the Middle of the living room, reaching the window with her back turned at everyone. Her left hand brushed into her thick, red hair and sighed deeply. Her eyes were set outside the window and got lost in her own thoughts.
I wish for tomorrow to be a better day than today.. Ugh. I don't know what to think of these people..
And that guys Jason, I don't know what the heck is wrong with me, when he is around I feel beyond nervous. Fuck this..

Olivia supported her right shoulder by the window frame, as her black skirt, even in bad shape, still curved around her body perfectly.
After listening to the others, Rolf fidgeted a little uncomfortably. Olivia was right - it was going to take some people, in this case it would be himself, a lot longer to used to this world. Rolf knew he could kill a zed, but being strong in this world wasn't all about killing zeds. It was about accepting when people died and moving on; Rolf couldn't do that, though. Even now, Rolf was still thinking about the dead man. Jesus, he never even knew his name...

Timidly, Rolf sat up.
"I'd like to stay on guard tonight, too. Uh... if that's okay with you, Olivia... I know I won't be able to sleep tonight anyway... so, I might as well..." Rolf said in a depressed monotone, his eyes somewhat sunken. Rolf knew he wouldn't be able to sleep no matter how hard he tried, and some time alone might do him so good. Maybe he'd even gather up the courage to talk to someone at some point; either way, Rolf couldn't get the image of the dead man out of his head. Hopefully, he'd let it go by tonight.

Rolf was beginning to see the bright side of things, however. Even if he couldn't muster up the courage to talk to some people, he wasn't alone anymore. Weeks of wandering in a fruitless search for his sister had almost driven Rolf to insanity because of how lonely he'd been; he wasn't a 'lone wolf' kind of guy. But he had a roof over his head, food, water, and other people at his side now.

"And... another thing. I know it's bad that we lost that man - but he's at peace. I know we can all get through this if we play our cards right. We have guns and some supplies... so long as we look out for eachother and kill zeds as safely as possible, we can make it." Rolf said in a shy-but-sure manner. Clearing his throat, he decided if he was ever going to speak up: now would be the right time to do it.

"But... for tomorrow, it might be an idea to try and scavenge a supermarket, or something along those lines. Whilst guns are great and all... we aren't going to survive if we don't take care of the basics first. Bottled water, canned food... this house might have a little, but not enough for all of us combined. We need to make sure we're fed properly, otherwise we'll be too weak to scavenge, which will just end in a downwards spiral. Tomorrow, I don't mind scavenging in the city - perhaps the bombings thinned out the number of zeds! There's no alternative, unless there's some wild game to hunt nearby."

Rolf then stopped, and rubbed the back of his head as his confidence faded away again.

"Uh... if you guys think it's a good idea, that is..."
Jason listened to Derek's words and slowly with each word the man spoke he felt his anger and frustration rising more and more. He was barely keeping his anger in check and was literally seconds away from snapping at the man. They weren't soldiers they were people not everyone is cut out for that line of work. Yes you can't get too emotional in this world they lived in now otherwise it could get you killed but he wasn't going to become a living zombie and abandon all of his emotions either. He glanced at Olivia as she walked away to go keep guard and he swallowed hard as his eyes starting running along the curves of her body. He shook his head again and rubbed his eyes. "stop thinking like that Jason..now isn't the time..." He then glanced at Rolf when he started speaking and nodded his agreement "I agree with Rolf we need to go out and get supplies we're not invincible eventually we're going to need food and fresh water otherwise we'll be lucky to last a week in this hell hole. I say we worry about getting weapons after we get food, water, and any medical supplies we can find.." He shot one last look at Derek and said nothing before he walked towards the front door. He wanted to get as far away from the soldier as he could because at this moment he was ready to snap at him if he even spoke another word to him. "i'll keep an eye on the front door..Rolf if you want to help maybe you should go up to the top floor get a higher look you'll be able to see if somethings coming or not and warn us ahead of time." With that he went to the window by the front door and leans up beside it to keep an eye out for anything unfriendly.
The two of them looked to one another though said nothing as the girl went ahead and fell asleep. Elia was happy they had found someone else willing to cooperate with them, and Elliot still seemed to not give in on trusting her. He couldn't bring himself to do it as easily as his sister could... It was strange. "Просто.. Я хотел бы остановиться сегодня вечером. Я не могу спать..." ((Get some rest.. I will stay up tonight. I can't sleep...)) Elliot told his sister, whom nodded and made her way to the other side of the room. She nuzzled against her bag, not taking much too longer before going to sleep as well.

Elliot's mind had gone numb from killing so many people. At least 5 or 6 men had died because of him. He and his sister had encountered those who tried to steal their belongings, abandoned them, left them for dead, and everything one person could do to another to try and survive. Those men.. Elliot didn't want to kill them, but why should they remain alive if all they were going to do was hurt his sister the next time they saw them? Was it ironic that the eldest Russian chose violence to keep those other men from committing violence as well? Elliot refused to fall asleep. Instead, he would stay up for the longest time until he switched watch shifts with his sister.
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Asher's head was bobbing as he was starting to drift off. Death had always affected him when he was a kid. It tore him to pieces when one of his friends were shot down on the streets just for living on the wrong street. Eventually, it made him hard hearted. He cared for no one. Knowing full well, that if he cared for someone, they died. Death was what got him to this point. He killed more men than he could remember. It was what he did. Before and after the apocalypse. He groaned as he glanced around and listened to everyone talk. The only thing that seemed to interest him was the prospect of scavenging. He pushed himself onto his feet and dusted himself off. "I'm in." He said with a sigh as he placed a hand on Rolf's shoulder. "I'll watch his back. Gotta earn my keep, don't I?"

Making his way to the door, he peaked through a crack in the boards and said, "I'll go check the uhh.. Perimeter. Couple hundred yards out and make sure the dead aren't getting too thick. We don't want to get trapped here." He turned to Jason and cracked a smile. "If that's all right with everyone. Just don't let soldier boy shot anymore." He said gesturing to Derek. "I'd hate to have to come back and mercy kill you all." Scratching at his chin now, he glanced around the room at the mixed up little group he was suddenly a part of. Hoping that if they all did die, he would go long after the rest.

The soldier boy just rolled his eyes. And grunted as he made his way upstairs. Not speaking a word to anyone, they weren't understanding, he knew he couldn't blame them, but still it frustrated him.

Back into the room he went before plopping his body onto the crappy bed. He began to feel it out, it was different from the beds the government gave them...this was going to be a long nights sleep. He had his gun held tight on his chest and his knife in the holster on his side. Going to bed on edge, wasn't the first,

wouldn't be the last.​
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Olivia took another deep breath, letting her eyes to wonder outside, as it became DARK, night time soon falling over the Dead city. Her left hand slowly, pulled the curtain slightly aside to get a better view. Some walkers were already roaming on the Main Street, groaning helpless in the search of new flesh. With a sigh, Olivia put her hand on the crossbow, moving now to the next window, cautiously stepping onto the dirty carpet, when she stopped by the bigger window. Her face turned to the others before she spoke.

" Shh.. Try to be quiet now please, they are a few of them outside now. We have to keep it silent .."

Her voice came out as a whisper, hopefully they could understand her at that point, especially with the finger sign at her lips. A gesture of silence.
Suddenly, a loud bang hit the other window, causing her to wince and step back in the next moment. Her hand holding the crossbow, pointed towards the window. Scratching noises, growling could be heard from the other side of the glass.

" Shit.. They never give up do they? We have to put something at the windows to , as the last thing we need is them breaking through.."
Olivia spoke turning to face the others present in the big living room, feeling her stomach clench, as the Undead kept pounding at the window.

Just great. Another visitor.

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"Great..." Rolf groaned, the scratching on the glass causing him to wince a little. He wished the zeds would just leave the house alone for one night... but a moment to rest in the apocalypse was a rare occurrence. Rolf got up, grabbed his knife spear from the kitchen, and returned with it lightly gripped in his hand. He wasn't terrified of the zombies at the windows, but that didn't mean he wasn't concerned either.

"If we barricade the windows, it'll just delay them... their banging will attract more zombies, which will attract more zombies, and so on." Rolf muttered. But what other choice was there? He could go outside and try to take them out quietly with his spear, but that would put him at risk of getting bit. Sizing up the options, Rolf blinked in thought.

"We could risk barricading it... or, we could try and take them out routinely." Rolf suggested. "One person opens the window, I'll quickly stab it in the head with this spear, then shut the window again. Rinse and repeat. That way, the only danger is if our hands get bit... I'm sure there's some way of protecting our hands. Makeshift gloves, maybe?" Rolf said in thought, blankly watching the undead hammer away at the windows.

"Besides, no one will be able to sleep knowing that there's a zombie tapping on the window." Rolf continued, tighter gripping his spear.
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"It hurts it hurts!"

The girl woke up, snapping her upper body up, and held it up with her hands. Her hair bounced in her face and her eyes left wide open. She blinked a few times, she only noticed the female twin sound asleep. Kiara on the other hand...couldn't... "Damn it...stupid brain... He's...he's not dead..." She mumbled quietly. She grabbed her bag and pulled out a joint and a lighter. She left her bag behind as she got up, looked around, and went for the main part of the store. She either didn't notice Elliot or he was gone. She couldn't tell.

She looked up, the hatch was still open, she jumped up, grabbed the ledge and pulled herself up and onto the roof. Up there, she stood up in the night sky, looking around. She could hear some moaners nearby but nothing enough to worry her. So she just took her joint and placed it between her lips, and lit the end before breathing it in, then taking it out, holding it between her thumb and pointer finger. She slowly sat down, and laid her head on a pipe looking up at the sky. She didn't smoke to be high, but rather be calm, stimulate her nerves a little. She looked up at the sky, watching the stars, taking in some smoke here and there, knocking off the ash to the side. "He...he still alive, he's strong..." She stated.


Elliot was keeping a sharp eye on watch, his little sister sleeping soundly and even drooling somewhat. The older Russian watched around the perimeter, making sure to keep watch of the infected and their whereabouts. If they missed one, it could lead to their downfall. Elliot was about to switch shifts with his sister until he heard Kiara wake up. He nearly pointed the gun at her from being startled, but in the end, just watched her open the latch and go.

Shortly after Kiara got up there, he followed and peeked up from the hatch with no intentions of climbing up there. He still barely knew her, and was a bit tired from staying up for as long as he did. "Are you alright?" He asked the blonde girl, making sure she heard him so she didn't try to kill him. Sneaking up on someone would be the worst thing to do in an apocalypse.
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