Zombies Go Boom: First Chapter.

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The room wasn't lit very well, despite some of the candles and the hanging (somehow working) not shattered light bulbs, the lack of power made them dim. It was a living room with a large leather couch and a tv and stand on the opposite wall of the couch, and a table in the middle of it all. A young looking girl sat on the couch, feet on the table starring at the zombie that was chained to the wall next to the tv, snarling and reaching for the blond girl who was sitting with a smile on her face, with her bright white teeth, and her green shiny eyes. "Are you trying to tell me something?" She questioned billy. But only got snarls in reply. "OHHHH okay... Yea I wonder too, do you think they ever come and get us?" Kiara had asked when suddenly loud booming engines roared from up high. "Holy crap...speak of the devil bill-"

The wall basically exploded, the shockwave throwing the couch and kiara into a wall, things for her was fuzzy. All she could see was the walker going for her, but suddenly bursted like a balloon when another explosion hit. Her ears rang, and her vision was a blur. She soon realized the couch was on top of her, acting like a shelter from the debris of concrete and glass. It took her a little bit before she regained her senses and crawled out from the couch fort. Brushing the dust off, she looked out of the gaping hole in the wall, she saw as some airship flew off, a bomb strike? The hell was the government thinking.

She grabbed her backpack and bow and her quiver of arrows, which miraculously survived the carnage. And placed it on her back, and stood in the new hole. "Next stop...that cool looking fortress..." She said squinting at the building in the distance. She looked towards the ground, she was a story high, the rain made everything poor onto her, soaking her clothes "I hate rain" she said jumping down doing a tuck and roll on the grass to reduce the force on her ankles. And got up and ran onto the street, then the sidewalk and climbed up a convenience store. She turned to her left to see the fortified building only a few rooftops away. "Bingo"

After some time she made it to the roof of the store, she took out her bow, and snapped it open, preparing to defend herself once inside. Luckily there was a emergency hatch on the roof, and once she opened it, she took a deep breathe and hopped in. Landing in the main part of the store. She looked up, the rain came in. Then she took out a arrow and cocked it back on the wire, preparing to fire.

She glanced around to see the walls were raided, and there was some evidence of people, wet footsteps on the flood. Time to attract whatever resides in the store... "Hello? Please don't be a zombie...well I mean maybe if your a friendly one like billy...wait no he wanted to eat me too, maybe you can be a cat!" She went on calling out to the back room.

Jason hardly moved when Olivia walked by to pat him on his back. He didn't even feel her touch him. He was slowly slipping into shock and a state of isolation as he slowly went through the day his parents turned and he had been forced to kill them. Tears had started falling from his face and he hadn't even noticed it. He slowly rose to his feet and walked outside to where Rolf was burying the dead man that he had killed. "Murderer." The word kept repeating itself in his head. It was all he could think all he could see. He looked down at his bloodied hands and watched as the rain washed the blood away. His hands might be clean..but his soul and heart weren't. He didn't even notice Olivia as he walked by her. He looked up into the sky the rain starting to mix with the tears on his face making it impossible to tell where his tears stopped and where the rain began. He swallowed hard and fell to his knees as he continued to stare into the sky. "..mom..dad...I..I can't do this...I can't do this..without you..I killed him..I killed that man...I'm a monster..why did you have to die?..why? you..never did anything wrong...why..yet..I killed you...I shot you both..I killed you..." He buried his face in his hands and continued talking into his hands about how he killed his parents "..you..you wouldn't stop..you kept coming at me...you didn't have to eat me...you didn't...yet..you wanted to..and..I shot you both...put a bullet in your head...splattered your brains all over the walls...and..now him...it was cleaner...more peaceful...yet...I have your blood on my hands.."
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Their breathes hitched, listening to the noises being made. It couldn't have been an infected figuring out how to open a hatch, so it much have been a human being. Elliot quickly fished out the gun from their bag and cocked it. He had seen plenty of those American action movies online to understand how to cock a gun and reload it. "Элиа, я буду здесь в случае необходимости. Принять с помощью монтировки только в конкретном случае." ((Elia, I'll be right here ready to step in if needed. Take the crowbar just in case.)) He whispered, staying around the door frame with the gun ready as the woman called out into the store.

Elia nodded once and grabbed the weapon, approaching the door and peeking around the other side of the door frame to see the woman walking around the store. "Hello?" She called to her as she stepped out, hoping she didn't surprise her. Her accent was very thick, considering she and her brother didn't exactly use English unless to guide tourists around in Russia.

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The woman Aimed quickly at the girl in the doorway, too quick to be exact. But then she gasped and dropped her bow to her hips releasing the tension on the wire that held the arrow.
"oh my gosh... I love your accent" she said acting as if she had found a rare diamond. "I was just in the neighborhood, the place I was staying at...well lets just say it went" she took in a big gulp of air and then waved her arms
She shouted, not caring If she was loud or not. "I thought I would've been dead, some airship went overhead and dropped all these bombs, stupid government right?" she went on " I don't know if I should've survived, I know Billy didn't...BUT anyways long story short I saw this place from a distance, and I was thinking about taking refuge here...if you don't mind..." she dropped her bow " If you don't trust me you can take everything I have, well until I need it of course" she said dropping her arrows and her backpack (full of a bag of weed, spray paint, and a camera) she then kicked it over and stood there with a smile an her hand on her hips "see All yours"

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Both Elliot and Elia couldn't believe that this girl was so eccentric in a time where death and blood was so common. Out of all people that they had encountered, she was the happiest one they had seen by far. The raven haired girl was a bit flattered by the compliment, seeing as this girl was actually a lot nicer than the twins could have expected. She also wanted to ask who was Billy; perhaps a loved one or a friend? Elliot wasn't going to allow himself to be fooled. He still didn't trust this woman; not when she could just be trying to gain their trust. If she wanted to make allies she could rely on, she'd have to prove herself.

"Brother.. This woman just wants shelter.." Elia called out to her brother, quite obvious that they hadn't fully grasped the English language despite having been taught at an early age.

Elliot stepped out from around the door frame, needing to trust Elia's judgement. "Ah..." He snapped his fingers a bit to try and remember. "Ад на прошлой неделе, как они говорят... Name.. Your name.." ((Fucking Hell, how do they say...))

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The first thing she noticed was the gun, "whoa dude" her hands went up even if it wasn't aimed at her, but then her attention came to there resemblance. "my name is kiara, but the locals back at home call me inky" she said quickly "And...you guys aren't , perhaps twins, you guys look really similar, cause if not. then damn some strange shit is going on here huh?" She couldn't help but glance back at the gun from time to time. One thing she knew, was that in a world like this with no rules, no one to regulate the people, sure it was "hella" fun but it also allows others to let out there demons... no rules means tons of chaos. And sure everyone has that second voice that tells them what's right and wrong, but who would listen to that shit nowadays?
"y-you...you aren't going to shoot me now...are you?" she asked nervously


Elia gave a quizzical look when she noticed Kiara's arms going up, following her gaze to see that she had noticed the gun Elliot held. She gave a hand motion for him to put it away, but since she was the youngest twin, he wouldn't listen. He still believed the blonde would try something. "No, he will not shoot-"

"Only if she gives reason." He added, letting Kiara know the consequences.

"Shush. I am Elia, and big brother is Elliot. Yes, we are the twins." Elia ushered the girl towards the back room, smiling to her. "Come, you may shelter with us.. Care for food? Water?" She asked, wanting to reassure the girl since her brother did an amazing job of scaring poor Kiara. Elia even picked up the other's belongings to take into the room with them.
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The blonde hair girl walked towards the to Elia, feeling the air tense up when she walked past Elliot. "nice to meet you Elia and Elliot, very nice names" she said walking into the back room, "I don't need any food or water, I don't want to impose, I'm more than capable to get supplies if I need any... or if you guys need any, I guess its my way of giving thanks." she said sincerely "and its no problem either, them zombies can climb and most are stupidly slow...and stupid, unless its a freshy, freshly bitten, those fuckers can run, and are slightly smarter and quicker with reaction speed. I've tried to fend one off, and the damn thing dodged me swinging a bat at it, IT DODGED MY HIT, so I ran... but anyways I can get stuff if you need it, I don't mind doing it" she said plopping her butt onto the floor. Before having to find a new place, she used to make small runs to other areas, getting supplies, she's had experience with the New York terrain now, and knows how to outsmart some of the zombies to a degree, though outsmarting bandits...well she's trying to wrap her head around that one.

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As Kiara walked into the backroom, Elia put the blonde's belongings next to their own. She seemed to be a trustworthy young woman. Both twins noted that she was a fairly pretty girl who spoke as often as an excited child with an extended vocabulary, but it was much better than it being a man who would attempt to have his way with Elia. Elliot would take Kiara over that any day. Elia sat down with Elliot, both of them sitting side by side. "Supplies are not necessary now, thank you.. But we, eh... Как вам сказать... More of you..? Eh... How you say..?" ((How you say...)) Elia was trying to say she and Elliot wanted to get to know her better; to hear her story. Due to their lack of English, it was difficult to make out their sentences and understand a lot of slang words Americans spoke of.
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"More of me...wait...do you mean you want to know more about me?" She questioned. But was to impatient for a response. "Let's see let's see, well I came here from Maine, for a job opportunity as a artist, I make designs for games and animations, and they pay me, cool gig huh?" She smirked "my dad paid for my flight down here, as he did for my bow...and for the parkour lessons from this hotty... But I digress. Things were nice once I got here, but the next day, shit went CRAY CRAY, like off the hook type shit. People eating each other, and everyone running around. I took shelter in a condo room in a complex, there I met one of those infected, but he was chained to a wall , so he didn't get me. I named him billy, we talked a lot...well I talked he growled and moaned. Cool thing was, for some reason, the other zombies stay away from my room, which led me to believe that they don't eat other zombies, if they smell like them, weird huh? They attack things that don't smell like a zombie basically." She said raising an eyebrow

"After some time of my food supply growing short I made runs for crap around the neighborhood, after one of my runs, I came back to my hideout with billy...that's when the bomb blew a hole in my wall, and another killed billy, I was thrown into a wall and caught under a couch, after sometime though I regain my brain, and decided I needed to move, got my shit, and headed here, and met you guys" she said with a smile. But curiosity strikes again for poor kiara " what about you two?"

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Zac awoke with a jolt from the sound of the Mid-Air explosions above him, the sound booming through his ears and shaking his head violently, even the vehicle he was sleeping in rocked from side to side. He sat up almost instantly as he saw the bright light of the fireballs in the sky pierce through the wind screen of the broken down truck and gleam into his eyes blinding him temporarily. Instinctively he shot his hand down to grasp his 44. Revolver, its chambers having one less round than full. Already his heart racing he looked around as the light began to subside frantically grabbing at his backpack he placed his revolver back into his holster on the side of his hip, the belt that it rested on was laced with several speed revolver kits each and every one full except for two. Grabbing his gear and throwing his bag onto his back adjusting his gloves he kicked open the car door and quite literally jumped out from it, running forward and on top of a smashed car he had a better look at the surrounding explosions that had caused his sudden awakening, his eyes wide he shook his head "Are they trying to kill any chance of survivors?" he spoke to himself watching the fireball subside to a ball of smoke, he jumped back down from the wrecked car and looked around, it wouldn't be long before the dead began to walk towards the explosion and he would be in the middle of it.

His head was then snapped back to the area of the explosion as a array of gunshots echoed from around the area…well fuck, he shook his head as he sighed "There goes a group of survivors" he spoke as a heavy feeling worked its way into his heart as he thought of the experience they would be dealing with. He adjusted his back pack and started to walk down the trashed street, corpses of the properly dead littered the dark street as abandon cars created meters of obstacles for him, then there was one…a sound of snarls and growls came from it, already Zac knew what it was…a dead one. As he walked past the flaming and snarling car he saw the once human impaled and speared into the drivers seat, poor guy was probably trapped and left for dead.

Zac stood still for a moment before he shook his head and decided it was best to save ammunition and leave the walker to its own devices…it was doing no harm. Continuing to walk down the street he saw one single streetlight flickering. The single sign of light in the black abyss of chaos and death, the beacon that there was something left fighting for and holding onto. Within a few seconds he was under the light of the streetlight and there for any one who wished to observe. It was in this time he had a moment to take in exactly what had happened, amongst the chaos he had a moment of peace as he stood in the light of the rebel streetlight. His hands curled into tight fists and the sign of strain was obvious on his face as a single tear ran down his cheek and crashed to the ground, In the silence the tear sounded like a war drum sounding as the final man fell on the battle field of hell vs man. "Im sorry Mum" was the only three words he managed to utter before he shook his head and used his fists to wipe away the tear mark that had stained his cheek.

Looking left down another street that looked quite the same as the one he had just come down he had a complete view of the city, it was once beautiful but now its image had soured to death incarnate. Already he had cried and he did not intend to do it again, grabbing his revolver out and holding it by his side he began to walk down the ruined street, each step a second longer he had survived and that was more than what most people had these days…guess he was considered spoiled?
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This girl was strange yet interesting all at the same time. The twins had discovered quite a bit from her though her usage of "cray cray" earned confused looks upon hearing the word. What was this "cray cray"? Though the more the two listened, the more they learned about her and the infected themselves. They didn't attack when another infected was nearby.. That would be very useful one day. It wasn't long until she asked the inevitable, which was then that Elliot and Elia silently agreed to let the eldest brother tell the story.

"We come from Belgorad, Russia.. coming to America for vacation and father's business meeting. As you can see, English is not.. eh, primary language. Forgive us if it is not good. Elia was studying in higher education for Biology, and I was working full time in lesser jobs..Outbreak struck, mother, father, and us try to leave hotel but we were too high of floor to get down safely. Instead, we made way to roof.. Father disappeared along the way and mother was bit. By the time we reached top, mother had turned and attacked Elia.. I had to cut her hair and push mother off the building." As he said the last sentence, he touched Elia's now short hair, the wavy curl moving with his finger. "We had to jump across to another tall building and work way down stairs. There, we found crowbar, and not too long in another building we found bat. We faced many... complications on the way to this store.." He used the sleeves of his hoodie to cover his hands, still caked in the blood of the man he murdered not too long ago. "That is all there is to say."

"Did you understand okay?" Elia asked, hoping their accent or broken English didn't get too much in the way of understanding their story.
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The girl nodded her head "yeah...I understand complications, I've seen people turn on each other for a can of soda. Time like this, with no one to regulate the bad things, people will show their inner evil." She sighed, her tone began to show sadness in her voice. "T-that sucks though, that you lost your parents? Man... My mom died giving birth, but my dad, I dunno what I'd do if I found him dead, or turned. I hope he's okay..." Kiara's attention went to the ground. But then she looked back up, a devilish grin grew on her face "but hey, were alive, A fucking men to that huh?" She gave a small laugh, trying to divert her worrying thoughts about her dad. "And that's something to be happy about"


They didn't know what to make of this woman besides that she was by far the strangest person they had met, even before the outbreak. She was the epidome of something you least expect to be walking around in the midst of a hellhole such as this. Their father disappeared and their mother died as one of those things. Kiara could be suffering the same fate of losing her parents, but she turned to happiness in the end.

"You are quite the optimistic person.." Elia said, having taken note of that. "And happy... Our encounters with other human beings have never...eh, gone good.. This one is best, by far..." Elia didn't want to tell Kiara that each one betrayed their trust somehow and each one was killed by Elliot. The eldest twin had gone numb to killing people who try to hurt them or take advantage of his little sister. The first kill was always the hardest, but the more it's done, the easier it is on the mind and to do.
Olivia took a few breaths in the attempt to calm herself down, as she knew deep down, she had to be stronger than this. No matter what.

However, her eyes fell upon Jason when he came outside, looking like shit. To be honest, after what happened, Olivia was actually surprised that he did not crack more than he already did.
Her boots made splashing noise when she moved forward in the air, going towards Jason. She had to speak to him and try at least, to out is mind at ease. Somehow.

Her feet stopped just beside Jason's body, the sound of rain filling the silence between them both. And so, her left hand reached for his shoulder before kneeling beaide him. Her other hand settled the crossbow near her.
Then, with both of her hand she carefully touch his cheek before.. She pressed her body to his in a tight embrace. She squeezed his clothing at his back, allowing her chin to be supported at his shoulder.

" Is alright Jason.. Please don't blame yourself for it. You did the Right thing.
Just please, don't torture yourself like this.." Her voice whispering almost near to his ear, while te rain continuing to pour heavily and making them both soaked wet.

Olivia hoped that she did not cross the line by hugging him, but she did need comfort as well before her coolness will take over. She will be fine soon enough.

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The energetic woman nodded in agreement "I can understand, and I don't blame you...e-eli-Elliot? Yea protecting family and all that jazz, it's nice to know that you care, and don't worry, I'm not going to kill her, or you in your sleep." She said with a slight chuckled "But ya lost some trust points with me when ya had that gun there, but I can adjust" she smiled, she wasn't one to kill others, unless they were a threat...or they did something to piss her off.

"I'm optimistic because, why walk around all sad and depressed, it messes up your thinking process and can fuck up your game. Plus even in a hell hole that were in, you gotta find some fun in this? Like no cops, we can drink and party, do things we couldn't while under the influence of the law. So many possibilities...oh and I can smoke my grass without the po po giving me tickets and shit. Pretty nice I might say... If you can get around the biters and crazy people. But hey, there's always darkness in the light" kiara stated with a shrug.


Both of them were slightly confused as to what the woman was speaking of when she mentioned her "grass" and the "po po". Elia and Elliot were quick to express their confusion. Did Kiara smoke the grass outside? What was this "po po?" What did this woman mean? Though they could accept her reason of optimism, but her slang was going right over their head. "You smoke grass?" Elliot asked only for his sister to chime in. "What is this.. "po po" you speak of? It is not something we learned..." Kiara would have to explain a lot of her slang if she chose to use them.
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She gasped "oh my god...I'm sorry, I'm speaking a foreign language in your view. Um...po po...short for police, you know the guys with cars with red and blue lights, they arrest you with handcuffs like the bad guys, criminals, before any of this happened" she said scratching her head thinking on ways to explain these things to the twins.

She then turned around and reached over for her backpack "and what I mean by grass...is weed, a green plant which you smoke to get high." She rummaged through her bag before pulling out a big bag full of the green dry plant. "Marijuana, I just call it grass for short. A nickname, like how my name is kiara, but I get called inky, get it?" She said holding out the bag incase they were to inspect it. For some weird reason, it was fun to teach these two new things.

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They listened to her explanation, now understanding what it was. The scent of marijuana wafted from the bag, and the twins knew right away that it was drugs. They knew if they smoked that, they would be too high to defend themselves if something went wrong. "Yes, we understand. We know what police and drugs are.. This.. eh, slang is what throws us off." Elliot said in response. He had smoked marijuana before, but that was something Elia didn't have to know about. The two of them were in trouble if they had to learn slang and understand it.
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Jason dropped his hands as Olivia set her hand on his shoulder he flinched away from her touch for a moment. He looked at her through the corner of his eye as she slowly dropped down to her knees. He looked down expecting her to start calling him a monster for what he had done..and that they could have saved the man somehow. The shock on his face when she pulled him into a tight embrace was almost laughable as he listened to her words. I..did the right thing?..can I really say that?...I mean..he did want it..he wanted to die as himself instead of as one of them..and I gave that to him..maybe..I did do the right thing. He stayed still for a short moment before he slowly wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly in his arms. He rested his head gently against hers as the tears continued to fall from his eyes and in a shaky voice he responded "..thanks Olivia...I..I just hope I never have to do something like that again..I don't know if I could handle it.." He didn't know exactly what it was but something about her caused emotions and feelings to swell up in him that he never thought he'd feel again since this apocalypse started. Whatever it was he knew that he would protect her even if she didn't necessarily need protection he would do it..even at the cost of his own life.

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