Young, Wild, & Free

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*listens to Down in Mexico by The Coasters*

That's a pretty nice tune though :o In all seriousness XD
Kyle you were right about the bj...

except someone's gettin laid tonight.

I am now sneaking my phone at work and hiding behind the techbooth (I'm done mixing the first set anyway and the band's now busy playing)..

Kyle definitely got that right XD But yes, Riley didn't become a teacher for nothing ;)))))))

I am having difficulty hiding my laughter here right now hahahaha
@Many Faces Many Names

You remembered me! I though they'd i was a bit confused, had some catching up to do. Hopefully I'm back now..

After this, @catalyst

"But if I had to choose... I guess Adrianna." He grinned a little, rubbing the back of his head. No offense to the other ladies - they were both incredibly beautiful. But Viv, while amazingly cool with her passion and headstrong attitude, was just too smart for Kyle (at least he felt that way). And Jhenna... she was so great but, and this may be harsh, she seemed to be a little too complicated. Not that Kyle didn't love her, but he could hardly keep up with real relationships as it was and he wasn't sure if they'd work out. "

I was like...Is Jules not attractive enough to be considered or should i just disappear?
Fuuuuuck. I'm so sorry. It's just that you hadn't replied in so long I kinda just forgot... u_u I'm so sorry I feel so bad >///< I'll edit her in that reply right now!
it's okay it's not your fault I went kinda MIA
It was definitely good! no worries!

Compared to what Riley and Dev are doing because a certain someone said they were having fun... explicit nonsense xD
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""Awe man, what's with you guys?" Kyle whined, watching as practically all his friends left. Now it was just him, Chev, and Mike."

Tsk tsk tsk and i thought i was the only one forgotten..
stop pointing out my flaws DX
i'm only human!
/flails dramatically.
nah, but for reals.
I'm Sorry. I sound way harsher in written form than in person. Didn't mean to be so rude.

Honestly. Won't happen again.

Apology accepted? :flamed:
hahah it's okay! i was only teasing :P

I apologize to anybody else that i forget in the future lolol. there's just so many people, so... yeah. xD
Dont laugh at me
dont call me names
dont get your pleasure
From my pain

In God's eyes we're AaLLLLL THE SAAMMEEE

Im so sorry its a non bullying song from highschool...
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true. I'd probably end up forgetting people too. my goodness!
@Many Faces Many Names Hahaha! Not a problem! Been wanting to give someone that go home you're drunk badge, so congratulations! XD
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