You, no memories, in fictional science fantasy land.(OOC)

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How about waiting for me to reply before bad-mouthing me directly in a General Thread about Pet-Peeves in roleplay? Hm?

And yes, I'm quite done here. The general lack of coherence, direction, and enforcement of rules is quite off-putting. If you're truly dead set on controlling everything involving a story I'd suggest hosting an online D&D session.

Oh right, you've never played a table-top RPG. I'd suggest checking out the free core books online. You might actually have some fun with it.
If it was a direct assault, I would've tagged your name. But yes, it was somewhat about you, I don't deny that. But it wasn't only about you. There are lots of other roleplayers here. And it could be as a reminder or advice toward them as well... anyway, I doubt you would've replied if you didn't see that post.

And before you accuse somebody of something, please give some proof. Or else, you're just falsely giving someone a bad reputation just for your own sake of self confidence.

Given the mess this has become, and the fact the two characters/players I've been active with have quit... amongst other things... short of a complete reboot and redo of this, I'll have to do something I've never done to an RP before. Voluntarily quit. Much as I wanted to explore (re-explore) building a character without memory (but not without knowledge), well, this just doesn't seem to be the time or place.

*stores character away for future use*
That's kinda sad :(

But, like I said, short of a complete reboot, I can't see what else I can do. As it was, it hurt to cut off the last section of my last post... kinda like being (creatively) castrated without anything to kill the pain. To me, part of writing (in RP) is the "sudden inspiration" when confronted with what others have written. That was "neutered" here.

Given the mess this has become, and the fact the two characters/players I've been active with have quit... amongst other things... short of a complete reboot and redo of this, I'll have to do something I've never done to an RP before. Voluntarily quit. Much as I wanted to explore (re-explore) building a character without memory (but not without knowledge), well, this just doesn't seem to be the time or place.

*stores character away for future use*
What? -.- I was waiting for your OOC reply before writing something to remove the two and move the story to a different direction. I thought about creating a character to meet your characters. None of you actually gave me a chance to write anything real.
@Shade_XY - I'm still interested in this rp if you want to continue or maybe restart?
Alright :) that's fine with me.
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