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Fang looked from the table and over to Elie, "You don't need to," he replied then motioned to the small nightstand beside her. "I got you something to eat if your hungry," he smiled then took a small sip from his mug of his water as he leaned back in his chair and looked out the window. Duran happily gnawed on her piece of mutton, "I'm sorry that ever since you've been with me you've been put in weird situations," he glanced at her while the sunlight bounced off his golden eyes.
She looked at the food, taking it. "It's not your fault, it's mine." She said to him. "I don't mind being with you, I just...have some things I have to deal with, is all." She took a bit of the food he had given her. "They're not really weird situations, just a lot for me specifically."
He simply nodded then turned his attention to his mug as he swirled his cup around and watched the ripples that were created. "Everyone has things they have to sort through some more then others," he replied as he finished his mug, rubbed the back of his neck then looked out the window.
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Yes, CAKE all of it the CAKE IS MINE thought Alastair as he began to drool. Being reminded at the situation at hand he relied "Yes, let give them some time alone." He did want to see Elie before she got up. Being able to use some healing magic. Healing a laceration was no problem, but she wasn't hurt that way. Using his magic was for himself and would hopefully help her.

Alastair was distracted, but was pulled out of his head by the two 'sisters' fighting, "Dear Lord," he mumbled they were nice enough but the fighting. But that what siblings are for Alastair thought despite the fact he was an only child "Yes, Cake great idea! Eve, Sylphia, Let get some Cake!"
"Okay! Lead on, Ali!" Sylphia happily grabbed onto his arm, casting a glance back over his shoulder at her sibling. "Play along for a bit. If you don't, I'll find the smelliest bunch of ruffians in town just for you."

"And I'll staple them all to the ceiling, then you in the middle of them."

"Come on, please? Just don't say anything about it until we see Fang again. Pleeeease?"

Evan turned his head away, but didn't say anything. Taking that as confirmation (albeit a very reluctant one), Sylphia ended their mental conversation and turned back to Alastair. "We just came in on the train, so I hope you know your way around town."

Evan stayed a good two meters behind the pair. He glared daggers at her for a few moments, but soon gave up. He never would have agreed to something so stupid a few months ago, but the time he'd spent with Syl had worn away at him until it didn't seem important anymore. With each new town came the same old problems. Maybe life really would be easier as a girl... As soon as he realized what he had just thought, Evan slapped his cheek and started berating himself. It was too late now, but if anyone tried something, the deal was off.
"HA, I have no Idea where I'm going" Alastair laughed as he walked in a random direction.It was different for a girl to hang on his arm. Alastair walk was awkward at first. As they walked he saw shop, casino, and a shady ally, but no Cake. He started to become comfortable with walking and hungered for cake. He laid his head upon Sylphia's. In a gentle tone Alastair whispered in to her ear, "So your a demon? A good one I hope,"
"Half-demon. On our mother's side. Eve's a very good demon, but I'm..." Sylphia put her lips right up against Alastair's ear, "I'm not too good a demon." Her warm breath blew into his ear, then she withdrew and leaned against him once again. Still holding his arm tightly, she shifted her body gently from side to side. Her right hand reached up and pulled back the hair beside her face, tucking it behind an ear, then returned to his arm. "Will you tell me about yourself? The fearless assassin who would take his prey even from the midst a band of thieves."
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"Me fearless," Alastair said self-doubtful, "Well for starter I like cake," Cake could be seen as his Achilles heel. He love the stuff to the point where he would get sick. "I really like cake... My dad made the best rain cake in the whole dessert... My dad..." Alastair mind flooded with memory of his parents, and his home in the mountains. He was contently walking, but suddenly stopped. Glistening armor appear in his head. The Knight was all he could think about, a thought that could ruin Cake. "Maybe we should fined the inn, I don't feel that well."
"Al...right," Sylphia replied hesitantly. He didn't look that well, either. And his hand had gone clammy. "I'm..." She had been about to say sorry, but there wasn't anything for her to apologize for. He'd reached his father on his own, somehow, so apologizing would seem foolish. "...not sure what to say. I never knew my father. The most I have is a few stories. Here, they're down this way." Even as lost as they were, Sylphia knew who she was searching for. Her grip on Alastair became more of a support as she led him toward the only she-wolf near a pair of Demon Weapons.

Evan came up on the other side and pulled Alastair's arm over his shoulders. It was a comfortable fit, since Evan wasn't that tall to begin with. With the two 'sisters' on either side of Alastair, they made their way through the streets toward the place where their impromptu companions rested.
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Ophyca and Sora finally reached the church, having to take a bit of a rest, Ophyca pushed the large heavy doors of the church. They swung wide with a loud, grinding creek. The sound resonating in the main stone chamber as Ophyca entered. It was dusk now, a light chill in the air, the church was dark. "Stay back here, ok?" Ophyca whispered to Sora. "I don't know what's here. Just...stay here. The only things that would attack a church are grave robbers....or worse." Ophyca whispered to Sora. With no actual glance back to see if Sora had listened, Ophyca continued further into the darkened church. "Father Micah?" He called out, his tiny, squeaky voice carrying a hint of worry. "Father MICAH!?" He called again, more concern revealing itself. Ophyca already knew...it would take an idiot not to realize it as he continued to walk towards the back of the church. The air, the ground, even the walls were stained, tainted if you will. The presence that had brought the carrion feeders was evil, Ophyca could sense it. It left a trail of essence that he could feel now leading to the back of the church, towards the graveyard. 'Oh no...'

Ophyca bolted for the door, that was now smashed to pieces, the wind howling now through the two openings of the church, creating a ominous, hollowed moan. And there in the graveyard, was Micah. His body twisted and torn, a look of horror on his now frozen face. "No no no...Micah..." Ophyca mumbled. The child act was gone, his face removed of all joy or emotion besides sorrow. Micah was his friend. He had been there after Indrie had passed, when he was only around 12 or so. Micah helped him out of his hopelessness, and helped him see that even though he was immortal, there was a point to living and being around others. Micah had saved him.

Ophyca reached forward and shut Micah's wide, blank eyes. He closed and bowed his head low. "Thank you...old friend."

"And this is how you treat your friends....you don't help them when they need it most? To let them experience torture of that caliber?"

The sound of that voice brought a chill to Ophyca's spine, he turned around on his heel, his eyes gazing upward towards the voice that came from the top of the church. There, standing atop the building with his arms folded, dark red armor adorned tightly against his slender physique, silver hair shining bright in the sun, and a single horn protruding from his forehead, just like Ophyca. "WHY! WHY DID YOU DO THIS!?" He yelled at the top of his lungs, Ophyca's rage billowing. "Why....brother...."

It was at that point, that he noticed there was a coffin floating behind his brother, a coffin that was rotten, and decayed, small flecks of dirt falling off the oaken box. Ophyca's eyes grew dark. It was Indrie's coffin. "What are you doing with her!? PUT HER BACK!" and throwing his fist forward, his eyes and horn glowing green in an instant, a forceful gust of wind shot out, causing a roll of thunder due to the displacement of air. Another boom as the gust slammed into the barrier his brother had placed before he had arrived, the shockwave from the wind hitting barrier, causing the corner of the church to break and shatter, stone and would flying in multiple directions.

Ophyca knelt to the ground, breathing heavily. On top of the run, that kind of attack was pushing his abilities in his sealed form. "Oh...so weak now, thanks to the wench. And you don't know who she is?" His cold, shrill voice range out, chilling Ophyca to the bone. "Vardus! Put her down!" Vardus merely smiled, reaching out and flicking his wrist as the coffin door swung open. Ophyca was completely disgusted until....until he saw. There, in the coffin, was Indrie, completely preserved. In fact, quite younger than she was when she died. Raven colored hair, eyes closed, very peaceful with her arms crossed. "She's a saint...the first one in eons..." Vardus said flicking his wrist again and the door shut with a bang. Ophyca stared at his brother, his rage seething. "And was does a lowlife degenerate such as yourself need with the dead body of a saint! I don't care what she is..."

"Oh, but you should." Vardus chimed, his smile still on his lips as he began to fade. "You will know soon enough what a saint can do for sinners...."

And he Vanished, without a single trace. Ophyca fell to his knees, suddenly succumbing to his exhaustion from using that much of his wind magic. "I'm sor...ry.....mica..h...." His face hit the ground hard, his consciousness fading. "In....drie..."

(This is the theme music (and I'll be posting them during certain situations. I have many. XD) for when Ophyca turns and see's who's on top of the church.
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Sora did not make any objections and just obeyed.He watched Ophyca disappear into the darkness of the inner part of the church,listening as his voice echoed around the church until his voice just died down until he couldn't hear it at all.Sora felt chills crawl up his skin as he decided to close the door in fear that someone might just come in-and it seemed like now was not a good time.

Feeling the darkness in the church pressing against him,he walked carefully around in attempt to look for a candle and matches...and he failed.The only light in the church was the faint light that entered through the window.Sora stood there in the silence and waited,trying to ignore the discomfort and worry he felt.Something just didn't feel right.

The silence was broken when he heard Ophica yelling."Why...this..."The words echoed in the church,and those were the only words Sora could identify correctly.The rest of it jumbled up together,making it almost impossible to understand."Ophyca...?" he mumbled in a worried tone,looking towards the dark side of the church and slowly walked to that direction.He heard more shouting and other faint talking.He was obviously not alone."Ophyca...?" he repeated.

Suddenly,he heard and felt presure hit the church,and crumbling rocks were heard everywhere."Ophyca!" he shouted,running to the dark part of the church.There was a stench as he got near the entrance to the graveyard,but he ignored it and continued.He haulted for a moment right when he spotted the torn body and the unconscious Ophyca.

"Ophyca!" he cried out,running towards him and pulling him up into his arms.He was relieved to find out that he was just unconscious,but the sight of the corpse shocked him.'Was he the priest...?' he thought sadly,trying to picture the calm face he probably had while he was still living.

Looking around to see if anyone else was there,Sora raised up his right hand and made an ice dome which covered up the whole church and the graveyard as a temporary shield.Then he carried Ophyca inside the church and sat down,laid him on his lap and held his forehead with a moderately cool hand,then he waited patiently for his friend to gain consciousness again.
Reidan finally made it to the front of the church. Or at least, he tried. The entire thing was covered in some kind of protective dome. He walked up to it and placed a hand on it, but quickly pulled away. "Seven hells, it's freezing. What is this? Ice?" He suddenly had a childish urge to lick it, but a second thought dismissed the first as quite silly. He saw the birds he had heard before, flapping about the outside of the dome. He shivered, disgusted, a hand gliding down to the hilt of his sword. The sun was setting and he was thoroughly disquieted by this situation. From the back of the church he heard what sounded like a few pieces of masonry falling and cracking on the ground. "This place doesn't look that old..."

Reidan slowly began making his way to the back of the somewhat gothic house of prayer. The atmosphere hung around him like funereal drapes. He looked through the windows as he walked past them... something didn't seem right. Was that... blood? Well, it was no assassin. No assassin would draw attention to themselves by being so careless as to attract corpse eaters. And this clearly magical dome... this was something else. Continuing his walk, he finally neared the rear of the church. The graveyard, enclosed with a wrought-iron fence of spindly black and razor-sharp tips. Through the ice, he could see the blurred figures of what looked like a woman crouching on the ground. He leaned in closer... "No, wait... that's the lordling, Sora. Kneeling next to the boy who planted that bloody thing on-. Hold on... what is that!? A dead body? Well, I know dead bodies in graveyards is quite normal, but they're usually below the ground."

They looked to be in distress. Reidan turned his heel to leave. He wanted no part of this business. But, as he took a step away, he remembered the little boy drinking his milk, looking so happy. "Damn me to the seven hells, I am a fool." Reidan turned around a knocked on the ice barrier with the hilt of his rapier. "Oi! What's going on in there? Are you two okay? ... Can you get out of this blasted dome?"
"Yeah, I guess." Elie answered back to him. "What happened with the other people, I...I should apologize for yelling at them. They did nothing wrong." She slowly moved herself off the bed, getting up and stretching a bit. She felt terrible for the way she had acted to them, and she felt the worst to Fang. He had to take her here, probably made him look bad for traveling with such an insane person. She was causing him trouble.
Ophyca's dreams were faint, almost too jumbled to sift through. It was like moments of his life, played in fast forward. Every person he'd met, every face he knew. Centuries of birth, life, and death. Repeating over and over, unending, just like his life. Darkness swirled around him, began to drag him down. Further and further he went, until suddenly there was a tug at his naval. He was being pulled back, toward a light in the distance. It felt warm, inviting. Something he wanted to embrace. Without seeing, he knew what it was, it was the light from the spell Indrie had used. And then he saw her, swirling in a vortex of light right before him. "I've missed you..." He muttered. His lips didn't move though, but his voice rang clear. He floated before her, he light holding back the darkness. "You must not let them use my body, Ophyca...no, Ashraim. The Demon Wind. The Embodiment of Destruction. The first of four brothers." She said, her voice haunting. "I'm not that thing anymore...I can't get rid of your seal, and I don't want to. It's all I have left..." He said. He knew the longing and need was apparent in his voice, but it mattered not to him. He never thought he'd see her again. "You are! Our people feared your name, but it has been long enough now. It's time for fear to fade, and for your name to bring courage to the people you tried to destroy. Instead of terror, bravery in its place. And when sorrow is all that is left...." She placed a hand gently on his cheek. Ophyca leaned into it, closing his eyes and placing a hand over hers. "...you will bring them hope."

Ophyca stayed there, just like that, and he felt a strange rush of emotions, all welling from within his chest. "Why me? I have the power of a minor wizard at this point, I couldn't even touch my brother." Ophyca said, suddenly releasing Indrie's hand. "I won't get rid of the seal!" Ophyca raised his voice, the echo reverberating around them. "You will know, Ashraim, that I gave you the name 'Ophyca' after my little brother who died in the destruction you caused." Ophyca eyes brimmed over now, it didn't make sense. Why had she done this, taken care of him, sealed his body instead of exorcising it? Or better yet, sending him to oblivion? "How could you have done such a thing as to let me live!?" He yelled back, fists balled and clenched, tears leaving his eyes freely now. "How could I bear the name of your brother? How do I have that right!?"

"Ashraim...you viewed me as family eventually due to your need to have affection in your life. There was a reason I did everything. Because you were in need, and I was born to serve the world." Indrie said, her smile never fading, her hand reaching up to brush away the tears from Ophyca's cheek. "You are a part of this world, and while yes, I held you accountable for my brothers death, I gained retribution and solace in the fact that what I did changed you. My affection for you and my brother was the weapon I used to slay the evil within you.

"The seal will show its true colors in due time. You must stop your brothers plans!" Indrie said with urgency, pushing Ophyca by the chest as he floated away. Ophyca reached back for Indrie desperately, "Don't leave yet!" he shouted straining to reach out for her. She laughed a little, still gazing at him with a warm smile, "It's ok, little guy, I've already been gone." She folded her hands together, staying in place as Ophyca continued to drift away. "Do I have permission?" Ophyca asked suddenly, Indrie looking at him confused.

"To ue his name? Can I keep your brothers name, Sister?"

A gentle nod and an even bigger grin was her response. And as Ophyca began to regain consciousness, he heard in a faint statement from Indrie, "Hurry back now! You've got a young maiden at your side to take care of!"

That left Ophyca more confused than before...
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"It won't take you too long, they're heading in this direction. From here it looks like Alastair isn't well," he stated while motioning to the window where he saw the three forms. He poured some more water into his mug then took a swig while Duran got up on all fours and stretched, Would you like me to go with you? Or maybe you'd like Fang to go?
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Sylphia held the door open for Alastair and Evan to stumble through. She quickly ran to the man at the counter. "The couple with the wolf?" she inquired. He gave them a room number, and she thanked him as they hurried off. Sylphia knocked twice when they got there but didn't wait for anyone to answer before pushing the door open.

"He needs a bed," she explained quickly. She didn't say more; she couldn't. Whatever had come over Alastair, it wasn't completely natural. And she didn't want to crowd Fang's girlf... wife? Well, whatever she was to him, she'd already made it obvious that too many people was a bad thing. It couldn't be helped right now (she didn't have any coin on her for a different room), but Sylphia didn't want to enrage the girl again.

Evan laid the boy out on the bed Elie had vacated. He couldn't tell if Alastair was even still conscious. Whatever it was Alastair was seeing, it certainly wasn't the people around him. Evan pulled the blankets over him, then straightened and turned to face the room. "Feeling better?" he asked Elie out of courtesy.
Elie watched Fang until Sylphia and Evan came bursting in with Alastair unconscious, or what it looked like anyway. She let them take the bed, she didn't need it anymore. When the attention was thrown back on her she answered with a nod. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said softly. "I am sorry for the way I acted earlier." She leaned up against the wall near the window, looking out for a moment then back at the others. "What happened to him?" She then asked them, he was fine just before she had left.
Sora stared blankly at the body,thinking if he should make a special coffin for it.On the other side of his thought,he wondered what exactly happened.It didn't seem like everything just happened in the few minutes he stayed in the church's darkness.

His thoughts were disturbed when he heard a knocking on the glass.At first,he thought it was just one of the birds pecking through the glass.But as he heard someone speak from outside,he laid down Ophyca and looked around,spotting a blurry figure with a familiar voice he hear not too long ago.

'It's the man from earlier...' he thought,staring towards his direction for a moment before running towards him."I can't quite say we're alright..." he shouted back,stopping a few distance away from him."...and please,step back a little" he added,raising up his right hand in front of him.First he closed his hands into a ball towards him,then he threw his hands out,opening his fist up as he did so,and slowly raised his hands upward.At the same time,the ice in front of them made some sort of cracking noise and opened up a passage for Reidan."The 'blasted dome' you speak of was made by me...so yes we can" he said,smiling a but as he pulled down his hand.
"Don't worry about it. There are times I want to take a sword to her, too. Syl, care to explain?"

"How can I?"


"Okay, um... Slow-acting poison? He was wounded before we met him and symptoms just started showing? Or it could be Corruption, I suppose, but that would mean a Devil touched him. There would be some sort of mark in either case. Look, I don't have enough to go on here; he said something about his dad's cakes, then spiraled into this."

"It wasn't you?"

"Of course not! Even if I didn't like him, this isn't something I can do. Not to people who are awake. Do you want me to see if I can...?"

"No, leave him be. Even nightmares are a kind of dream; this might be one he needs to have."

Sylphia nodded in acceptance. That was one point both could agree on. She sat down on the edge of the bed and gathered Alastair's hand between her own while Evan turned to the others.

"If you have any ideas, please say something. Otherwise we'll just leave him to sleep it off."
Fang drained his cup then stood up and put on a new shirt he took out of his bag while he walked over to Alastair. He placed his left hand on Alastair's face for a moment before removing it, "He caused this himself, something from his past must have reappeared in his mind," he replied then moved toward the door way. "I'm going to go outside for fresh air, maybe take a walk or find something to help Alastair. Duran you stay here," he said while he strapped his arm back into Oblivion, slung Black Blade over his back then walked out of the room. He shut the door behind him then proceeded out the inn, he took his wrist blade and reattached it to his left forearm while he made his way downtown.
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