Wyvern High Academy for the Gifted

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Alex leaned slightly against Blake, glancing around. "Umm..s-so what's your room number?" he asked, looking curiously at Nicholas.
Nicholas looked as Alex leaned up on Blake again. Those two did look like a couple to him, even though they seemed a bit... Off.
"Since you don't seem to type to sneak in and hurt me while I sleep, I guess it wouldn't be a problem to tell you where I live." Nicholas smiled and pointed to a room with an open window. "I live in 113, it's the one with an open... Okay, one of the rooms with an open window." He corrected himself as he noticed that many of the windows were wide open. "How about you?"
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Alex smiled a little. "236 is our room." he said quietly, then his smile faltered slightly. "I guess there was a rooming mistake and they stuck us together.." he shrugged. "Maybe we could visit each other's dorms!" He smiled, his black hair shifting, covering his eye slightly before swooping off to the other side of his face.
Nicholas smiled, happy to see Alex being so open. "Well, maybe we should visit each other some..." Nicholas' voice trailed off as he remembered the times he had lost control. All he saw in front of him was his mother's house burning down. "Maybe it's not such a good idea." His voice barely audible. "Maybe when I have some more control." Nicholas barely noticed anything around him. His mind couldn't focus on anything, all he could think about was flames. A single tear formed at his eye and brought him back to reality. "Ehm, sorry. I think it would be best if we didn't spend too much time inside." The lone tear fell from his chin. "I've had some... Unfortunate experiences with my powers in the past." Nicholas forced a smile on his face.
Alex nodded, shifting. He reached forwards, pulling Nicholas into a gentle hug. "It's okay...we'll meet outside more often then." he said after letting go, smiling a little. He looked up at the clear sky. "I know how your feel.." he remembered when he first discovered his powers and shivered, looking back between Blake and Nicholas.

Alia thought about it for a moment. "either, in my opinion." she shrugged. "You?"
Nicholas weakly hugged back. Thinking back at what his powers had done happened very rarely, and always left him in a bad mood for longer periods of time. "I guess most have their reasons to be here, and I guess many of those are... Unpleasant." He sighed and looked back at the dorms. "I guess spending some time inside wouldn't be all that bad... I've gotten more control since I was a kid, but I'm still ab bit nervous about it."
Alex nodded. "Don't worry..our powers are polar opposites." he reminded him with a small smile. "Nothing too bad can happen." He said as he looked around. It seemed almost empty, which made him relax more.
"Don't be so upset. Are you forgetting I'm here. " Blake cut in with a sigh. "If anything did happen which I highly doubt, I can help." She never knew what it was like to not control her powers, her parents did a good job at that. In fact thats all her parents ever wanted her to do when she was little.

Remi looked through the book. "I can't do any of these spells, I don't want it." Remi was terrible at other spells, she couldn't do any abilities but the ones she had. It had to do with her family line. Their ability is to blow up everything, they can't use anything else. Though Remi did have the chance to have one other ability, everything else she tries just creates an explosion.
Alex looked at Blake and nodded. He took Blake's hand, then Nichola's hand and shook them both. "We'll all help each other." He smiled.
Nicholas looked at Blake and coldly replied. "Things did happen. Twice." With a more welcoming tone, he continued. "But yeah, we'll help each other out. I guess it's time I try not having to go through things alone." He gave Alex's hand a slight squeeze and smiled at the others. He hadn't had any friends for the last five years, and now he had gotten three. Nicholas was amazed at this place already, not that he'd let anyone know that.
Alex giggled a little and sat down, pulling Blake and Nicholas into the grass with him. He was getting used to acting like a girl..he'd been called one all his life, and now he could act out the name. He smiled. "Friends?" he questioned the two.
Blake found herself sitting on the grass with Alex and Nicholas. Friends? She thought, she was told not to worry about simple social interacts, that she didn't have time for it yet she still wanted to. "Yeah, sure." Blake replied, her parents might end up not being happy but for now he would they even find out. "I don't mind."

Remi walked around, reading the book. She really couldn't do anything with it, she decided to just put it in her room. She opened her room door and noticed someone else had finally come, though she missed the person. The window was open though. She sat down on the bed, looking at some of the pictures in the book.
Alex smiled. "Yaay!" he giggled and looked up, his concentration faltering. "Wooaah...look..the sky.." he said quietly. There were a bunch of wispy clouds gathered in a circle around the roof of the school.
Blake looked up slowly, her smile began to fade. "That doesn't really look right." She said to them. "I don't think clouds should look like that."

Remi kept reading on, the pictures were strange though. Some were of people using types of magic, others had creatures. Though there was another picture that caught her eye. It seemed to be two magic users fighting. "What is this?" She asked herself, yet the next pages that explained everything seemed to be ripped out.
As Alex sat down, Nicholas almost fell onto the grass. A quick barrier had helped him regain balance, and he now sat with the two others. "Friends. Definitely friends." He said calmly, trying his best to hide the fact that he had almost toppled on top of them just moments before. "The sky?" Nicholas muttered. It had been a boring weather, nothing out of the usual. What could be fascinating enough that Alex needed us to see it... "That's weird, wasn't the sky almost clear a short while ago?" Nicholas was puzzled by the weather. "Maybe we should move some where else, you know, just in case. Clouds certainly don't act like that." He was quickly moving from curious to nervous.
Alex nodded it was getting hotter and he felt weak a little. "Y-yeah...we should go inside.." he mumbled, but he was having trouble standing. Not now..dangit..
Blake noticed Alex's struggle. "Come on." She said, she picked her up off of the ground as she stood. "Let's go then." She looked at Nickolas. "Let's go to your room, it's closer and we need to figure out whats going on."
Alex rested almost limply in Blake's arms. He whimpered slightly as it grew even hotter. He was having trouble breathing. Heat affected him very badly.
"Wait a second." Nicholas quickly stood up and conjured a barrier as long as was tall Alex with two handles in each end. It floated in the air just beside Blake. "Put her on that, and we can carry her there quicker." He ran and took the front handles of the barrier, ready to run towards the dorms.

((I've changed any mention of Nicholas' room number the be the same as Remi's))
Alex closed his eyes, shivering a little despite the heat. He went silent, but was still breathing, almost panting, his heart rate increasing. The crystal on his necklace was dull. He couldn't use his powers..the ice would melt.
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