Wyvern High Academy for the Gifted

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Aria smiled. "Yeah.." She thought of another question, one that had been asked earlier by someone else. "What was your entrance trial like?"
Blake was glad the people seemed to be disappearing one by one, she didn't like talking to all of them anyway. She glanced at Alex after she heard her words. "No, I don't think they really care." She responded. It seemed half of this group didn't like people while the other half did. Blake figured this was good, she would get away from this without any problems.
Bliss blinked at the newest girl and Aria's sudden departure after such a eventful entrance, but shrugged it off. Maybe she just wasn't a social butterfly. When Kira mentioned leaving, Bliss nodded emphatically. "Sure! Bye Alex, Alex's boyfriend, Risa, and Nickles--I mean Nicholas!" She called, as she followed Kira. She sped up so she could walk beside the other girl, and gave her a friendly nudge. "They seemed nice! Well I mean Alex and Nicholas are nice. Not too sure about Alex's boyfriend, Aria, Risa and that new girl though. "
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Corrie shrugged, glancing around her quickly in always present paranoia. "Some tests, some questions. Nothing exciting." She replied absently.
Alex's expression was slightly confused when they called Blake his boyfriend. "Why do they think we're dating?" he rested his head on Blake's shoulder.

"Really?" Aria thought a moment. "I got attacked but guys with guns...I guess you got the easy way in." she laughed a little.
Blake tensed up with those words. "Boyfriend? Wait what? She's just my roommate." She tried to say to Bliss though it seemed her and Kira were already walking away. Blake turned her head back to Alex. "Maybe because you're hanging onto me all the time."
Alex stepped back, looking at the ground. "Oh.." his voice was quiet. "S-...sorry.." he turned, sighing. Nice job. he thought to himself. Now you've messed with someone else. He crossed his arms loosely, his head still down as he started to walk slowly away, the ice crystal on his necklace dim.
Before Blake knew what she was doing she held out her hand towards Alex. "Wait, I didn't mean for you to walk away, it's fine I don't care." She said. Then words seemed to just slip out, really it would be better if she just let Alex go yet she couldn't.
Alex hesitated a step before stopping. "I..I didn't mean to make them think that." he said quietly, honestly. He turned, taking the three steps back to Blake and hugging his arm, resting his head against Blake's arm. "Y-you...you just make me feel not alone..." he said quietly, keeping his head down.
Blake blushed a bit, though she didn't know why. "Uh...Well I don't care, you can cling onto me as much as you want then." She said to Alex. She knew what it was like to feel alone, it wasn't the best feeling. "Just make sure they know I'm not your...boyfriend."
Corrie chewed on her bottom lip for a moment before turning toward Aria. "In all honestly, I murdered my brother by accident. They picked me up not long after that." She shrugged, letting out a small, incredulous laugh.
Aria nodded. "Well...you won't kill me, just give me a nasty cold." Aria smiled. "Heart of fire." she smirked. "Anyway..excited about anything?"

Alex smiled a little. "Th-thanks..It means..a lot. I'll try and help get the point across." he nuzzled her arm.
Corrie thought about the question, running her fingers through her hair quickly. "I get to fight people here, right?" She asked with a slightly mischievous smile.
Aria shrugged. "There's probably a class on that." she said with a bright smile.
"Then that's something to be excited about," Corrie matched Aria's smile with her own, slightly lopsided, one. "I mean, there's nothing better than freezing people that annoy you, right?"
"Yeah, sure." Blake replied. She turned to the people who were still with them, Nickolas and Risa. "I'm Blake." She finally said, it had been the whole time that she never said her name to any of them.
Alex slightly waved at Nicholas, then at Risa. "O-oh....wha...what are your powers?" he asked quietly, holding his hand out as an ice flower appeared in his hand, then melted. "M-mine's ice..and sometimes I can m-manipulate p-people.." He bit his lip.

Aria nodded, smiling. "Well..except watching the fear creep into their eyes as shadows approach them...but yeah." she laughed, crossing her arms as she did so.
Corrie laughed along, really hoping that the other girl was kidding as much as she was. "I suppose that would be quite satisfying," she agreed, though she subconsciously hooked her arms around her waist in an almost defensive position.
Aria's laughed died off. "Nah..I don't actually find it too amusing. I'm not as...violent..as my reputation says." she shrugs. "I'm glad we could be friends...if you consider us friends?" it was almost a question as she looked at Corrie.
Corrie stiffened at the word. She hadn't had a friend in... in what seemed like years to her. In fact, she had barely spoken to anyone since arriving at the school. Yet, despite the obvious dangers, the thought was almost a good one. "Yeah, of course." Maybe she meant it, or maybe she was lying. Corrie herself wasn't sure. Either way, it was said very convincingly.
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