Would you rather?

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I'd normally say spellcaster, but now I wanna be a berserker.
'Cause blood.

Would you rather be absolutely gorgeous and dirt poor or absolutely ugly but filthy rich?
filthy rich and ugly

with enough capital i can expedite a number of plans for world domination

looks never really helped with conquering the world - fuckin' awesome masks to HIDE ugliness, however.....

wyr be darth vader or luke skywalker
Yes, my friend, we are on the same page.<3

Darth Vader.

Would you rather be pissed off or pissed on?
Pissed off, for sure!

Would you rather be turned on and left on, or turned off?
Turned off lol.

Would you rather ride a dragon into battle or ride a griffin into battle?
Dragon, a purple one that spits out pink flames. >_> If I'm going for the impossible, might as well go all out.

Would you rather live in an end of the world situation like Oblivion, or I am Legend?
Oblivion. There's virtually no one to kill you.

You can only hear one song for the rest of your life. Would it be Bohemian Rhapsody or Ring of Fire?
bohemian rhapsody

wyr play the piano or violin
Piano. Teaching myself how to play it, actually.

Would you rather die single or be killed by Yuno Gasai? (At least you won't die single!)
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I guess die single. XD Since I'm a straight girl I wouldn't be dating Yuno and get killed by her. lol XD

Would you rather have all the money in the world or all the time in the world?

Would you rather be chased by Freddy Kreuger or Jason?
Jason, I suppose. Being chased by Freddy Kreuger would mean no sleep and I really was hoping to get some sleep over this break, haha. You get far enough away from Camp Crystal Lake and Jason should bugger off. :P

Would you rather be able to understand every language in the world but have no language of your own to communicate with or be fluent and a fantastically gifted orator in only one language that only a handful of people speak?
I'd love to speak every language. It'd be cool.

WYR eat 999 chilies, or drink 999 cups of coffee?
LoL. Never played Starcraft.

Would you rather have $100 in Steam giftcards or $100 in iTunes giftcards?
$100 in Itunes gift cards because unfortunately my computer isn't good enough to play games on steam, and I actually do use iTunes a lot to buy music and games for my phone.

Would you rather lose your sense of touch or your sense of taste?

Would you rather be an elf or dwarf in LOTR?
dwarf - Medium size, no movement speed change in heavy armor, auto proficiency in axes...whats not love? they make great monks too!

WYR play D&D or WoD
D&D; I'm more proficient in it.

Would you rather eat a fried lizard or steamed sardine?
Pfft, fried lizard. Only if my southern friend eats one too.. NOW WE HAVE TO TRY IT.

Would you rather kiss Taylor Lautner with extremely long hair or Robert Patterson with thrice the sparkles?
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