Would you rather?

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I'd rather be sliced thinly over time.

Would you rather have a beehive stuck to your arm (constantly being stung) for the rest of your life or be allergic to everything sweet?
Allergic. I like savoury things more.

Would you rather have jet black skin, or jet black eyes?
Jet black eye's. Let me steal your soul please.

Would you rather cry rainbows or burp glitter?

Also damn you alerts and not alerting me. XD
Cry rainbows.

Would you rather be a pegasi or a unicorn?

Would you rather be a goblin or an orc?

Would you rather be a dragon or a sea serpent?
Sea Serpent because I love water.

Would you rather be a squirrel or a squire?
Squirrel. Would you rather be a demon or an angel?
I'd rather be an angel, though I'm probably more fit to be a demon.

Would you rather be a knight or a samurai?
A knight.

Would you rather be a treasure-hoarding cruel dragon with immense power, or a good dragon worshiped by all?
Good Dragon.
I'm a better dragon, and being worshipped by all is more useful than simple gold.

Would you rather be homeless, or only be able to eat once a week?

Would you rather lose legs or arms?
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