Would you rather?

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Depends on how clean the dick is but I don't really think I can down urine sooo....

Would you rather be married to a body pillow or a fleshlight/dildo
Can I marry a body pillow with a dildo on it? I mean closest thing to a companion I'll ever have.

Would you rather be a dildo or be a fleshlight?
A fleshlight. Dildos might go into butts :Ccc

Would you rather be a crow or a house cat?
But butts are... most are clean.

A cat buuuuuut just for @DNA I'd be a crow. Unless we could be like a crow cat combo. You prowl the skies and I prowl the ground. Oooo i wanna be a black cat. Hehehehe

Would you rather be slenderman but with a derp face so no one takes you seriously or be the wicked witch of the west (no houses included) and be ugly, mistaken for evil and have yo ruby slippers jacked by some hoe?
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Slenndyyyy. I can still scare people c:

Would you rather live on a mountain or deep in the forest?
Deep in the forest. On a mountain. Technically I live in a forest because I live on 20 acres of woods with more surrounding woods for a few wooded miles of a lot.

Would you rather become a bee for a day or become a bear for a day?
A bear. Rawr!!!

Would you rather die of thirst or starvation?
Starvation because it isn't as bad as dehydration which is painful and causes a lot of symptoms. To my knowledge at least.

Would you rather win a million dollars but couldn't spend it on selfish wants or win ten thousand dollars you could only spend on selfish wants?
The first option.

Would you rather be in the Hunger Games or the Maze Runner?
Starving or running. Hmm.. jk jk. But probably the hunger games since I haven't read nor seen Maze runner.

Would you rather drink lotion or drink paint?

Would you rather watch grass grow or paint dry?
Watch paint dry. That way I could at least huff the fumes and get high. Don't try this at home, kids.​

Would you rather drink Coke or Pepsi?

Would you rather eat broccoli or brussel sprouts?
Broccoli....Heard brussel sprouts tastes like shit sooo...

Would you rather be tortured for the rest of your life or get sawed to death?
Sawed to death

Would you rather be in an anime or TV drama?
I'd rather be in an anime. Anime physics, bruh. (Also Yaoi. Lel.)

Would you rather live in Silent Hill or Slenderman's forest?
Slenderman's forest...


Would you rather eat 10 bags of dicks or 10 bags of European wasps?
European wasps.

Would you rather live in a world of yaoi or yuri?
YAOI <3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Would you rather drown slowly or burn slowly? (They both take an equal amount of time)
Drown slowly.

Would you rather be slice thinly over a period of time or your limbs hacked to pieces but not enough to kill you?
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