Would you rather?

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Fly for one day

Would you rather only be able to eat garlic bread for the rest of your life, or chew gum (of any flavor) for the rest of your life? In both scenarios you are perfectly healthy for your entire life without eating, but in the second, you are perpetually hungry (as gum does not equate to

Would you rather shit gold bricks or piss diamonds. You're allowed to keep it, but no painkillers for that.
Shit gold bricks. Because I take massive dumps.... So massive gold bricks. Maybe It'll hurt so bad it feels good? I dunno. Don't judge me.

WYR have a stuffed nose (can't taste, hard to breathe) for the rest of your life, or be constipated for the rest of your life?

WYR be repulsive to your chosen sex or have animals attracted to you as well as your chosen sex.
repulsive to my chosen sex.. animals should never be appealed to me, but than again, not many humans are xD

wyr bungee jump in your bikini, or skydive naked?

WYR, Shower in the rain, or feel no pain?
Feel no pain

Would you rather rain in Spain

Or over the plan
Die young knowing you lived life

Would you rather ride a bus or a train?
I used to ride busses in downtown Los Angeles.... So Train.

Would you rather be twice as happy or twice as rich?
I'd rather be twice as happy

Would you rather say what's on your mind and risk the judgement of others or keep quiet and keep them blind to what you're thinking?
say what's on your mind

would you rather be silent and thought a fool or open your mouth and remove all doubt
That's hard. Um. Open my mouth.

WYR live longer but sacrifice a close relative, or sacrifice yourself to allow someone to live longer?
sacrifice yourself to allow someone to live longer

WYR Die without knowing a parent isn't really your parent or die knowing the truth that they weren't?
Die knowing they weren't, or the first. I really don't care either way.

would you rather tell Razalin that Batman sucks or redblood that anime is terrible?
.... I am going to kill you if you say that to me ): Obviously I'm going for Raz. Batman isn't that interesting :D

Would you rather be able to see the future (including your own death) or see the past?

SAO SEASON 1 SECOND HALF! FAIRY DANCE ARC! SUGUHA CAN BLOW ME! (aaaand I really would like her too, hurr hurr hurr)

i would rather see the past

"live in the present, learn from the past, prepare for the future" and all that

WYR hate anime or hate manga
To be fair, the first half of SAO isn't that good either :D Except for the death thing, it's just meh. It's totally overrated.

Hate manga. I can live without manga. No prob.

Would you rather work out for 24 hour straight (without taking breaks), or have to do boring paperwork for 2 weeks straight (with a six hour sleep break every day)?
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