Wolves, Vampires, Shifters... Oh My.

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Damon looked from the direction of the voices to the direction Relic was going.
He huffed, which was his equivalent sound of a sigh in wolf form...
And followed Relic.
Someone has to keep him out of trouble-
Why not Damon?
Uh...Relic...Would it bother you if we made an allegiance?
The smaller pup glanced over his shoulder, ears up in question.
He was still a bit shaky from what had happened and eventually slowed his steps so that they were walking next to each other.
Every few moments he nuzzled against the other but just to make sure he was still okay.
'We are already friends...what other is there?'
He knew they were alpha omega but he didn't really care about that type of thing.
Well...Usually it's a good way to start a pack.
To achieve loyalty...And it's not like I'm going to forget we're friends...
But alphas- even when pups- need loyal pack mates...guards even...

It was hard for the larger male to explain.
Well, explain in a way that would exclude what he was taught about omega-alpha relationships...
Which was that omegas were expected to make an allegiance with alphas...end of story.
The pup halted abruptly, his eyes getting larger with shock.
He...wanted to do that?
Shifting back into human form Relic sat down in the leaf litter, trying to figure out what had just happened.
"You...you want to be my omega?"
To start another pack?
But that would mean...this male would be his mate??
That was one hell of a curve ball for the kid, I think Damon might have broke his brain.
Damon shifted back to human as well-
Strange how he was the same size and height as Relic in human form...
But bigger in wolf form...hm.
He nodded.
"If that is alright with you...I suppose I should explain more-
If you allow the allegiance, I would be...a servant, I suppose you could say.
However, if I had been a beta or even a mid-rank wolf, then that would be different...With omegas, it is always servitude; nothing more, nothing less."
Guess that clears up if he meant as a servant or mate deal.
Such a big wolf as a servant to such a small one...
It was definitely odd, most of the time the large wolves were alpha.
His father and mother were decently big canines and they were the alpha and beta of the current pack.
Relic had figured he'd take over once they were gone but now that he thought of it...
A servant...especially one as large and strong as Damon...
That would definitely be a good start to a pack.
"I...." Glancing up at the other boy he smiled hesitantly. "Accept."
In technical terms, Relic would just be the next beta.
Only saying that because he is not really related to Zack, as we all know.
But if he goes off on his own, then yes, he'd be alpha...
Actually, he is now an alpha of his own pack...
Of two.
Damon dipped his head.
"Then I shall serve you until released from the allegiance."
Or death take me.
He didn't say that last bit because he almost had a run in with death already.
Relic couldn't help but giggle at the seriousness.
"So, I guess I could ask you for anything and you'd do it?"
That was a bit weird.
He'd always been yelled at or had to get things for his parents.
Being on the other end of that power was a bit awkward.
"Soooo......play with me?"
Their previous scuffle had gotten unceremoniously interrupted.
So he wanted another go at it.
The kid was already in his pup form, tail wagging swiftly behind his bum.
Damon was already in wolf form when the other suggest 'playing.'
He barked and nudged him with his nose.
Rumble tumble, yes.
...And they're being watched.

Their watcher was small, almost unnoticeable.
A grey squirrel, high in the trees.
Not just any grey squirrel...
It was Kyros.
Relic...what are you doing? I thought that was our thing...
(oooo, Kyrosss)

Relic yipped at the nudge and then bolted, circling back to tackle the bigger wolf happily.
The boy's teeth grabbed at the larger one's fur, tugging him off his feet so he could pounce.
He'd been so desperate to play after losing Kyros that he couldn't contain his excitement.
He didn't notice the squirrel much since they were kinda everywhere.
Damon let himself be tugged.
Let the pup have his fun-
It made him cute and he could also practice dominance.
Great for training his alpha skills.

Kyros sniffled and scampered away from the area. He felt betrayed...He was suppose to be Relic's friend...
Relic did indeed practice all those skills, though without realizing it.
That was exactly what playing was, after all.
After about thirty minutes or so he snuggled up against Damon, panting quietly as he worked on catching his breath.
Man, he'd totally needed that so badly.

The pup sniffed the air and glanced around, locking onto a sent that was heading away.

Relic got up and started trotting towards where the squirrel had vanished a few moments ago.

'Kyros?' he shouted mentally, hoping the boy would pick up on it and respond.
Damon yawned when the playing stopped.
Being larger tired him out quicker.
He glanced towards Relic as the other got up and started trotting off.
Where was he going...?

He lifted his head and sniffed-
Then frowned.
He said that the whelp wouldn't be allowed outside!

He got up and followed Relic.

Master? I don't think we should be following this scent...It smells just like that hunter.
Relic glanced back at the larger wolf but didn't stop.
'I smell my friend...I want to talk to him...'
He was nearly desperate to see him and that showed as his pace increased into a full out run.
The pup sped through the forest, nearing one of the local roads.
He had to shift before he made it there though because seeing a wolf was definitely not a good thing in the middle of the day.
But as soon as he got there he stumbled into his human form and looked around, calling out to Kyros.
Damon followed, also shifting into human form when the road came closer.
He didn't like this...
The whelp was going to ruin everything...
Or was he?

Kyros was just down the road, in cat form.
When he heard Relic calling for him, he let out a loud meow- but he doubt the other could hear him...
Probably just wants to feed me to that monster size dog.
Relic heard him easily and pinpointed in seconds.
Then he was bolting across the street...right as a car blurred by.
The hit sent Relic abruptly back into his wolf form, then sent him skidding several yards down the road.
About sixteen to be exact.
There was a bloodstain track leading from the start of where he landed ending in a small but growing pool where he lay.
He wasn't moving at all and the driver of the car parked and got out, wide-eyed as they stared in horror.
There had been a boy...he thought.
Not a dog???
When he glanced to the side he noticed Damon and frowned.
"I-I'm sorry...I-I didn't see him!"
Kyros heard the commotion.
It was like his world froze...then went into chaos.
No...Please don't let it be him-!
The shape shifter bounded down the road, going cheetah to get there faster.

Damon was wide-eyed.
Yep...the whelp ruined everything.
"C-call for help...J-just call for help."
Oh gods...Relic...? Master...talk to me...Master, please...
He pleaded and pleaded through mind speak, but couldn't move-

Suddenly a bear came charging down the road- Kyros!
The bear stood on its hind paws and roared.

Only thing to make this worse...nice going, Kyros... Is everyone going to flee?
The man dialed the cops but then a bear came out of no where...
He dropped his phone and ran screaming from the scene.
Alec had sensed what happen and with the bar only a few blocks away he just barely beat the ambulance and cops.
Scooping up his son he vanished into the forest.
Moments later he was at a local wildlife vet and with a few abrupt threats and tears the man took Relic into the ER.
He said the wolf hybrid (because no one would actually carry a real wolf, right?) probably wouldn't make it but he would do his best.
Geez...that guy acted like the wolf was his son or something...

Alec came back out into the waiting room since it the back area was cramped as is and he'd just hinder them helping Relic.
Damon face palmed about the bear.
But then his alpha's father had showed up-
He followed him while Kyros went on a rampage in the area.
I feel sorry for the scared to death guy...
He'll have to have his windows replaced...and a paint job...

Damon stayed right behind Relic's father.
Didn't say anything...just stayed behind him.

Suddenly, Alec's phone started ringing...
It was a very concerned Zack.
Alec had ignored the boy that followed him.
He knew it was one of their pack members but it didn't feel quite right anymore.
Like he'd sworn himself to someone el...ah.
This boy must be loyal to his son now.

Well, that was very interesting, such a young pup swearing to another.

As his phone rang Alec took a deep breath and walked outside to answer it.
"Hey hun...bad news..."
Then the conversation went on about what appeared to have happened.
All the while Alec lay in the ICU with more machines plugged into him then thought possible.