Wolves on the loose

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Alright someone catch me up please? Who knew you guys could chat so much while i had school + soccer game T.T
We are talking about tea xD

oh and in the IC I don't think much has happened.
Hmmm... not sure let me check
Ok and if not then it should be you, i have a couple questions cause i dont remember and im too lazy atm
1: are you older or is the girl older?
2: the girl is the alpha correct?
3: If you are older then do you know about the firecats?
She is older, he thinks she is a monster, and yes she is alpha

It is @EpitaphQueen post
Btw how old IS Auctor? I'd like to know my betas age lol
Hmm good question... I guess you could choose. I don't know you age either so depending on that depends on his.
That's the fun part =]
what did i do wrong? :( there always seems to be something :( im sorry guys v.v
Name: Astor Tulin
Tribe/Pack: Silver Moon
Born into or joined: Joined
Personality: Loner. Likes to be alone, but joined a pack for the benefits it provides.
Any family: None. Doesn't view the pack as family.
Weapon: In human form he carries a pair of knives. In wolf form he's a good fighter as well.
Extra: He prefers his wolf form.
is no one going to respond to my post? >.< i feel like i did something wrong
BAd entrance, bad entrance. Too cliche, too cliche. NEEDS BACON
Im sorry :( i didnt know what else to write >.< i can go fix it if i need to :(
Does anyone know Prosehack? He messaged me and made it sound like him and a bunch of hackers have cracked the password and are going to take down the staff forum. To someone named Rikki.
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