Who Cried Wolf

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He owed her that much, didn't he? For her, she may have been through for the past hour or so. Jenis was not an evil person at heart. He had a love for the little things, a thing for sweets, and an eye for natural beauty. He only wanted a wife, not a prisoner. The only reason he constantly yanked on her chain was because she was barking too loud. All in all, she was a woman, not a pet, and she deserved some privacy. At least that much he would be willing to give.

"Fine. I'll leave you to your feminine things. She will be here shortly. Pick out a nice color for me."he added with a smile before he looked back at the woman and the ferret that were both upset, standing near the window. He frowned while he opened the door, still looking back at her peculiarly. She's not insane enough to actually jump out of that window...is she? He looked closely in her eyes and saw the anger, spite, and malice she felt for him behind those eyes. That was the look of someone who would probably go as far as to vault out of a window to escape.

"Don't do it."he said sternly, with a hard look of seriousness, before turning around and closing the door behind him. Once he was clear from the room, he sighed and nodded to the two guards in the hallway with them. They nodded in understanding and marched towards the door to his room.

"Check the windows."


"Just do it."he said with a groan and marched off down the hallway.​
Ariana did not respond to his words and instead continued to stare out the window. His warning was pointless as she had no intention of jumping out of a window so high, she may have been proud but she also knew her own limitations as well. When he was officially gone, she quickly turned and made her way towards the bathroom. The room was rather spotless as well, thank goodness, allowing her at least a small amount of comfort. Alfred followed her in and the two started to look around for things to use and bathe with.

Ariana first started to fill the bath, figuring out how to use it very easily before she started in her searched for towels. In her search she found soap and shampoo to clean out her frizzy hair. She had no hair spray so at this point she might as well wash it out and start fresh. Along with that she eventually found some very large towels and pulled out two, one for her and one for Alfred. By the time everything was collected, the bath was filled with warm water and she started to strip, placing her dress and undergarment off tot he side before removing Alfred's leather collar.

The princess then slipped into her water and dipped underneath as Alfred started to swim around in the water, enjoying the warmth. The two remained there for quite awhile, Ariana washing out her hair and scrubbing herself clean before using the soap to clean off Alfred's face of the blood from his attack on the archers. After that was done she continued to soak in the water and relax, enjoying what little peace it brought her at the moment.

Jenis continued to take his stroll down the hallways in spite of what he had just left in his room. It started with a princess: one that was capable of destroying three groan men. The other was a ferret, with the same power, just with a slight bit more mobility than she had. The strange thing was that he was going to wed this woman. There was a feeling of doubt that began to creep around in the confines of his mind. Was this something he really wanted to tamper with? Should he take her threats to heart when she mentioned the Saypolian army? The Xorian army had already proved that they were going to take measures to insure they would win the 'war' over the barrels of wheat. It was getting ridiculous.

Jenis thought it was high time he speak to the Council about the war. It was stupid. All of the towns people were running a muck in fear, even though some people tried to reassure the others. Jenis alone couldn't calm down the entire land by himself with just his words. That was another reason he needed the princess in his life. If he tied the knot with her, they could rule the land together and let his parents relax while the tides shift in their favor. He only hoped that the princess was bold enough to stand up for what was right?

Or would her hatred for him and what he had done to her cloud her judgement?

Jenis made his way over to the opposite hallway and came in front of large room that was filled with women. They were bustling around with dresses, accessories, and other trinkets. It was a blast of dazzling colors that hit his face. It was bright enough to make him shield his eyes from the sparkles and the luminescence. One woman turned to him and squeaked.

"Prince Jenis!"she sounded as if she had committed murder and was prepared to beg for her life. Jenis looked down at her for a moment. Fear is what I strike?

"Rise mam. I need a favor. Go to my quarters and measure the woman in there. She is to be fitted for a royal dinner with me."he said, The other woman caught wind of the word and gasped as they began to frisk away in search for potential outfits for Ariana.​
Ariana eventually got out of the bath, looking refreshed and relaxed. The bath really had done wonders for her attitude, making her a bit calmed and more thoughtful than her rage filled state had allowed her to be. The bath had also allowed her some time to clear her head and actually think about the situation. She was kidnapped by a prince of some sort in order to be his bride. Though she originally refused he took her anyway and forced her to go with him. They were almost kidnapped together by a group of enemy arches by temporary team work and Alfred's quickness allowed her to try and escape from him and head home. Unfortunately, she forgot about the horse...

So now she was here, still against her well and unhappy, though much calmer than before. Alfred also seemed to be relaxed, the bath having soothed the once rabid beast in her arms. At the moment she was standing wrapped up in the wool towel, her hair dripped water as she dried off Alfred in the other one. The ferret let out a happy purr as she dried him of, eventually crawling onto the counter of the sink and shaking out his fur the rest of the way. While he started to lick at his freshly washed fur, Ariana studied herself in the mirror, her hair was still as curly as before, but now it was all around her head instead of off to the side as it had originally been. She'd have to pull it back is she wanted to look neat.

She let out a small sigh as the situation really sunk in, the female a little sad now that she was no longer at him. This place was just so strange to her, even with all the luxury it still felt like a prison in her mind. Of course, she'd still fight against Jenis and his attempts to marry her. She may have calmed down for now but she still refused to give into his pressuring ways!

While the tailors were marching up the steps and down the hallways to his quarters to bombard Ariana with her dresses, Jenis decided to take a detour to his alternative room. He grabbed a suit that was lying in his stock of suits in the tailor's room and took it too his other quarters at the other end of the castle. Once he was in, he shut the door and looked down to the floor for a second or two. The dinner was going to be the only time he would be able to spend with the woman until he had to go back to the Council. By now, they most likely would have heard the news of his return and would want to know what took him so long. Should I tell them that those damned Xorians tried to kidnap me? No...they would go off on the deep end and completely over exaggerate. This is something I have to talk to Mom and Dad about.

The Council would be on him pretty bad for the next few months or so, and Kalerin would now be in an uproar now that they are soon to discover that Prince Jenis is actually set to marry someone. While he slipped into his necessary items for the dinner, he had a strange notion that the princess was not going to enjoy the night very much. Jenis almost hoped that inviting her to a royal dinner with him would soothe her fears or annoyance about being snatched away from her home. Either that, or it could all just be a mask for her real purpose: trying to escape.

If I spend anymore time thinking on it, I will drive myself old like my father. He strutted over to the mirror in the bathroom and straightened his green, white, and gray striped tie. It was matched with accentuating off-white pinstripe blouse and a dark green vest with matching slacks. He hadn't remembered the last time he prepared for something with a woman. A chuckle escaped his lips when he splashed water in his hair and messed with it with his fingers until it lay in the same position as it did before, just darker and wet. Once finished, Jenis walked out the door and back to his room, hoping that she hadn't prepared the ferret to come along.​
At this moment in time, Ariana had made her way into the bedroom once more, having checked if Jenis was still around or not. She wandered into the room, still only in her towel, and looked around curiously. She had been told that the tailor would be there soon, so certainly her hour long bath had been long enough to get them here correct? Well, before Ariana could think about it much more, the doors to the Princes room burst open and a group of women barring dresses and jewels entered without as much as a word. To day Ariana was embarrassed would be an understatement. Thankfully, the women seemed to catch on and were quick to explain their appearance, as well as apologize for entering so abruptly as they had assumed she'd still be washing up.

Ariana forgave the women, though obviously still uncomfortable being the only one in the nude, and the process of dress trying on began. Much to her luck though, the women brought spare undergarments as well, allowing her to at least be covered somewhat as she was put in and taken out of dress after dress. Eventually, one was found. It was a long yellow number that fit her figure well. It was longer than she would have liked but resounding approval from the picky and grabby tailors convinced her to keep it on, especially since they tugged on her hair more than once.


With that done, she was pulled over to a mirror where she was given help with her hair, the mass of curls being combed out to make a waterfall of waves down her back. With a diamond necklace the look was completed and the tailors started to pack up and leave. Though Ariana was glad to have been cleaned up and all, the idea of eating with Jenis was a nightmare. A small part of her hopes that he forgot or was given work, forcing her to stay in the room on her own. Alfred purred as he sat at her feet, bringing the princess to her knees so she could pet him gently on the head.
Jenis opened the door to his room just as the giggling ladies departed from it. Their cheeks were pink with exhaustion and a certain giddiness that he wasn't sure he wanted to know what it was about. They must have thought that Ariana was some sort of project they could work on to keep themselves entertained. After sending their bows to him when he nodded his head in their general direction, they squealed and rushed off back into their land of dresses, needle, and threads. The door was still opened and he began to talk even before he fully entered the room.

"Hopefully those women didn't give you something dangerous like a frying pan or knife or something. Sneak attacks don't work well with me. I am very good with my...eyes..."

The rest trailed out of his mouth when his eyes set on Ariana. At least, he thought he was looking at Ariana. The woman in front of his was something out of a fairy tale. A beautiful goddess floating down in front of him in a flash of yellow hues and light. Her dark hair swam like a lake around her shoulders, complementing the fabulous necklace that accompanied it. For a moment, he was at a loss of words when he saw her. She was definitely not the same woman he had left before. Was she? One thing pulled his mind away from her stunning features...

...the white rat in her lap.

"Ah. I see. Even the most royal of ferrets deserves a prep up."he joked, sliding through the door and wlazting in to take her hand, bowing lightly even though he knew she would pull away. His lips planted on the back of her hand.

"You look like you're worth something."
Ariana didn't turn to look at Jenis as she knelt on the ground, still petting Alfred who was now all clean and dry from the nice bath she had given him. He seemed to be rather content, even if Jenis was in the same room as his mistress. The princess only to looked to the shocked prince when his words had faded, his shocked expression making her raise and eye brow. Did she really change that much? No matter, she liked how she looked before much better anyway. This light colored kingdom with it's flowing gowns and robes just gave off such a week impression. The way she dressed shocked and subdued people into listening to her! If she was ever forced to dress in these colors she would have to demand that they be made shorter from now on, it was going to be a nightmare to wake in this dress.

She watched him wearily as he came over to her and took her hand, kissing it and holding it strongly before she could yank it back. She pouted at his comment, not liking his obvious insult to her former preference of dress and gently reached up to his face, almost seeming to caress it.

"That is a very shallow comment coming from a man who doesn't understand the concept of a haircut." She said back to him smoothly before passing by his cheek completely and plucking out one of his long strands of hair.

"Ow! Woman, what is your problem?"he snapped when he felt a sharp sting on his head. He was taken aback at the sudden sincerity she was showing him, though it was short lived when she snapped a strand of hair out of his head. Her voice was some sort of sweet poison. It was like he had to be careful what he said to her and what he chose to believe in return. There was a change in attitude, not a far change but a change nonetheless. She was not as angry as she was before, but there was still a deep anger and hatred for him. He found that he was making a bit of progress.

"My hair should be none of your concern. I happen to like it long. I don't want to look like all of the other princes you may have met. I am Jenis Horath. Long hair and all."he spoke. They were like two children bickering over nothing. Jenis had a feeling that they were already going to be late for their little dinner. He had made sure that none of the Council did not bother him during their meal. The prince's return had quickly wafted through the castle and that meant that Jenis had to get out of there and quick. They also probably knew that he brought a woman along with him and would want to meet her. That couldn't happen. Not in the state she was in. Holding his arm out he smiled.

"Shall we?" When she didn't respond quickly, he chuckled and did not back up at all. "I don't think dragging you a long would feel very formal, my dear. Come now. I am only leading you to a romantic setting with a fabulous set up. Can you find ant tyranny in that?"he asked, even going as far as to look over to the ferret, letting the same question float to its minuscule ears.​
"Problem? You mean you don't consider that fact that I have been kidnapped against my will and forced to share a room with a horrid prince a problem?" She snapped back at him as she sent him a glare.

She was glad that she was able to pull that small trick on him but did not do much more than that, she'd certainly would get far worse than a simple snappy comment if she did. Alfred seemed to notice her change in attitude and quickly started to growl at the close prince, warning him to keep his distance or face the wrath of his sharp little teeth digging into his shin...and that was if he was smart enough to keep his legs closed. When Jenis offered his arm to her she simply huffed and looked away from him, her nose in the air as Alfred continued to sit in her lap and keep her guarded from the prince.

She didn't give him the satisfaction of answering his question and merely continued to keep looking away. She was determined as ever, now that she was clean. Alfred seemed to be as well as he gave a small warning snap of his jaws and started to raise the hairs along his back. If Jenis was not careful, that suit of his would start to have a little bit of red in it as well...

This was all so becoming to Jenis, he didn't know where to start. Everything was written out on her placid face like an old tale that he would hear back in the olden days of his youths. The stories always had plots and twists and that sort of thing wrapped in between the lines and context. He never was for a happy ending; instead, he rather enjoyed the fights and the romantic, enticing words spilled out by the main protagonist. The story of Jenis and Ariana, so far, had none of those natures whatsoever, and simply because Ariana did not allow it to be so. She kept her pompous demeanor at an all time high and refused to lower it, not even for the simplest of tasks! As much as the prince hated to say it, but he was HIGHLY reconsidering the proposal he had for their marriage!

Jenis simply looked towards both the princess and the ferret, noticing how the two were mimicking each other's emotions. The princess was acting just as the ferret was! She might as well had been covered in glossy white fur and hissing, for her aura said it all. Jenis only raised one of his mahogany eyebrows and shifted in his shoes.

"You know, princess, you complicate things. You blow them way out of proportion sometimes. I am only being a gentleman; that's all I know how to do. Okay, so I have stolen you from your tower and literately swept you off of your feet and brought you to my land. I can understand that you show a great deal of hostility towards me, and I deserve that...probably. But believe me when I say that if I extend my arm out to escort you to a fabulous dinner between us two, I don't have any underlining plans. I just want to eat, as I know you do as well. Now, you mind?"he asked, still keeping his arm out for her to grab onto.​
Ariana did not look at him as he spoke but she did listen. She was not fond of the words that he chose but in a way he was right. Even though he had kidnapped her she wasn't exactly working to put things in her favor. She was being loud and rude and if she were to have ever acted like this in front of anyone else, she should be embarrassed in every way. Even so, she wasn't so keen on giving in to him, she still had no intention on letting the fool marry, let alone come near her. As she thought of this her stomach gave a soft growl, just loud enough for her to hear. She couldn't forget that she had missed dinner as well. She was suppose to have eaten hours ago.

She let out a small sigh, though she still held that air of anger and dislike, and turned to look at him. She stared at him long and hard, as if sizing him up like an enemy on a battlefield. Then she turned to Alfred and took him out of her lap, the small ferret whining as she set him on the ground.

"Fine, I shall be more...hospitable if I must. But do not think that because I am being polite that I agree to anything that you want! As far as I am concerned this is just dinner and you are not sitting at the table with me." She replied smoothly before standing up near him. "Oh, and I won't be taking your arm, So just put it down."

"We're making some progress, I assume. Fine. If that is your wish."he said, nodding to her and making his way out of the door. He didn't look behind him to see if the ferret was following or not. It would have only made it worse on him if he had more stress to carry. His wish was only to dine. He was exhausted from the day's work, and food and rest were probably the only two things he would do for the end of the day. Unfortunately, Ariana always had to complicate something. He kept his lips sealed as the two of them walked out of the castle and out to the courtyard that ventured off to the left. It was still inside castle grounds, but it made a more beautiful scene when it was located right next to the garden in front.

He was glad to see that the table was lavished with food. There were meats set with meats, vegetables set with vegetables, and others of the sort. There was even a set of pastries that were set on a side table beside them. In the middle were two glasses filled with what he assumed to be Kal Wine, and a dim candle light that let out a peach flavored aroma.

"The cooks must have really put in a good deal of work for this dinner. I take it that they knew of your arrival. See? Being a part of Kalerin is not all bad, now is it?"he said, but then snapped his mouth to a close soon after. He was pushing it. Instead, he walked her over to the opposite side of the table and pulled a chair out for her.

"My princess.."he said with a bow. For the love of God, go along with it, he sighed in the back of his head, rubbing his left temple.​
Ariana followed after Jenis quietly, glad that he was smart enough to keep his lips shut as well. She didn't feel much like talking, she just wanted to eat and then get some rest. She still planned to push for her own room once the meal was done, and if he refused...well, he would find that his bed would be lacking a blanket and pillows for her on use on the floor. She looked around curiously when they entered the courtyard and also into the lovely garden they had. Though she would never let him know it, she was rather impressed by the plant like in the garden, it all was so well taken care of.

Her eyes then wandered to the table that was there, looking over all of the food that had been prepared. It seemed that her arrival did not go unnoticed by the staff. Then again, she was the one that was yanking and complaining loudly so it would not be a surprise if the servants had heard. She glanced at him sparingly when he pulled the chair back for her. A small part of her wanted to go to the opposite chair and pull it out herself, but she had said she would be more civil. So, she walked over to the chair and took a seat slowly.

"...Thank you..."

She looked as if she were biting iron when she thanked him for the gesture, but she at least put in the effort to do so. He managed a small smile through his hand that was still working at his left temple. The ache in his head came suddenly the moment he walked out of his room. It was like a small parasite had snaked its way up into the left side of his head and nibbled on his brain. There were short bursts of pain that would hit his head causing him to hiss and shut his eyes, but he would shove it out soon afterwords. It may be due to lack of food of some sort. He was content with that reason and made his own seat at the other end of the table.

Once he sat down, he put his elbows on the table, clasped both of his hands together, and lay his chin on his hands, looking across to Ariana. Her expression was similar to the same expression she wore ever since she walked out of the room despite the food and the works. Agitation came into his mind in small laps like waves. The fact that she could not even respect the cooks enough to comment on the meal! Did she really think she was that high class that she could not show kindness? Jenis didn't bother saying anything else. His stomach lurched and mingled with the pain in his head so he grabbed the fine china that was near him, and also peeled out certain items of food to place on his plate.

Once he was finished, Jenis's plate was swamped with 2 pieces of meat (which he assumed to be turkey), a helping of vegetables, a dinner roll, and a small pink and white pastry that sat at a plate to the side. It was all he needed at the moment to satisfy his needs. He looked up from his plate with a scowl still painted across his face.

"Find everything alright?"he asked, minus the vivacity he had before.​
Ariana paid no attention to Jenis as she looked over the table quietly. Though her face did not let on to it, she was actually rather impressed with the meal. In fact, she even paused in her hungry and tired state to glance over everything and see which on she wished to eat first. Of course, to the prince she was just staring at the food, a small frown on her face as she sat there. She had such a talent for keeping her emotions hidden well. It was one of the things she did to test men, if they could not see the real emotion she was feeling then they were not worth her time.

As Jenis started to serve himself food, so did she. She grabbed different plates than Jenis was still had some meat that she assumed was steak, a pile of roasted vegetables, a roll and a scoop of fruit salad of some kind. She would grab dessert later if she wanted some. While Jenis was scowling, irritated for some reason or another that Ariana didn't care to know about, the princess was simply emotionless as she looked back up to him.

"Everything is fine, thank you." She said before she started to eat, taking a small bite of meat before chewing thoughtfully. Just because she was around a man she hated did not mean she was going to lose her table manners.

"Yes, I am glad it is. The cooks put everything they have into these meals. No wonder why they are always smiling when they whisk away clean plates. Knowing that all of their hard earned work has not gone to waste...that's gotta be a good feeling for them."he said, bringing his fork back up to his lips and eating a string of beans that were caked along with it. He had eaten everything on his plate and even fished around for more. The first did not compensate for the exhaustion he felt through the long day he had. Another plate seemed fitting, though he still hadn't touched his dessert. The princess seemed content enough even though her face still held an expression of malice. Jenis decided to look past that point. This was the only opportune time that he would have for her etiquette so he was going to make the most of it.

"Sleeping arrangements. A bit of a touchy subject but we may as well cross this bridge now instead of staring blankly at it. You are not leaving my room. Sorry, that option is out. I won't have you sleeping on the floor either. We may not be married and...well...it seems you hate every fiber of my being, but that isnt going to stop me from having morals and values. I won't have my woma--any woman sleeping on anything than the best I can provide for her. Understand?"he said, setting his fork down to look at her from across the table.

The headache had swooned away and Jenis concluded that it was because of his lack of food. Now that he had some in his system, he could finally concentrate on current things at hand. The last thing he needed to eat was his pastry, then it was off to bed for the two of them. He hadn't even touched the Kal Wine! The day was growing stranger and stranger, even towards the end.​
Ariana ate in silence, though the quickness that her food was disappearing did not go unnoticed. The meal was delicious to say the least and she was more than happy to focus completely on the food and not her dinner partner. In fact, the only thing that could have made with meal better was if he was not there. When her plate was empty she served herself some more vegetables and also grabbed herself a few smaller pastries. It seemed that for someone so thin she had quite the appetite, then again she also hadn't eat lunch or dinner that day so she was without a doubt very hungry.

When the prince started to talk about sleeping arrangements, a frown grew on her face. It seemed this man was determined to ruin a good meal! As he spoke she ate quietly, chewing her food slowly as she listened to him try to make himself sound like a good man. A small part of her wanted to roll her eyes when he said he had morals but she held back, she was too tired to start a yelling match at the moment. When he looked at her, she was wiping away the crumbs on her face with the provided napkin, her gaze locking into his and seeming to burn with as much hate as it had when she was yelling.

"Well then, it seemed that you will be sleeping on the floor then won't you, Prince?" She said to him smoothly. "I mean, certainly you'd be respectful of a ladies morals won't you? If I were to even share a bed with you that could compromise my morals and values. I believe that a man and woman should not share a bed until the eve of their wedding, certainly as a gentleman and prince you'd respect this belief? Or maybe, you don't think my morals are important, just like you thought my choices and feelings were unimportant, Hmm?"

Ariana was using his words against him. So he claimed to have morals and values? Ha! Then she would see if he really held up to his word...

There was just no getting through to her. When he was nice, she was evil. When he showed sincerity, she showed her fangs. When he bowed and smiled, she huffed and hissed. The reactions between the two were complete polar opposites from one another. If Jenis went either left or right, she still wanted nothing to do with him. There was no changing her mind or averting her eyes to any of the notions he was sending. She grappled at his talk of words and values and used them against him so fluently, as if she were the one who thought of the issue herself. He watched intently, fork sinking down into the moist cake in front of him, not blinking or making the slightest of noises.

She finished her ranting with a question that he couldn't tell was rhetorical or not, so he just sat there, bringing the cake up to his lips and pausing before eating it. There was a question he wanted to ask himself, but it would be a while before that one came out. She wouldn't even touch his hand if she were about to fall off of a cliff. Jenis waited a moment, letting the crickets and other insects make their melodies.

"You can't kick me out of my bed. Relax, princess. I have wooed you enough for the day. I strongly suggest you reconsider, for if not, I may have to tie you down by force. And don't give me that look. I will do it."he said with a cold flash in his eyes, almost as if he were piercing through her very skin...before he sunk his teeth into the cake and hummed happily.

"The cake is lovely. You should indulge."
Ariana pouted as he seemed to brush of her words like dust. It seemed that nothing she said she could effect him now, however she would not let him think that she was content with this. She did not back down when he stared harshly at her, her eyes returning the harsh look before she glanced down at the desserts in front of her. She was a bit of a sweets fanatic but she had done all she could to hold back and only get something small. She didn't want him knowing anything about her at all. Instead of having the cake she had taken a chocolate tart with strawberries in it.

"I am content with this...thank you."
She said as she slowly took a bite.

She went silent after that, not wanting to speak any longer...Besides, the chocolate tart was for more interesting that the man sitting in front of her at the moment.