WhiteBane and Roses Have a Romance

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"He'll either be really happy for us or he'll be extremely pissed and we'll constantly hear how disappointed he is," Andrew replied shaking his head imaging the younger man's face when he found out. "I guess we won't know until you get an ultrasound," he looked out he window again to watch the figures of Jacob and Angel before the bell rung and he unhappily grumbled as he allowed Lilly to lead him to class. "Oh boy math, my favorite." he sarcastically replied.

"Sure, we'll see you there," he managed to say before she left the lunchroom, he combed a hand through his hair as he put together a few things he had noticed talking to school. It seemed something must be wrong with her father, well if she wanted for them to know Amanda would have said something. Damien grabbed his bag and left to go to his English class.

"I've had to learn to read others," he met her smile with a neutral expression, though he wasn't entirely mean he rarely ever smiled; especially when someone was hurting. Jacob drew back his hands then keenly examined them before he let them drop to his side, "They're fine, thank you," he replied and stuck a hand into his pocket. "If you want to act like nothing is happening at your house then go ahead, but if you ever wish to talk or need something done about your problem come see me," he patted her head with his left hand before he passed her and headed for his next class.
Lilly bit her lower lip thinking. She smiled and held onto his hand as she went to go to their math class. She was really glad. She now needed to let the guys know about her friends Angel and Amanda's problem. It has been getting really bad lately. Lilly looked over at him, " Dear that will change once they see the baby. I know it will.." She smiled lightly. Lilly looked over at him before continuing to walk. She giggled and hopped down the halls before entering their room. She kissed his cheek softly. " at least it's with me, babe" She smiled at him. She tilted her head and yawned. She bit her lower lip thinking. She then sat in the usual seat.

Amanda smiled lightly but then went to go to her class. She yawned and then went to her class sitting down. Amanda didn't know what to do. She bit her lower lip softly. She was tired. She was so tired from not sleeping, well only barely. She looked up at where she was. Knowing she was sill in her History class. She smiled sweetly, she got out the stuff for the class.

Angel watched him curiously, rubbing her arms, she was cold. She tilted her head and nodded. Really? She just met him and he was protective over her like that. She smiled lightly. She wasn't good enough for a bad kid though. She smiled at him and then giggled feeling him patt her head, " good and let me know if you want me to fix you up " She smiled and headed to her next class. Walking fast so she wasn't late.
"I could imagine Jacob becoming a overprotective god father, 'if you touch a hair on my god child's head I'll beat your face in' and saying something around those lines," he laughed as they walked down the hall then they finally arrived at their class room. Andrew really hated math but he simply sighed then walked over to his seat got his stuff out and sat down just before class started.

Damien quickly arrived at his class before anyone else then after eh sat down at his desk he got his things out as his fellow students walked in and greeted him. English was one of his favorite classes because they got to read constantly and learn about new books that were being published or about ancient ones back during the time of the Greeks. Damien smiled as there teacher walked in and started their lesson over the book 'Moby Dick'.

Jacob unlike his friends was late to his Current Events class back one glare at the teacher silenced her as he walked over to his desk then leaned back with his feet resting on his desk. He already had the highest grades in the class so he figured he might as well not pay attention if he already knew everything. Plus his mind kept wandering to that Angel girl that had wrapped his hands and he could tell something wrong was going on with her.

Lilly was holding onto Andrew's hand. " So you wanting to come over to my house after school and hang out at my swimming pool?" She asked Andrew. Lilly looked over waiting for her friends. Angel was getting changed, and they haven't Seen Amanda, Damien, or Jacob yet. Lilly wanted to walk in like a group. She sighed thinking. She bit her lower lip. She gulped nervously, " Fourteen weeks until we can see the ultrasound." Lilly smiled softly looking at him befre looking at the others coming their way. She smiled lightly. Lilly squeezed onto his hand.

Amanda came in a hurry ,because she wanted to see her sister. They wanted to give the phones to Amanda so Angel can dance. Amanda smiled at the two, ' Hey!" She smiled and then stood there looking around she texted her sister telling her where she was. She wanted to see damien. She bit her lower lip hard. She then said, " Did you guys see Angel yet?"

Angel had changed, she was wearing a swag type of look. She sighed running a hand through her hair before putting her hair in a side pony tail. She smiled giving her sister her phone but she checked before giving it to her. " Amanda..." She whispered looking at her sister worriedly. Amanda saw the text messages.. Hopefully they'll be safe in the school. She fixed her white t-shirt black baggy pants, and shoes. She smiled lightly.
Andrew tapped his lip in thought as he pondered her question and then he grinned. "Hm..How could I pass up the chance to see my gorgeous girlfriend in a bikini? I definitely will becoming." he replied then looked around and noticed a young man heading their way. "I'm excited to see what he/she looks likes, to think that we're going to be parents," he smiled happily then kissed her cheek. "Well Damien is coming this way and I bet Jacob will be here soon unless he gets sidetracked by food or something interesting."

Damien arrived shortly over to the group and happily smiled as he saw everyone but Jacob there. "S-sorry I'm a bit late, our teacher was handing out our review notes for our lesson." he stated then looked at Amanda and Angel with a large, somewhat nervous smile. "Good luck you two, break a leg. Hopefully Jacob gets here before it starts."

The sound of a can of pop opening sounded from behind the group along with a sigh of happiness. "I've been here before everyone, I felt class early to get here and grab something to drink." Jacob stated holding his can then stood beside Damien with his usual expressionless face. He didn't like the looks on Amanda's or Angel's faces nor did he like the whispering but he simply shrugged his shoulders and took a sip from his drink. "As Damien said, good luck."
Lilly smiled looking over at the now full group. She stayed quiet not wanting to say a word. She put her other arm on him arm, to stay close. She smiled lightly. " Yeah girls you shouldn't really break a leg, but have fun." Lilly giggled knowing Angel was nervous. Angel just stuck out her tongue playfully. Angel was the shortest of the group, even shorter than Amanda. Lilly smiled running a hand through her hair before going to fix Amanda's hair for her so they can be ready. " Yeah all of us are cheering you two on, even though we'll know where you are cause you are the only two blondes in the group." She giggled. Lilly smiled looking at the guys. She nodded at Jacob. " Really? You getting here early? Hmm. Thats a little strange, Mister." She giggled.

Amanda smiled as she looked at her sister before Lilly who beckoned her over and fixed her hair. She then went to grab onto the two hats. They will look identical. " wait angel you should use a different colored hair band like blue for your innocence." Amanda giggled before she was poked by her sister. " It's not bad looking as great looking you know... " She said in a teasing voice. Amanda shrugged before she glanced over at Jacob and smiled, poking Lilly's stomach, Lilly blinked and smiled it off.

Angel said " Hmm my sista is more feisty." Amanda looked at her sister. " You have no swag sister." She smiled lightly. Angel shook her head. " What if that was my dream job to be full of swag.... you broke my dream right there." Amanda just hugged her sister. Angel then said, ' You guys go and find a seat, a great seat that will be in the front.. or in the middle... " She said softly. She put on the hat like the other girls had it on before grabbing her sisters arm and dragging her to where they had to go. Angel stopped and said, " Hope you guys enjoy the dances." She said softly. Angel went into the doors where the dancers were.

Soon Angel and Amanda were in the middle of the auditorium after they announced the dance team dancing for them.... Angel smiled as she was nervous. But then in the middle of their dance routine Angel was grabbed from the doors leading outside which had a male, a dirty blond, he was drunk and he kept yelling at her.

Amanda gasped and waved for the crew to help and she ran to go to follow her sister's path. " angel!!" She yelled. Angel was getting abused like kicked, thrown punched and things like that, but then he pushed her against the wall making her head start bleeding. Soon he grabbed her arm hard , " Why didn't you answer them!" Angel held tightly and twisted her arm, Angel screamed in pain. " Daddy stop it!!" Angel tried to get free but then she saw her sister who the father was even more mad and went towards her and when Angel tried to stop him, he pushed her down and stepped on her chin causing it to pop out. She frowned and tried to get back up, she gasped seeing her father take out a knife. Angel tried to stand up but whined in pain. The father yelled, " Shut up!!!" And cut her a few times, and stabbed Angel. Amanda then was cut a few times and Amanda was trying to fight back by grabbing his wrist. " angel!! Stop everything will be okay..." Amanda frowned as she tried to kick back and she screamed the loudest she can so everyone can hear. Amanda frowned and tried to fight back but then she was hurt even more her wrists were grabbed and he started to scream in her face, horrible names and things tat weren't true. She was stabbed in the stomach really good, lots of blood loss, and amanda fussing around blood was spilling out faster. Angel then started to get tired and her yes were getting closed, soon she fainted. Her wrist was broken and so was her shin.
Jacob looked from Amanda and glared at Lilly and Andrew but said nothing about and followed his group inside, they were all enjoying the dance routine until they noticed a man that looked to be drunk stumble onto stage and grab Angel. As soon as the man dragged her off the stage Jacob and the gang were instantly in pursuit of Angel, the man and Amanda. When they arrived they saw both girls on the ground, Amanda bleeding from her stomach and the man with a bloody knife and that's when Jacob snapped.

Without thinking as his rage boiled over he charged the man then grabbed his wrist and applied pressure, snapping his wrist and causing the knife to fall. After that Jacob grabbed him by the throat then ran toward the wall and continually slammed the man's head against it before he turned at through him onto the ground. All Jacob saw was a red haze as he pounced on top of the man and even if his fists were hurt he held the man down with his weight as he pummeled his face in. Blood splattered each time Jacob's fist made contact but he simply snarled and yelled as he continued to beat the ever loving crap out the drunken bastard. "You bastard! How dare you! I'll kill you and send you're pathetic soul to hell!" Jacob yelled as he placed his two fists together and started to slam down, he didn't care if he killed the man for what he'd done Jacob would be doing the world a favor.

Andrew immediately rushed over to Angel and felt her jaw, "This is going to hurt but it's necessary, I've done this plenty of times," he calmly said to her as he grabbed her jaw and with a flick of his wrist popped it back in. One he did that he pulled out his cell phone, dialed 911, alerted them of what was happening and where they were located.

Damien on the other had already had Amanda's shirt lifted up and he took his shirt off and placed it against her stab and applied pressure. "Don't you dare....d-don't care dare. Amanda stay still, d-don't you dare leave me. I-I-I care about you too much...the medics will be here soon just hold on...just hold on.

Back to Jacob, he was still acting as a mindless beast and continued to pummel Angel's and Amanda's father regardless of whether he was still breathing or not. Once Jacob got started there was hardly anything that could stop his rampage.
Lilly just stood there, she was unsure what to do. She frowned and went to go to Jacob. " Jacob.. please stop..." Lilly frowned, She grabbed one of his arms trying to get in the middle. " JAcob stop it please!!" She frowned. She did get the poor drunkard away and she stood in between them " Please calm down. the ambulance is coming and so are the police You've done enough damage." She gulped nervously scared about everything. She tilted her head thinking. She gulped and said, " Please calm down, for me, please,Jacob"

Angel had already passed out from all of the pain. Amanda looked up seeing Damien. She blinked a few times. She smiled lightly She moved to place her hand on top of his hand looking into his eyes. " Okay... " She smiled lightly. She was happy right now. She knew she was in pain. She gulped nervously. She looked over seeing how Angel was in worst condition." No.. Angel." Tears started to form. But soon paramedics came and got the girls and the man arrested.

Lilly blinked, " Come on. lets meet the girls at the hospital.... I've got to go and see." She whispered.Lilly gulped looking at him before she went to go get her car ready.
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Jacob was about to land another blow on the man until he felt Lilly grab his arm in an attempt to stop him. He looked up from his victim up to Lilly with rage in his eyes but once he saw her his rage lessened, hos body shook involuntary then he stood up and allowed himself to be led away from the body. "For....you.." he managed to get out until his attention caught Damien covering Amanda's room but he saw no one covering Angel's. He snarled, breaking away from her grasp then fell onto his knees beside Angel, he tore his shirt in half then placed it where she was stabbed and stayed there until the medics arrived and they took his spot. "I should have noticed the signs...I'm supposed to protect them," he growled softly to himself as he watched Angel and Amanda be loaded up.

Damien reluctantly let the medics take his spot as a few tears ran down his cheek and he ran over to Jacob crying. The older man wrapped bloody hands around the younger boy and tried his best to comfort him, "They'll be fine Damien. We made it in time."

Andrew nodded as the ambulance left then looked to his friends as Lilly left to get her car started. "Damien, Jacob's right...they should be fine. Jacob....you went berserk again. We'll talk about it." He sighed then took the two over to Lilly's car and all three men got in.
Lilly was confused seeing how badly Angel's wounds were and there was even a blood puddle under her. Lilly covered her mouth. This was making her sick... er doctor said blood would. She closed her eyes taking a few breathes before getting into her ar, putting her school bag in the back, getting the girls bags in the trunk before getting in to the driver sea waiting for the boys. She blinked softly. She didn't even know what to do. She let a few tears all. They were best friends.. They were like her sisters. She gulped before she parked into the hospital. It was a pretty calm ride, well quiet. She can tell everyone was tense. She got out, and let everyone out before locking her car. She grabbed her purse and went to walk with everyone to the hospital doors where the medics told her where they will be taking her. " Hello.. there was just two blonds girls brought in.. Do you know if we can go see them?" She gulped,

The nurse sighed, " Oh... the one with the high school abused... inicident?" Lilly gulped and nodded. The nurse smiled, ' Just sit out here until they are ready. We still need to fix them up a bit." Lilly gulped holding onto Andrew. She was scared. She felt like her sisters are dying. " They have no choice but to move in with me.." She said softly. " My mother loves them to death, so I am taking them and letting them stay at my house." She said softly to the guys. Lilly went to sit down, she felt like it was all her fault, she never got the chance to tell them. She frowned and covered her face with her hands.

After a few hours the doctor came out and went to Lilly, " Lilly Smith?" Lilly stood up and nodded. "Yeah." Lilly tried to smile but she was so nervous and scared for her 'sisters'. The doctor said, " The girls are doing okay, you cana come by and see them, they will be awake in a few minutes. " Lilly gulped. She went to go buy some food for the girls before heading to where their room was.They were sharing a room. Lilly led everyone to where the girls were before she went to sit down on a chair looking at them. Angel had two casts on. One on her leg and arm. ad lots of bandage because of the cuts. Amanda just had a wrist cast on and her stomach was wrapped up, they both had iv on and another putting blood into them.
Andrew sat down beside Lilly with a concerned expression as Lilly blamed herself, he sighed then slowly shook his head and wrapped his arms around her. "Shh. It's alright, I'm sure they'll be fine." he soothingly stated then lightly kissed her neck. "But whatever you do don't blame yourself, no one knew something like this was going to happen. If its anyone's fault its that lowlife who did this," he replied as his voice tensed up thinking about all the blood.

Damien sat down with tears streaming down as face and his knee nervously bounced up and down as they waited. "I...I...I can't believe something like this happened. Why would anyone do that to them, they're too nice for someone to put them through that." he sobbed then covered his face with his hands.

Jacob simply stood and stared at his bloody hands, he knew on them was his blood, the drunken bastard's and Angel's blood too; he clenched his teeth to suppress a snarl as he though back to beating the man's face in. Then he remembered the face Angel made when he hinted at a problem going on in her household and was immediately mad at himself for not pushing her to tell him. If he would have they wouldn't be here now and Angel and Amanda would still be on stage dancing while their father was locked up. He also hated himself for losing control once again, "Lilly....you know you can't. You're house is too small for that many people, they can stay at mine; you know my parents never come home anymore and they'd be safe there." he said to the group quietly.

They never got a chance to hear Lilly's reply because the doctor soon arrived and the young men kept silent as Lilly and the doctor talked. When they said they would visit the girls Jacob, Andrew and Damien followed Lilly to their room and all three weren't that happy about what they saw. Damien immediately rushed over to Amanda's side and stood there as he gazed upon her face while he waited for her to awaken. "They really are fine....thank god." he let out a sigh of relief but knelt down by Amanda's bed.

Jacob on the other hand took off his bloody bandages then threw them away before he washed his hands and walked over to the nearest side of Angel's bed. He said nothing, he simply fell down his knees as he watched her unconscious face. He felt he was to blame for not noticing the signs sooner, if he had he could have been on the look out for that man and could have stopped him before this happened to the twins. "Some leader I am...can't even protect my friend or her sister," he sneered at himself.
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Lilly sighed seeing her friends. She only stayed close to Andrew watching the girls before going to put the food evenly, a drink and a ood item on both end tables. Lilly sighed, " Do you think they'll remember from all of that blood loss?" She asked softly. Lilly sighed thinking. She didn't know what to think. She closed her eyes, holding onto Andrew. She watched the two and sighed. The blond was pink from all the blood. She closed her eyes feeling really nauseous. She gulped, no not again...

Angel was silent, she began to whine when she was beginning to dream, of what happened when their mother died... from the hands of her father. Angel frowned and held onto the bed sheets, " no don't do it!! She did nothing wrong!" She suddenly whispered. " Please... don't." Angel began crying in her sleep. Lilly moved her head to Angel. " Oh no she is having a nightmare." Lilly moved to Angel, " sweetie its just a dream its okay.." Angel began to quiet down.

Amanda was just staying quiet, her hands on her stomach. Amanda winced as she began to wake up. Amanda looked around seeing Damien. She moved her uninjured hand to his. But then she rubbed her eyes thinking. She was confused. She frowned as she felt the sudden pain. She went to sit up but she was in too much pain. " Ow.. What happened?" She asked. She put a hand on her head. She looked over seeing everyone there. Amanda raised an eyebrow as she saw Jacob near her sister.

Angel then began opening her eyes. she rubbed them as she saw her vision getting clearer. She also noticed that Jacob was there. She gasped seeing his bandages off. She blinked but then put her hand on her head. She moved and sighed " yeah what happened?" Amanda blinked seeing that their tv in the room was on. " COming up.. Apparently a abusive father was caught beating his kids when there was an assembly going on. " Angel gasped. " Oh no.. wait a minute. She moved but winced. " That was him wasn't it." She looked down thinking. ' Oh.. it was. him. " Angel blinked looking over " Where is he now?"
Andrew walked over to Lilly and wrapped an arm around her waist as she soothed the young girl before Angel woke up. He then looked at Amanda and smiled sadly, "It's exactly as the tv said, your father pulled you guys around back and started beating on you. Jacob was the first to arrive...and he went berserk again when he saw you two on the floor and savagely attacked your father."

Damien perked up when he felt a small hand lay over his and he looked up to see Amanda looking at her. "T-thank god you're alright....I don't know what I'd do if I lost you...." He softly said to her. Then once the news broadcast was over Damien nodded his head sadly. "It's just like Andrew said, he also called 911 as we applied pressure on your wounds."

As Jacob saw Angel stir then finally wake up and when she gasped at his hurt hands he tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace. "They're not as bad as they look, I've had worse." he stated as he picked his head up to look at her and slightly tested his hands. When he heard what Andrew and Damien said he let out a low growl and averted his eyes, "It's true, it was your father that attacked you," he replied then stuck his hands under his arms. "Your father has been detained and is currently on full lock down and twenty four hour watch in the ICU. He was beaten badly when the authorities arrived."
Lilly didn't know what to do. She held onto him. She glanced at Andrew before the girls. Lilly smiled thinking they would now remember. She was glad to be getting them away. She glanced over at Jacob and smiled. "Why don't you tell them the idea you told me right before I was talking to the doctor." She said softly. She tilted her head thinking. She was happy. She bit her lower lip. She didn't know what to think. She held onto Andrew.

Amanda looked over at everyone as they spoke. She sighed rubbing her face. " Oh.. well I mean he did deserve more than that because our mothers incident " She looked at angel and nodded, who even nodded. " yeah but at least he is away." Amanda smiled then said, " Thank you so much guys." She said softly. She tilted her head thinking. She was happy. Amanda then smiled lightly, ' Wait that means we'll make sure we are going to find somewhere to live."

Angel smiled looking over at Amanda. She said, " We are free from that demon, sis" She then looked over at Amanda. Angel tilted her head softly. Angel looked at his hands, " Really? But they lok so bad.." She said softly. She then smiled at him and said, " how bout I redo them so they can heal, JAcob." She said softly. She looked at her cast. It was bright purple, she smiled. When do they get to leave the hospital?
Andrew gently kissed her head then placed one hand on her stomach as he smiled before he turned his gaze to rest on the young. blonde, man kneeling by Angel. He though Jacob's idea was a good one but he'd be exposing his secret to two other people so he didn't know how Jacob would handle it. "I agree, go ahead and tell them."

Damien smiled lightly then gave Amanda's hand a gentle squeeze as she spoke then looked over at his leader before back to the girl. "J-Jacob made him pay, ten times over. I don't think he'll be leaving the ICU anytime soon after what he did." He replied softly then tilted his head when he heard about them now being homeless. "I don't think you are anymore."

Jacob looked at Angel then back down at his hands then slowly shook his hands. "Don't push yourself, after what happened you don't need to worry about someone else's health; worry about your own right now." he replied. His hands lightly throbbed and he knew he wouldn't be able to freely move them for awhile but he didn't care, that was the price he had to pay to protect his group. After hearing Lilly, Andrew and then Damien urging him to tell the girls about his idea he sighed. "Alright, alright, I'll tell them. If you guys want you can come live with me, my parents rarely come home and you'll be safe there."
Lilly sighed looking at her friends. She then smiled lightly. She was happy. She smiled looking over at him as she felt that there was the hand on her stomach, she placed her hand on his before smiling watching the two girls. She then said, " And... I get to take you shopping too " She giggled softly. She smiled and said, " you get to help me buy things like your opinions. " She smiled. She then said, " and I can give you opinions on things you guys need."

Amanda looked over at Damien and smiled. She felt her hand squeezed a bit. She then looked at angel, she just smiled and then said, " THanks Jacob, and shopping!!" Amanda grinned thinking about it. Amanda sighed rubbing her eyes a bit before wincing her side was hurting her badly. She gulped and then sighed. Amanda smiled sweetly. She was happy. Amanda then leaned her head back looking over seeing food. She was hungry.

a nurse came in, and went to put the pain medicine in the liquid form into the IV for both girls. She checked all the signs quietly before leaving.

Angel smiled softly and then looked over at Jacob, " Thats kinda hard to do." she looked down she was always putting others in front of her needs. She watched Jacob calmly. She was glad to have a guy friend in her life that actually cared.. Everyone she knew was just mean, except for these people. She sighed and looked around. She tilted her head and then smiled. " Really?!"She smiled, " you would let us.... live with you... " she asked. She blinked, she then blinked realizing she was in their gowns, She Grabbed the blanket and pulled it to her chest. She was a good girl. She tilted her head and sighed. She then said, " Thanks nurse!" She giggled, she then said, " wait... shopping but that means trying on clothes.. and buying things.." She looked down.
Andrew chuckled as he watched his younger friends talk with a smile on his face, even though he was the oldest Jacob always acted like the older brother of the group and made sure everyone had what they needed. Then he dramatically gulped and then sighed. "That dreaded female tradition of shopping, it brings even the strongest of men to their knees." he laughed then rested his chin on Lilly's shoulder.

Damien smiled back at Amanda then looked over at Jacob and Angel with a nervous but amused expression before he returned his gaze back to Amanda. He noticed her looking over at something and he followed her gaze until he saw she was staring at the food Lilly had gotten for the twins. He reached over then unwrapped one of the food items then placed it close to her mouth, "H-here, I'll help...You just worry about resting after what you've been through."

Jacob looked over and smiled his best for Amanda before he looked turned his attention back to Angel, when they eyes met he averted his gaze to the floor of the room. Then when she asked him if she would really let them live with him he looked up at her and curiously cocked his head to the side. "Yeah, is there a problem?" he asked with innocent eyes as grabbed her blanket then covered herself with it. When it came tot he subject of girls or love he was completely innocent and clueless.
Lilly glanced over and thought. She sighed and then smiled. She tilted her head thinking. She looked at Angel thinking, she would look great with a belly piercig maybe she can see if she wants one. She smiled and then moved to kiss Damien on the lips. Lilly smiled before looking at her ' brother.' She giggled and whispered. " I think someone fell for someone right now.." She said lightly. She then glanced over a them, she grinned. She went to watch, but then her mother began calling her on the phone, " My goodness is Angel and Amanda okay? I'm headed over and bringing their favorite cupcakes." Lilly wasn't able to say a word, until now. " Alright, they are doing fine... well pretty good. Alrighty i'll text you the number of the room." She saw her mother hang up after that. Lilly smiled, " Mom is coming, she wants to stop by and give you guys the cupcakes and see how you are doing."

Amanda smiled lightly. She was happy that she was away from her father. She glanced over at Lilly as she went to take a call. She then glanced over at her friend. Amanda sighed lightly. She didn't know what to do. She smiled at Damien Seeing he got it, " Thanks." She smiled hearing Lilly " Oh that is great" She giggled. " Your mom is probably worried." She said softly. Amanda felt bad for not telling someone. Amanda glanced over at Damien and blushed. She slowly went to take a small bite of the food. She gulped nervously. She then continued to chew.

Angel smiled lightly, she looked over at Jacob she looked at her lap as she blushed. She then said, " oh really?" She asked. She tilted her head thinking. She yawned before she shook her head, " no.. its just I am not used to guys being nice to me." She said sweetly. She smiled at him and said, " I jjust don't want to be in the way"
Andrew raised and eyebrow and laughed. "It looks that way." he replied then checked his phone for the time then kissed Lilly's neck and gave her a small love bite before he returned his attention back look at his friends. Even though something bad had just happened it felt like everything was going to be just fine.

Damien turned a bright shade of pink after he was kissed and his lips still tingled. He smiled nervously as he watched Amanda slowly take a few bites then started to chew her food, at least she still had a good appetite. "Y-you're welcome, but next time something like this happens come to us for h-help." he insisted. Even if Damien couldn't do anything he knew Jacob would use all his might to crush what was troubling his friends.

Jacob continued to look at Angel with a curious gaze as she blushed, was blushing a good sign or a bad one? Lilly used to do it a lot around Andrew but Jacob never asked what the reason for it was. "Guys aren't nice to you? I'm surprised, would you like me to hurt them until they apologize?" He asked completely serious like it was no big deal. When she smiled a small one played across his lips, "If I thought you and your sister were going to be in my way I wouldn't have asked."
Lilly squealed feeling the love bite. She was happy. She giggled and then thought about tomorrow. " Oh my goodness i just realized tomorrow is friday." She said softly. Lilly then thought about what day they'd be let out. Definitely not now... cause they have to be monitored. Lilly blinked and smiled. She kissed Andrew's cheek.

Amanda smiled, ' Don't worry I will, " She sighed and said, ' I Was foolish and being threatened if I ever told.." She then took a few more bites before she was done. She lost interest in her food. She then glanced over at Damien and blushed. She wanted to kiss him and let him know her feelings but... everyone was right here... And.. she blushed looking down. She tilted her head thinking.

Angel smiled lightly she wa so happy. She tilted her head and then grinned. She was happy. She said, " Oh Lilly can you get work from all my classes..... tomorrow so I can do the work." Angel smiled lightly and said, " What.... I have to do my work" Amanda sighed, " Angel sweety they won't care.. we are trying to get better' Angel gulped " You sure?" Amanda nodded.Angel looked at him and said, " I just dont want to be in the way of anything"
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