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I live in Fort Saskatchewan, Canada. Which makes getting letters a real hassle, seeing as Fort Saskatchewan is not actually located inside the province of Saskatchewan, but rather, Alberta. I've always lived in Alberta, the last 10-12 years in this nice little suburb, save a six month adventure into Vancouver. Bus into Edmonton most every weekday for School.
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Albuquerque, New Mexico. Like Arizona, but with more hispanic people in it and not quite as hot. Mostly dirt, dirt, and I have no idea what rain is either. Home of terrible public education and where nothing exciting happens (except Breaking Bad)
I've gotten so used to being in a city where the cars don't stop for you and heaven forbid it rains because no one knows how to drive all of a sudden. When I went into Colorado into one of the really small college towns where St. Louis was, I was surprised at how wide the streets were. And also there were no street light buttons either. Someone just walks up to the crossroads and the lights turn automatically red!
seeing as Fort Saskatchewan is not actually located inside the province of Saskatchewan
It's pretty annoying/amusing when that kind of thing happens.

There's been lots of encounters at the airport here of people looking for Vancouver on Vancouver Island.

Enough said >:) no need for more relevant information, otherwise I`ll have to do some badass shit around here and it won`t be pretty lol

Victoria, BC, Canada. Blessed by rainbows.
There's a rather large population of Canadians...

They're taking over.


Originally from a small tourist town in central British Columbia. Now residing in Edmonton, Alberta.
Hello fellow Edmontonian, pot hole capital of Canada!
Hello fellow Edmontonian, pot hole capital of Canada!
I don't know, have you been to Prince George? You haven't seen a pot hole until you've seen one take a SUV's axle.

Besides, right now Edmonton is too busy being the capital of bi-polar winters.
Originally, I am a city boy. Born (not raised) in south Detroit...

Wyandotte, to be exact. Downriver.

Alas, when I was too young to remember, my parents took the Midnight Train to Georgia...

Well, it was more like a flight, but I digress.

I'm in Atlanta now, but that will change.
Originally, I am a city boy. Born (not raised) in south Detroit...

Wyandotte, to be exact. Downriver.

Alas, when I was too young to remember, my parents took the Midnight Train to Georgia...

Well, it was more like a flight, but I digress.

I'm in Atlanta now, but that will change.

Oh wait...

Aww, so close :(
Southern Kansas City, Missouri in the bread-basket of the US of A.

I'm surprised a little bit as to the variety of nationals we have here.
City Flower, Zhonghua Renmín Gongheguo

We're going through a sort of health crisis...

No, I'm kidding, I'm not from HK.
We dont use HKD where I am from.

Why? Because I'm from The United States, full blooded citizen, not Hong Kong.

Still love it though.

Not Korean is best Korean.
I am actually from Hong Kong, a small village / community bit that is close to the border between HK and China. ^^ You see, from where my house was, you could just walk for a couple minutes and then you'd be at the wee bit where you cross over to China.

Though, me and my family moved to Scotland when I was a few years old and I've been living here ever since. Due to the fact that I came here very early in my life, I have picked up on a lot of british / scottish habits. For example, I love tea and must have a cup every morning or I become a grumpy Moxie and no one wants to see me when I'm grumpy. xD
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I am actually from Hong Kong, a small village / community bit that is close to the border between HK and China. ^^ You see, from where my house was, you could just walk for a couple minutes and then you'd be at the wee bit where you cross over to China.

Though, me and my family moved to Scotland when I was a few years old and I've been living here ever since. Due to the fact that I came here very early in my life, I have picked up on a lot of british / scottish habits. For example, I love tea and must have a cup every morning or I become a grumpy Moxie and no one wants to see me when I'm grumpy. xD

Oh cool!
Hardly payed attention to HK as much as I probably should have when I visited with my uncle, but I was a wee lad then, I didn't care that I was halfway across the world, I was sleepy the whole time. The city was so pretty in the rain (Not sure if it's childhood memory intensification but everything had a sort of calm blue tone) ... However, the main issue actually was the rain, some days we actually wanted to make it back to the hotel dry, you know. Besides that we couldn't read Chinese and we couldn't understand Cantonese, but those were just minor inconveniences.

And then there's Scotland, Something keeps telling me it's very cold.